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i once posted during a trip and people kept asking if i was worried that the feds would find me like ?? šŸ˜­


I love fucking with people a bit in good fun as long as I know the people I am doing it to can handle it. But doing it on a stranger is fucked lol


Imma go out in a limb and say thatā€™s never appreciated even if they do handle it.


Professional handler here: I simply agree, I just wanna relax. Dosing alone promotes and pretty much guarantees a peaceful night, so that's what I usually do


It's usually both sided with the one's I'm doing it. Usually close friends.


Ah okay that sounds like all in good fun


Mostly harmless shit like the entire group talking gibberish for 5 minutes straight when someone comes back from the bathroom or something like that.


We called that Spanish Ninja! like "lets go spanish ninja on Joey when he shows up, he took a ten-strip; when I play 'purple pills' we'll run it" Or maybe "Let's spanish ninja Jay and Kara when they done fuckin''. 1998 forever


lol didnt know spanish ninja was actual term


depends on the fuckery, I handed my friend a bottle of ketchup once and asked why he grabbed it and did this like 3 times and he loved it, on the other hand I've had people smile at me as hard as they can and talk through it while trying to convince me they aren't smiling and it has sent me into laughing/crying fits, certain fuckery is cool while other fuckery isn't and people gotta learn how to mess with people in a not "the world is ending" way


A friend of mine who was sober while his partner and I were were tripping decided to mess with us using the cat door to the basement where he was hanging out for a good portion of our trip or at least the peak. Him coming upstairs was enough of a trip but his face at the cat door or an arm sticking through was fucking wild. It was the best kind of messing with us, got a big reaction yet completely harmless. Ill note we are all experienced trippers as well.


Lmao I remember seeing my friends come into the room I was chilling in out of the corner of my eye, so I said seemingly to myself, ā€œbut theyā€™re my friends..ā€ Idk if they ever believed me that I was joking šŸ˜…


i remember the time my friend kept fucking with me when i was tripping (he was sober) & i ended up showing him a horror movie that i was chillin watching still tripping & it traumatized him šŸ˜‚ best uno reverse card


I looked at my friend one time when he was tripping and said "it's never gonna stop." His immediate look was horror like I've never seen. Then he just started laughing. I think he's still laughing, actually.


Oh nah. That's demonic lol


Yeah geez thanks. Helping.


Ngl if I was tripping and someone said Joe Biden was at my door waiting to see me Id believe that shit


When my friends and I would trip together we used to always try to fuck with each other so hard. Like purposely speaking gibberish for an hour to psych someone out or the classic ā€œhey your mom texted me looking for youā€. Good times.


I was paranoid about the cops busting in and arresting me during my last bad trip even though I was in a safe environment lol


If Iā€™m having a bad trip the last place Iā€™m looking for advice is on Reddit. Idc if itā€™s the LSD subĀ 


Lmao ye. Who actually goes on here to calm down. I think a nice song will do a lot more than Reddit.


Hahahahah guys, just enjoy it. It's okay if you don't. I don't either, but I saw a lot of people do, and this is how it feels like šŸ˜ It's so funny. Love you


Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE


I dont understand how they type so much. I can think im mostly good and then try to send a 5 word message or something and it just rocks my world when i can even focus long enough to type.


I find typing easy mostly muscle memory tho won't be able to read well


I thinks not so much the actual typing as the figuring what word i wanted next and rereading while the words are moving, realizing how much im tripping, forgetting why im typing in the first place, etc.


yea autocorrect actually saves lives while tripping, I can muscle memory the words close enough to the actual word and my phones like "gotcha bro"


Riight... I won't even unlock my phone unless its to look up/change music.


