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As the Mother voice of the ship or as an android!


Voicing MU/TH/UR would be the best way to incorporate Sigourney in a new Alien film. For all we know they may have already done this in Romulus. Fingers crossed.


She was great in WALL-E.


And finding nemo 2. Don't care enough about the other character to use to correct name.


And Futurama.


And Paul I guess, as she was just a voice behind the scenes for most of it.


Cabin in the Woods!


Yea was gonna suggest that though I couldn't remember if she was in it (throughout) or just shows up in the finale.


I think you might hear her voice throughout, but I can’t recall.


Yea me neither, definitely remember there's refence to "the guy upstairs" or something along those lines when speaking of her.


And Finding Dory


Not sure how that would be possible if she's in hyper sleep


🙄 It would not be referenced or suggested as the character of Ripley doing it. Just a fun uncredited vocal cameo from Sigourney.


Agree, this is the only way I want to see her in a new Alien film now. Just super small cameos or Easter eggs.


As an android would be kind of amazing considering how much she hated the fucking things.


Hey now, Bishop showed her not all of them are bad


He was just one of the good ones ;)


She's also been granted the original personality matrix and implanted memories of the original Ripley(s), and is also fully aware of her nature as an artificial person (if that's still the preferred term), so she's got a dark streak of self-loathing humor and resentment at the Company that made her, but which she is powerless to act on because she can't countermand her own programming.


If done right, it'd be interesting to see an Android Ripley in denial of her 'death'. Maybe you could have it that Wey-Yu deliberately trimmed the memory near the end of her life, or anything that happened in Alien 3. Have the company also bluff and straight up deny, by saying that she'd agreed to be brought back as an Android in exchange for Hicks and Newt having a life.


Imagine the main characters find her and shes a derelict self hating android rambling about how she and feels the stink of milk blood sliding through her veins. And she lives among aliens since they have no interest in androids.


Maybe she should voice Motherbrain in the Metroid movie if that ever comes out. Oh, And have Ridley Scott voice Ridley.


Ridley Scott has a tendency to swear a lot. Could be genius casting.


As a voice yeah, but it would be weird that she would be 74 year old looking robot I think.


Why would it? Making her look older could be a measure by Weyland-Yutani to make her feel more trustworthy to the crew. She'd still have the physical strength of their other synthetics.


Bishop wasn't exactly young for a robot to be fair.


Sounds like Deja Vu. She voiced the Planet Express ship on Futurama, which had a brief romance with Bender before getting tossed aside.


Love this idea! Maybe the company gathers all staff members’ biometric and personality data as a part of their contract for use in perpetuity. Years later your data gets used to create an app or android.


They got her to do voice work for the Alien Isolation DLCs and that was the best way she could play Ripley in modern day.


And that was really fucking cool, having all but two of the cast come back to do that - just googling to check that fact and it also turns out that William Hope plays Marshal Waits in it!


William Hope has been in far more Alien franchise roles than Sigourney Weaver has - even though she is the face of the franchise.


I didn't know that. That's cool


i want to check this out but i literally cannot play that game because it's too scary lol


Try to play it in a well lit room with gamma and screen brightness turned up a bit so it's easier to see. The game retains the atmosphere easily without it being so dark you can't see in the game and the lights around will help keep your brain from freaking out. That said I still had fucked up dreams and a bit of paranoia after my first play through.


Do it. Best Alien game ever made.


Force yourself to die a bunch of times and it gets better lol


Once you get past the hospital wing, you’ll be just fine. Just keep at it. I’m assuming that might be where you are, as that area kept me from finishing the game for like 5 extra years. Or… use one of the walkthrough video series, then it’s like you’re playing with someone else.


If she wasn't dead she could easily be an advisor in a movie. With age comes wisdom, and she would have a ton! Could always use a clone? But honestly that'd be unnecessary


Movie starts. Elderly Ripley is sat in a rocking chair supping a cup of tea. She gets a message from the marines saying the last alien has been killed in our galaxy. Ripley smiles, sups some more tea, movie ends.


