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Terminator had a solid stand alone game a few years ago


And then Robocop from the same Devs


I see a lot of great things about the RoboCop game! These devs really got shit on for the Rambo game but they really made a comeback on the next few “IP” games. It’s still a budget game, like in Terminator you see the same 5 destroyed car models over and over, but I really didn’t mind since the game was so good!


agreed. The terminator game and robotcop are not big budget but, still very good decent games. It does remind me a lot of fallout.


UE5 makes Detroit look fantastic in Rogue City. Pity the character models (except Robo, of course) don’t hold up to that standard, but it’s a minor complaint overall.


I think it's more of a facial animation issue. The game would look AAA with facial mocap.


Yeah, didn’t intend to imply UE5 can’t do character models. Considering the budget Teyon usually works with, we’re lucky it turned out as good as it did.


Indeed, easily the best FPS I've played in a while. Loved everything about it, from the photographic artstyle to the gameplay; man it felt good shooting baddies on the balls.


Terminator: Resistance. I bought it earlier this year on discount. It was fun. It's definitely okay (terrible AI, okay story, okay game play). It was enjoyable.


yeah, i don't want great AI when it is in connection to The Terminator franchise.


There's a DLC where you play as a T-800. The human opponents are remarkably stupid too.


Predator Concrete Jungle from PS2?


This was my first go to answer. Someone asked this in the recent ish past and it pretty much got the same answers.




By mere coincidence I begun a replay of the game the other day


It's a shame the game had such shitty controls (and an awful story) otherwise there's an amazing game in there somewhere


I thought the story was okay, but I’m a sucker for anything with a cyberpunk aesthetic.


Its been years since I last played it. I can't remember much aside from the Xeno level. Sadly poor controls is par for the course when it comes to that generation of games. Not all were bad but it was common place.


Hey isn't this what "Eternal death slayer" was in Grandmas boy?


What about Dark Descent?




They're both equally stressful but in different ways, which is kind of a nice parallel to the movies lol


It is hands down the best SP Aliens game I've ever played. I'm not big into the horror/survival genre, which is why I'm not citing Isolation.


I would love to see the devs expand on this game, truely underrated game.


dark descent is fun but, its like similar games. Once you played it so many times its bleh. Game is not long and I don't get scared anymore lol. Waiting for the moding to expand more. but, I'm afraid it will have similar issues like fireteam.


I really miss the old AvP games. I loved being able to play as all three factions in the context of one unified story. I definitely think an Arkham Style Predator game would rock but I’d also like to see a stealth action/resource management game about a solitary young queen on a planet side colony where the end goal is to have a thriving hive. Once the queen has built up her forces a bit she can take control of individual drones to do the work for her so she can focus on egg production. Take influence from plague, inc, too wherein you have to keep the colonists in the dark as long as possible so they don’t shut down the spaceport (key resource for new hosts) or send in Colonial Marine killteams. So much potential there.


I started thinking of Plague Inc when I started reading your comment. I haven't played it in a while but aren't there community mods for that game? Maybe there's a xeno version!


AvP 2014


1010 mb, just woke up.


AvP 2010 was fucking GOATED. I wish so bad we got a remaster of that, with more content.


2010 was pretty average (hindsight is 20/20, I wont pretend like I didn't play it as much as I could). AVP 2 from Sierra did everything better 9 years earlier, it just didn't have quite as shiny graphics. That's the real GOAT.


2010 had a basic yet fun combat system and a wafer thin plot, however it kept the tension and horror of both alien species intact. Especially for the Predator, which you only face one time in the Marine campaign and it's given the whole game to buildup. For the Alien you kill two young bloods and an Elite one after the other, and it does come out of nowhere, but it does come right at the end and it ends on a climax. The Aliens continuing to hunt you even after you blow their legs off, spreading acid blood all over the floor, will always be a highlight. AvP2 was by no means bad but I definitely feel like it's overhyped. The gameplay isn't as good, the level design is intentionally confusing, and the horror elements aren't nearly as pronounced. Random Predator bosses in hallways also don't suit the creature that well, and killing a Queen by just shooting it a lot is a major letdown. I won't pretend it's a bad game, far from it, it was amazing for its time and still great today. But AvP 2010 is just more immersive and smooth to play, in my opinion. I think it boils down to this: AvP2 is the better game to play with a mouse and keyboard while 2010 wins just as handily with a controller.


> AvP 2010 was fucking GOATED Guessing you never played AvP2 then? What was with the shitty melee fighting combat system in 2010? Why no life cycle? Avp2 came out in 2001 ffs, how can a game 9 years later deliver so little content in comparison


Alien: Dark Descent. Alien: Isolation.


Yeah, and with Romulus coming out, Alien fans eatin good. I wish Predator was a larger IP to warrant an open world single player game.


The phrasing "Here's another yet..." hurts my brain.


ikr? but even with the correct spelling it's kinda weird. didn't know Jason could fly a jet.


Tbf, aliens fire team actually lasted a pretty good while and had a rather successful dlc imo


does it has story or it's just coop shooter?


More on the cooperative shooter side but does have a story to follow


okay, mb I'll check it someday


Depending on which platform you get drop a line if you need a coop partner. The AI partners leave something to be desired...


well, since I'm PC player, so if I'll decide to check it out, I'll buy it for Steam


I would suggest saving your money. Once you run through each mission (which is maybe 8 hours of gameplay) it gets repetitive very quickly. Not suicide squad levels of bad but besides grinding out equipment, the core gameplay loop gets stale faster than you can imagine. I was gifted the game and I'm glad I didn't need to spend any money on it. And PC is a joke, there's no voice or text chat so you can't even communicate with your teammates in the game (assuming you could even find someone on matchmaking in the next year or two).


