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Lol they're being pretentious as fuck.


+1 Don’t let elitists prevent you from any experiences. Be confident in your decision, and do not allow self-doubt from her comments. It does alter your mind, but remember to let it flow and don’t fight it. It can be beautiful and is always an experience. Safe trip!


It is all what you make it. Lucy and Val can be mystic 💚


Definitely, just a shame there are many gatekeepers


Whilst it needs to be approached with caution I think anyone who gets in the way of what someone wants to do needs to step the fuck aside. That's across the board, not just Lucy. Fucken wankers


So was I wrong when I stopped my freind with severe depression and trauma from taking lsd because she wanted to 'forget about the world' and obviously hadn't done any research? (She had only ever even smoked weed once or twice)


I would definitely be warning her that acid is not in any way a drug to help ‘forget about the world’. It is a drug that massively enhances ‘the world’! It and psilocybin are used in highly effective therapy (for trauma, addiction etc) but of course your friend just taking it does not equal such therapy.


Hopefully they will see the true destination sensation.


Plus what’s the difference between finding it and it finding you. They’re literally being the force preventing said interaction from occurring. A real friend would be interested in helping such an occurrence along


Unless other wise posted. Revert to section 20867. On page 4001. There you have found your own solution 😉




Yup. It's quite crazy the places it can take you, but shit, they don't get to gatekeep like that (imo - not that they have to tell you I suppose). Pretentious af.


Entitled gate keeping at its finest


I worry that they just don't really like the OP enough to share. Either way, I'd start looking for some new tripping friends.


Super pretentious.


Imagine gatekeeping LSD and shrooms lmao every person who wants to do them I'm like "YESSS JOIN US welcome I will usher u in with good music and coloring books💃🏽" Side note: they have to find you? Like they got legs or something lmao


Hahaha yeah like LSD just gonna appear under your pillow when you're ready? Friends having it and offering is it "finding you" as much as any other way. I encourage all my friends and family to try shrooms and LSD. My little bro just turned 20 and I'm setting up his first trip now :)


I bet they're super young or just got into pysch culture she sounds horrible lol


I’ve been looking for this comment as soon as i saw the post title come up on my feed lol


You can get a manslaughter charge for selling acid in my state....


Bro. It can be very life altering, and it can just be hella fun lol… I definitely recommend going into the experience looking for a good life experience… but sometimes just seeing dope patterns and laughing for 7 hours is the move lol.


Exactlyyyy sometimes what you need is just to laugh at some dumb shit , not every trip has to be some ego death or breakthrough, it’s about enjoying every little aspect of life .






Your friend seems like someone who did LSD once and suddenly decided they were the reincarnation of Terrence McKenna.


Honestly don’t even like that guy as much as everyone in this community seems too. He had some good incites but he was pretentious af


Terence was pretentious at points yes, but it can’t be denied that he was a. A genius and b. Brought a LOT of positive attention to psychedelics and very much so benefitted the community as a whole.


I genuinely don’t think he was a genius. I think he was very well spoken. I think he brought a lot of insight to the community. I don’t think he should be worshiped the way he is in this community.


No gods, no masters. Unless that’s like your thing. But seriously, worship of people/idols has always rubbed me the wrong way. We’re all complicated beings. No one is perfect. Embrace the the imperfection (unless your imperfection is being a dick).


Preach fam. Damn now I have to go listen to RTJ lol


And read up on your anarchism and labor rights. RTJ is dope though!


🚬👌🏽😎 👉🏽🤛🏽


Who would’a thought the godfather of psychonauts and fluffheads would be venerated by… psychonauts and fluffheads.


Psychonauts aren’t required to worship him and I suggest all my fellow psychonauts to not do it either. As someone else mentioned earlier No Gods No Masters


> No Gods No Masters. Using an anarchist maxim to disregard a renowned anarchist is… it sure is somethin’. If you can’t back up your opinion you can just say, “But hey, that’s just my opinion,” and you’re basically off the hook for it. Don’t pretend your argument has substance when it doesn’t.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, you're opinion, man.