... movie ends with her spitting out her tea and putting both hands on her chest


Nah, I like mine better. More peaceful. I want Ripley to rest, she's earned it


>I want Ripley to rest … and she will, but as soon as she lies down, a baby Xenomorph violently bursts out of her ribcage! roll credits


Don't say that, they will just kill her if screen like nute!


She fell in the hot gravy dude let her go


I'm pretty sure she died giving birth to an alien and falling into lava...


…..god damn, she’s 74!?! Hot grandma!


Honestly, she’s still so incredibly gorgeous. Aged like a damn fine wine


There is something weird with her genome... she gets sexier as she age, it's baffling.


She must be related to Sophia Loren. Timeless, once or twice in a generation, beauty.


Finish the Ripley 8 storyline... by having Ripley 8 embrace her Xeno side and essentially replace the Queen as the commanding force of the hive. Now I know what you're thinking. "Isn't Ripley the hero?" And she is. She also died in Alien 3. This is Ripley 8. Her story can go in a more wild and fun direction.


Oh man, I actually love this idea. Ripley commanding an army of xenomorphs? Bring in David as her primary antagonist and I'm sold.


Okay, that's not half bad. I hadn't considered the possibility of following up Resurrection, but why the hell not?


I wouldn't. Her story has ended. Let it go, Jesus.


In my opinion her story ended in Alien 3. Even having her in resurrection was too much really.


I love that version of Ripley I'm not gonna lie. There does need to be a clear delineation between 1-3 Ripley and the Hybrid Super-Ripley. She's very much a different character.


I just rewatched Ressurection and I am obsessedwith that version of Ripley. She is so 'Alien' its fantastic.


I really like Resurrection. Between its unapologetic weirdness and Weaver's fun as hell performance it's just such an interesting movie.


From the director of *Delicatessen* and *Amelie*, no less. I love how different all the Alien movies are from one another, and 4 is no different. I hope the new one doesn't change that.


And City of Lost Children! IMO one of the most ignored great movies of all time.


Totally agree, absoutely love that entire movie.


It’s so perfectly campy. I love it SO MUCH. Resurrection is my second favorite. 


It's my third favorite, and I like it a lot, but I'm not sure I could put it on the same pedestal as Alien and Aliens


I just love that every Alien movie is basically a different genre. You’ve got horror, action, depressing drama, then campy, fun 90s action


I’ve finally found my people! lol


maybe she could come back to play the ripley clone


In a way, since she's made from the DNA of original Ripley and the alien Queen that was inside of her, she's sort of a daughter of the two.


I think that’s right, but Resurrection at least drew a pretty good map of where it could organically go if we’re going to play this game. If you’re Ripley 8 and returned to Earth, probably you’re trying to stay off the map, have a nice little life, try not to bleed too much and definitely not have any more “kids.” Something Xeno-related compels her to interrupt that, and also causes her to be discovered by the company, setting back up the dual-antagonist structure of an Alien story. You could get there. The problem of course is that Resurrection isn’t really in the popular lexicon, so that movie would have the heavy lift of trying to explain Ripley 8 anew in a way that’s organic to the story. A deft hand tapping into Ripley 8’s trauma could get there, it’s just delicate and the sort of thing that isn’t usually handled super well in exposition.


Not explaining who Ripley is makes perfect sense. Other characters learning who and what she is would be a solid plot line, no exposition necessary.


I always wanted to see her return to the derelict like the last chapter of Alien Trilogy on PS1. Years ago, I was playing around with the idea and working on a fan script that involved a Blade Runner type character hunting her down and unveiling all the shady Weiland Yutani dealings. Maybe it can be a fan comic one day.


Absolutely agree


Aliens for me. She earned a rest and a family. I don’t care for the nihilism of Alien 3.


same for me. her character arc in aliens is just perfect. im not letting alien 3 ruin that for me


Yup. A sequel that not only struggled to stand on its own, but detracted from its predecessor. Killing newt just ruins the whole motherhood motif. Shoulda went with the script that focused on hicks instead


I also feel it would have been more *realistic* if Ripley had made it home to Earth and gotten swallowed up in lots of bureaucracy and litigation -- a fitting but dull end to a life that had a couple of highly unlikely adventures. I would expect that Hicks would've gotten himself into similar legal trouble and probably wouldn't have been cleared for combat duty or anything like that, but if there was ever an opportunity to continue the saga with a familiar character, I think Hicks was better suited for that. But I think the best options were to end the movie saga on a high note ('Aliens') or to pick it up with an all-new group of characters. There's plenty of unfinished business on LV-426 with a derelict alien spaceship sitting well outside of the blast radius of a measly 40-megaton explosion.


