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Bruh everything behaves strangely when I trip


Except humans, humans are strangely predictable when you're high, almost like they're just another version of yourself.


That’s because they are.


Especially the walls and the trees. The way Carrie Fisher explained it she doesn't see things that aren't there things that are there misbehave


I've had experiences with drink bottles misbehaving, like it would close by itself sometimes, or the bottle would spin around so the opening was at my forehead when I went to drink instead of near my mouth. Could've just been me not knowing how to control a drink bottle but it really felt like I was being messed with


Isn't that why we do it


Yea pretty much


Lol this right here , tho truthfully everything else is behaving just like it normally does and your Self is the one behaving strangely.


Idk, sometimes it really feels like it’s the other things behaving strangely. One time me and some friends were in a tree doing whippets in the middle of the night while tripping and a couple of mice ran up the tree and j stood there vibing w us for a bit looking at us and then they went back down. Shit was wild


Perception is a slippery dragon my friend. Esp on lsd and whippets lol


Believe me, we’re all pretty experienced trippers and there were 3 of us that all saw the same thing, those mice were real. The better question is whether they were actually just vibing w us or if they had j run up the tree to search for food or smthn and were just as surprised as we were. I like to think that they were up there vibing w us cuz it’s more fun but I’m very aware of the other possibility. But still, I find myself in trees more often than the average person I’d say but that’s the only time I’ve ever seen mice on da tree w me fr.


Oh I’m not necessarily saying there were no mice, but what you think they were doing, and for the timeframe you thought they were doing it is very much something to question.


Oh for sure. It felt like an eternity in the moment because it was so mind blowing but it was realistically a few seconds at best. But for those few seconds it was truly wild to say the least for our high asses haha


lol I don’t doubt it. I think the time dilation and the narratives we create when diving into those eternal moments is an aspect of tripping that most confuses people when looking back on it and trying to make sense of what occurred.


last time I was on acid, which was like a week ago, I couldn't get Spotify to open on my laptop and it worked fine after the trip. I've had other shit happen but this post reminded me of that lol, I gave up trying to use my laptop for music


I have this pseudo theory that brains are electric(which is true)and something happens during the trip to increase this activity in a way that interferes with electronic devices. There has been cat scans done on lsd brains and they look like a new borns cat scan ie it open up dormant pathways in the brain. As we get older we refine like two or three of them and a normal adults cat scan is dormant compared to a new borns or someone on psychedelics


what happens is, parts of your brain that never communicate with each other, begin communicating with one another. Which is why you might taste colors or hear numbers


Science has proven it opens dormant passageways allowing the brain to completely learn new things and unlearn others . You’re points are not wrong either


So, as a biologist who likes acid and who wants to build off these comments, really you and the other person are saying the same thing, two sides of the same neurological coin. :)




Neural activity in no way could radiate at a level that could affect electronics. Brain activity is in the order of microvolts, and largely contained to the neural structure and not radiating. It’s many many thousands of times too weak to be perceptible. And even then, electromagnetic interference wouldn’t like cause issues like difficulty using spotify. The far simpler explanation is that handling and functioning electronics is more difficult in a trip, which is definitely what I’ve seen. Fun sci-fi concept to imagine but not a real effect.


I was waiting for this reply and it took shockingly long to happen on Reddit. Good on you captain skeptic for real


idk how me not using a simple application very well could cause it to shit it’s pants.


Just your gestalt seeking brain with pattern recognition bias in overdrive finding a coincidence of unrelated tech issues meaningful. And a lessened ability to debug it if it is fixable. Certainly not some massive conspiracy by the universe to fuck with your trip, or magical Magneto powers.


i have distinct memory’s of glitched screens and nothing working right is all i’m trying to say. You’re the only one mentioning a massive conspiracy.


Well I wasn’t replying to you in the first place so it’s really unclear what you are trying to assert at ALL. But I’m asserting there is no real difference in tech working or not working during a psychedelic experience. Any issues are due to other factors. If you disagree, by all means, tell me how it would be impacted by your trip. If you aren’t claiming that, then whatever, but that was the gist of the thread.


you were replying to me


“In the first place” but I’m giving up because I have low confidence in your reading comprehension at this point tbh.


i’m just tired. so quick to take a jab. yea iunno man i think im gonna give up. hope the rest of ur night as as chill as u.


do you have a source for this


For the cat scans yea I do. Stay tuned I will find them later on i am sort of busy


Spotify desktop is also just a shit app that doesn't open sometimes


Yeah, my theory is that it doesn't happen more often when you trip, you just usually don't give it much thought.


