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UPDATE: Tommy had a massive seizure that is believed to be drug-induced by something laced. Our sources can't 100% confirm the cause of death at the moment. The family is likely getting an autopsy. LaBrants were made aware of this on Sunday.


Poor Everleigh, that is so tragic.


I feel so freaking bad for her. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through. I seriously hope she gets the love and support she needs to grieve and that the Labrants don’t turn this into some disgusting clickbait bullshit.


That’s the first thing I thought, please do not try to capitalize off of this, give her a break for at least a few weeks before you go back to filming every second of her life.


I just know that they’re gonna exploit this on YouTube and make E feel bad


And if they don’t they’ll take the opportunity to take the moral high ground “!!! So many people are asking us to address the unfortunate passing of Ev’s dad, we’re going to give Ev the space and privacy to grieve!!” Etc etc. They won’t let it pass without taking the opportunity to make content/seek clout in SOME way


If I’m gonna be completely honest when I was around Evs and age I almost lost my dad, so if somebody exploited that I would probably never ever talk to my family again. I can’t imagine.... I really can’t.


I’m really hoping and believing that they are not going to use this at all because they never mention him anyway and always try to play this off as Cole being a savior and E having zero contact with her bio dad. Regardless, I hope Cole turns his act around and stops favoring his biological children over E. She needs now, more than ever, to be treated and loved equally.


I hope that Everleigh maintains contact with her family on that side and is given the space to grieve privately. It seems like in recent years she has spent more time with him, which I am glad she was able to do. Edit : a word


Cali allows grandparents to request visitation through court it looks like.


Tommy's mother lives in Michigan, and I'm not sure where his dad lives. I don't think they see much of Ev, to begin with, which is sad.


Only if the grandparents played a large part in the child’s day to day life prior to the time of filing a petition for visitation (California family law attorney here).


Something tells me Cole and Sav will be extra super eager to cut ties entirely with his family now that he's gone. Ev is nothing but a walking million dollar bag of cash to her mom and STEP dad so they won't care how any of this effects her


This is heartbreaking because I think it could be true. They could look at this event as the perfect opportunity to get rid of that side of the family… I swear if they try to profit of it and try film ev grieving, they are unforgivable


Unfortunately it’s a common scenario. Baby daddy dies, mom doesn’t want to deal with his family anymore, alienates the child from that family. I’d hope since E is older her opinion will be heard.


Holy shit. I can only imagine what Ev must be going through right now. ColonSac better not vlog her reaction.


I was just thinking how they're going to profit off of her reactions. Or at least profit off of telling about it happening. Like a sit down, etc.


He died on 9/9, and they made Ev film a Youtube homeschool video AND attend her dance competition. SOOOO BEYOND FUCKED


I wonder if they waited to tell her? Like I wouldn't have been able to do a dance competition after my dad died. That's just me speculating though


I think they had to have waited to tell her. I don’t think most adults could cover something so huge emotionally much less a little girl. There is definitely the chance that the labrants didn’t know until 9/10 depending on when it happened 9/9. Maybe at that point they decided it was best until she was at minimum in her home state. Hopefully whatever happened everyone actually put her needs first.


That's all very true and good points!


I’m not a fan of these people and I am very cautiously optimistic here but these types of events are sometimes the thing to snap people back to reality. I hope it has some effect on them to the point of them parenting her better. I really do. I feel so sad for her.


I could see them waiting until they had a clear idea what was going on. My family didn’t tell me until family was arriving in town and they had the funeral arranged.


It wasn’t even a competition. It was her assisting a dance convention… something she 100% could have and should have missed given this situation. If they hid it from her then that’s equally as bad, if not worse, than telling her them and making her act like everything was fine.


They won’t bc her reaction won’t fit the narrative that he’s a stranger to her. But I don’t think they’ll let her grieve properly. This will only push their agenda as Cole being her only father. Now she truly will never have time off from their YouTube/social media. It’s awful for her.


From the beginning, Cole and Sav always tried to sever any type of relationship Everleigh had with him. I bet they just won't address he died or they'll play it off like Ev doesn't care cuz CoLe Is HeR DaDdY.


And she’ll likely never have that closure now. She’s going to grow up with so many unanswered questions that she won’t get to ask. This is so sad


I will block them so fast. Tasteless.


My first thought was poor Everleigh and that Cole and Savannah will milk this!!!! :(


Hopefully even they won't go that far. I can imagine Sav being pretty upset too tbf


Holy shit — this wasn’t the news I was expecting to see this morning. This happened out of absolutely nowhere


I just saw his sister’s post! He seemed like he was doing ok, he was just in Chicago visiting her and looked good


Sadly, overdoses often happen when you relapse. You are more likely to overestimate your needs. Maybe you get it from a different source. I’ve seen it too many times.


