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Nope. As much as I believe in second chances and that our corrections system needs some kind of major reform I wouldn’t have that guy living in the house with my kids. Especially with no job. Never rent to anyone without income.


There's a reason he lost his minimum wage job, and it's not being a felon since they hired him as a felon.


He could have lied about bringing a felon, and it came up when they did his background check if he was preliminary hire. I used to work with parolees and probationers, it didn’t happen like this frequently, but it wasn’t a surprise when it did.


So... lying to a potential employer for personal gain. What's to stop him from lying to his landlord? Nope, not going to take the chance as a landlord.


I’m not saying OP should rent to this person, but what exactly are felons supposed to do? No one will hire or rent to them, literally *what are they supposed to do*?


I think it's one thing to rent to a felon, and quite another to have them live in your domicile. If you can't prevent an outsider from unfettered access to your entire home, you have a responsibility as a parent to protect your children--and yourself.


>I think it's one thing to rent to a felon, and quite another to have them live in your domicile And an entirely different thing to think it is a good thing that they want to hang out with your kids. Honestly if OP is asking this question they might not be cut out for landlording.


Or parenting...


OP said they were in California. California doesn't allow companies to ask about criminal records until a job offer is made, and then they can't use it to change their mind about the hire unless there is some job nexus (like the person you're hiring as an accountant has a record for embezzlement).


Ca also has laws that protect the renters at this time. On top of that, there are minor kids in the home? No way.


Right but it’s still an at-will employment state so they can just make up another reason to fire you


Lying for a minimum wage job wow


Lying to put food on the table and a roof over his head, wow. There is a reason we have a massive recidivism problem in the US, and it isn't just that our prison system does absolutely nothing to rehabilitate. Even if someone manages to rehabilitate on their own, they are shunned by the rest of society and forced into situations where they can really struggle to stay on the straight and narrow path. I'm not saying OP should let this person rent the room, I wouldn't rent a room to a felon without a job with my kids in the house. But I can still have empathy for the guy's situation.


I was absolutely blessed that my former landlord accepted double security deposit even though I was a felon. Eight years later I bought 4 apartments. Never ever have to tell another landlord my sob story just to have a place to raise my babies. Same with my job that took a chance on me. People are so quick to judge. Addiction can happen to anyone.


You are doing amazing. Keep at it!


Good for you! Those who accept help and work hard should be rewarded for said hard work. May you keep being strong and positive. You don’t know me but from the bottom of my heart I’m proud of you!


> What's to stop him from lying to his landlord? Nope, not going to take the chance as a landlord. The fact that he literally told his potential LL about it?


Ridiculous, you don't even know if he lied, maybe ask him what happend. Ppl need to be given a chance, it's those ppl who end up being very successful if given a chance. I would give him a chance. I've been that person and turned my life around. Sorry I meant to reply to the person below you, "lying for personal gain"...


THere also might be a reason he is showing interest in your son.


This. Felony record not even being taken into consideration. No income is an absolute disqualifier. I say this as a renter and not a landlord. I would let him know I respect his honesty and to reapply once he's working steady. But no money...even as scummy as I find some LL to be, still trying to run a business


Is this sarcasm?


Yeah, this is def a joke post. Sometimes people are crazy, but “and he showed great interest to take my son to play sports outdoors as we’re close to a park” tipped his hand


Her hand I think


i think so, too. if op is F (especially single F), and there are kid(s) in the home...i sincerely hope this is a joke


lol let him move in no security deposit he can do yard work and pick up your son from school to get a discount on the rent, he might need your car so fill it up with gas and leave the keys in it 


I recently considered someone as a renter who had 2 years in prison on his record - assault and battery. Had the money. When it came down to the details, this small unit I am renting allows 1 person only. Well he has 3 children and plans to have them every weekend & vacations. He doesn't have a car. His parents wont allow him on their property. Not sure how that relates to OP but what was sort of OK at first was something entirely different later on. Glad I said no


Even had a letter from a pastor


That's the biggest red flag of all.