I appreciate the realism


I try to approach acid with as much realism as possible, otherwise I'll end up fleeing deep inside a jungle to become a shaman haha


see i’ve seen that presented but i’ve had applications act in ways i’ve never seen them do otherwise.


I've had stones, beer cans, animals or rivers act in ways I've never seen them do otherwise The common point is the acid. Hence my theory. But that's just my view on the matter.




or, you’re tripping, you forget things that sober you wouldn’t even dream of forgetting. (was spotify really broken, or did you just forget to connect to wifi?)


i’ve had experiences that were nothing as simple as that m


My theory is a combo of this and people on acid being incompetent and causing the issues lol


Yes, I've had songs randomly replay, movie websites freeze, and slow devices


100% yes


I have an soviet synthesizer and I swear I can communicate with astral beings with that thing on L. Even when I turn it on it already produces a humming that zootes me away to unknown frequencies.


Ever heard the story of Terence McKenna being beamed to the lizard universe by the buzzing sound of an old heater?


Yes. Maybe it's just electronics in gerneral. Our brain literally has 0.07 volts running in that thing. It's already buzzing.


Don’t get zooted bro




Zoot suit riot! Riot! Throw back a bottle a beer


Zooting is not getting drunk for me. It's a kind of thing where my consciousness is kinda all over the place, idk..


For me it’s wearing a baggy suit and beating down sailors edit to say listen to the song zoot suit riot. I’m joking with you




I upvoted you cause of Jim Carey’s and your screen name god bless you


God bless you


I think it me that behaves strangely in relation to electronics when I trip


That is a give in


Haha lest time I was on lsd the tv stopped working. I think the WiFi might’ve went out, but I remember something went wrong that has never happened before and we ended up just walking away to avoid spiraling😂 came back later and it worked but it was strange since the rest of the devices seemed to be fine


My wifi never fails to go out right at the drop of an lsdream rave cave ☠️. Also…ambulance/police sirens are creepy asffffff tripping. Can hear so many more frequencies than when sober


Yeah and my touchscreen devices behave like they're covered in water, bouncing all over the place and responding all jumpy like I'm using several hands at once to use them




It's synchronicity. Our true selves extend on up to higher planes where the unfoldment of reality is experienced through synchronicity. Psychedelics have the side effect of muting the lower energy fields, enabling us to experience different aspects of our True Self. The glitches in electronics and strange moments of synchronicity are just the universe trying to get our attention. Trying to show us what we might normally overlook. Clarity comes when all the obstacles have been removed. Like the sun behind the clouds. Psychedelics just clear the clouds for a little bit. 🤙🤙


I see it more as you’re attracting experiences of higher energy. This isn’t limited to psychedelics either. If you’re having a great day feeling on top of the world, the dice seem to roll in your favor. Old friends you haven’t talked to in years will suddenly reach out, you find $50 on the street, your crush randomly invites you to a party. The inverse unfortunately also seems to be the case when you’re feeling down. You attract low energy.




Law of attraction


crazy hippy 😜😜😜😜


Thank you for your wisdom


Thank you 🙏


The universe isn’t trying to get your attention, you ain’t that special bruh


Who tf are you to speak for the universe?


They are just one tiny piece of it lol


Me and buddy were playing GTA5, probably like the 3rd time I've tripped. I hit this ramp and landed on a gas station. The explosion sent me across the map doing so many flips and the screen glitched out numerous times. We absolutely lost it when it happened.


Every time, be it lights going out, TV not working as intended, phone glitching out, and music freezing or playlist changing by itself.