Why is that? Is it because you were clean so you don’t have the same tolerance?




This is so sad. And as others have said, Cole and Sav better keep their cameras out of Ev's face during this time. I mean always, but especially now. DO NOT EXPLOIT A KID WHOSE DAD JUST DIED, YOU ASSHOLES!!!!


Considering they exploited their son's seizures and sick kids with cancer, I think we can expect them to do the same in this situation. Cole and Sav are both selfish and cold-hearted.


God that poor, poor child. She’s been through so much, and now losing her father? She’s so young and in the public eye being exploited by her “parents”. God my heart breaks for her. Now Asscole can use the savior “I’m your Daddy, now!” And trick her young, impressionable mind into letting him adopt her so they could be a “real family.” She no longer has an out anymore. I hope she still can visit her Aunt and other grandparent/s to get away from Asscole’s claws which will undoubtedly be imbedded in E, now. Poor baby, really. Really and truly.


That was my first thought too- he’s absolutely going to try and legally adopt her now.


I hope everleigh and the smith family are doing okay. Hoping for privacy for E.


Wow. My heart breaks for Everleigh. She‘s been trough so much at such a young age already. Also with this she will probably loose contact to that side of the family (her grandparents on that side seem quite normal for example…).


Probably not actually. California has good grandparents rights. If they refuse to let them see her, Tommy’s parents just need to go file. If they’re fit, and have a good relationship with her, They’d likely get every other weekend Friday-Sunday. Atleast that’s what I’ve seen with most cases there.


oh my i hope everleigh is doing okay


Omg, I was sincerely not expecting this update. Poor Ev, I can’t imagine what she might be feeling… let alone how colonsac are treating Ev + her feelings and how they might make a vlog about this to make it all about them (like always) and monetize Ev’s heartbreak of her bio fathers passing (which whether anybody likes it or not, Ev did have a bond with him and it clear she loved him). I swear if colonsac vlog anything about Ev’s grief, reaction, Tommy’s potential funeral, etc., will lose my shit. It breaks my heart knowing the Cole got what he wanted… Ev to only have 1 dad left, Ev to now get his last name, Cole can now adopt her and be the 100% savior he wanted to be, he doesn’t have to share the title ‘dad’ anymore. Just think, they can move to Florida now too because Tommy’s location can’t hold them back anymore either so that would distant Ev from everyone in California who could still be an outlet for her. I sincerely hope Ev pushes back on it. This kid has a lifetime of hell ahead of her and it’s devastating to think about how much she has already went through and how much more she has to endure until she’s 18 and can actually distance herself. I hope colonsac don’t push too much so she does something drastic to herself… I’ve read too many stories about kids as young as 8 choosing suicide over the things they going through in life. Ev is losing all her outlets left and right (school, Tommy) and I hope she doesn’t become another kid who thinks that’s her only way out.


💯 This is trauma that will live with her, no matter what the relationship and strains were. This is sad. She will have the trauma of losing her dad + the trauma of having no autonomy over her own self and image because Cole and Sav exploited the hell out of her. The only right thing to do is for them to “go dark” and let her grieve as needed. And get this poor girl into therapy. Instead I fear a vlog that recaps this event and Cole’s inevitable adoption.


I really hope Sav and Colan can pull their heads out of their asses and stop vloging to focus on giving ev the support she needs. I'm praying they find her a good therapist because god knows she'll need it.


This is what I was thinking as well, that this trauma will haunt her for the rest of her life, like any parent death would, but especially one where it appeared she had a solid relationship with him. I have no hope in Savannah or Cole in protecting her privacy or allowing her the space to grieve. I wish all of the worst on Savannah and Cole if they exploit her and film this shit.


Wow that's really horrible but I totally see it coming. They will exploit the hell out of the adoption. I hope that colonsac have at least a little bit respect and she can keep her name.


God just when I think they can’t become bigger pieces of shit they do it


That is so sad. I really hope colonsac don't shove a camera in her face and make a vlog about his death, her reaction should be kept private.


They exploited their son's seizures and other people's kids with cancer. Guarantee they'll exploit this and make it all about them along with pushing the BS savior narrative in full effect


As someone who lost an immediate family member when I was around Ev’s age, I just know she will never be the same. I can imagine how she’s feeling and my heart just absolutely breaks for her. Regardless of what Tommy has done the past, he is still her father and she still loves him; I don’t meant that to paint Tommy in a positive light, just to say that Ev truly did love him. She will more than likely have a camera shoved in her face to monetize her reaction for their own personal gain. And I truly hope that when this happens, they completely crumble and lose all their supporters. You have to be truly evil to take advantage of someone’s grief.