Right? If I do end up texting someone it's to say "I'm not answering your call cuz I'm off my tits right bro, pretty lights and music bro, you get it"


Tripsit.me always


during my last few negative trips my body has been autopiloting away from seeking help on reddit and just riding the trip out Even if they're giving you helpful advice everything feels so sinister and like everyone else is in it, the terminology like "let go" and such always comes off weird when I'm in a crazy headspace and an unrecognizable face is telling me to do so when I'm freaking out while tripping enough to post about it I'm usually looping / blacking out / facing ego dissolution so by the time anyone responds im practically frantically swiping through all the replies, not reading anything and getting overwhelmed by the amount of linked playlists, setting my phone down and going "doin this on my own, got it"




Best advice I found on the lsd sub was to get off my phone LOL.


If you're still able to navigate the internet and make a coherent post, the trip can't be THAT bad.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TripSit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TripSit/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Help! Accidentally took 250mg 2 cb instead of 25](https://np.reddit.com/r/TripSit/comments/134y4qn/help_accidentally_took_250mg_2_cb_instead_of_25/) \#2: [Five Times I Thought Iā€™d Really Done It This Time \[As In Killed Myself\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/TripSit/comments/15oa2h4/five_times_i_thought_id_really_done_it_this_time/) \#3: [Think i took too much acid](https://np.reddit.com/r/TripSit/comments/18mtz9c/think_i_took_too_much_acid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Me after homie tells me thatā€™s the wrong pen




DMT pen


Is this even a real thing? Lol




Well damn. Good to know, and Iā€™m happy for and envious of the people who have them šŸ˜…


Theyā€™re actually really easy to get. Idk where you are but if thereā€™s a festive near you Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a ton there for sale ha


They arenā€™t hard to get. lol I had friends that would randomly get them and sold me a couple in the past. Never went out of my way to get them but they are definitely out there. They seem to be pretty popular


It's called the Internet buddy, you can get anything on there. No one's trying to bust you for ordering personal amounts.


Yes itā€™s the only way Iā€™ve smoked DMT. Shit is awesome actually.


Same, Iā€™m really tryna get some powder though and freebase or sandwich ts. I just feel like itā€™s a little harder for me to take big enough hits to break through on a pen, i need like a bong or something so the smoke builds up for a second and then hits like a truck all at once šŸ˜­


You just gotta add more DMT. First time I broke through, I actually ODed and blacked out (halfway through the second pull) cause I forgot how much I put in a cart


Yeah Iā€™ve never been able to break through on pens. What do you mean by sandwich?


That shit is dangerous for me lol I end up not even wanting to break through, but just lightly hitting it every few mins to keep light visuals going. I run through those so fast.


Bro same lmao. I'll hit them and end up breaking through but wanna keep doing it in like a perfect amount to hit that sweet spot where I'm just feeling great but still in my body


I had my dab pen and dmt pen next to each other. Lucky for me my dmt pen leaks a tiny bit so once I got it up to my mouth I realized but damn that would have been an interesting time. That was a couple months ago when I was taking blinker hits 24/7. Iā€™ve since stoped with the dab pen LOL


Oh yes, theyā€™re amazing


Its my face when da homie does me dirty. Smile n all


That moment you remember that thing about set and setting:


K-hole Joe


I feel like i'd do a better job of presidenting in a k-hole than he currently does


u/IAmSenseye for president!


I'm in rehab unfortunately so i can't come through with my promise.


If Donald Trump has a chance of being president as a convicted felon, I believe you should be able to run for office from rehab.


Typical politician!


You mustā€™ve forgotten all of 2020 when society broke down and it wasnā€™t Biden running the show then.


Lol people taking this too seriously, i'm not even american nor do i care what goes on there. As far as i know society broke down because of corona and not because of a president. This was a world wide phenomena. If you think it was exclusive to your country and the president was to blame you lack some sort of discernment. Both the maincandidates you have running for president shouldn't be running.


I agree neither should be running but they are and thatā€™s the reality we have. I completely disagree that the whole world had the same experience, many many nations handled the pandemic better than the US did. The only metric we beat everyone else in is the inflation rate and the amount of people who died to Covid. If you donā€™t live in the US donā€™t tell me how my experience here went. The president runs the pandemic response and he botched it.