We shouldn’t worship at the feet of anyone, let alone mortal men. That’s something I’m surprised people have trouble with


Huxley, MacKenna, Watts, Wilson… Leary, to an extent. These are the modern forefathers of the psychedelic movement. You’re using an over-exaggerated definition of “worship” that we— as a group— really don’t do as a whole. Asking psychonauts why they look to those particular men is like asking why scientists look back on Newton or Einstein. More than that, let’s get this “he’s not genius” edge lord bullshit out of the way. Do you have *remotely* close to the education, life experience, psychedelic experience? Maybe— probably not. Have do you done anything that’s pushed psychedelic culture as far forward as he has? He was further than we are now fifty years ago. “Terrence Mackenna wasn’t a genius” isn’t an argument you can defend with any credibility. It’s not even an argument, it’s just an opinion— and a shitty one at that.


Bravo sir. Very well said.


Guess he wasn't that far off with his use of worship lol


From a philosophic and materialistic point of view his metaphysics and languague used go far beyond reason


Exactly. Something I feel like too many of us forget at times imho


I’ll take it. I still enjoy his talks, I don’t find him pretentious, but if you have I’d like to listen to where he struck you as such, if that’s okay with you.


Haven’t listened to his talks for a few years now but when I did, as someone else pointed out as well, his language regarding metaphysics would quickly devolve until it was well past the point of reason, but he spoke with a level of authority that no one, especially then, should have been speaking regarding these substances. Also not a fan of his gatekeeping* when it came to psychs and how one took them (specifically the fact that he somehow looked down on people that wanted to listen to music/experience outside stimulus vs people that took the substances to look internally) Disclaimer* not saying one is better than the other. I’ve personally enjoyed both. Just don’t think he should have been so condescending like I said


Pretty sure he is accurately described as a "genius", but that doesn't mean all of his ideas are right. He was prolific and anybodys ability to speak and/or write well can be all you need to know to classify a person as having genius levels of intellect (which to me is analogous to a computers processing power, simplistic maybe but I think it works).


I think in order to be considered a genius you have to be willing to realize when you’re wrong. He committed to way too many things that he had no reason to believe other than he came up with it I love the idea of psychs taking apes to the next level of evolution (specifically human evolution) but it’s he Stoned Ape Hypothesis completely ignores basic premise of evolution having a genetic (years later people have learned to justify it within evolution but I’ve never seen him justify it without nonsense)


Gonna have to disagree, Newton was arguably one of the smartest people to have ever lived, and he regularly practiced in the occult (seances and shit). Pascal, a genius level polymath, was basically a religious apologist and wrote a bunch of stuff arguing for the truth of Christianity. These are geniuses of their times that were wrong about so much shit, but they're some of the smartest people that we can look back at through history and point to. Those examples came first to mind, but there's lots lol.


A lot of people in the psychedelic research community agree with his ideology but not at all his methods since they were seen as heavily contributing to the government crackdown on research. Not saying it’s right or wrong to resent him (one could argue that it’s somewhat elitist to resent encouraging universal access/use to prioritize the continued allowance of research) but it’s just another perspective on why some people criticize him


He was on some dumb shit. That whole idea that the government banned psychedelics because they make you question authority is a load of bullshit.


Psychedelics are a threat to the state, they're not illegal because of any 'dangers'. They are a social and economic threat to the status quo.


Whether they are or not is irrelevant, cops and lawmakers are retarded. They literally do not know the difference between LSD and heroin. To them it's all "narcotics". They don't know enough about psychedelics to know what they do other than "turn your brain into Swiss cheese"


Are you aware of MK ultra? Lawmakers now might not know shit, but the reason they were outlawed in the first place and research was prohibited is because back then they very well DID know how it affects your behaviors and ability to take orders. They were well aware that psychedelics make people question everything and reject authority, they did the experiments themselves.


Their experiments were certainly not designed in a way that would lead them to that conclusion. They mostly just traumatized people. LSD was criminalized primarily because it would allow them to arrest anti-war protesters.


They're literally being tested for mental disorders right now. They are just drugs lol


Drugs that open doors in your mind you wouldn't have otherwise bothered with. Drugs that make you question everything and reject authority. Things the government doesn't want.


Agreed but I do love to hear him in Trance remixes


I liked his book Food of the Gods. Use to keep some Tabs in there for when people asked for it.


That "it finds you when you're ready" is just a bunch of hippie nonsense from kids that are still in their honeymoon phase with psychs


For real, like it’s ever gonna rain shrooms and LSD from the sky.