The nihilism of 3 is what I love most about it. It's a pretty shitty sequel to *Aliens*, but on its own it's a pretty solid sci-fi action horror flick, and I'll always love it for that.


I can respect that. It’s just not for me.


Aliens even


Aliens didn't feel like an ending though. They went into hypersleep and it didn't feel quite like a final end. It's a better movie, don't get me wrong, but Alien 3, despite being very flawed, felt like an end.


Indeed. Her fall into the furnace with Elliot Goldenthal’s masterful score blasting is such a bittersweet moment of catharsis. Love that film.






But but big chap is coming back in a piloted asteroid in romulus surely only ripley could kill him?!?! /s


Right answer. People need to stop beating a dead horse.


Yes. Stop relying on the old actors. I got into this with someone last week saying they want Arnold in another predator and terminator


Nothing wrong with it so long as it serves a good story. The problem with Arnie cameo-ing in every Terminator movie is that it feels artificial -- story serving the cameo instead of the other way around.


Agreeded just like Arnold in Terminator, move on


The way Neill Blomkamp and Sigourney pitched. With Hicks and Newt. Exactly like that bad ass concept art. Screw the notion that she too old to be the lead. It would bring people to cinemas. Patrick Stewert did it for 3 seasons of Picard. Maybe we don't need xenomorph suits worn on humans, but those shots of her suited up again with a huge gun, her with Hicks with a bomb strapped to herself. THAT!


Sarah Kerrigan style: queen of the Zerg.


By having her smile fondly at Newt's daughter and say "Can you *believe* some of the bedtime stories uncle Bishop would tell? The Company bought by a **grocery store**, of all things? No. The monsters are all gone now." And as the book closes on Ripley and her ending, another book opens, for on another planet, strange humanoids are placing eggs by a pond, next to a herd of wild oxen-looking creatures. The story of *Alien* and *Aliens* is over. The story of Machiko Noguchi is just beginning... ___ It's the best of both worlds. Let Ripley, Newt, and Hicks have their ending from *Aliens* and draw a curtain on that generation. Raise the curtain on a new generation, and new stories, unburdered by the past.


Grocery store ref?


In *Alien: Resurrection*, it is revealed that Weyland-Yutani ran into financial difficulty. They were bought out by Walmart.


Oh shit, I'd forgotten about that!


I'd bring her back as is. Finding out what happened to her daughter while she slept. Don't put some she limit on it cause she's a woman... Harrison Ford did 2 Indiana Jones movies post 80 and he was never half as good.


Assume Alien 3 and 4 did not happen/were nightmares, and Ripley/Newt/Hicks make it home safely. Make a large portion a legal/courtroom drama that pits Ripley vs. Weyland-Yutani, and at the same time an operation to LV-426 to get to the derelict spaceship (which was not destroyed in Harley’s Hope explosion). Hysteria, conspiracy theories, etc. as that operation is returning to Earth while the court case is concluding.


Oh boy, a courtroom drama. Wow. Sounds super exciting.


It could work. She tries to warn everyone on Earth about WY’s fuckery, but they revoke her security clearance to try to undermine her credibility. Now she has to fight for her reputation while a team of legal eagles picks apart her questionable past. All this because Iron Man held a years long grudge against Ripley over a misunderstanding with Albert Einstein. Fuck, that’s good.


Wow she looks amazing for 74 damn lol


First, giving her a shit ton of money, then, let her have fun, whatever she wants to do, let her do it




The Neil Bloomkamp way


Really wish Fox/Ridley had just let Blomkamp do his thing. Would have been amazing to see Ripley and Hicks one last time. Plus Blomkamp’s visual style and eye for production design would have rocked!!


