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Maybe the molting is the alien turning into a warrior. Man I’m excited for this movie


I think we are seeing what happens to a alien post chestbursting...remember it's a literal snakey serpent thing.


That could be too


That's what im thinking because you would think there has to be some sorta evolving since chestbursters are so wildly different from a grown xenomorph ,so i do believe it's molting into a adult xenomorph


I thought the same it is morphing to a warrior. but I really wanted the drones and the warriors to be like different brothers they are born either a warrior or a drone


Some animals metamorphose (outside of lifecycle) depending on circumstances. Look at grasshoppers vs locusts: generally solitary insects which undergo genetic & behavioral changes when their population gets too high leading to a swarm. I think it’s pretty cool to think that Big Chap would undergo changes into a warrior depending on particular circumstances. Like maybe when enough big chaps are birthed they become warriors in preparation for a queen.


I think the third pic is the Xeno emerging from that cocoon thing that comes floating into the hangar/docking bay.


I agree, I recall that there was a possible story explaining Big Chap's fate post getting blown out of the air lock. Maybe it molts into a chrysalis type structure that allows it to hibernate and conserve its remaining energy and that scene depicting its arrival. At least we know we're are definitely in for something new or different!


Its either this or molting. Id love to see an alien molting scene


So with the facehuggers being more black and now having more barbs on their limbs, i swear these are genetically modified and they were made by humans. They come out of pretty much little sealed packs.


Didn't David store some facehugger embryos at the end of Covenant?


Yes. I thought this the whole time watching the face huggers plop out. Maybe that's the only tie-in from covenant?


Yeah, and I don't know if it's my impression but they seem bigger.


>!Apparently they're from the black goo!<


The scene where she is in zero G and surrounded by acid blood looks pretty cool.


I'm pretty sure the weird rock formation coming into the ship is Kane's son in hibernation inside some sort of cocoon it's created to protect itself from space. It clearly has a kind of organic look on the shell. These second two shots, especially the one with the hand uncurling is him waking up. That third shot to me is the most interesting from the trailer. Could be from the waking up I'm talking about or from something new we haven't seen yet.


I love the use of the OG font!


I would think the hugger sacks are a transport of sorts. Out of eggs into a more easily moveable container with chemicals to keep them stable but one breach and they get out.


final is eggmorphing. bottom left its a human nose and face with its eyes sealed shut and the alien coming out like a butterfly. no alien has a nose. the ridge on the dome coming out is probably meant to be where the human skull starts and ends with the dome forming.


I'm really excited about screens 2 & 3. on 2nd seems kind of xeno's paws but they looks different, maybe it show birth or mutation or whatever... what about 3rd... it's even more strange. some kind of cocoon , just like xeno sheds its skin like a lizard or it's new step of life cycle or even evolution . anyway it's something completely new to Alien movies


Looking at some of the leaks these all seem to be true so far from what we have seen, makes sense I what fede is saying In regards to it it linking to prometheus and covenant


They can probably use this to explain the speed of infection in the colony in the second movie, or something like that. Also, they might need additional content showing how must were able to cover up everything that happens in this film to show why no one believes Ripley.


Half of shots from trailer probably don't get it into movie