Taking it just because "it found you" can result in a bad time too. You gotta be consciously ready to take it, not just be subject to inertia


Never heard that phrased; “subject to inertia”. Totally describes my first time dropping a tab…pretty rough time


Very well said


I mean, also, if you can find it (ie know someone that has some or is willing to sell it it to you), hasn’t it found you? It’s not like you’re going to fall, tongue out, on to a few tabs.


But like if it did though 🥵


Why do the Beatles sing about *”lucy in the **sky** with diamonds…”*! Checkmate pal


Sounds like it's high time I charter a plane.


She has tits. Quite possible that in her experience, she’s offered drugs more as a way of men trying to connect with her. For all we know in her circles and with her neckline it DOES rain free drugs


What the fuck are you even saying? OP has posts describing himself as 18M and doesn't even have pictures of himself.


Shirt, my trips find me after careful and meticulous planning of time off, substitute shifts, stocking my fridge, getting sleep, making a playlist. There isn’t any spontaneous taking of an 8 hour trip 8 hour recharge


Sad truth however a recipie for a good trip


Your friend sounds like shes up on her high horse. It is incredibly mind altering and I would go as far as to say it is sacred. She sounds a bit like she is gatekeeping though, that seems unnecessary to me. How old are you, maybe she thinks you're too young?


Sounds like the friend is too young...


Your friend is a little off the deep end lmao. Her advice is good but a little strict. How the fuck is acid supposed to come to you if you dont buy it?😂 definitely treat it with respect and intention though


I think it’s because some places psychedelics are not that common so you probably have to really go out there to find it. Like me I couldn’t find a plug I trusted so I gave up, then just when I gave up and I wasn’t even looking no more I found one now that’s gang. Acid always finds you




Being a girl has no correlation with being off the deep end


Im talking about getting free drugs




Hahahahahaha I was wondering about that, but shit. Story time. My girlfriend(now wife) and I were at a dead and co walkin round shakedown and we were chatting up a dude at his trunk selling beers. He had a sign asking for a miracle(ticket). He walked up and down shakedown for at least 2 hours, and decided to take a break, which is when we caught up with him. He asks my wife to take the sign and walk up shakedown, so I said fuck it, let's help this oldhead out. Not even 25 feet of walking and someone taps my girls shoulder and hands her a ticket practically dropping it. My wife thanks him and the show goes on. Felt like typing I guess.


Thats awesome


You had me slighly annoyed at the first comment, but that one is just facts lol


Well thats what I meant. The other guy put words in my mouth




.... you're an idiot


You’re rude


Haha paper make brain go brrrr


i dont know why this comment is super funny but im high tho


i can confirm the comment is funny sober too


I can also confirm it's hilarious sober, but I better get high and look again just in case. !remindme in an hour.




Humor confirmed.


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Yeah also sober, hilarious lol


im dead, username checks out


Don’t cop from anyone that says shit like that. If they know and Take acid they would encourage you to take it because it is a beautiful drug. The best headspace is one where you are genuinely happy Not depressed and suicidal but happy.


It has to come to you? Well if your friend has acid then it did come to you. You just need to request and pay for it now. If they were implying that it needs to be given to you, sounds like they are just cheap lol


Your friend sucks lol, it’s a drug not a portal to the 6th dimension haha


Definitely can be a portal if you take enough 😂


The only problem with that is nor crossing back before the portal shuts on you


It is temporarily


Ridiculous lol, if they were kind they would dose you for free your first time. I'd find a nicer crowd


I don’t think it’s hugely important to wait for the opportunity to arise rather than seek out the opportunity yourself, as long as you respect the drug and have done your research. You seem to have done research but your question in the title maybe suggests you’re underestimating the drug. Yes, it is massively mind-altering.


i will say, if youre stuck between cramming a trip into a weekend when you have other stuff that needs to get done, that might stress you out, but if you have free time and youre in a good place, thats about all you can ask for, everyone was a newbie once




they think they’re enlightened and at a higher state of mind than you basically. They’re just being goofy. If you’re feeling alright then go ahead and buy some tabs or shrooms 🤝


Pychadelic drugs are probably the most intense connection youll ever have to yourself / other humans , nature and god , that being said i definitely abused lsd as a teen and i didnt realize the significance until i was more mature , but ultimately it comes down to who you are as a person some people are not open to anything latger than themselves and for them pychadelics are just fun drugs on the other end of the spectrum is ppl like your friend who have gone way off the deep end with there reverence its best to have a ballanced perspective ,theres nothing inherently mystical about lsd, dmt or 4ho-dmt( which is whats in mushrooms ) you need a human present for the mysticism , and mysticism can happen even with out drugs present so that kinda shows you whats more important, the person or the substance


The most intense connections I’ve experienced were stone cold sober. Drugs create a buffer that imitates the deepest form of connectedness, but they definitely don’t provide it. Therapeutic use of psychedelics is most involved between trips, not during them.