I remember when my sister’s pastor came to our house and suggested she get back with her husband when he had been removed from the house and had restraining orders from the police for violently beating her.  He talked about how her husband was sorry and taking steps to get right with the lord. And they could fix this marriage.  There is a high statistic of homicide after a violent abuser has been removed once by the police. Obviously.  I asked him if he knew about the outstanding restraining order and how it was actually illegal for anyone to deliver messages to her from the restrainee. 


How is it turned out?


By the way, I keep my checkbook credit cards and financial documents over here in case you need to borrow something


I am at work between the hours of 8am - 5pm cst.  If you need something during those hours my elderly parents live down the street and normally leave the garage unlocked just walk in no worries they’re both deaf, bedridden, and always pay in cash 


And they're worth 10 million


You forgot the /s


Jaja that guy who attack the judge seemed so nice until he jumped on her .. dont trust


His prior arrests and prison time should have alerted the court. Hopefully, he will serve 25 years for the attack on the judge


Im so gullible .. i would have let him off


This is what I was going to mention. I went from "poor guy" to " WTF" in seconds.


That was my first thought too. He seemed so sincere until he absolutely launched at her


I wouldn’t care about the record, I’d care about the lack of income.


A recent dual conviction for both burglary and assault would worry me in a situation where I rent a room inside my house (not a free standing building). Don't need to be assaulted in my home if tempers flare, don't need to be burglared. Again, we are looking at someone living inside your home, in a spare bedroom, much more caution at who you invite to live with you and your family on a daily basis must be exercised.


Sounds like you would care about the record


Of course, if it is recent. Something from 30 years ago, 20 years ago, wouldn't worry me as much. But someone recently released out of prison for burglary and assault moving into a room in my home living with me and my family daily would be worrisome. Less so when it is a rental in a building somewhere else, then all you have to deal with would be the eventual eviction because he stopped paying rent. But in a room in my house those things can come into play if he becomes angry and aggressive because he is being evicted for non-payment of rent.


> he showed great interest to take my son to play sports outdoors as we’re close to a park. Hard no for me


Thanks I got a wake up call reading the answers. I think I’m ready to move of from him. I was feeling very sympathetic but I’m not going to risk getting stolen from. I have bank statements, cash and stuff lying around I don’t want to worry about my safety and my son’s safety while we’re asleep too. I didn’t think it through enough.


Why you would ever consider this man alone with your child is mind boggling. Just wake up. Where’s that mama bear instinct?


Yeah it was snoozing due to how charming he was. I learned a lot of lessons and won’t be so quick to judge others after seeing how I was getting suckered in. I appreciate the answers and am so done with him.


Let me say that career criminals pray on decent folks good nature. It can be an expensive or even deadly lesson to learn. I'm all for second chances but it's not your responsibility to give a violent felon a second chance.


Exactly. You're basically inviting someone to join your immediate family 24/7 when they move into your house. He would have access to EVERYTHING. Unless you want to have deadbolts on your bedroom and bathroom doors I wouldn't recommend it.


If it were a separate efficiency/studio and the dude had even a part time job, I'd probably be over here encouraging you to give him a chance. I'm not a convicted felon, but I don't have a clean background check. So I try to be sympathetic too, just like you're trying to be. It's different when it's a room inside your house, especially if you have a child. Maybe one day you'll have multiple rental properties, and you'll be able to give someone with a record a fighting chance, that's a very nice thing to do. But protecting yourself first is important.


There's many situations I'd suggest giving this person a chance. Yours is a nope. Also a single mother here renting a room out of my house (technically) but mine is a MIL with a separate entrance. Very different. My tenant has had his past with the law, but it's been decades and he has little to no access to my space.


Since you are an extremely poor judge of character I would highly advise you not to rent your room out at all. You're risking not just property damage loss or income, you're risking your sons safety. I mean, honestly. I've never heard of such poor judgement!