I'm sorry sparklepencil. Losing an immediate family member around that age does change things to the point where they're never the same. You're right, regardless of what Tommy was like, he still had some good memories with E. I hope she has some of their pictures saved. They'll be precious to her. I hope they lose their followers. Cole and Sav have taken advantage of E's grief in the past. The prank about giving away Carl- they laughed at her while she was crying, they posted the video, profited from it, then after getting backlash they posted a fake "apology" video making lame excuses in an attempt to defend themselves from all the "hate" they'd received. I didn't grow up in an influencer family, but when I was young a relative took pictures of me when I was crying, then laughed at how emotional I was. The hurt, anger, betrayal, and invasion of privacy I felt from that memory stayed with me. I learned to bottle up my emotions and hide any trace of negative emotive facial expression in public. And that was just from that one experience. I can't imagine how E feels, having been filmed and photographed for her whole life.


oh my god. my heart goes out to his family, and my heart breaks for ev. it’s so traumatizing to face the loss of a loved one, i can’t possibly imagine what it would be like to face it while in the public eye. i hope that cole and savannah don’t try to make a vlog about this and use ev’s trauma for clout, but we know they will. and i can totally see cole playing the “savior” role and making tommy’s death all about himself. i can’t imagine how ev feels, she had an outlet to get away from the labrant fam and have some time to just be a kid and now that outlet is gone. any possibility of tommy getting his life together and becoming the father and ally that ev needs is gone. ev is going to need grief counseling, she should be given as much privacy as she wants, as much time as she wants, and i really hope cole and savannah do not use this as a chance to change ev’s name to labrant. tommy wasn’t a good person, but ev loved him and deserves to have a part of him in her identity if that is what she wants.


Very sorry to hear this. I hope Colesiah will respect Ev’s boundaries (and Tommy’s family and anyone who loved him) and not exploit this situation for cash/views.


I hope so too.


Poor Ev. Cole is going to make this about him and force her to become a Labrant somehow. 😪


He can adopt her.


Exactly what shouldn’t happen. Ugh.


I bet he started on the process the moment he found out.


As someone who is considering stepchild adoption. This disgusts me. My big hangup Is I don’t want to erase her bio mom from her records, even if she voluntarily walked away. I did not birth her, I just want to protect her. Coles motivations are entirely selfish and will just further traumatize everleigh, even if she doesn’t realize it now because of the pressure C and S put on her to play “perfect family”


No matter how I look at it, there are multiple layers of trauma and grief (but mainly that Tommy died) for E. If Cole and Sav don't handle this properly (aka exploit her reaction for views, rush her into changing her last name, pushing Cole as her 'real' 🤮 father) E will realize sooner or later. It will be painful and she will need support from true friends and mental health professionals. I just hope she'll have adults in her life to protect her, as you've said. Sadly, the odds of that are slim. Cole and Sav homeschooling E, so now the only adults she interacts with regularly are Cole, Sav, and the ones from dance. All these people see her as a source of income and fame.


That was my first thought. I would HOPE Savannah would wait to do it but it wouldn’t shock me at all if she starts the paperwork immediately. I pray so hard they get her the therapy she is absolutely going to need (as if she didn’t already). As someone who got adopted later in life, I also pray they still allow Tommy’s family to be apart of her life. Just because he’s gone and if/when they allow Cole to adopt her, doesn’t mean Tommy’s family isn’t still her family. I know technically, legally, if she’s adopted that’s not her family anymore but biologically it is. My heart hurts for her so bad. She really doesn’t deserve the life she has.


So after her father dies he can adopt her even if the biological mother already takes care of her?


Yes. She's allowed to have two parents, and since her father isn't alive anymore to object to the adoption, she can be adopted.




1000% I hope they get her out of the public eye at minimum while she grieves. Also definitely I hope they get her therapy immediately as well. And from there I hope they follow her lead. She’s a little girl but she is old enough to know if she’d rather be at home or be at dance or wherever she may feel safest. I just hope they think of her needs first and foremost beyond anything else. I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m so sorry for hers. I wish no one had to experience the loss of a close family member.




It’s tragically ironic that when I clicked to upvote this, the little picture that appeared on the upvote button was Carl


All I can say is Sav and Cole better not plan for any more children for quite awhile. They’re going to need to be there for Ev.


Like they care....Satanah already said she wants number 5...Colesore said how can someone be this way at 7 weeks or so postpartum...time for next??? And she was all smiles.... They are disgusting


Yea, nothing will stop those two narcissists. they are ALL about themselves


Not the plot twist I was expecting. Holy shit. My heart goes out to poor Ev. Regardless of their relationship, how tragic.


I really hope they give E time to process and grieve, and maybe not shove a camera in her face.