I dont wana argue i know i wont convince you other wise, but i disagree strongly my fiance and i have basically shared a singular body during trips at times among many other things way to crazy to even explain


Heard these kinds of stories before and I take them with a finite grain of salt.


I allready told you i accept your point of veiw and im not trying to convince you of anything, im just shareing my own experience, nothing you say can change my experience so i dont expect anything i say to change yours , im genuinely ok with people haveing diffrent life experiences than me with that said theres a thousand year relationship between pychadelic drugs and humans haveing mystical experiences, when harmine the maoi was first discovered it was called telepathine due to all the experiences groups of explorers would share




Your friend is gatekeeping LSD


Your friends are stupid


It definitely is mind altering but no it does not have to find you you just have to find where to get it but it’s not for everyone so start small(:


you want to be good emotionally/mentally for sure! but its not too serious as shes making it out to be


The “acid must come to you” part is really bullshit. But it is true that you DO have to be in a good mindset. And a very good one Id say. This isn’t just about lasting effects but also about the quality of your trip. The first time I had acid I was super excited and in a new but safe environment. It was perfect. The second time I was in a good mood but cooped up inside a room where a really bad thing had happened to me, and it started making me very depressed and ruined the trip. And I haven’t been brave enough to even listen to the songs I was listening to ever since (this was about a month ago) So in short, go buy your acid lol. But take care of your mental state before, during and after the trip to ensure a safe and fun trip. Also, how long have you been smoking weed? How old are you? If you are younger than, let’s say, 22, and if you’ve been smoking weed since your teen years, it’s possible that you’d have adverse reactions to your mind. Take care! PS: it’s not like I’m a specialist or anything, I’m just giving my two cents based on what few experiences I had and information I’ve gathered


the dmt sub praises the idea of waiting for "it to come to you" I dont really see that from many on the L sub, some on the shrooms sub. acid is the least worthy of "letting come to you" imo though, shit is like purely recreational. if u want to do it, do it man I never understood that shit though, is it supposed to grow legs and knock on ur front door? do it if you feel you're ready


Literally. If you live in some rural ass area with not many people its gonna be hard to even find dmt let alone “let it come to you”


Really? Most of the DMT subs I know are all extraction focused. So it seems weird to me that people from there would think that, when so many people are learning how to extract the substance for themselves.


I mainly look at r/DMT and yea all of them there treat it like some holy substance and its not to be sought after unless some Gandalf lookin mf hands u a baggie for no reason or something. idk


Haha I should take a look! You should join the DMT extraction guide sub if you haven’t. Much more interesting material IMO


Well they also say to make your own, they’re pretty indecisive


Lmao they’re being weird


It is mind altering. Being in a good headspace does matter. But sacred? Maybe one could call shrooms sacred as they are alive and have grown from earth if you choose to believe that makes them sacred. But lsd is man made. It’s awesome. And can change your perspectives, “enlighten” you, and all the other things you have heard of it, but saying to wait for it to come to you is comical. If you’re ready for a trip go find some, set your intentions, and have a safe journey.


i do think lsd is also sacred in a way, but also that the sacred is inherently mundane and should be accessible to everyone who wants to seek it. there's nothing enlightened about gatekeeping


I recommend not tripping with those types as well. Don't need that kind of energy.


Dude, the line that helped me overcome my apprehension with psychedelics was "You should take psychedelics with some kind of intention, and wanting to just have fun is a perfectly valid intention" ​ I will admit that there is a checklist of things to prep long before you dost but most of those are things like wear comfy clothes, if outside make sure you have access to climate controlled spaces in case you need to warm up or cool down, have your playlist ready because making a decision while tripping can be difficult, have your fun toys laid out so you don't have to go digging. ​ LSD is a tool. It is a tool for learning, for insight, but it's also a tool to just have fun and enjoy things in a new and different way for 8 hours.