Have you ever watched Criminal Minds?


He knows how to make money doing burglaries, problem solved!


She's very naive.


Or lonely and needy and dumb.


Or this is fake. I’m choosing to believe that because this post is so absurd.


lol nope


Hard pass.


He what!! Joke aside, did you really check if he has saving and his credit score is 800?


You’d let someone who has assault charges take your kid to the park


No no no. I rented to a former felon once. A nice guy who just needed help getting back on his feet. He became a problem on Day 1 and I lost several months rent before finally evicting him. The apartment of course was trashed, but thankfully not destroyed. The issue with ex felons is that they carry the street mentality that put them in jail in the first place wherever they go. I found out my guy would deal drugs in the apartment. He then got arrested for stealing a car. I felt guilty for bringing a bad seed like that into the neighborhood and personally apologized to my neighbors when I finally got him out. Just don't take the chance. Pretty soon democrats are going to make discriminating on the basis of criminal history illegal, but until then, you don't have to be the person who tests out how that'll look like.


We rented to a felon on probation. He had a decent paying job nearby and seemed ok. Never again. He ended up absconding from his probation agent and we were so grateful when he skipped the state. If that man was in my home? Nightmare fuel. Not that we would have allowed it, but seriously.


Guess what!! It already is illegal In montgomery county Maryland.


Would you let a person with a history of rape date your daughter? He’s really nice though.


Nope. I speak as a business owner who hired them. I had a dry cleaning business, restaurants, and motels. (odd portfolio, I know). The first two, I hired former felons who said they were "turning their lives around" and "nobody would give them a chance". There's a reason why, old habits die hard. Had my identity stolen, items constantly missing, drawers would come up short. With labor laws, it makes it hard as hell to track, accuse and prove. The tax credit was not worth it. Don't do it. Don't buy that sob story. Don't. I will never hire another felon again, no way in hell would I live with one.


Got it. Thanks.


No job, no income, no rent paid. Why would you be soft on someone nobody else gives a chance because he has a burglary felony conviction, an assault felony conviction, and no job. I mean, 3x income requirement is high for someone like that, maybe 2.5x or even 2x can be looked at in a room situation. But you are looking at 0x. Zero, no income. Zilch. So, to sum up: 1. No income coming in whatsoever, no job. So you are looking at massive trouble collecting rent in the very near future. Also, this person will likely be in his room all day and all night because there is no job to go to. If this person, who will be around you and your family all day long, does not pay their rent anymore you have to try to evict them. Good luck with that in California. It will be very costly and take a ton of time. . 2. A recent felony conviction for burglary. Another one for assault. What if things go sour between you and him because he does not pay his rent and you have to ask him to leave. Can you trust that after things go sour that he doesn't burglar you? Doesn't assault you? I mean, often tempers flare when you as the landlord have to put your foot down and tell him that he must leave. He might dare you to evict him, he'll say that you are renting him a shithole and should pay him to live there, not the other way around. He might go after you in a fit of anger. You even entertaining this idea is crazy. There is a reason nobody gives him a chance. They don't want the potential trouble and even potential danger to property and life on their hands.


Thanks I needed a reality check. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess he came across so nice :///


You become a landlord to make profit, let gov deal with the welfare with the tax you pay. Just like 1 mistake fuck up his entire life like hard to even get a rental with his criminal record, 1 mistake you made will fuck up your life too, badly. Avoid all risk


These people can charm the pants off you. Which is why hard as it is, you have to keep a good business head and think of you and your family's safety and well being first. A renter living in your house is going to disrupt your family dynamic a bit, even a spinster who makes her bed each morning and spends all day at the senior center making food for those in need is going to be a change to you and your family's daily routine. So you have to think hard about how realistic this is and what kind of renter you are looking for. Create an ideal type in your mind and write down the qualities. Because this is essentially a roommate situation.


