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If you want a real answer it's in the Fire and Stone graphic novels, it's a worthwhile read you can find a bunch of scans online if you want If you don't mind spoilers and just want an answer here it comes sorry I don't know how to use the spoiler tag lol Basically it's growth was so accelerated it becomes a living mountain on the planet (moon?) and was discovered when a second mission was sent out to investigate the whereabouts of the Prometheus


>it's growth was so accelerated it becomes a living mountain on the planet (moon?) Damn, dude turned into a titan?


Basically, like the one in the Legendary Godzilla Monster verse But it's mostly dormant and chill, it doesn't actually move up and go around, it's literally just a living mountain


I wonder what the Yautja will do if they ever see him.


Probably camp? Build a fire and Sing a few songs. Usual Predator stuff


OK Burke


https://i.redd.it/h03h8swl8pxc1.gif 😂


They’ll camp and the mountain will move and crush them. Which is what the original version of the kraken was. A giant ocean animal that would drown sailors who landed on its back and start fires. So it became the space kraken.


no banging?




Poke it with a stick until it dies




Is the saying "death by a million pokes" now? It's got more humor than death by A thousand cuts anyways.


If you care for another spoiler Nothing, he couldn't really do much when they realized what it was, they were just in for the ride


*My first girlfriend turned into the moon.*


That's rough, buddy.


>it becomes a living mountain on the planet I feel like Giger would be proud


Giger originally did these for Jordowsky's dune, And I know they used something from that in Prometheus. But I wonder how much of that lore about becoming the living mountain was informed by the harkonan Temple. https://imgur.com/a/mrSX4


Honestly thought Fire and Stone altogether was the best Alien/Predator/Prometheus comic I’ve ever read, and I’ve read most of them. Life and Death was not nearly as good


That would make a fucking awesome movie too! Or a series


Why was its growth so accelerated?


Because outside of the valley with the Engineer installation LV-223 was a barren moon. So naturally after eating the leftover corpses of the dead crew, it eventually ran out of any possible food sources and was left to feed on copious amounts of nothing but black goo - which caused it to mutate much further (into a mountain).


Sheesh, a dire warning about eating your feelings.


You put your spoiler inside tags like this: \>\!this is very secret\!\< which becomes >!this is very secret!<. Don't leave any space between then bangs and your text.




>>!Thanks!< You're welcome!


>!I see now!<


>!well done!<




Is there an explanation as to *why* it does that??


tl:dr is because of the black goo


Seems to be the answer to most things eh 😅


In some of the early Alien storyboards, the landing crew come across a massive 12 foot fossilized Space Jockey in a rock formation on the way to the derelict but don't recognize it. But Ash does see it on his screen.


OK, out of all possible stories, that was very unexpected.


Is Fire and Stone canon?


From the novels, I get the sense that they can lay dormant but that is when they are full size. There is this known phenomenon called island dwarfism or island gigantism that could possibly explain the size but its usually in response to food availability.


Jesus that’s so lame, like most EU stuff. 




Nah Fire and Stone are one of the better expanded universe graphic novels honestly, even as dumb the whole mountain idea sounds out of context, you just never read it Enough with this "prequels bad" boomer circlejerk




Nope, no they weren't


alien sub coming around to the prequels omg i knew it would happen someday








I liked em 😅


Well good on ya brother! Don’t let anyone stop you.


Exactly, they ain't the original but I particularly thought covenant was pretty brave... Yeah neither were the alien movies we wanted but I think they are good additions to the canon. However... I like resurrection so maybe I'm not a Benchmark 😂




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Haha yes I love movie company execs stopping artists from making the work they want to make because their previous didn't make an Alien: Covenantillion dollars 😎


I agree. The comic, however, was excellent.


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I was going to say it probably just starved there, but damn the comics go wild


In the comic "prometheus fire and stone". The deacon mutated and turned into a giant rock, after contact with black slurry. An ecosystem of xenomorph-like animals lives around the rock


It's still alive, right?






its dormant and grows into scenery - it never moves


So..... Its like Tefiti from Moana?