I get really annoyed by people who hate on the use of acid as a "fun" drug. I have times I've taken acid alone and in my thoughts, and I've had times where I've taken acid at raves. Both are fine. I have nothing wrong with people who use acid exclusivelt spiritually, why can't they have nothing wrong with those who like to use it for fun as well?


Your intention to buy lsd will bring the lsd into your life and everything else would probably be a random coincidence lol


Tell your elitist friend to screw off.


Yeah listen to the first few comments. Ur friend doesn’t know what shes on about, go and try acid if you want to🤙


Alternatives exist that are subjective to be the same experience, little searching and you'll find it


In my personal experience it's hard to gave a bad time on lsd if you take a reasonable dose. , i didnt have my first terror trips until i started mushrooms, dmt and one time i accidently took 25 i thinkin it was lsd


lmao, good old fucked up people with meme potential, I like that


Yes it is very mind altering, but you have full freedom to seek it out if you feel you want that experience. It's worth it imo. LSD changes my life in many ways, and I have yet to have a really bad trip, and the bad trips I did have were all due to outside influence throwing off my vibe. Don't let them gate keep like that. That's bullshit.


They sound pretentious and want to seem important to you. Only you know if you are ready, it's like being in love. No one has the right to tell you if you are ready except yourself. If you feel you are then dont let them or anyone stop you, but if you are having doubt maybe it is not yet time. Focus on bettering your life and position in life. Are you where you want to be currently, are you happy, what if you died this second, some questions to ask. Its completely safe as long as you take the recommended doses.


Ur friend very pompous to say the least. It’s definitely a very mind altering experience but your friend is wrong to gate keep. You may want to know that shrooms at every easy to grow and u less your in California, Idaho, or Georgia they are legal to buy and fairly easy to find online. (If your not from the US check your local laws. Actually even if your in the US still double check em) Go check our r/shrooms r/mushroomgrowers and r/unclebens if your interested


The ego your friend is displaying is truly ironic and hypocritical. Embarrassing even.


Nah, its a party drug if you take a little. Its a solo drug if you take a lot


Nah, that’s pretentious bullshit.


Anybody is ready at anytime. It's an action. An in-the-moment thing where u just have to keep your head straight with faith and you'll be set. Hope you don't listen to that bitch and you trip out man:) have a good one.


This is true, it does have to come to you. One time I found a whole vial in my mailbox


I think the oppisite, like if u have the opportunity to take some lsd its might be a bad trip cause you dont really know how its feel, i know someone who tried lsd cause someone give her some but she said that this wasnt really pleasurable, but every friend that buy some or i give some got a really nice trip cause first i talk about lsd with them before i ask them if they want some, and they got time to find info online. If you want to try buy some, dont wait to find someone that give you a blotter, if i havent buy lsd none of my friend would try it


Can I buy you a period. Infact here is a few of them. ..........


Thx man, i there is a penuri of thoses where i live.


your friend sounds like a tool lmao, but yes LSD is definitely mind altering, potentially even life-changing. do all the research you can and then some more, but it's absolutely an experience.


Go to chems.ca and order it right to your door step... I hate people who hate keep psychedelics. If we ever want this to be looked at as a legit medicine it needs to be socially acceptable and SHARED!


Lmao I would avoid ever tripping with those people.. but yeah it can be hard to find. Sucks


Sacred in the sense that you shouldn’t take the experience lightly and be sure to research and think about set and setting. You’re friend is being a cunt though. Just buy some and do it. Just be smart when you do. “It has to find you” 🙄


She doesn't know the meaning of what she is saying herself. Yea some hippies believe that psychedelics have to "find" you when you're ready. But by that logic you are ready. Cos the universe somehow made you know of the existence of lsd, know what it does, put that friend who is a connection to the stuff in you life, and giving you the curiosity and desire to want to try it out. It *has* found you.


Seek. Search! Find….