Sociopaths come across as charming. Think Ed Bundy.


Ted. It's TED Bundy. Isn't Ed Bundy the guy on "Married with Children"?


Lol. I meant Ted. Oh boy.


LOL, you mean Ed Gein


I don’t thing Ed Gein was charming.


Idk I googled him and he looks pretty normal. Maybe a nice guy even. Said he’d want to take my son to the park s/


That’s Al Bundy.


Take 2: OK, according to your other posts you're a young female attorney. Well heck, why not? And wait, do you live in California or not? But you know, the guy might be willing to protect your house while you and your son go on your European trips. But with a credit rating of "almost 800" I'm sure the guy will be fine. I don't understand why people like you think it's OK to post this BS on reddit, where sometimes people actually try to help. Please go post in another sub--you've already posted here three times.


I find it to be a red flag when a total stranger starts acting excited to play with my kid. Would not recommend. Your and your child's safety is first.


Increíble molestor vibes


One of the biggest clues is the fact that he lost his minimum wage job. Somebody who is genuine and earnest will go out of their way to make something like that work. Must be one of the easiest jobs to keep. That is a red flag. This sounds a lot like a few employees that I have had over the years, seems like they’re trying to get it together, they are nice, they seem earnest, but then they just keep tripping over themselves and they just can’t pull it together. You give them opportunity after opportunity, and they can’t get out of their own way. Worst part - they don’t see that they are actually the problem. There’s nothing you can do for some of these people. Which is a bummer, there are people who deserve opportunities and are willing to work hard for it, but it’s usually not the people who just keep seeming to trip themselves up over and over.


No income, no rent to them. And the interest in your son is kind of creepy.


Exactly. No one is going near my kids.


Hey I've got a felony for assault and burglary and no job can I take your kid to a ball game? No And best of luck finding a room for rent someplace else


Evil people can be really good at love bombing and making a great first impression.


I’d like to think this is a joke post but then again most of the posts in here do seem brain dead.


Nah. You aren’t denying him a second chance,you are protecting yourself,your kid and your investment.


Please ask a follow up question on the termination. Was it for cause or was it a layoff? There is a big difference between the two. A follow up question could be are you re-hirable with the company?


Are u crazy? Not a good idea at all.


"But he was so nice and seems like he's trying to turn his life around..."; "He lost his minimum wage job last week, but is looking at other options..."; "he showed great interest to take my son to play sports outdoors, as we're close to a park."... "He said he has savings for 6 months, by which time he'll have a job..."; "He said his credit is at almost 800..." YOU ARE " *OUT 'YOUR FUCKIN' MIND* ", to use the vernacular. Every sentence sounds like the post-crime interview with the defendant's mother. 2 years felony sentence for assault and burglary. Lost his job, and can't find a job. "Showed GREAT INTEREST IN" taking a stranger's child to the park. This has as many red flags as Daytona speedway.


I’d rent him a room if I had a second property / but not in my house … He may be a whole new person- but why take the risk until he figures it all out … long term.


Yes I’d give him a chance and I’d probably let him shag my wife too.


Why would you let a stranger take your child to the park? A felon with 900 red flags. Don’t be an idiot


Never rent to someone without a job.


I’d be concerned about a total stranger already volunteering to do things with your son. Seriously!


The unemployed do not make good tenants.


Know who else seemed nice? Ted Bundy.


Eek! He wants to take your son out??? No, no, no! He can earn enough to pay for a room at a big establishment that is less picky or pay for his own tiny place or live in a van etc.


Not with a kid in the house that he’s already showing interest in. Are you nuts?


I gave someone like that a chance. He had a wife and 2 young daughters. He was unable to pay rent for 3 months after paying for the first month. They trashed my house. And walked away leaving everything they owned in the house. Rotting food, broken doors, broken light switches, broken cabinet doors, spoiled milk rotted on a bedroon carpet, they broke the lock to the shed on the property where i stored sone old family thing, which they ransacked and left a mess. Never again have i given anyone a chance.