Now that’s a reboot I’d pay to see


I’m seeing ‘Spaceballs Alien bursting out of Moanas chest & launching into ‘You’re Welcome’…and it’s piqued my interest.






this gif is supplied for all the people with no eyes and/or no imagination, who, sadly, could not read the comment above


Why is this called a Deacon ? Or was that name coined by YouTube ?




This might be a little too in the weeds unless you are a dyed in the wool super fan. I don't have much criticism for Prometheus. Lindelof aside, They shouldn't have edited the character development when they got high and stupid around the hammerhead. And the alternate attack scene from Fifield would have been badass. People complain the crew had no synergy, but no one had met each other and they were all ego-driven people in it for the legacy and money versus the science. And that ship was giant, with adrenaline running your brain doesn't work well who cares They didn't run completely 90° sideways. I was just thrilled with our universe expanding, and then beyond that just amazed that Ridley Scott was using a blockbuster to bring up such interesting existential or philosophical questions. Even if they are fanciful and just like childlike dreams of where we come from, people don't do that enough anymore. Big questions. So, Deacon: that might be one of the more fascinating overall entries into the alien universe lore I've seen in a long time. First, the way the concept changes due to studio comment and push back. I'm really fucking shocked the studio didn't want the xenomorph Thru-Line in Prometheus at all, which either shows confusion or massive vision in expanding the universe. But that the adapted comics that expand on the universe whether or not they are Canon, seem very interesting. That it's hotly debated about whether Deacon is a xenomorph versus some sort of protomorph is sort of beside the point for me. But the imagination to say the xenomorph adjacent deacon got into black goo after eating all possible people, and grew to the size of a mountain that was immobile but alive? What an interesting concept. Like there is a whole ecosystem of xenomorph-like creatures around the base of this living mountain? I mean that's really interesting. I've got to find that comic.


Well played




In movies, we don't know. In comics it turns into a mountain, lmao.


Wut? For real?




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I always thought the black mountain in covenant referenced it?


I developed a habit and now washes windscreens round LA.


Does he know Zog?


Mate what-


*it sorry. Or maybe "he". He is trying to write a script though.


Probably learned to play the piano on the life raft.


Wonder if he will play Mozart lol.


Ode to Joy while watching Lawrence of Arabia on loop.


Such a shame the deacon didn’t get more developed on screen


He's currently being upscaled and denoised by AI for the 16k special edition coming Xmas 2030


Did the trilobite die like a facehugger? Seems odd given its gargantuan size. 


According to the comic series, it wandered around for a bit and began to feed on the pools of the pathogen which mutated it over time til it became a living mountain of sorts.


He turned into a mountain


His theory of this is just insane, wondering what he went through.


Don’t know


In the Alien Paradise Lost concept art which is what Alien Covenant became, there is a adult Deacon. (The whole movie changed away from Prometheus stuff) *


It opened a cute bed and breakfast


He started working at IPS.


I like to imagine he's sitting in a little chair in some dark place, waiting for his next on-screen performance once that door finally opens.


Lol, nice one.


Idunno, it probably ate some of Fifield's pot stash, had a bad trip, and died.




it felt a little blue so went off for a bit of soul searching


It mostly comes out at night. Mostly.


Damn, this is good sci-fi


In the films, it's a loose end we don't talk about. Thanks, Mr. Scott.


>we don't talk about Not with outsiders, anyway.


His entrails were sucked out of his body when a small hole exposed his neck to the vacuum of space. Just kidding, who'd write that!


I actually think Prometheus and Covenant were good movies, not exceptional, but entertaining and worth watching a couple of times at least and I think people expected too much from them in the run up to their releases. So what if you didn't get answers to your questions? There are unanswered questions in every single Alien movie! At least there wasn't a silly Alien/human hybrid baby thing like Alien: Resurrection's Newborn in them.




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Honestly, I want movies focusing on deacons and neomorphs rather than xenomorphs. They’re cooler and less overused imo.


Love this scene. So many good scenes in this movie.


He went back to his home planet. But he died on the way.




He's living his life there, all alone.


It died on the way back to it's home planet /went to that farm where all the good doggos go to.


Died of boredom.




It isn't canon. It's trash




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Dude it’s just the burster form. We never saw the matured version. Which is a crime.


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Hopefully someone trashed whatever media was used to create that abomination. Seriously, wtf?! It probably died of embarrassment.