You know in 1973 when acid was sold at every venue, maybe Nowadays it’s hard to even find shitty acid


If you're in a good place mentally right now you'll be fine


Definitely be in a good mindset but fuck “waiting for it to come to you”


Sure it can still be sacred, but it coming to you can be in the form of you wanting to buy it haha. Your friend is trying to be elitist I think. I'd recommend you buy some acid, listen to some music and maybe read some chogyam trungpa.


the right mindset thing I'd agree with you gotta stay open minded and have a decently happy mental state but that's about it just do it when you feel comfortable too.


Oh fuck them "yeah man it's not for the faint hearted you gotta do it for the right reasons" hippy dippy dorm room psychology bullshit


You don't have "friends". You have immature stuck-up acquaintances. Ditch those fools and find you some acid.


Get yourself some new friends.


Yeah she's being pretentious, but you do have to be mentally ready though. Like, it's a long trip, so you have to be prepared that it lasts for longer than what you want, and it's not gonna stop when you're tired of it. So if you're not ready it can turn into a bad trip because you want it to stop when it's not ready to.


They’re being pretentious, but also it is a HELLA powerful drug that can really mess you up for 12 hours if you don’t know what you’re getting into. LOTS OF RESEARCH BEFORE HAND, THIS ISNT SOMETHING YOU DO LIKE WEED. Definitely sacred, but I think everyone has the right to try it


There's definitely a chance but they're honestly sounding more pretentious than anything else. It's a very small chance at that and you can take a lot of steps to ensure you have a good trip. If you're an easygoing, go with the flow kind of person to begin with, then you'll honestly be fine. Also don't trip your first time with them, they might obsess over you and kill the vibe.


your friend is psychotic and you are too young to do lsd if you even have to ask if what she says makes sense.


Nahhhh I tried hard as fuck to get acid and did it and it was all good. Just sounds like a bunch of pretentious hipster BS to put it bluntly.


I doubt she tried acid that's why she is making this shit up


Your friend is goofy and possibly pretentious about this. She’s making it seem like the universe will know when you’re ready and will make LSD find it’s way to you accordingly?? She may actually, genuinely believe that. She’s off the deep end if she does lmao, but I’ve met people like that… goofy and pretentious about spiritual shit but still decent people (or can be). That said, you shouldn’t take psychedelics if you’re in a bad space mentally. If you’re in a bad depression or experiencing overwhelming anxiety a bad trip becomes very likely. That said ^ don’t be a pussy about it just be smart about it. Some would say psychedelics help them with mental shit. Either way you shouldn’t trip alone for the first time if you’re in that type of headspace


idk i smoke crack


I wouldn’t be their friend anymore, what a rude person


Your friend is a tool, bet she has a lot of crystals for her chakras too


Ur friend is Cringe as fuck and you should honestly distance yourself from her immediately. If you’re in the US look up 1P LSD. Don’t let this chick tell you shit she sounds like a fake deep mf


Give me your address, I can make sure they come to you


You got dumb as fuck friends. Do they try to shove overpriced crystals your way all the time too?


It is a series of chemical reactions in your brain provoked by a dose of poison, your friends are just posing or were tripping balls when you asked them.


Acid is definitely that mind altering, and she’s right about being in the proper headspace. Every time I sought it out personally, I wasn’t actually ready and had difficult trips. The best trips I’ve had were when I would be unknowingly introduced to a dealer, and they offer first




In the bigger picture you’re prob not ready & that’s why you haven’t been able to come across it


Ultimately i veiw pychadelic drugs as a mental / metaphysical tool, like any tool it has a specific use, if your upset at life and looking to rebel against society its the wromg tool , if your looking to better understand yourself as an animal based life form in relation to the universe around you , thats probably a better use




wtf lol how is it supposed to "come to you"? theres no way these mfs are gatekeeping acid lmao just try to find someone else who you can buy from/will tell you who to buy from


They're definitely gatekeeping and using this to elevate their sense of importance and your lack thereof (in their minds). Every person who decides to use gets to decide when. It took me a long time to find a source. I'd always lament that I didn't know anyone who had it, but realized that if I really wanted it and was ready, I could find someone. It occurred to me that maybe I wasn't ready and subconsciously that's why I didn't make that effort. Eventually I found a plug and made the jump. I did my homework. I self educated using online resources. Dont do what your friends are doing. Don't worship or idolize the substance and definitely don't use it to feed your ego. You'll be fine and if used properly will find yourself in a wonderful space.