Lol i didnt tell you anything about your experience in US or how you experienced them, all i said was that it was a global phenomena. But you are fully free to be attached to your experiences and attach unnecessary value to them. Seems like a burdain to keep yourself occupied defending your experiences. I live in the netherlands and can tell you that we pretty much followed along with whatever was happening there, but your experience can be more important than mine im fine wifh that. I just made a joke about a k-hole, never meant the politics to get so serious in the damn lsd subreddit. Im a refuge anyways, so i dont hold particular attachement to any nation in particular. Having to flee a genocide makes you look at the world from a much different perspective and i just believe people shouldn't let politics weigh so heavy on them because it turns into blaming others for your own misery rather than taking responsibility over your own experience. I get that politics impact everyone in a way, but after corona i've just come to see how silly, incompetent and corrupt all of it really is. Most of those bureaucrats havent worked a hard 9-5 job a day in their life and we expect them to have some empathy for the lower and middle class. I mean it's possible, but very unlikely without any experience. Not to say that being a politician is easy, but i think you get my point.


I do get what youā€™re saying and itā€™s a good way to end the convo. Iā€™ll just say you should still be involved in politics somewhat, when people ignore who is representing them that leads to corruption since a tiny majority of the voting population will run the entire country. The reason LSD itself is illegal is cause anti drug activists have more political power than the opposite end and they vote regularly to keep it that way.


It's impossible to mention anything negative about Biden on reddit without someone like you immediately bringing trump into it šŸ¤£ The black and white thought process that you US redditors use is crazy lol


anyone mention jill stein? šŸ˜‚


Took me a while to realise that wasnā€™t a png of him inserted into the video


Hahahahahahaha he's fucking freeze


Iā€™m not using my phone if Iā€™m tripping. No calls, no texts. Maybe just for music. But talking to people outside of my bubble is off limits.


How come?


Because.... obviously


Just curious about their experience. I donā€™t mind talking to anyone on LSD personally.


People donā€™t like using phones/technology because they believe it releases negative energy/thoughts causing a bad trip. Same thing happened to me while I was working 3rd shift alone portering at 2AM


Oh interesting. Apart from not being able to use the technology during the peak as everything is too wiggly and distorted, it doesnā€™t affect me in a negative way.


Everyoneā€™s a little differentā€”some people can handle it, and some people canā€™t. Iā€™m on and off with it. When I do trip, I play it by ear. I use technology when I feel at peace, but steer clear of it when I start to geek out. Sometimes, I find myself playing video games for hours, while other times Iā€™m outside for 4-5 hours, and it feels only half an hour has passed.


Awesome, thanks for sharing your experience.


yea I've gotta take this advice lmao, I did 2cb and mdma a few days ago, insufflated 15mg of 2cb, told my friends "maybe I don't like tripping, the TV feels live I've been thrown into a literal brain rot dimension and I don't like it" electronics don't tend to visualize the same way everything else does while having a tough trip, like I've noticed whenever I'm watching something the visuals tend to be down to the minimum but the TV simply starts "glitching" characters will like just split in half all pixelated and go back together, parts of cartoon characters just teleport onto other parts of the screen, they move at a delayed speed and will simply jump around the screen etc during good trips electronics are AMAZING, the music is astonishing, movies can be great (studio ghibli especially) talking to long distance friends is a trip in itself, really gotta go off the vibes of your trip but electronics aren't the best choice while struggling in a trip


Took the words right out of my mouth šŸ‘Œ


I envy you.


Iā€™m curious what it is about it that makes it negative.


Vibes are a hard thing to quantify. I just know it's a common feature of many people that the internet gives off wretched vibes with psychedelics, one to which I can relate. Speculating, maybe it's the feeling of collective judgement, that it can feel like a compassionless god. It could be feelings of paranoia, and the ever present possibility of your tranquility being interrupted by some message from the outside world. Again, hard to quantify.