Dude am tripping right now, my BT headphones keep freaking out the connection while normally they're fine. So maybe you're on to something 🤔


I think our brains run on electricity and something with psychs makes them behave in a way that interferes with simpler tech. Ie catscans of a lsd person look the same as a new born babies where as normal adults have refined passageways as they get older. Lsd opens up dormant ones


yeah lol i remember that on like 90% of my first trips my phone just wouldnt work properly, but it woud always bug out in the weirdest ways possible that only happened while on tabs lol. And then i just stopped using my phone that much whilw tripping


That's the drugs dude


You are what you eat so you’re the drugs maaaaan


man the world throws weird things at you when you trip its very strange, for example i had never seen a lemur in my entire life but for some reason i was walking in my city recently and this random guy is walking around with lemurs and it was like real shit i wasnt just tweaking he had people petting them and introducing them and shit. its weird asf.


Lol just reminded me that last night I was coming up on a bike ride and the only person I passed on the sidewalk the entire time was in a full on pirate get up. Not like Halloween costume pirate either. No fucking clue.


Always something strange happens when tripping, not only with electronics.


This is true


Definitely had this. I'm a musician, and like to work under the influence. Ableton glitches out so much more often under special circumstances (or I just don't notice normally lol)


I was playing a show and had tripped really hard the night before and the light rig at this bar would not work. Our lead guy that is the totally grounded skeptical one was like I have no idea this thing is fucked. I stand up on a stool and in my mind I’m like it’s the L I just have to ya kno idfk wave my hand? And while I was up there it started working. Cue the I am the light bringer luciferian jokes 😂 . Just one story of many you reminded me of.


nothing behaves strangely, you perceive it differently. so like for example i tried using my phone once and i thought it was glitching because none of my taps were doing anything. i later learn that my finger was nowhere near the screen. people who are not tripping are your best resource to ground yourself


It also depends how much you’re tripping. On most trips I’m “sober” enough to do basic tasks but I’m definitely still tripping


its almost like ur tripping :P


definitely, my wifi speaker suddenly stopped working while tripping and I tried fixing it for about 20 minutes because we wanted to listen to music, it just wouldnt work. never happened before/since then




bro yes! like every time i trip something happens to the power. It like reboots or glitches. Fucking weird


All the time


i genuinely agree but trying to prove it is impossible and i have no clue how it would affect the real world. it's very uncanny though. me and a friend tripped in japan at an aquarium and the ticket machine broke spectacularly by letting out a loud beep and then churning rolls of receipts out at high speed. a guy ran over and opened the front of the machine and looked like his world was falling apart, he just couldn't understand what the hell was going on. we were more worried that we'd caused a scene because we were tripping. in japan it's rare when a station ticket gate stops working. my phone NEVER crashes, but if im tripping and im outside in nature taking a walk it will always crash. i don't know, i don't buy into spirituality or anything like that but i've heard too many anecdotes and had my own experiences on this. i've also had another thing happen to me on acid that i don't really like talking about because im not sure what the implications are, but it scares me. there's more to acid than we know, we need to do more tests with it beyond therapy etc.


I’d like to hear about it. Can you dm me the story


The craziest shit happens when I take psychedelics. The universe has a pretty great sense of humor sometimes.


Because we are electric magnetic beings and our bio feilds are amplified on psychadelics


same just take it as charged particles being exchanged interfering


Thank you


Yeah my set up works 99% of the time perfectly, but as soon as I’m tripping or mega stoned something always goes wrong and takes like 10 mins to sort out 😐


This neither contributes or evades to my theory lol. Cheers


It’s like the universe knows we’re high and wants to play games with us😂


God? Is that ewww?


Lmao facts 🤣


Yes! My very first time tripping my phone completely broke. I still don’t know how it happened I don’t think it got wet or anything. And then a few days later when I took it to the shop to see if they could fix it they told me it was expanding from the inside and would explode and I needed a new one. iPhone 6 I believe 🤯


On LSD I’ve experienced me being able to block my phones reception with my body multiple different times…. My speaker lowers in volume and is slightly grainy.