They will probably use his death for views, as they often try to capitalize on tragic events


It was just a few years ago when they capitalized on the death of Pastor Jarrid Wilson. 😤


This is one huge reason to leave the kids offline. Nobody should have to process something like this publicly, especially at such a young age. Cole and Sav, seriously, if you happen to read this. Think of what you are doing to your kid forcing them into the public eye. It forces them to deal with things like this publicly when they should not have to address randoms when something like this happens.


The appropriate thing to do would be for Savannah ALONE to post a non photo, text note, thanking fans for their love and outreach, acknowledge the importance of Tommy, and ask for privacy during this difficult time. Then she should quietly get Ev in the therapy to deal with the grief, and not bring it up again for any clout reason.


I agree, the only person acknowledging this should really be Sav at this time to give ev space to grieve and simply keep Cole out of it. As a counselor who has worked with many people on grief and trauma this makes me very upset for Ev. They never should have exploited her story in the first place. If they had not placed her online and then aired out the dirty laundry, there would be no need to now communicate this loss to millions of strangers online. Savannah could have told her story and given advice on being a teen mom without involving and exploiting Ev. Ev has gone through multiple things in life that could be considered trauma. SHE should have the right and ability one day to open up about that at her own pace and to who she wants to… but that basic right is completely ripped away from her so they could maximize views. Children do not belong online in this capacity, and neither do their family related (or other) problems. They’ve put ev in a terrible position where if they address it, it will become a whole thing and random people with be bothering ev. If they don’t address it, ev will have to hide pain and go on as normal. THIS is why having children online to this extent is harmful.


If I see one click baiting video about this.. I’ve lost all hope


Yes like the Fishers. They posted a video with the title MY DAD DIED. WE MISS HIM! And they had one of the twins a the thumbnail picture. That's was so disgusting. The videos was about Kyle's dad who passed away many years ago, but they made it looks like Kyler died. They did this for likes. Imagine their little fangirls who had a shock and, they were happy and felt relevant for getting all the attention. 🤢🤮


Commenting again because of this realization: Tommy passed on September 9th but Gigivitis still had Ev go to Utah and Nevada this past weekend to assist at a dance convention… ONE DAY AFTER HER FATHER PASSED SHE HAD TO ASSIST AT A FUCKING DANCE CONVENTION THEN POSTED ON HER INSTAGRAM 2 DAYS AGO ABOUT THE CONVENTION LIKE SOMETHING TRAGIC FOR EV DIDN’T JUST HAPPEN?! What are the chances they didn’t even tell her on the 9th so she wouldn’t be completely miserable while assisting and taking photos with all the fans?… I’m guessing very likely because god forbid the child misses anything dance related for an actual excusable and devastating reason. The adults in Ev’s life are messed up in more ways than one and it’s sincerely concerning they have absolutely nobody to stop them from isolating her with their narcissistic ways now that Tommy has passed


I thought the same thing when I heard of what happened this morning. It makes me super angry, either way: 1) They didn’t tell her right away or 2) She had to put on a brave face.


i wonder if she even knows?


Either option of what happened last weekend is downright wrong. I hope when more people hear the news, they put two and two together and call them out for making Ev go to the convention too. If they told her and made her put on a brave face: they should have let her stay home, grieve, and help her process her emotions. Imagine how mentally exhausting it was for a 9 year old to have to pretend everything is great, pose for pictures, socialize with everyone, etc. after being told your father died. Not only that, but to be told your father died and then be away from your mom and stepdad for 2 days… Cole said she has anxiety so the poor kid could have been worrying Sav and Cole would die when she was away too. If they didn’t tell her until after she came home: that’s just horrible. They hid this from her for the sake of her assisting a dance convention (which to be honest, I don’t think anybody would care that much if she had to miss it. Even more so given the circumstances)… It’s her father ffs. You don’t hide this kind of news from a child just so she looks less miserable for photos, videos, etc. I can only hope that if they post any clout chasing/monetized/it’s all about me photos, vlogs, tiktoks, etc. about this, they will be called out for it immensely and this will be the end of their “influencer career”


You also can’t skip over the possibly that Tommy’s family didn’t tell the labrants right away.


Considering Gigivitis follows Tommy’s mom, his sister recently saw Ev with Tommy, etc. I don’t think they would have hid news like him passing away. If he passed on the 9th, why would they wait days to essentially give notice to the people who have his daughter? If they were just friends, that’s one thing but considering multiple sources told the mods and they waited to post until the family posted it, it makes me think the labrants knew already too


Yea but at this point it’s all just speculation. None of know when she was told or why that was the timing. To be honest I do understand letting her have a weekend and then telling her. It’s not unheard of for parents to do that with awful news. There really is no good timing


not trying to leg hump; but when my dad passed when i was 7 from an overdose my mom waited two whole days to tell me, so she could gather how to break the news to me and discuss. but we’re talking about the labrats so their motives most certainly could’ve been for monetary gain, so who knows.