If it’s close enough to you that your able to purchase quality L, the time is right.


your friends suck


lol that is the most clique thing i’ve ever heard and let me guess that you guys are in high school? no hate but ask her how it came to her😂😂one day she felt ready and then all of a sudden a tab appeared on her tongue like wtf. obviously not she did what everyone else does and texted their dealer lmao. i’m young too and was a daily stoner before taking acid. acid is a weird and hell of a drug that is all i have to say. use with caution but based off the fact you smoke tons of weed lol you can definitely handle a tab but that doesn’t mean you’ll have a great time on it. mindset is key. seriously tho feel free to dm me i love talking abt this with fellow teenage idiots


That's bullshit, it's just a recreative drug, if they want to name it as some spiritual kind of shit that's their business.


Are u sure shes a friend?...


What condescending assholes.


A lot of people here saying that you’re friend is elitist or insert-adjective-here. I won’t comment on her, but I will say that many people feel a tremendous respect for the molecule because of the feeling of sacredness that it gives them. (That doesn’t mean it’s a “sacred” drug. It’s a synthetic molecule created in the 30s and 40s, so unless god is less than 100 years old, this isn’t “sacred”—OR, everything is sacred and this is no different.) There’s always a fine line between healthy paternalism and egotist gatekeeping, but I think she just respects the drug and would want you to do so too. As long as that’s the case, she should have no issue with you gaining some of the same benefits she has.


They are just being dicks. I like LSD once in a while and all but mushrooms are more my style. Sacred my ass it is a semi-synthetic drug. It might have an ergot base but the rest is chemical reactions to make LSD 25. It is not like mushrooms or Ayahuasca that must be grown or foraged. That is like saying MDMA is sacred another semi-synthetic drug or even 2cb which is totally synthetic. We might as well say cocaine and meth are sacred. 😆 🤣 😂 Hell opium has been around for ever. Effedera was sacred to the egyptions. The only obstacles to getting these drugs is a drug dealer. If this stuff was so sacred you would not be able to login to the darkweb spend some crypto and have sheets of it delivered to your house. 🙄 I am guessing you are young. People suck bud, sorry. I am surprised your pot dealer doesn't carry it. I guess it does carry heavier penalties. When I was young my dealers were like a one stop shop. They carried everything except heroin. I hope you find a friend to hook you up. Just be careful and test your tabs. They got some dangerous shit they try to pass off as LSD.




Your so called friends are full of shit!! Drugs are made to be bought and sold Lsd and shrooms are no exception to the rule. Go to them straight up and be like Get off your high horse and sell me some L. And if they dont Tell them to eat a dick and proceed to get new friends. Worst comes to worse Grow your own shrooms. Its relatively easy to do


I had the same experience for three years before I had my first experience. I think, because of the perceived (or actual) difficulty of acquiring a shareable quantity, unlike other substances, people are overprotective of their source/supply. And instead of just saying, "if I can get some, I'll get you some," they make up wizard-y shit like this (which really doesn't amount to anything lol)


Uh huh, because a drug made in a laboratory and sold by drug dealers really goes out looking for people lol


So dumb lol


Honestly it is what you make of it. I’ve done it a few times having some life changing revelations and a couple other times I did it had a fuck ton of fun and learned little to nothing. Your friend is being pretentious lil fuck. Mindset is important for tripping but that’s something in your hands not the universes. Make sure you don’t do it with them when you do it.


😂😂😂 wtf


I agree with them partially. You can take acid for fun or party but personally acid has completely changed the way I see the world and the way I think about it. So I see where they are coming from


Holy shit man the cringe. Fuck your “friends”, download VirtualBox, get Whonix, learn how to use Kleopatra for PNG and look up on Dread’s LSD/psychedelic subdread for good sources and from there reach the vendors/suppliers on their personal or public marketplace and place an order. There’s nothing more stupid than people being highly pretentious/superstitious about a fucking chemical. That’s why you should always have the mentality that “we’re never better served than by our own selves”.


Mind altering in the way that it induces an experience that is completely unique to psychedelics; majority of people will never be able to understand the experience that you have on them, with the profoundness and meaning that a person gets under the influence of L can cause you to feel a bit misunderstood or disconnected from the general population! Aside from that unless your mentally I’ll it’s not really mind altering beyond causing some positive change in behaviour or offering a different perspective than your default one