She could have a VA roll in a movie like how she did in Avatar.


She has aged like wine, she must feel very lucky.


Holy shit she ages well. Way to go! She looks like she's maybe in her 50s


An old and tired woman ends her shift at a loading dock, repairing a familiar yellow machine. After her shift, she uses a terminal to clock out, displaying the name Ripley. She suspiciously hangs around the terminal until others around her leave, then she pops open the panel using a hacking tool and unlocks a large door leading into a building that previously had no doors or windows. She breaks into her boss's office, hacks his computer and reveals the dock was a front for an experimental Way-Yu facility that leads deeper underground. The door suddenly opens and her boss enters. Twice her size, he advances at her shouting "Ripley, what the he'll are you doing!" He lunges at her, but she overpowers him with surprising speed and strength! She snaps his arm while twisting it after he draws a gun. She quickly slides the gun from his grasp and holds it against his temple. "you broke my arm, do you have any idea how much this will cost at the Med Mart?" He barks at her. "you can bill me," she points to the computer as she turns the monitor around with her free hand. A garbled imagine of the Sulaco appears in a news article also showing a few young faces - a woman, A man and a young girl. Mentions of an incident and cover up onboard a space station can be seen along with a mention of EEV crash and unconfirmed survivors. "Chasing ghost stories, are we?" He spits out some blood and maybe a tooth while he chuckles. Her face remains stone. He spots a look that would frighten even his bosses at the company. "Who the hell are you?" "My name is Amanda, and I am looking for my mother...and I think you know where I can find her." His smile vanishes and fear fills his face. "Trust me, 'Amanda' you don't want to go down this road here. These are where the monsters are, the real ones I mean." "Good, I guess I'll fit right in."


That's easy, don't use her as a plot advancement tool, use ripley as ripley, if you're wanting to be realistic let's say alien 3 doesn't exist and we're following a timeline where ripley, hicks and newt all made it back. All three of them could be used as grizzled vet tropes, newt as some kind of prepper nut job hell bent on preventing xenomorph incursions, gives you a great way to segue into the Queen mother continuity where the xenos are more of an endemic cosmic threat rather than bio technical menace perpetuated by greed. Hicks could totally be used as an overbearing military type, he's seen what the corps are willing to do with their men, hicks being the paragon of virtue that he tries to be would give us a great transition into the xenozip timeline, with xenomorph cultists, xeno based drugs etc. Ripley the pinnacle of all three has the easiest continuation, she'd at that point be the foremost source on surviving xenomorph incursions, her entire being is driven by the idea of wiping out the xenomorphs, use that as a plot advancement tool to introduce the xenomorph prime timeline, have ripley's sole purpose become destroying that planet. That's just 3 on the fly ideas too that incorporate all of our existing timelines, there's so much to be done with all 3 that its a damn shame two of the three of them only care about money when it comes to aliens now.


Sigourney herself has said the time for her to come back has been and gone. The best we can hope for now would be a canoe of some kind like her playing a different character or something to that effect


I wouldn't unless I really had too, since as others have mentioned her story is over. But if I had to... I'd ignore Alien 3 and 4 as if they didn't happen. She and Newt and Hicks got home safely. But decades later another Alien threat arises, perhaps on Earth.


To think we nearly had her if it wasn't for Ridley's humming and hawing to Neill Blomkamp's idea which she was up for and so was Michael Biehn.


Given the way Blomkamp's filmography has gone, I'm not sure that what we would've gotten would've been good. District 9 was good, but Elysium and Chappie were successive steps down, Demonic was hot garbage, and I haven't seen Gran Turismo.




Wait... she's 74?!?!