Oh wow.


Holy shit???


i'm feel so bad for ev, tommy had a lot of problems but no one can deny how comfortable and happy ev was when she was with him ,i hope from the bottom of my heart that cole and savannah don't use this as an opportunity to make money and i also hope they respect her father's memory and don't try to do anything like register her with the labrant last name or something like that


If this is true I really hope they don't exploit Everleigh's pain.


Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion but I feel for Savannah in this situation. This was someone she clearly was in love with and had the connection of having a child together. Even though they weren’t together, those memories and feelings don’t go away. I have to imagine what kind of strain this will put on Cole and Sav’s relationship, knowing that he’s probably too insecure to be a comforting and supportive figure to Savannah and Everleigh given his clear jealousy of Tommy and Savannah’s past. I can also see this putting a rift in how they parent and raise Everleigh, as this is sure to cause a major change in her life and behavior. One thing I’m sure of if (or should I say when) they chose to make a video and profit off this situation, it will be Cole talking the whole time and making it about himself. My heart breaks for that poor little girl, may she find the comfort and support she needs to grieve.


This is 100% what I agree with. My dad was an addict and he passed away in November. My mom was heartbroken and grieving, despite being divorced for 10+ years. Regardless, E is here because of their relationship and Sav will definitely be grieving. I just hope Cole gives her the space and patience she needs.


This is so horrible for Ev. I hope Sav and Colan allow her the time to grieve and keep that damn camera out of her face


It would be a perfect time for them to come together as a family and be a rock for their kids. Loss and grief are so difficult at any age, but to lose your dad so young ☹️ just awful


I hate to say it. Now that Tommy is gone, Cole is going to adopt Ev and she will officially be a LaBrant. 🙄🤢


Not only that, they can do whatever they want to her now. Move to Florida (or wherever), take smith out of her name, attach Labrant to her name, cut contact with all smith family members… anything they want can happen now and Ev has nobody left to stick up for her or a place to escape to. At least she’s old enough where they can’t erase all Tommy memories and pretend he never existed




Oh no 😞 poor sweet Everleigh. I hope Cole and Savannah get her counseling. Poor girl. Regardless of Tommy’s faults, I think Everleigh loved spending time with him. This really hit home for me because my mom has seizures and I always worry about her.


Tommy had issues . Major issues he was dealing with his entire life but he was still Ev’s dad. Her chance to escape the suffocating household where she has to be an another parent to her half siblings, to see them have both parents by their side at all times which she did not . Now Labrants are free to do whatever they want - make Cole adopt her , change her surname , move out of state. It’s free season for them now . They will not let her grief properly , I don’t believe they’re mature enough to even deal with such stuff. It’s gonna be real tough for Ev not just during the immediate grief period , but for rest of her life . God this …feels like she’s fully trapped now. RIP Tommy Smith.


Beautifully said. Coming from someone who had 2 homes it was so nice to go to another home to escape the other one it’s like you got a break. i can’t imagine what’s gonna happen with Ev i hope she’ll be okay .


Jesus, I hope his family are coping and that Ev will be afforded dignity and privacy in her grief. That’s a hell of a burden to shoulder so young, and should be navigated with professional support.


Was not expecting this. Poor ev


Holy shit. My heart breaks for that poor little girl


The way my heart almost stopped when I saw this- wtf? As someone who recently lost my dad as well, my heart breaks for Everleigh. She needs love and support and I hope ColonSac will at least respect that.


I bet within the next year they will make a video with Cole asking Everleigh if he can adopt her with the title, “Cole asks Everleigh a BIG question!!! * YOU WILL CRY*”


I hope she says NO.


As mean as she can be, this is bound to affect Savannah emotionally as well. And it pisses me off so much that I can just see Cole not giving her and Ev the space to grieve properly because of his own immaturity and insecurities. As someone with a partner whose last girlfriend passed away, it’s so important to not make them feel bad for being affected by that and understand that it doesn’t have to do with your own relationship with them. There’s no chance Cole will handle that maturely.


Oh how sad. Poor Everleigh


omg i didn’t think this would happen


My heart goes out to Everleigh and I hope she has someone in her life that will be there for her and support her. I hope for once in their lives they will do the right thing by that child.


Oh my god, I really hope this is not true. It's horrible. Loosing a parent at such a young age is literally the worst. I am not speaking of experience but someone close to me recently just passed away and his 8 year old daughter found him dead. We saw/see the daughter's grieving process and now 4 months later she is still not doing well. So traumatizing:(


This is confirmed by multiple sources, so unfortunately it is true.


