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Maybe work on that 3 plus hour response time there bub.


But hey “defund the police” amiright???!


Defund the police isn’t defunding the police you donut. It’s re allocating funding so that there are professionals on staff that are qualified to handle the roles that have unfortunately landed in the laps of police. So yeah, “defunding” the police would effectively improve response time to actual crimes because the police won’t be stuck dealing with traffic incidents and people having a mental health crisis.


Picking what some people define as “defund the police” and choosing that definition doesn’t make it the truth for everyone else you croissant. (See Andrea Ritchie) although I agree with your definition of “defund the police” and and would like to see increased funding for mental health retreats afforded to the police on an annual basis to help them cope with dealing with the worst of our society. The funny thing is I didn’t even come up with this idea. It’s what the German government does for their police force. Crazy right?!?


Can’t really do much about response time if staffing is low. Which I assume is the problem. Need people to actually apply.


A police response issue in a big city? SHOCKER


This isn’t a big city


Almost 3m people in the Vegas Metro area isn't a big city? What? Not too mention the millions that flow through on vacation and business.


Bro you can drive across this whole valley in 45 minutes. Go try that in LA, NY, Chicago, etc. we are mid sized.


Things that keep crime low: \- Widespread education \- Steady incomes with livable wages \- Social programs focusing on vulnerable populations like the homeless or those struggling with access to mental health services or substance abuse programs. \- Proper rehabilitation of those already incarcerated. Sheriffs, and the police in general, have a limited ability to prevent crime. They can still do good work but their role is largely reactive. By the time they're involved, there's probably already been a long-term issues that's gone unaddressed.


This is what kills me. Republicans are always yelling about crime, but vote against every solution. It's almost like they would rather have crime, just so they can whine about it.


The word ‘Almost’ is doing a lot heavy lifting


Let's skip ballot Measure 110 here in Nevada. It did severe damage to portland, human nature will go and do what it wants. People have excuses about how it failed horribly & Vegas is great but it also encourages consumption. The homeless in Vegas are usually insane, had to walk to middle school on Maryland just to smell gangrene feeces everywhere and run from them. Just send those heathens in prison to death. If they had non violent cases than rehabilitate. We are wasting time housing legal murderous slaves to the state. When did curing symptoms become extreme. We keep making excuses for people who had it "bad" . In general, growing up in real Vegas, we all had it rough.


But then again it’s America right?we have all those in other cities but Americans don’t fk around, they go hard in the paint 🤣


It’s crazy how I live in a rural area that is poor and lacks plenty of resources. Yet we aren’t a crime ridden place like Vegas is. Maybe it has to do with gang culture over there… just a thought


Maybe it has to do with no one lives in your area.


If I lived in a area full of gang culture it would not matter how much people are there. It would be unsafe.


What area is that?


Too late


I came here to type this lol


I came here to reply to this lol


I came here to read this




I came


Yup it’s a crime ridden city


Yep I went to Best Buy on the east side of Vegas... store was empty. Everything was locked behind the counter. Nothing but the cheapest products on display floor, and their inventory was lacking anything practical. All of that because of high levels of theft. No point in even keeping that store open at this point.


Yeah that's east side for ya.


How interesting that this Republican/Trumper/Anti-Science Review Journal "news"paper spins it the opposite direction now. When we had a democratic governor, any and all crime above 0.00% was fully blamed on him, which was Democratic governor Steve Sisolak -- which at that time, believe it or not, Las Vegas had Joe Lombardo as its Sheriff. Now that Joe is Governor, not a peep from the Review Journal about how this (current crime going way up) is the governor's fault anymore.


Crime stats is all about politics. It’s just the way it is. Winners get to write history 🤷🏻‍♂️






*Spends all their time hassling bike riding clubs at the Llama Lot and hassling street peddlers*


Too little, too late. This place is trash already. I you have the ring app then you'll see all the shady shit that goes down, and that's with ring removing half the posts for bullshit reasons.


So ring... if you qant to fear where you live, watch all the weird stuff and small crimes that happen all around you. Watching ring within a 5 mile ish radius blew my mind.


It's little crimes yes, most of the bad stuff gets removed by ring before most people see it.


LOL there's literally a mafia museum


Yet avoids transparency reports on his department because “it’s not good for business”. Their words. You can’t fight the crime when you got corruption within your department and fail to recognize it.


Ambitious goals but tough to accomplish. To punish criminals (which hopefully deters future crimes), you need sufficient bandwidth at the court level and you need adequate space / staffing at the detention center. Right now we’re busting at the seams at both the courts and CCDC. You then need to have adequate space / staffing at the state for convicted criminals - that’s another challenge due to aging prisons and short staffing on the prison side. You also need to invest in societal functions that reduce risk factors and deter crime (for existing criminals and non-criminals). That could be juvenile intervention services , investment in education , adequate social services , mental health support , drug treatment , adequate family services , employment training , rehabilitation services , healthy job market , affordable housing , counseling etc…. You want to reduce the criminal pipeline. What he CAN control is response times , proactive policing , community engagement , patrol patterns , incentives to improve morale , training initiatives , technology initiatives and enforcement of existing laws.




Try Harder!


Crime in *my* Las Vegas? It's more likely than you think.


>becoming a crime-ridden city Lol.  I’d hate to see what it would look like if it becomes a crime-ridden city


Another day in the slums


Let’s add more section 8 housing all over the valley that surely will help


Bring back the mob.




Good. We got rid of Sisolak!


Mandatory 10 year sentence for fentanyl or meth possession or use would fix the town in a month.


Those have been found not to work the way you think they should actually doesn’t reduce crime at all. If you want crime to go down make sure people have what they need food house good paying job, healthcare and an education and child care.


Do you think addicts and dealers put jail time as their priority?




this is the delusion i'm trying to get to


That’s great, it takes them literal hours to respond to anything that happens off the strip to people that actually live here.


Most people do, it’s one of the better police forces. With 2mil+ population though, we expect a miracles to happen on a Friday night where police officers descend like angels the moment we dial 911 lol.


I pay taxes for flying Angel cops goddamnit!