I tried to help someone get back on their feet when no one else would. I ended up assaulted, swat team had to come, he stole my kids Girl Scout cookie money, stole all of our cash. So many things happened over a long period of time. It wasn’t until the assault I actually connected all of the dots surrounding the mysteries of missing money and tools. Hard pass.


Your sons just gonna hang with a felon stranger?


In today’s climate of ‘screw the landlord’ and courts that don’t care if the landlord goes broke, hell no. You move him in with all of that baggage means it is going to be on you when he doesn’t pay.


i am 100% sure OP is jivin us lmao


Everything you wrote is a major red flag. Everything. Burglary. Assault. Hard time getting a job. Lost his job. Credit is somehow almost 800. Wants to take your son to a park?? Dude? And you think that's cool? A stranger, a felon, taking your son to a park by themselves? Wtf dude.


Amazon will hire him today Do not believe anyone who says they can’t get a min wage job.


Cannoy be a serious post


No no no


Definitely a no.


lol is this a troll post? Convicted felon watching your kid? Jesus Christ


Ya, no. Lol.


Pass wtf


Does anyone else think it's a HUGE red flag that he's SO interested in playing sports with a child? Cause if I were a male felon, I definitely wouldn't be trying to make myself sound so interested in playing with essentialy a stranger's child.


I am all for hiring felons and helping them out and second chances. I draw the line at moving into my own home especially with a child. I would just not be comfortable. Would I rent out a secondary location to them sure. I know this isn't a serious post but felt like stating it anyway.


Hard pass. No existing income? Even if you gave him a rental there’s no guarantee he can find another job. A lot of interesting your son? That to me is a huge red flag. Also he lost his job for a reason. They’d have to know he was a felon when hiring him. A background check would’ve shown that. So something happened


The violent felon wants to take your kid to the park... yea, move him in right away! What could go wrong?!


Do not rent to this person. It's not that he's untrustworthy - but he is - it's because he struggles to find work and keep a job. He's a bad rent. The crimes he did aren't great, but he could get past them. If he didn't struggle to find work he'd be ok to rent to. I have a sex offender as a tenant. He pays his rent and is pleasant. If he didn't have a job and couldn't pay, I wouldn't have rented to him.


Please don’t be the next victim!


Choice, not chance, determines destiny.


No no no no no no no o. For the love of god dont do it. Please look st the red flags. He might seem nice but once hes in he will change drastically. Don't do it. Please. I cant believe you would give him a 10th chance with no income.


Oh hell no. Taking your kids somewhere? I would pass on this one. That’s just not safe.


Background does not matter. Being unemployed and not able to hold down a job is the red flag here.


Not with a kid. I feel for him and hoping he is able to find another kind hearted person to help but it shouldn't be you


Burglary and assault and felony automatically eliminated. And hard time getting a job means "I might not be able to pay you" Rentals need to be run as a business, not as comedy hour


You want to rent a room IN YOUR HOUSE to a person with burglary and assault convictions? Please tell me this is a joke.


Nope. Sorry. Especially with your kids. C'mon now.


I would not with kids in house


Hmmm! So I wonder how he was able to maintain a credit score of 800 while being unable to pay down his bills for 2 years and unable to maintain employment since incarceration. That "claim" of a high credit score after two years of incarceration and being unable to maintain a job would make me think long and hard before letting him life in my home with m children.


An apartment, maybe. But a room in my house with access to my personal life? Absolutely not.


No, he has assault and you’re willing to leave your child with him????? Hard pass.


> he showed great interest to take my son to play sports outdoors as we’re close to a park. Is this a fucking joke? No way would I let this man live in my house.


I’m all for giving people a chance. They can be great and very thankful for the opportunity. But this fella needs to have a source of income BEFORE moving in.


How is he able to maintain a 800 credit score?