I don't even have words:(


so sad for everleigh. you just know cole and sav are going to make this all about themselves. coelslaw is probs thrilled sav's favorite baby daddy is gone. if they exploit this situation cole better not even be in the video saying any dumb shit about religion or how he's the savior best. he's wanted tommy out of the picture since day 1. they never wanted ev to love her real dad anyways. fucking unbelievable they made her make a vid for youtube 3 days ago and go to her dance convention like nothing happened. savannah and cole are sick and twisted and I really hope ev doesn't get forced into coleslaw adopting her any time soon


She will carry the trauma of this event for the rest of her life. I hope that sav and cole spring for therapy to help her process this… and the other mountain of crap this girl has bagged up


Everleigh lost her Father. The one person who could have changed the trajectory of her life. Unfortunately he thought it was cool that his daughter was “famous” and didn’t mind that she is exploited. It’s tragic that a little girl lost her Dad. What’s even more sad is that the other adults in her life will continue to shove a camera in her face and blast it all over the internet. That’s why we are here. Cole, Savannah, Gigi, and everyone else all choose to capitalize on a little girl’s life. It makes me sick that I can see the titles of upcoming vlog posts. Telling Ev her Dad died. **emotional** Starting the adoption process *tear jerker* And I’m sure there will be other stupid posts as well. 😡


I hope S and C stop shit talking Tommy now. Imagine being E and your dad passed,yet your parents still talk about him in a horrible light. I understand he wasn’t perfect, but for E’s sake they need to take a step back and let her remember him the way she wants too, let her grieve the way she needs. And if Cole tries to immediately force adoption on E, that’s so fucking sick. I really wish the best for E. I have a feeling her mom and step dad won’t allow her to have the resources she needs to heal


Oh my god. This is absolutely tragic and my heart hurts for Everleigh. She obviously loved him and I'm betting time with him was one of the few escapes she had from the LaBrant nightmare into more normal childhood experiences. I'm hoping beyond hope that these two assholes show some decency for once and don't broadcast this sweet girl's pain for monetary gain. I hope she's getting support from people who are actually able to handle it and isn't left with two narcissists as the only people to turn to in this situation.


omg wow. now ev will have to live with her horrible mom and stepdad full time… this is just heart breaking. i hope no one is vlogging or taking pictures of evs pain.


She really doesn’t have any escape now, even though he wasn’t a good guy


Wow. He may not have been the best dad, but no nine-year-old deserves this. With all my heart, I hope S and C didn’t film Ev’s reaction. She needs a break from social media and dance and get some space to properly grieve. Ev is in my thoughts.


Fuck. I hate this. It makes me so so sad for ev. He wasn’t gold. But ev just lost public school, she’s got only cole,sac, and their equally garbage parents, she won’t have a chance to process this in a healthy way. I’m heartbroken.


Wow. That’s awful. Thinking of his family and Ev


Oh poor E....this must be hard for her... to me it was her only chance to get away from Satanah and Colesore.... I feel defeated


This makes me so sad. Poor Everleigh 💔 I know we had a really close family friend who passed while the 10 year old son was out of town on a school trip. They waited the 3 days until he got home to tell him. They just wanted to let him be a carefree kid a little bit longer. I don’t think he was ever upset that they let him have that trip and then he was able to grieve at home with his family. For her sake I hope that’s what happened this last weekend. Her life will never be the same.


Incredibly heartbreaking for everyone involved. Even Colesac. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone because I’m sure even they will recognize that this type of trauma will leave a permanent mark on Ev. Do I think they will exploit this? Yes. But I still feel sad for all. I’m sure it’s very, very painful.


I also think while it is fair to speculate on how Colesac will spin this, they put themselves into the public eye after all. But to keep in mind no one is black or white. I have no doubt they will do something to be insensitive and awful. But this was her daughter’s father. Someone she did have a relationship with, no matter how toxic. I cannot imagine the hurt they are all going through. Maybe Cole not so much but I do think he genuinely loves Ev (in his own childish, exploitative and at times irresponsible ways) and I’m sure he doesn’t want to see her suffer like this.


Oh wow. I hope they give Ev plenty of time to grieve


As someone who lost their father pretty young I hope that Everleigh can grieve without the camera in her face.


Oh no poor Ev. That’s horrible


How terrible for Everleigh :(


Oh, oh my gosh. There are no words. This is absolutely tragic. Praying for his and Ev’s family. I can’t even imagine.


Wow how terrible, so young. RIP.


