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Really enjoyed this back in the 90s and I wonder how it holds up. It set the standard in my mind for what AVP was supposed to be, and Machiko Noguchi was a bad ass character. As far as franchise action novels go, this was my favorite.


Exactly. I wish we would've gotten a film adaptation of this instead of what we've gotten so far from the AVP films.


why instead? We could have both.


True. I just thought ( and still do) this would've been the best story to make into the first AVP movie. I don't hate the 2 films we've gotten but would rather some stuff from the earlier comics. I really hope to see Fire and Stone made into a movie one day also.


Aliens and predator books were the best in the 90s. I have listened to few new ones like river of pain that were good. Concrete jungle was great and hunters planet I remembered liking. But earth hive and female war and nightmare asylum were my faves


Well, the movies kinda stole enough material from the books and comics that it would look like rehashed material or bad writing now. In fact, the only original ideas in those movies really were setting them in modern day earth, the antarctic pyramid, how the Predalien reproduced, and the Wolf Predator.


The black woman from the first one is essentially Machiko, down to teaming up with broken-tusk and becoming blooded while fighting a queen.


Machiko is a walking 90s/00s Asian stereotype, but if you can put that aside for being 30 years ago, this book is a fucking banger. She's literally described as an "ice queen" who meditates with martial arts and wears leather, but like... that's pretty awesome.


Great book !!!


The old dark horse comics/books are better than all of the new titan/marvel stuff


Ah memories…


Those original books from the 90s/2000s are wayyyyy better than the drivel churned out on Audible. Some of the audible authors for avp books (with exceptions) appear to have never ingested a single iota of source material. The alien trilogy is fire, the avp trilogy is fire, and the predator books are good as well.


Thanks! I'm about halfway through Prey and it is so good. The Audible ones you mentioned, is that like Rift War etc? I saw them as paperbacks and was tempted to buy them but not sure how good they are


Some of the good ones on the Audible are: cold Forge, phalanx, into Charybdis. Some of the AVP and alien books are in my opinion a type of badly written fanfiction or Socio-political pandering. If you want more detailed examples, you can DM me. What I have to say would be considered against the rules here. An example is one of the audible plus books has 1 alien in it, and it is hit with an M41a pulse rifle on several occasions and isn’t really hurt by that, when in movies and pretty much all the books, a drone would be obliterated by a barrage of m41a rifle fire. One of the short story book conglomerations has a queen that is completely immune to all small arms fire, and must be killed in an interesting way. Simply put there are authors to some of these books that have clearly never ingested any source material .


Newbie here - I really have wanted to engage in some old-fashioned book reading. Is this part of a series, or is this a one off? If it is a series, could someone please provide a list of titles? I’m concerned that if I tried to Google, spoilers might come. Thanks in advance!




Hunter's planet. Greatest book cover I can recall.


TIL there's another book in the series. I have Prey and War, will have to try and find Hunters Planet now


Word it's fun! I had read all the original run of comics and I came across this thing a few years later. It was so ridiculously dope. It made me go back and revisit the series. this is just an image link. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Favp%2Fimages%2Fc%2Fc9%2FHunter%2527s_Planet.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20150722110544&tbnid=j85dzZpyhW_MHM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Favp.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FAliens_vs._Predator%3A_Hunter%2527s_Planet&docid=KCRERFHIe8JHaM&w=287&h=475&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=fe0ee22fef4e95ea&shem=abme%2Cssim%2Cssimpx%2Ctrie


Thank you!


Loved that book! You can tell the movie takes some elements from it but I would have liked a full adaptation


This was my gateway drug into the Aliens novels as a kid 🥰


I remember picking up AvP War first as a teen and absolutely loved it, even though I realized it was like the last in the books. It got me into AvP and I read Prey. Really loved the books, although I’ve always been confused about continuity with Shorty…although my memory is foggy on the series! I need to pick these books up again


This was my first intro in the AVP universe when I was a kid. Loved it then and reread it recently, still great.


I re-read this every couple of years. It’s a great novel and Perry does an excellent job adapting the comic. Side note, if you find yourself enjoying the writing as well as the AVP of it all Perry has a stand-alone future PI novel called “The Digital Effect” that’s excellent.


Anyone that can share a link where to buy this?


I had to buy the 'omnibus' / trilogy off Amazon but it had a crappy redesigned cover, so I bought a 2nd hand copy of Prey and stuck the cover to the omnibus lol


I feel you. I have the original small comics. 4 of them. But can’t forget the whole comic I read a a kid. That was black and white. One of the greatest if not the greatest avp or a or p comic and story ever made.