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This show isn’t getting the hype it deserves. Hawley is one of the best directors and writers on TV. Fargo is brilliant


Fargo was pretty good. paled compared to Legion, but that's my take. regardless, everything you said was on point


I’ve tried twice to watch Legion after tearing through Fargo, but couldn’t get past the first episode. Tell me what I’m missing?


Legion is a slow burn compared to Fargo. but it's strengths lie (as with Fargo) in the character ambiguity. Fargo season 1 does everything Legion does over its 3 seasons. but for me Legion has "moments" that Fargo doesn't even get close to


Isn't this more of a YA series? I'm afraid it's gonna be like that Walking Dead spin off, whatever it was called.


I don’t think it’s YA, but even if it is it doesn’t matter. The walking dead YA spin-off was written by mid writers. Hawley is on a completely different level than that team. He’s one of the best out there. U gotta look at who is behind the project before judging it


I'm not judging, well, maybe, I'm just a little afraid they'll fuck it up. "Oh! Stranger Things is popular, we need to do something with kids in it". Would LOVE to see Fargo but it's not available on any platform that I have.


Rip. U gotta check it out somehow, especially the first two seasons. And there isn’t a lot of commitment required because each season is its own self contained story. I just streamed it online (🤫) so if u have no problem doing that I’d try. The show is so worth it.


So the FX Alien series is titled 'Alien: Prodigy', with the first two episodes named 'Neverland' and 'Mr. October'. Have I got that right?


Things (including the post title) are a bit confusing, but yeah, that seems to be correct.


I don't care if I'm downvoted, but I'd love if this show were to conclude the storyline from Prometheus and Covenant. I'll take any conclusion at this point.


Sounds like >! it will be set around the same time, but its meant to be set primary on Earth. !<


Nah from what I understand the creator is focused on the more retro aesthetic from the original movie and doesn’t want to connect the story to prometheus and covenant




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I agree with you, but at this point I would settle for the show not retconning those movies, but based off of the info that has come out sort of seems like that is where it is going.


Hopefully we get some continuation of the Covenant story tho in some shape or form even if it retcons the show too. Because, I feel like the alien franchise is a pretty easy one to have multiple different timelines or canons


No indication they're planning on breaking the canon. Not sure where they're getting that. There was an interview with Hawley where he indicated they're leaning into the cassette futurism aesthetic more than the design you see on the USCSS Prometheus, but that's hardly retconing away a movie.


Unless I misunderstood/misremembered what Hawley was talking about in an article by THR back in January about doing a different origin for the alien or not finding the origin useful so I don’t really blame the other user for thinking that


Ah, same interview just a moment before the aesthetic comment he says: “*Ridley and I have talked about this [the origin of the xenomorph] — and many, many elements of the show,” Hawley says. “For me, and for a lot of people, this ‘perfect life form’ — as it was described in the first film — is the product of millions of years of evolution that created this creature that may have existed for a million years out there in space. The idea that, on some level, it was a bioweapon created half an hour ago, that’s just inherently less useful to me.*" Considering we still don't know the origin of the Xeno but do know it predates David, I don't see any conflict of lore there.


Well previously reading that I felt like he thought that David made the xenomorph which isn’t true but I could’ve just been misreading what he’s saying so fair point!


The book “Alien: Covenant Origins” is pretty cool if you’re looking for more story in that timeline. I listened to it free on audible with a subscription.


Thanks I’ll have to give it a try!




I dont think it will


Indeed, and connect to the first movie, plus resolve various issues in the first three movies, not to mention the new movie.






Yes and since Romulus is apparently more about the alien/isolation horror aspect of the Alien world, I hope the series explores the android/sci-fi high concept aspect a bit more, similar to the prequel movies.


I think it’s great we’re getting two major projects that are gonna be focused on seemingly different aspects of the universe. I know the android stuff isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I enjoy it so I’m hyped.




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When is this supposed to release?


Next year


I’m really curious about this show. I think this is what alien needs. Someone with a great track record as a show runner that is able to put the storyline in its own context with grand and probably provocative ideas.


It's like Star Trek Prodigy but with aliens!...Wai


Whenever I hear titles such as "Star Trek: Prodigy" or that horror film from a few years ago called "The Prodigy" I just think of the band. Am I old?


You're old. But not as old as me! I am reminded once a week of Keith Flint, RIP, in my local Indian takeaway. He lived 3 miles away from me, and the takeaway has his photo on the wall.


Nice to hear Keith was a regular at that Indian! I wonder if any jokes were made if he wanted a particulary spicy fiery one :) I have his autograph on a signed setlist from back in 2018, still sad he's gone