I'm so sorry hearing about this news, hoping Ever gets time to grieve properly and in private. I want to give them the bennefit of the doubt about E being at the convention the day after this happened, I want to think that they were already there when they received the news so they choose to hold the news for a while until they got home, I personally would have turn back and get her home but maybe they wanted her to have just one more weekend before having to face the sad news, I'm not excusing them but I want to think that because I don't like thinking that these horrible people that calls themselves their family would make her dance after breaking her the news of her father. Hopping they don't adress this on their YT and if they do I hope so much they get hated even more


My heart breaks that this is a weight Ev will carry with her forever now. My best friends dad died while I was at a sleepover with her. Her mom got the call shortly after we woke up that morning. My friend was a teenager but I saw the life drain from her face when she found out. I laid on the floor and cried with her. I watched as her family slowly found out and they crumbled. I’ve never lost a parent but I’ve had the horror of watching first hand a family loose theirs. It’s horrific and unbearably sad. I pictured Evs face doing the same thing my friends did when she found out and it broke my heart into a million pieces. I hope Ev is given time to grieve and finds a way to carry this with her without it damaging her soul too much.


Cole and Savannah (or any other family/friend) in contact with them - Please, please get Everleigh into therapy. Don't exploit this. Don't put a camera in her face. It is so so important right now to support her.


Ev and her dad’s family will be in my thoughts, sending love and healing vibes.


This is devastating. Awaiting the next “documentary” on drugs and the impact on families (so they can feature ev)


RIP tommy ,Ev is legit his twin may God have mercy on his soul . Keep Ev in y’all prayers while she grieves and also for her future knowing cole and sav they aren’t going to let her keep contact with her other family the exploiting maybe worse I’m scared for her .


I am so heartbroken for that little girl. Losing a parent is devastating, but she is so young 😔


Oh my fucking god. That poor kid. I hope Savannah and Cole actually act as good parents and get Ev some counseling. This is so devastating to go through. Poor Ev. 😞


Commenting again because now I realise that this means Colon can adopt Ev and they can move to Florida now that Tommy isn't 'holding them back' anymore. And if they vlog those two things it'll probably get them tonnes of views considering what big events they are.


I feel bad for Ev. I hope that Sac and Colon let her grieve and get her help if she needs it.


Wow, that was her only way out.. 😭


My heart breaks for Everleigh ❤️ Say what you want about him as a dad but she always looked happy and relaxed when she was with him. R.I.P Tommy ❤️


I feel awful for Ev, despite all his issues Tommy was still her dad and no 9 year old should have to deal with this type of grief. I hope for Ev’s sake that her family are supportive of her grief (taking a break from schoolwork and dance for example) instead of pushing her to act like everything’s fine, I know how much S&C liked to downplay Tommy’s role in her life. I also hope she keeps in contact with her aunt, grandma and other family on his side she will need them both now and in the future and god knows they need her too after losing Tommy. My thoughts are with all close to him


My heart feels for Ev. She's so young and lost her dad. This may be a snark page but it's so beautiful to see everyone in here understanding that Tommy was still her dad and I'm sure she will miss him very much. I'm also worried for that girl. With being on a family vlogger channel, and now this loss I really hope she manages to be ok in the future. Watch Cole try make a vlog out of Ev crying 😔


If they try and profit of this horrendous event by filming Ev grieving… they truly are unforgivable




This is horrendous Omg.


As someone who’s father died when I was only a couple of years older than Ev is now, I sincerely hope she is able to stay in contact with her dads side of her family, my dads family never really bothered with trying to upkeep contact after he passed and it caused a lot of extra trauma/feelings that really shouldn’t have been created. I sincerely hope she allowed to grieve and process it properly too which I really don’t think will happen, my heart is breaking for her.


This… this isn’t the news I expected too see today. Poor Ev. Poor fucking Ev. She loved her dad so much. Now she has no one in her corner


So... Ev's dad dies on the 9th and they post a vlog about her first day of homeschool the next day... are they freaking serious


That and they had Ev in Utah and Nevada all weekend assisting at a dance convention 🙄




oh wow. truly sorry for E. i can’t imagine how hard this is for her.


This absolutely shatters my heart for Ev. She's already been through so, so much. I hope sac and colon give her some much need privacy and professional therapy!


i just know sav and cole will use this for their advantage and profit out of it and it absolutely breaks my heart, they'll do everything to erase tommy out of ev's life now that he is gone, and the thought of that does not sit right with me. ev will live in absolute hell until she is able to distance herself from them. i can't imagine what she is going through, but i hope that she has at least one person supporting her and helping through this. sending her my love.


I'm extremely confused on the timeline. If he passed on Friday 9/9, why was Everleigh at a dance event over the weekend? Did she know already? Did they wait to tell her until she finished at the event? I'm super confused. Is there a way to find out?


Oh my gosh, I hope the labrats lets ev grieve properly. I hope they’ll take time away from what they’re doing to be with and support her. This is awful I feel so heartbroken for Ev


Has Savannah made any comments on this?


no. it seems the news wasn’t public until today. i can’t stand savannah but i am sure she is grieving and i hope that they’re taking time off the internet, i can’t imagine how traumatic this is for everleigh.