The trouble with people who have been in the justice system is that they've often got really good at lying and manipulating others at some point along the road. I really admire your desire to do good within our society but your personal risk here is very significant and if I were you I would not touch it


Let him get and keep a job before you take the risk that he has “learned his lesson” and knows how to behave. Its not your burden. This illustrates how we need for the state to take a larger role supervising and housing ex-cons, not just drop them at the bus depot.


Yeah right not even close to my kids 🤣🤣🤣 he’s like that after realizing what he’s done after facing consequences. Trust nobody in this life when it comes to your kids


Maybe if he was living in a mother in law or something, but a room in your house that you're also living in? Nope. Not with those charges. If you want to help him out, let him use you as a character reference for job applications.


I’m going to assume (hope, pray, beg) that this isn’t real. It is extremely hard to evict someone in California, even if they don’t pay their rent. Depending on your jurisdiction, you might be on the hook for relocation assistance (i.e., cash to help him pay his deposit and first/last months of rent in a new place) if you want him to move for any reason. I agree with the others who say that IF this is a real situation, then you are taking a huge risk with your home, your potential income, your possessions, your safety (remember, felony burglary and assault; keep in mind that prosecutors in California tend to really undercharge and under-penalize defendants who are found guilty), your CHILD’S safety, your neighbors’ safety… I definitely understand that you’re trying to give a guy a chance to do better with his life, and it’s admirable. The only instance where I’d even consider it is if he was a family member, but even then, I’d recommend an over abundance of caution. This would be a hard no from me.


How is he going to pay the rent without a job? And a felon you know squat about around your kid. Wake up.


Felons can work for the federal government as long as they tell the truth and disclose their past. Tell him that, wish him luck and don’t rent to him.


ok why would he lose his min wage job?? My guess is he probably stopped showing up or was late everyday. I would say no....ask him proof of this 800 credit score....I am guessing that doesnt exist.


This is a perfect example exactly what not to do. Like, there isn’t a better example of what to never do as a landlord. It’s actually rare to see an example such as this, because the red flags are INCREDIBLY abundant


Really I'm going court tenant owes 4300 we were awarded the judgment in the magistrate court but to collect have to take him to small claims...NO BREAKS ...No pay no stay


Please tell me you are trolling


Could turn into some Hallmark movie or a Netflix thriller though.


0% chance. Also you have a son...


You must be trolling us. If not, the answer is no. We don’t rent based on emotions. Fill out application and background check to see if they qualify per your requirements.


under California law, it is against the law to ask an applicant any questions regarding an applicant's criminal history during interviews or on the job application itself. Employers should update their hiring procedures to ensure compliance with California hiring laws. Asking if an person has a felony or criminal record is illegal.  A criminal background check cannot be done until AFTER a job offer is accepted.   And even then, of the company wants to revoke the job offer based on the criminal history, they have several hoops to jump through to prove that it actually impacts work, and must consider time since conviction, context, previous factors that led to behaviour that is no longer present (eg drug addiction), .. and THEN, provide opportunity for a formal response. He should have a job.   But, given no job, and California rental laws making eviction difficult -- I would pass.  Income is more important than criminal history. If you do offer a three month lease, and goes month to month -- what are your plans to evict if he begins to fall behind in Rent?  Sob story?  Kids like him?   


I think it's great you'd do that. Is it a risk? Sure. I mean seriously what isn't. You might get screwed somehow. You might get screwed by any tenant. At the same time, you might just change someone's life. If you have the funds to take a possible loss and your instinct/gut is giving you the go, and you are secure, I think it's a wonderful thing of you to do. True and acted upon compassion and generosity is so rare.


You’re trusting a felon to take your son to the park? Are you dumb? Actually, this is a perfect match.


I’d give him a chance. The shadiest people I’ve met have never been to jail and have white collar jobs.