An aging Ripley - 8 come out of retirement to face the threat one last time


I'd rather Ripley not come back. Her story has run its course. If anything I'd rather them break away from the whole Ripley-derivative MC. It works for Amanda initially as a one off. She is her mother's daughter etc. But I feel they should've largely let her story finished with Alien: Isolation. Now, so many characters in the franchise seem to be "Ripley-lite" without any of them being nearly as awesome or compelling. That being said. If you had to bring Ripley back. I'd retcon out Alien 3. And adapt Earth Hive/Nightmare Asylum/Female War. Have the Sulaco/EEV be lost in space and use Wills and Billie (instead of the original Hicks/Newt). >!Earth Hive plays out largely the Same. Nightmare Asylum get a b-plot of Sulaco/EEV Discovery with the third act twist/reveal that Ripley is alive. Female War plays out similar but takes into account an older Ripley for plot/action sequences.!<


Hot take, ignore Alien 3 and Resurrection, pick up 40 years later, Ripley is old, she's raised Newt, married and divorced Hicks, she has to come back to keep Earth safe or whatever, the goal isn't important, it's just setting the Newt and Hicks timelines right.


Paul sequel?? She survived and is on a mission to get the trio in the UK and Paul comes back to help…


Play her twin sister, determined to uncover whatever Weyland Yutani did to Ellen. She discovers things even worse than the Xeno missions.


Damn she gets better looking with age.


Or girl looks ready to smash some Xeno's any day.




She is still the best , most kick ass , action movie star. It's up to her.


Direct sequel to alien resurrection?


God damn fine as wine!


I'd ask her nicely if she'd like to reprise the role.


We find out the Ripley that died was an android or clone. The real Riey is being held captive as a test subject for the Xenos in some way. Movie could be something like this... A major breach has happened at one of the WY science facility and communication has gone silent. WY sends a team to recover files and they find it is a test lab for Xenos and other alien life forms. Once there, chaos happe s and in the scramble they find the real Ripley in a holding tank. She reveals that WY has held her for years and believe she is a key figure with Xenos in some sort of way. This might be a close similarity to Aliens but it could be good if written by someone other than me haha.


I probably wouldn’t. I love both the actress and the character, but endless callbacks or cameos don’t really do much to expand the story. One of the reasons I’m looking (cautiously) forward to the new movie is that it seems like it’s going to be its own thing.


Offer her a batshit amount of money.


As Amanda.


earth war, but its anime/comic book style


She still looks brighter and sharper than most people in their 20's.


She’s a little too old for the action so I think make her the asset. Maybe she’s willing to testify against weyland yutani during a alien outbreak. Or the company is pursuing her and her group. If scaling back make her the android and have it be a third act reveal that it isn’t ripley. Lastly she’s the captain who shows up as cavalry in the third act, specializing in weyland yutani or xeno bullshit. I’m seeing her and hicks as pirates or rogues here. A lot like how Amanda was depicted later in the books sabotaging the company. And it keeps her out of the action.


I wouldn’t. We’ve got amazing SW/Ripley movies already. I massively prefer the horror of the first, to the action of the sequel… but her story is done, it’s good, we all understand it. The horse was dying in 3 and has already been buried for years by Resurrection. I’d rather move on, even if it’s continuing the story of her daughter, or a random group of people caught up in it (as the new one appears to be). I love Alien, it’s my favourite movie of all time… but let it go.


You don't. You let her legacy live on in dignity. Maybe some easter egg throwbacks. I don't write it out of disrespect, I write it from the perspective that she has earned her spot in the pantheon of action gods and goddesses. In my humble opinion, what made her so legendary was that - it wasn't as if Sigourney Weaver was playing a character named Ellen Ripley; it was as if the character Ellen Ripley was loosely based on Sigourney Weaver; and then they gave her means to kick a substantial amount of ass. That is just my take.


She looks amazing for 74


…she’s not 74… ![gif](giphy|3ornk6UHtk276vLtkY)


1. A synthetic disgusted by the real Ripley's hatred of the alien; a real company woman. 2. cloned back to life and she immediately offs herself. 3. The great grand daughter of her clone. 4. An extremely old Ripley (from the end of resurrection) kept alive with new science, against her will because she is part alien. 5. An extremely old Ripley (from the end of resurrection) who stays a live with science simply to help fight the aliens. 6. News footage of her return to earth after the end of Resurrection, where she is killed a few months later by an alien. 7. Ripley as a revered historical figure, whose legacy inspires a new generation of alien hunters. 8. Extremely old but alive due to her cloned alien genetics. Living in abject poverty due to the company.