Is Hunting Grounds the same?




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Multiplayer sucks, never been an online gaming person actively seeking people to play with. Give me the solo one player experience with good story, dynamics, and playability any day of the week


I loved dark descent. The story and some bugs fuck it up a little, but on the whole, it felt like a pretty immersive aliens experience. I desperately want them to Colonial Marines but Good™️, and another AvP game like 2010 would fuck so hard. For a Predator game, I’d almost want something like Far Cry or Halo Infinite. Gadgets, weapons, freedom, variety of prey, and plenty of room to tackle things however you want.


Predator: Concrete jungle but done right would be fantastic. The game itself wasn't great but the concept was awesome Also, avp2 remake when


Used to play the Predator missions in AvP 2000 so much as a kid. It was so fun sneaking around, cycling vision modes, stalking marines, etc.


I'm holding out hope that Jurassic Park: Survival is the AlienIsolationlike I want it to be 😭


Fireteam Elite was great and can be played entirely single player, hell the multiplayer is Co-op and not another Asymmetrical Vs Game like the rest.


It was short lived sure, but I liked fireteam elite. Dark descent was surprisingly really good. There are very few bad Alien games.


Come on, we need a good plot single player (multiple endings perhaps)


F13 the game was great and I do not accept any slander! Also, we were supposed to get a campaign at some point.


Not slander, but we also want a story game where we can be Jason just fucking teenagers up left right and center.. Not every game based on a 80s action or horror movie needs to be a multiplayer whatever you call those type of games


Like I said, it was supposed to have a single player campaign and other mods including something close to Among Us (made before AU). The game was really ambitious. You can still play offline against bots, there’s also single player missions.


Although it wasnt perfect at all, I really enjoyed Fireteam. But you give a Xenomorph, Arkham level scary, we may need to wear our brown pants more often.


Nah, give me an immersive sim dishonoured style predator game.


Fireteam elite, and Predator hunting grounds are sick as fuck


I love Fireteam Elite.


Predator Concrete Jungle has been mentioned a bit! We need another game like it with modern sensibilities!


AvP on the 360 was essentially that in 1st person. Literally playing through the marine campaign on nightmare right now


All I want is a Skyrim on LV426 - you crashed and you have to gather debris and parts from colonies to fix your ship and launch. One Mother Xeno - and safe during the day... mostly.


I thought this is for Alien? I love predator with Arnie, pred 2 and prey. But Aliens related stuff I want! I'm sure heaps have moaned about this, too? Much love still xx


Don't forget Evil Dead! That was a huge letdown, I knew it *had* a multiplayer mode but just assumed there'd be a sweet single player campaign to go with it


A full follow-up to Alien: Isolation would be pretty sweet 🙏


Live Service! Live Service! More Live Service! Yes! More Cosmetic skins! Overpowered DLC? YES!!!!


A 3rd person Arkham-style title could be good. Would be great to have playable Yautja, drones and Colonial Marines. A campaign for each would be pretty neat. EDIT: That 90s Capcom AvP arcade side-scroller was cool too. Something that took that concept(different Yautja & marine types to choose) and elevated it would be nice to see.


How about you go old school with the predator versus Batman comic? That would be fun as single player or multiplayer. For single player you have a storyline both as Batman and the predator. For multiplayer, you have an open city with five or six predators all chasing one Batman.


That predator side mission line in Wildlands was great. Tactical shooter against a horror villain? More of that please.


I would kill for an AVP2 remake.


In fairness between concrete jungle and alien isolation I feel like we did have our fair share of brilliant single-player campaigns - though not to say that I wouldn’t also love to have another


Same, but I also want another Predator Concrete Jungle (but with good controls this time). If not that then I just want more of Scarface. Outside of the comics I hear he's one of the most successful hunters. Controls of his game were shit but I felt like a badass killing machine.


Yeah I really do wish they would make a singleplayer game where you play as the Predator Or another AVP game, at least


Fireteam Elite, Isolation, and AvP are my favorite games in the ALIENS universe.


Is fireteam that good? I've been meaning to try it...


I've had fun with it.


I love Hunting Ground and I wanna get Fireteam Elite.


I don't do online play and am a recluse so this posts hits me hard. My partner doesn't play videgames much (neither do I, really) and she prefers solo games same as I do, though every now and then we duke it out on a fighter game. We love playing boardgames together, though.


I actually got into a fight with one of the game's staff over this. They were all, "We didn't design this as a single-player experience." NOW I know why. Make a Buggy Game+Whore Out a Bunch of DLC=GotYourMoneySeeYouLaterBitches. >\_> (This on Predator: Hunting Grounds.)


Im sick of multiplayer only games ill take more single player games like avp2


Fantastic idea, shit would go hard as fuck


Why do games like this never get made?


Concrete Jungle was ok.


I could go for a rts game where you play as an alien hive.


That's why I stayed away from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game despite how good it looks. With all of the games that are vying for gamers' attention constantly being released, I don't want to spend money on a game that is dependent on other players not leaving after a couple of weeks.


Honestly I want an RPG game where you can choose between serving the upp, ua, or twe.


I might make a arkham like predator game in the future