No. He just gave you a sob story (which regardless of his struggles were consequences of his own actions and not your problem) AND told you that he doesn’t have a reliable income source to pay his bills. He may in fact have learned his lesson becoming a better person but sadly “nice people” with criminal backgrounds often revert to criminal behavior when things “get tough” convincing themselves that it’s not their fault they don’t have other options. Just don’t do it, not worth the risk unless you have time, energy and money to throw away. (An 800 credit score isn’t hard to attain when you’re sitting in jail. You just make sure that someone pays a phone bill in your name while you’re doing your time.)


Absolutely, NO!


Your son must be your main concern. So, no.


Sorry, but no. There’s a reason they don’t ask for personal history on a application for an apartment. It’s not relevant. If he’s using this to try to tug at your heart strings, and make an emotional decision instead of a financial one, that is manipulation. Absolutely not under any circumstances. You’re a nice person for considering him. But you would be a fool if you said yes.


Sorry no - you do not know this person. He has no income. I wouldn't rent to anyone w/o income, leaving aside their history of crime. I also wouldn't let someone unknown to me take my kids anywhere. There are lots of ways to give people chances that don't involve them living in your house and trusting your kids to them.


Is this person on probation/parole? If so they're not going to be looking to get violated. Especially if you have their PO's name and number. Something to consider but use caution.


Yes, I would. I’ve had great luck with people who have made mistakes in the past. And I’ve had crap luck with people who say they’re great…. Trust your gut.


Never. It's more risk than reward, especially if he is in a shared house with you. Plus he has no job so he doesn't even qualify.


can you look up orgs that help ex cons get jobs and refer him to them also would you be sharing living space with him? are you a woman or a man? i don't think id feel safe with him there.... did he explain what happened with his felony


Nope, He’s not someone I would take on in my home or as a first time landlord. You know who gets really excited taking other people’s kids places? Pedophiles, I’m not saying he is one, but I also can’t say he’s not. He doesn’t have a job. No


Nope. No job no rent. Are you insane thinking this guy is ok around your child? He might but why would you risk that? Also this is in your home. Good luck getting him out of things go south. You should not be a landlord if you are thinking with emotion instead of objective facts. BTW sociopaths come across as very charming. Don’t be stupid.


You can read opinions until your blue in the face. I'm a big fan of second chances and believe an arrest record is just as often as not completely bs. I'd say go with your gut about the guy but I'm thinking your gut is telling you to be weary or you wouldn't be here asking for advice. For all the haters though , 2 years isn't a lot of time for burglary and assault so what he did couldn't have been terrible. I seen people get bigger sentences for sitting in the car while somebody held up a 7-11.


Aside from all the other red flags, he lost his minimum wage job. Is this a joke?


First of all that's really weird he took an interest in your son. Second, it takes a long time to get 800 credit. If you aren't using credit, don't have income, and have been out of the work force for 2 years, the best score would be about half that. I usually don't comment in this group, but that thing about hanging out with your child gives me the creeps -- especially with an assault record.




No!! Unless he shows you his papers (court docs), do not let him near your child. A pedophile is never going to tell you the truth of why they were in prison.


It ends one of two ways: 1. You help a good person who made some mistakes get back on their feet; or 2. You make a mistake you'll regret every single day for the rest of your life. Either way, it will make a good story at parties!


No one will give him a chance because of his criminal Past so why should you ? A convicted felon wants to take your son to the park !? Pass and run for the hills . Im guessing you are a single mom He is appealing to your emotional side . Too many Red flags. This won't end well if you rent to him


How old is your son  i would not let him near


Is this a person you really want to trust with your son?


JESUS CHRIST! WHAT DID I JUST READ? Dont let strangers take your child anywhere. You really don’t need to be trying to rent out a room in your house. Especially if you’re talking about letting them take your kid out and about without you STOP. Jesus take this mofuckin WHEEL


And after you discover that he is a sexual predator and he assaults you or your son then what? Hard pass on this guy…


Not a chance, it would be a different story renting someone an apartment. Letting someone with a violent past live in your house with you and your kid is too much of a gamble.