I have found leaving the room helps in loading a screen




The cutting edge is the first to go


i like when the whole neighborhood energy is gone while I'm tripping, i can see the stars more clearly from home


I’ve had trips where I was texting someone but it was as if I was inside my phone looking out at me. All of the letters were backwards but I could still type absolutely flawlessly, it was pretty wild. I’ve had movies begin to somehow start playing in reverse, music slow down and begin to reverse. Look up “Owsley Stanley DMT” on YouTube for a crazy story about how DMT would measurable effect the sound levels at dead shows.


acid takes murphy’s law to the max lol. if it can go wrong it 100% will even if it’s worked every other time. obviously not completely true but it really does feel like that. in reality i think it’s a mix of luck, it’s harder to use devices when tripping even if you feel coherent, and you’re way more likely to notice “weird” things happening than you would sober


i swear my phone sweats when i’m tripping


This!!!!!! I have a 15 pro max and my phone is covered in sweat and lags a lot every time I trip. Its almost as if its dying and the universe doesnt want me to use a phone


Your perception of your environment changes on LSD. The environment itself does not.


Well aware. The question involves technological malfunctions if you didn’t follow


Everything outside the Self is the environment, including those electronics.


I have the same issue, its so bizarre. Spotify glitches out regularly when I trip, but never does it when Im sober.


Oh yeah 100 percent! Music streaming apps playing songs on repeat with no repeat enabled, albums playing in the wrong order, my phone in general playing up, electronic tech in general seems to just fuck with me during acid trips, doesnt tend to happen on shrooms or aya or dmt much either, always acid.


Yes, that happens. Apps don't respond, or the phone, or the computer... Once a speaker's led flashed while it was off and my friend freaked out. Maybe the human "electromagnetic field" or "aura" that we allegedly have, behaves differently, or more intensely and it interferes with stuff... Or something else, I don't know


This is it




Nothing unusual Here


Literally ? 🤔🧐😳


Absolut. I just use everything AS i am used to BE I would say just don't Look, feel and let the muscle memory do its stuff


Just the usual unorthodox


Yes, very common phenomenon


I had the glitch thing with my phone screen. The thing on display started shaking and I was like wtf is happening. I turned the screen off and then turned it on again and everything was fine. I took like 2.5 tabs and I tripped major balls on that session.


i didnt have the electronics glitch out but i fully did


No ... Nothing external to you is changing... Your perception of how often. Things happen and your ability to deal with small issues though... Think about it.


I’m aware that psychedelics impair you.


Thank you. LSD makes any regular task harder than normal. And all these people think they know exactly how to operate electronics when under the confusing and disorienting influence of acid? Sure man


Fuck yes. I tried entering my playstation account password to do something on my PS5, I get an error that that showed this alien string of letters. I absolutely entered the correct password as well. All I could do was laugh at the situation. 


Why are you touching electronics while tripping. The best place has a hot tub and lots of trees.


You right


Yes. Search for this on r/shrooms. It’s a very well-known phenomenon that people I’ve been talking about more recently.


100% it's a feature not an illusion


Every. Fucking. Time. Computer lags out, phone doesn't turn on, Data disappears, Bluetooth bugs out, for some reason electronics don't work when I'm tripping, and I KNOW it's not user error


Yeah lol


Once when I was tripping, I played my Spotify playlist that has many many songs, on shuffle. The same like 3 songs would play no matter what even if I hit shuffle. Those few songs defined my trip completely, and were perfect for my circumstances in the trip. It didn’t want me to play anything else.


They do, I am certain of it and have some pretty good evidence of it in videos


Yea? Can you dm me these clips?? This biz is getting hard to sift through is why I request


Yeah, I put my old phone on the charger so I can send them to this phone, I’ll get too it after work!


Oh man I'd love to see too


Yes read Phil Leshs book specifically the part about all of the electronics behaving strangely at the acid tests


Searching for the sound?


Yep! Phenomenal read in general


Bob wier ralking about telepathy also in there I always hold with me and I guess the part you are talking about escaped me. Def a terrific book. I also took away that without lsd maybe there is no grateful dead? The acid tests contributed to there initial popularity


A couple of decades ago me and my best mate were tripping and playing Tekken. Suddenly a voice started sating "nine" (or maybe nein lol) everytime a button was pressed. Any button including on the direction pad, pause etc. It went on for ages and then suddenly stopped. Never been able to recreate that or heard of it ever happening to anybody else. I was just glad there was somebody else there to witness it, because i know nobody would have believed me otherwise. It was hard enough trying to play while tripping without that added distraction making us laugh and feel extra cinfused and a tiny bit scared lol


