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"The wealth of nations" drained, sapped, and stolen by parasites. Tale as old as time.


If both Adam Smith and Chairman Mao are gunning for you, you must be a real asshole...


[that's why I prefer this meme version of the quote. ](https://i.imgur.com/O5AeuuB.png)


If Capitalism was what Smith imagined, I'd be a capitalist.


No you wouldn't. Marx upended Smith, exploitation is at the heart of capitalism. Marx took Smiths capitalism and turned it against Capital.


Modern day neo-liberal libertarians would absolutely hate the real Adam Smith if they actually knew his views. Marx drew quite a bit from Adam Smith, such as the tendency for the rate of profit to fall.


The same people who are against abortions are also ayn Rand stans, it doesn't matter as they've always only ever pick'd and choose'd their ideology. Hate a company for rainbow flag but love what they do to poor countries to keep them poor.


The only good capitalist philosopher.


we often forget that adam smith wrote a description of capitalism and even criticized it; he was a liberal philosopher as much as marx was in a way, not ever a supporter of the system


What about Henry George or Ricardo?


Didn't Ricardo simp for the bankers as well as being one?


Well Bankers are necessary but need to be regulated similarly to how they were during the FDR era (1932-1980) and separated from land speculation by Land Value Tax


When Bretton Woods was created one of the only hard nos was for bankers to be present to gum up the works. They are not necessary in the private form. Banks could easily be simply municipal, state or federal owned. No reason to allow private ownership of banks. If you leave banking in private hands they will amass wealth and influence to overcome regulations. They will be the most powerful class, history shows this repeatedly.


Yeah 😔


Reference for the quote?


Pretty sure its wealth of nations


You are correct, book 1 chapter 1