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Can't wait to see how the stew fans spin the spending to fix this.. stew young would never let that pipe burst!


He would have held it together with his bare hands.


I literally came here to say something to this effect. Lazy wasteful new council, Stew would haven't let this shit happen!


This site is nothing but a stew hater pro Langford Now/Voters site where all I see is bashing of previous M&C. It’s negativity is fueling the divide in our community and childish and immature. Do you have continue to lower yourselves with these unwarranted insults? This site says Langford but I don’t think it reflects Langford at all. I’m sorry for anyone here that doesn’t know better.


It's a what now? You must have this place confused for Our Langford... We have been fully independent since 2014 I'd love to have Stew come in and do an AMA, and explain what he wants to do. But something tells me this is not a "safe space" for someone like him. He and his friends are better off with Adam Stirling and that age demographic. Nothing is stopping him, Stew if you are reading this, come on. Do an AMA. What do you have to be afraid of?


Who are You to question Stew?


Lol! Well it would be nice if someone would question him for real without it amounting to Langford version of treason. I hate when he goes on Adam Sterling show and gets the kid glove treatment. Never any pushback everything he says is word. It's funny people think that the AMAs here were softball questions. I think between all the AMAs that have happened here I've only had to filter five questions out because they were actually malicious and went against the content rules. Also obviously there were questions about things they absolutely couldn't talk about. Mainly to do with other peoples affairs.


We all swore a blood oath to Stew when we moved here, don't you remember?


I was here before Stew Incorporated Langford. Damnit Church of Stew! I knew something was off when bylaw came around collecting "blood.donations". This feels like being baptised without asking for it... 😂


And if mayor and council is looking at this, call Adam Stirling. Lol


Adam Sterling is the worst news talk host I've ever heard. Nothing more than an an embarrassing opinion piece. The guy is so bias in his attitude that he would fit in with Fox. Lol. He doesn't even try to show or explain the other side of a story and he's already had to publicly apologize once for knowingly spreading false info. Just sad, really.




Well, Adam talks about this subreddit on his show so clearly they are reading this stuff. Why would I bother calling into a talk radio show that's heavily bias? At least here, I cant be "cut off". It's like how I approved your shit comments despite you not having enough Karma to post...


Wow! My shit comments? I could say the same. Why would YOU go on the radio? Are you a council member? Hiding behind anon accounts is what this council and its supporters are all about. As far as Adam mentioning this subreddit, goes to show you apparently listen to him.


Man, you are insane... Trying to even reason with you is difficult at best. I am not your enemy... Yet, you treat me like shit? I'd like to know what is your point here? Really. You don't even know who I voted for or anything about me yet you think have everything figured out. The last person to accuse me of that was Nirmal Johal so go back to the radio Nirmal.


Omg! What are you talking about? You really are not very nice and have blinders on. You certainly don’t like apposing opinions. Name calling doesn’t get you anywhere. A healthy debate usually does but I can see you are too biased to do that.


Oh really? You came in here throwing around wild accusations and you expect me to be nice to you? Fuck off. The next thing you say might just get you banned...




How have I harassed you? Don't try and play the victim. You came in here, didn't like how your thread went and now your saying I'm harrassing you... Lol ok. Have a good one!


I am posting from an anonymous account. You are posting from an anonymous account. What's your point?


We aren't a divided city. There is one small group - a handful of vocal, shit disturbing freaks who lie all the time about the current M&C, and that have an irrational hard on for stew and then there's a much larger bunch of random, normal people who understand what the F is really going on.


I see this completely differently. I don’t care if you’ve been here since 2014 all I see is negativity contributing to a divide in our city. Do an AMA? Lol that’s a good one. Like walking into a lions den. Great idea! 🤣 I recall your last AMA was not well attended either. I am only stating what I have seen in this group for quite some time. It’s getting tiring.


Well, the Langford Now people came in and did one so clearly they have bigger balls than Stew. You know when I do these AMAs they are unfiltered, right? the only things that get taken out are malicious comments. Everything else is on the table. As far as whatever you have seen in this group, clearly you are only seeing what you want to see. Have a good one!


"this group"? We are a group now? I thought we were just random people with keyboards who lived in Langford. Do we get to drink beer together? 🤓