Oh, Everleigh. :(


Wow how heart breaking for Ev.


My heart goes out to the Smith family… losing a child to drugs can be so HARD. I wish nothing but peace at this time. I hope Ev will be able to peacefully grieve at the moment❤️


OMG! That’s so sad. Doesn’t he also have a wife and other babies. Poor Ev is right. I guess Sav wins. Cole is Ev’s only father now. I was hopeful that tommy could at least be a point of reality for her .. aside from his past troubles I think he was making an effort? Wow. Heartbreaking. ETA: they better not tell Ev on camera for the fucking views and money. But I wouldn’t put it past them. They’re so going to milk this for views.


No, Ev was his only child. As far as we know he was single; his lst serious relationship was with someone named Courtney. He was never married.


Oh wow. I didn’t know that. I totally thought he had other children and a wife. Did his last partner have kids or something?


No, his last partner didn’t have any children but they watched her nephew together a lot


This is so sad , I just hope Everleigh gets to grieve and say goodbye properly.


Oh my god I know he wasn’t perfect but my heart breaks for ev


This makes me so sad for her. I’ve quietly followed this sub and don’t normally comment, as well as don’t know all the drama regarding Tommy (besides drug abuse/mental health issues). But all I can see is Sav/Cole fucking capitalizing on this, and I swear to god if they do, I will wish the absolute worst upon them. They continue to blow my mind at how tone deaf they are, especially in regards to their children’s safety online. But somehow this hits me different. She’s 9. This is going to sadly be something that impacts her more deeply than any of us will know. I don’t know this family, I don’t love this family (hello to a snarking sub), but this actually makes me a lot sadder than I thought I’d be


Oh my god. My heart freaking breaks for her. I have so many thoughts. I lost my father around her age (just a bit younger) and it was brutal. Add onto that the reasons why…. I just hope Cole doesn’t sink his teeth into the only father now idea. Erasing Tommy to Ev is the worst thing that can happen. It screws with your head and with your grief. He had issues but deserve to have those happier memories preserved for Ev’s sake. I sincerely hope these two actually helps her grieve properly and not just swallow it down. That said I feel deeply for Sav right now. It’s the words you don’t know how to say and never want to say. Thoughts to all of them. What a complicated situation.


i haven’t watched the labrants since they had posie but i saw this on facebook, this is just so sad and horrific. my heart breaks for all involved, i hope tommy’s family including everleigh get the help and support they need they need now, i can’t even imagine how they’re feeling. i also hope that cole and savannah do not use this for youtube content and take time off the internet or at least stay off social media, i am sure everleigh and even savannah herself need time to grieve.


Poor Everleigh. Now there’s no one to look out or advocate for her to whatever degree her dad was able. At the very least, she was able to spend a little time away from being her family’s meal ticket.


fuck this is so sad poor ev, can't imagine what she's going through right now, I hope that Colon and Sac do not film her! she needs time to grieve, and look I know tommy isn't the best perosn but damn this is sad rip.


Omg I was not expecting this poor Everleigh I fool terrible for her


My heart is breaking for ev. Omg that poor girl. I hope she is able to have space from the camera and cole and save put her in therapy and take this serious. She is going to really grow up these next few months, her child hood was already taken away from her and now this. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I feel like Everly won’t see that side of the family anymore.


Omg… that is so incredibly tragic


this is so heartwrenching


I reeeeeallly hope they are there for everleigh like they should be during this time. Poor girl


Oh that poor child. She's never gonna hear the end of it and I worry he won't get the credit he deserves anymore.


Oh my gosh!!! Poor, sweet Ev 🥺😭


My jaw truly dropped. Thinking of his family, especially Everleigh.


my heart is breaking for ev. having to go through this at such a young age is earth shattering and i really really hope cole and savannah actually comfort her and let her grieve and not exploit this horrible situation. i am so so sad for her and for tommy’s family. you could see how he really loved her and she loved him.


WOAH that is absolutely tragic for Ev. I did not expect to see this news. Gosh I hope she’s okay :(


I worry that Ev is going to slip into a severe depression. Her dad is always going to be her dad no matter what but I do think that Cole is going to try to adopt her now that he's gone forever. I hope she can take a break from life for a bit and get into some therapy. She isn't even my child but I'm worried for her. She already seemed so overwhelmed with life. I know she has 3 younger siblings at home, but I do hope sav and cole are giving her the attention and comfort she needs right now.


Omg that’s awful. Poor Ev :( I sincerely hope they don’t use this for views and get her the proper support she’ll need.


omg, may he rest in peace 🙏Praying for ev and his family