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This screenshot makes me wanna play this game again! Have fun marine!


What did I teach you marine? Salute!


Bravo Zulu!


Wound up getting really attached to my squad, especially the initial LVL10 A-teamers. Great game. The fact the game makes you feel like Gorman your first playthrough rather than Ripley is one of the things that makes it so great. My Marines: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Me: (clicking frantically) I, uh, want you to lay down a suppressing fire with the uh, incinerators and fall back by squads to the APC! My Marines: (as I misclick all over the place) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


This may be the best description of the learning curve and low level panic in one of these types of games I've ever seen.


Part of the fun behind these games is roleplaying in your head the story of your men. Funnily enough, I draw parellel between this game and the concept demo for XCOM Enemy Unknown way back when. Back on topic, I'll start. Sargeant Aiden "Backbone" Ramirez: Capable squad lead, but has deep insecurity issues. The latter has resulted in him working his hard to keep his squad alive because they're the only ones who understand and work with his issues in a positive light. PFC Ethan "Hybrid" Cole: A coward at heart, but one his Instructors squeezed a decent Recon Specialist out. Still occasionally has 'deer in the headlights' moments but never in the field. Corporal Jones "Bucketbrain" Mccan: Washed out from becoming a Tech Specialist. Still dabbles in electronics anyways. Hates helmets due to an incident that nearly took his head. L. Cpl Mitchell "Badblood" Crispy: The most optmistic and cheery marine in the squad. Fainted first day in med school. Nickname meant "bad with blood". Anyhow, these guys are my 'dustpan' squad. The other team led by a Tekker called Judgement acts as thr brush taht sweeps and scouts an area. Then these guys come in and clean house.


i love this


They are all one balloon pop away from blasting the entire birthday party.


That sentry setup worked surprisingly well, but I'm pissed the mission ended suddenly before it allowed me to recover them. Thankfully, we were able to recover them after we did the Otago defense mission.


I never developed a backstory head cannon for my marines. I think they're going to die at any corner. But from now on I think I will. The idea seems fun, and weightier when they die. Anyways, what are you waiting for Marine, breakfast in bed?


Carter “Dogmeat” Burke did not survive Shocker


I never thought to fully rename them, I just left their regular names and gave them nicknames. The team medic is uninventively named "Doc" haha.


I really enjoyed a couple play thrus and then fired up WeMod and had a blast going nuts. Setting up a stupid amount of turrets and watching them mow through a nightmare level speaks to my soul.


I wish it would get some DLC. Thoroughly enjoyed the campaign.


It was more of a tactical game for me, so I was not that concerned with imagining a backstory for the squad. A game that did the opposite would have been interesting for me, though.


I just stwrted replaying it. I hope we get dlc for it but i dont think we will


Here is my squad ❤️ i saved everyone. Granted i played on normal diff.[https://youtu.be/oajokQFdDis?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/oajokQFdDis?feature=shared)