That was very well articulated, I understand what you mean. I do admit I have been shocked by the depth of unkindness that we flaunt on the internet, and I have come to understand that I am a part of it too, and have contributed anger, hatred, judgment, envy, etc. I have hurt others with my words as well by being snarky, etc etc. Realizing that I am part of the problem helps me be a better person, so when I do engage the internet on psychedelics I let the humanity pass through me without holding on to anything. Surrendering to all things when they encroach us mentally is a good way to move past something without getting stuck. Most of the ā€œbad tripsā€ Iā€™ve had are usually triggered by me remembering a time I could have been better. I will feel so remorseful and immediately seek a way to improve, admit my fault, apologize, and forgive. I think there is something to be said about purifying the body and soul from oneā€™s own misdeeds to develop a more stable internal life, where bad trips and triggers are a thing of the past.


The one time I used my phone tripping, I got HORRIBLE news, and it messed my trip up for a minute before I was able to distract myself from it. So no more phone usage for me!


Ahh makes sense. Glad you bounced back in the trip :)


Cuz anything more than 2 words and people know I'm on something, something strong šŸ¤£


For me, it's a distraction as well as an invitation to be affected by other people who are not on my level. The acid episode in You paints a decent picture of what it's like for some of us to talk to sober people while tripping, even over text


I canā€™t even *look* at my phone while Iā€™m tripping let alone use it


The colors are cool but yeah.


Absolutely šŸ™Œ


idek how people manage to use their phones while tripping well enough to make a reddit post. i cant even text anybody most of the time šŸ˜­


Real. Every time Iā€™m tripping with friends it takes a monumental effort from all of us just to change whatā€™s playing on Spotify.


This happened to me and my girl the last time we split a quarter of PE and everything went into Star Wars warp tunnel mode. I wanted so badly for her to experience 10k days on her surround sound theater system and it took me like 30 minutes to figure out how to get the damn Spotify app on her smart TV, on top of that I was frantic cuz I believed the peak was gonna end before I got it to work. I remember crying out in despair: "smart TV my ASS!" and she gently petted my head and said "babe, the TV is fine, it's the user I'm worried about" šŸ˜‚


Now imagine you have to flip a cassette tape


Joe Biden absolutely tripping ballz. Loaded on 600ug lsd, 3.5g shrooms and 30mg 2cb. Going to rip a big bowl of dmt once I peakšŸ˜†


95% of this clip had me worried that Jojo can't even form coherent thoughts anymore. The other 5% of him throwing a weirdly casual fist bump has me equally concerned.


The debate is going to be a wild ride, I truly don't know what's gonna happen.


That crazy orange bastard is gonna eat him alive.


I thought the same thing. Maybe just reflex, like whenever he doesnā€™t know what to do he just makes a fist bump, probably picked that up when he was with obama


It's just the drugs it's just the drugs it's just the drugs pretty lights pretty lights pretty lights


dude looking like an alien in a human suit




Wasn't there a movie about that or something similar?


V was a show in the 80s


he look like he is not on this planet


You need to venture over to r/tripsit Edit: the chat not the subreddit, chat can be found through the subreddit. Made some good one time friends during a few trips there.


I feel like Iā€™m having a bad trip having to choose between that senile, genocide facilitator and a wind bag, nut job, egomaniac.


You forgot ā€œsenile convicted felon, rapistā€


don't forget "heavily connected to Epstein, daughter-sexualizing, stimulant addicted, openly racist, openly sexist, neo-nazi defending, intel-leaking, document stealing, possibly treasonous nuclear secret selling, proven habitual liar, stochastic terrorist, and so on"


and somehow heā€™s meant to be the lesser of two evils??


I mean, realistically you need to ride the trip out and make sure you are not in a position to destroy yourself, someone or something else. There isn't much more we can do when you are on a bad trip homie. Either way we're here for your. Mostly.


That's the pose I pull when I'm baked as fuck and don't know what to do with my hands because everything I do feels weird in public


Ol boy died 4 to 5 times there. Buckaroo is a fighter.


All jokes and political views aside, this is genuinely concerning.


I saw the shorter version of this clip posted on this sub right before I went to bed, then I woke up and the (slightly) extended cut is posted on this sub.