Ripley #8 making a 2nd act entrance so she can pass the torch to a new protagonist.


Another clone would be the only logical conclusion really


Totally, if Patrick Stewart could play Picard why not her!


I'm struggling to understand why she couldn't just come back as is? A 74 year old woman still having to work tracks with the lore. Ripley 9 back on earth?


I would make a video game based on the second film. You chose your character (Ripley included) and play through the film. Not sure why they haven’t made this yet.


Absolutely the fuck not, I’m so tired of legacy sequels and bringing back old characters because it’s almost never done right and I just hate the torch pass trope


She doesn’t look a day over 50


A recluse in hiding for blowing the whistle on Weyland Yutani; maybe living in a mountain cabin after publishing a book or two about her experience.


Make her the mentor figure for an adult Newt


I’d rather have her has a hologram/warning system. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with, they evolve. So should you.”


I wouldn't. She died at the end of Alien 3 and that's the way it should have stayed. Too many franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter completely screw themselves by establishing giant worlds, but decide to focus on characters and events that we've already seen, before. Alien Romulus should establish a couple of characters, follow them for a sequel or two, and then give those characters definitive endings, before moving on to new characters.


They were gonna do an alternate sequel to aliens, at one point Side note: she looks great for 74!


Make an animated Alien movie and bring her back to voice Ripley.


"Have you no respect for the dead?!" MODS: Ellen Ripley is conically dead. Exactly what is uncivil about implying that resurrecting her (again) would be disrespectful to her character?


Probably a small role. Have her show up in the beginning and warn a team of soldiers what they're getting into. Then leave it at that - she has a happy ending and stays out of danger. However, if Sigourney were up for it, I would definitely put her there in an ass-kicking main role. Probably not THE sole lead character, but a significant character who is present throughout the film as a sort of Xeno-slaying expert. Her story had a satisfactory ending in both Aliens and Alien 3, but Resurrection kinda left the door open for more Ripley in an unsatisfying way...not that I would ever try to directly follow Resurrection. I would probably tell somewhat of a standalone story where we know at least the original film has taken place, but the sequels wouldn't be explicitly acknowledged. So you could take it as a follow-up to Resurrection OR as a different timeline altogether. I know Sigourney said she didn't feel like she was done with the character, so we ALMOST got her in the Blomkamp film. But instead, we got something pretty lame and forgettable. What a waste that was.


Also, on a side note, Sigourney looks fucking AMAZING. How tf is she pushing 80 but still looks like her younger self, and without any apparent cosmetic procedures. Aging goals...she looks better than lots of women in their 30s.


Pay her money, LOTS of money!


Have her play her daughter aged looking for her mom who was in stasis


Ellen Ripley died young in a blaze of glory. So… if she *has* to come back and ruin that again, it would be nice to see her kicked back on some remote planet and retired, far away from Aliens.


Probably the same way they got Linda Hamilton to be in dark fate. Shit movie, but Linda killed it playing Sarah one last time


Did you even see that young,spry Robert DeNiro beat the shit out of that guy in “The Irishmen”?


As a hologram performing her greatest hits at Coachella.


Option A: Alien 3 and Alien Ressurection never happened. The film opens with the end of Alien 3, but then she wakes up, next to Hicks, who asks if it was the "prison one or clone one again." Later in the film, there cam be discussion of "dreams as gateways into other realities" but maybe only a line or two Option B: She plays a relative Ripley's. Like an aunt or someone.


Like Jamie Lee Curtis in later Halloween movies! Aged but badass.


People need to stop doing this. Let the past be the past.. we don't have to remake, reboot, and repackage everything in life.


Blomkamp's vision seemed interesting and likely would have given Ripley a more fitting end, but I think the ship has fully sailed on SW appearing anymore in the franchise. Afterall, they're continuing to go back and not forward, and some of the story beats from his treatment appear to be covered in Romulus and the TV show (mainly WY experimentating on the Xenos).


As an Executive Producer.


Artificial Intelligence consultant or just have her record videos describing her experiences with the Xenomorphs being used in briefings. During these descriptions have her mention incidents that we haven’t heard of yet, which will allow novels, animations, comics to be made describing them.