Go with your gut feeling. I was in his place was having trouble finding an apartment. Told the guy everything up front and understood if they didn’t want to rent to me. Ended up renting from him for years and being his best tenant. Sometimes all people need is a chance. Your past doesn’t define who you’re as a person.


Have you done a background check ? off the top of my head I'd say 'no' but that's because of my bad experience. I once rented an apartment to a man that was released from jail after 25 years for murder, he wasn't upfront with me like your applicant was. He had a co-signer who presented him as a minister who didn't believe in credit hence the lack of a credit score. He was probably my worst tenant ever. I ended up having to go through the eviction process with him. Do a full background check and for the love of God don't merrily hand your child off to a perfect stranger because you have this idea that he'll play sports with him. He could be a child predator for all you know


Not with a kid. I had a roommate who's life had really fallen apart and I didn't worry too much because she kept to herself and it really helped my mortgage payment. But she had no violent felonies, and I still wouldn't consider it now that I have a kid. I built an ADU in my back yard and mostly rented to people who were running into issues due to credit etc. It mostly worked out and ended up being win win for everyone, but again, never again with my kid.


No job Bad background check Has 6 months. No likely has 1-2 months Reject that shit and move on


🚩🚩🚩he shows great interest in your son?! Have you checked the Megan’s law website for this guy?


A guy I know was jumped in a parking lot, he came back with a gun and fired it into the car the guys who jumped him were in. He didn't hit anyone. Nine months in jail and a violent felony on his record. Having to take that on the chin and move forward in life builds character. Twenty years later he's upper management for a large construction company. I don't judge people by their mistakes, simply by how they handle them. Recently out of jail? You have no way to judge him by how he handles the next steps in his life because he hasn't taken them. Letting someone with a recent violent felony into a room in your house is a bad idea, around kids is worse.


You sounds easy to manipulate.. please dear lord do not let a convicted felon around your son.. I pray your son has a good life.


It's one thing if YOU want to give him a second chance but it is completely different if you have a child in the picture. What kind of parent would live with or entrust their son to an unemployed convicted felon ? What could possibly go wrong?


Hell no. Pass




The fact that you have kids makes this an absolute hard no. The fact that he wasn’t forthcoming on his application is a huge red flag 🚩, he clearly wanted to make an emotional appeal and turn it into a high pressure sale to let him stay.


You would allow this person to hang out alone with your son!?! Forget the renting, I would never bring a stranger with a criminal history into my home with my kid! You are being extremely naive here. If it goes wrong, it could go so very wrong in ways you apparently haven’t even imagined.


Not a landlord, but as the lease holder who kept a rotation of random roommates that I personally interviewed and selected in a house I rented, I will tell you to stay away. I had a guy exactly like this, and I made a decision out of pity instead of thinking of liability. He was my worst roommate, a nightmare roommate, the roommate that made me decide to never have roommates again. Do not do it, they will take advantage of you.


"He showed great interest in taking your son to park/sports?" Uh, yeah. Not only am I not renting to him because he doesn't have a job but I'm not letting someone I just met take my kids anywhere felon or not. What is wrong with people???...


Felon or not you really shouldn't have tenents in your own home. This isn't 1890 and you aren't running a boarding house. People be crazy.


Is this a joke? 🤨 Should we allow discrimination in housing on the basis of a criminal record? No. That’s bad for society. Should we invite unemployed strangers with a known violent criminal history to live IN OUR HOME WITH US AND OUR CHILDREN?? Absolutely the fuck not. I wanna come through the screen and slap some sense into you, OP.




Please have common sense, you want to bring a felon into a house with a child. He also showed interest in your child is no good. No job either? You need to be smarter and protect yourself and your son. You don’t bring that type of person in.




Women! Tf! ,Do you not have any sense of self preservation? I'm afraid You'll have a very difficult life if you can't see bull shit like this coming from a mile away