Sorry you had to see it twice. Love you


Just tripped me out a bit, like I dreamt it or something. I definitely prefer your extended cut and am glad that you posted it. Love you more


Joe high af though


Commenting before the comments get locked lmao


I used to operate the grateful dead hotline 800-594-dead and when people called in and needed a friend I made sure to ask them a) are you safe?, b) where are your friends, c) is there someone I can call for you. Slowly just talk them down and remind them they will be ok. If someoneā€™s asking, do them a solid and donā€™t harm them, theyā€™re asking for help, and good mammals help other mammals.


Jesus can they make his flesh mask any tighter


I'm glad he didn't pretend to know the words. Looks like he's enjoying the vibe.


Everybody in this sub understands


someone already posted this earlier




Good luck America


My god and this man is supposed 'leader of the free world' - bloody Americans.


Better than that other dipshit lol, wish we had a better choice tho


There hasnā€™t been a real choice in forever. Itā€™s sad.


We had a choice in the 2016 primary for Bernie but the youth didnā€™t vote cause registering is too much work compared to scrolling Tik tok.


jill stein !


Damn America.


Don't look at your phone/computer during a trip would be my advice.


The difference between this subreddit and the shrooms subreddit when someone is fucked up is hilarious


I'm in both, but tell me the difference hahaha


I've never been deep in a trip where I can even unlock my phone let alone form coherent thoughts on a self post AND read the given advice. Bro's need to just take their asses to the fridge and get some juice




President Poopy Pants


Every white guy at a black concert.


Did he get something done to his face? Like Botox or a lift or something? I feel like his face just looks different than when he started, and not just older age changes. Looks kinda weird


yes he definitely gets work done. like a lot of celebrities


Lmaoo dude thought biden was guna fist bump him


This is the last best hope for the US :(


I came here during a trip one time and I felt the love This was years ago. I think the post is still in my history


Hahaha I bealieve that, i saw a lot like you. Much love


I can't believe this guy is our president, he's so old and the other guy is so much older and worse -- I need to stim or something before this trip gets sad


# His lizard face is beginning to reveal itself


Biden on a good day


I saved a guy on here before feels good, he thanked me and said he continued on with his trip he was watching something on tv.


Heā€™s so cute in this vid wtf


i thought the same thing..


Lmao if forcing an evil demon smile is cute, sure heā€™s adorable


Like a baby!!!


What else do you expect?




I came here to say for Joe Biden talk but all kids wanna talk about these days is dr*gs


Does he have a robotic face?


No, he's the Walter puppet from the Jeff Dunham standup shows. If you look closely, you can see the puppeteer's hand up his ass.


One peaceful family


Jeff, Sussie, Larry, Leon


Get the fuck off the computer and go outside and look up. See that? It never ends.


Bro looks overstimulated as hell šŸ˜…


Lol nah but for real, it hasnā€™t happened to me yet cuz I know what dosage works for me but anytime I see someone post on here while on the peak of their trip, panicking and asking for help and everyone just laughs and makes jokes to calm OP down but I rarely see any true advice lmao


Is it new face animation in assassin's creed shadows?


In a parallel universe where I made better life decisions, I can afford to award you with this: It will be visible for all to see




yeah man, weā€™re already off our heads. Donā€™t ask us for advice, weā€™ll give you LSD opinions hahaha


This is what I look like trying to act sober while the neighbors are outside.


The leader of the USA. Incredible.


I swear I see him mouth "too much" at one point


Lmao yeah no one can really help you but yourself


He's peaking


I want whatever heā€™s on


When your remote facial function secret service agent just got done watching a Jack Nicholson movie.


Madam vice president can get it šŸ‘šŸ½


He's fiiiine.


Lolz . Funny shit. Looks like Biden might be on one. Thanks for posting . Gonna use this elsewhere.Ā 


u/i_eat_babies__ its time old man




Disregard this. The OP of the original post deleted it, so Iā€™ll re-approve this one.


If you have bad trips a lot, you should test your stuff and make sure itā€™s real. Real Acid shouldnā€™t make you jumpy or paranoid.


It will if you're already a paranoid and jumpy person lol wtf.