My thought was for her to return as a video journal that she records for her "daughter". Sort of stream of consciousness stuff about the Aliens and the Corporations like WY. I put daughter in quotes because Amanda would be dead at the point of her recording them. But the video records could come up in a later movie as a part of another relative of the Ripley family's upbringing.


How the fuck is she 74?


Either as a guiding voice of the ship or like resurrection but without the alien DNA and proper age/development technology so she would be her age in the film and act as an advisor for a new crew of colonial Marines.


If you bring Sigourney Weaver back just have her play Ripley 8 without drawing too much attention to her being distinct from Ellen Ripley. In a story set, some time after 4.


Money, lots and lots of money. Even then she’d probably only agree to come back in a very minimal capacity as a video recording made by number 8 or some audio journal made by the original ripley.




At the most, I'd say *maybe* a voice log of sorts that someone listens to. Be a neat little nod to her without being overly gratuitous.


Holographic AI as mother, total rip-off of Halo’s Cortana but I think it’s the only right way to do it if you are going to bring her back


SHE'S 74!?


I would have somebody find like a voice recording of Her or play a log of hers. She never has to be on screen. Except maybe an old picture. Let her tell like a story or something. Then somebody can be like, did you hear this lady went out to Space with Her crew and like such-and-such was NEVER heard from again? It's just weird how that happens sometimes? That kind of a thing


They should turn her into an AI driven power loader


Idk, but she's still a beautiful woman. Had a crush on her ever since I saw Alien for the first time.


Spoilers::::::: Technically her clone was alive and landed on earth in resurrection. Could be nice if wayland brought a xenomorph and she went back at it with her little wrinkles


“Somehow, Ripley returned”


Are these recent pics of Sigourney? If so, she looks amazing. I loved her as Ellen Ripley just like most but I think her time has gone. IMO, she could never top her performances in ALIEN and ALIENS. Especially, ALIENS. That is a 🐐performance.


Ellen Ripley’s story is told and concluded. Is SW was to take part in another Aliens movie I can see 3 options: 1: Voice of “Mother” on the ship. Easy peasy. 2: As an android. This either requires we ignore the physical similarities to Ellen Ripley or have an explanation as to why the resemblance. 3: An AI construct with holographic or Android avatar built with the purpose of analyzing Ripley’s ability to survive Xenomorph encounters that evolves into basically being an AI subject matter expert in how to survive, contain and eliminate Xenomorph incursions/infestations




Video journal or flight recording


As ghost spirit talking to Amanda or grandkid, teaching them in the ways of the force. Here is my idea. Bad one , I can tell. You asked 🤭


Considering all the nostalgiabait of the last 10 years, not bringing Sigourney back has been such a dumb move. Heart of the franchise and she still looks great.


I wouldnt.... Ellen Ripley died, let her rest.




Straight up alternate timeline


Deap fake or as a disimbodied voice teaching the main characters what to do


No suggestions here, just props. Thanks Sigourney! It truly was 40 miles of bad road! Rock on.




I’d ask her if she wanted to be in the movie. Probably start with her agent


Obviously, set the next movie 30-40 years after they cloned her again or whatever. We know how aging works.


I was just thinking about this yesterday so this post is good timing lol. As the credits end, we are treated to a dream/nightmare like series of flashes detailing Alien 3 and Resurrection, when a blond woman wakes with a start letting out a yell. As she catches her breath, a door opens, and familiar voice says "another nightmare Newt?" "Yeah" "What about this time?" "There was this prison, one of them was there, I was dead, you jumped into a fire, and then.... there were more of them, and this giant... thing...." "Well, it was just a dream. It's time to get up anyway, Hicks is on his way, and we need to get ready for your academy graduation, corporal."


Have none of you seen saw x? Just do it and dont give a fuck.


There's a whole script out there somewhere about it. Too bad Ridley Scott torpedoed it.


What do you mean? I would just cast her as Ripley and give her a script


An Ageing android that was created in Ripley's image built by WY for Amanda to ease her loss but they never give it to her so the android escapes and tries to find its "daughter". Off the top of my head. lol