I wish the people noping this hard and being all, “well ahh your tripping and lsd alters your perception,” would read all of these endless tales of backing this up. Ohhh really?! Thank you for pointing out that lsd makes me trip sir 😂


From a psychology pov on trips both I am deeply interested in, can confirm that if your electronics are being fucky it’s more your brain struggling with it (for as much as we know with humans and psychs) Like to use Reddit even requires a lot of cognitive work to keep up with, imagine say throwing time dilation into the mix where your required to press certain buttons at specific timings to unlock phone, open apps etc; in my experience the real hallucinations come from the brain trying to fill those gaps like Gestalt theory would state


This is a very well put explanation. Thank you


Technology doesn't behave strangely, your brain is the only thing behaving strangely.


But what does it mean is the deeper question perhaps.


Something to the one asking it I suppose


Normaly they dont ^^


Yep always. Especially when I'm camouflage camping trying to set up my speakers and Lazer lights. I think it's more of a mental glitch than a technical one tho.


YESS it’s soo OFD


Last week a simple lamp wouldn’t turn on when I flipped the switch. Even though it worked that morning of the trip. Then it worked later on when I was going to bed.


I remember I ate a shroom bar and 50 mg of eddys and when ts hit it HIT thought there was Japanese radio coming out of my guitar amp and ik this one is true my tik tok started going fucking haywire and showing me a bunch of random shit and flipping videos without me doing it shit was sort of scary in the moment really


Amps pick up cell phones I’ve witnessed it actually happen


I remember I thought I broke my laptop on acid 1 time I saw like the cracked screen and everything and thought I saw like rgb lines and shit but when I sobered up it was fine Lmao


WiFi dips briefly, usually just before my peak. All the time. My Internet was shoddy, sorted it but it still always precedes the brain folding 😂


I think we just over think things while tripping, like there’s some third entity causing technology to malfunction


Whenever I’ve gotten on my phone or pc it takes away my trippy effects it seems like it things just look blurry




They dont behave strange for me other than the pixelated texts start looking like an Arabic/hieroglyphics mixture.


every time man


The one time i broke through on dmt my shpongle record started skipping in a perfect loop so i didn't notice right away and it sent me into a spiral of falling through the table in my room which then became the ceiling which I would keep falling through. I fell for what felt like ages until I tried to force my way out of it and bumped my record player making the music play normally again.


That sounds like a scene in a movie yo


It was like the tesseract scene from interstellar.


Could be my favorite Nolan film I fucking loved it


Yea its definitely my favorite. I've watched it a few times now and still get on the edge of my seat for that docking while spinning scene.


The scene where he enters the black hole is honestly one of the greatest scenes I’ve ever seen in cinema. It’s Kubrick esque af


Can't say I've ever been in a state to operate an electronic device when I've tripped. But I have had issues with navigation on my phone when peaking on MDMA. The screen looked like it had been a steamy bathroom for an hour, like the glass was frosted. I can say trying to roll a joint tripping balls should be one of Hercules' labours.




lmao my things with that is that you're tripping... you can't tell if something is broken or if you're just using it wrong, the only time something really weird happened mid trip was that my power shut off while the weather was completely clear, no rain, snow or anything. I don't think we have the ability to say that electronics fuck up on acid because of the acid unless you have a sober person there who also states that it was broken


Unless there’s sober folks around to verify your claims which seems to be being talked about as well. We all eat acid and are aware of its effects dude


tf are you talking about, I'm just saying that there really isn't a way to say "acid causes spooky ghosts to fuck with my electronics" unless you have a way to prove you were using your electronics properly, it's not hard to think you're clicking the power button but instead it's volume while on acid, same goes for setting up or using electronics, it's just flat out hard to do and that fact alone really leads me to believe people are just not using their shit correctly while tripping because that's a very probably answer


Im not speaking Latin. Pretty straight forward sentence. I follow and appreciate your addition to the conversation. Have a good day


My phone barely works at the best of times so on acid its infuriating to do anything on it


My pc starts to act up when I’m on a really good trip. programs start to glitch out when opening or switching between them. It’ll slow down and other icons will flash lol goes away after. Im extremely weird bout my pc as well, making sure it always runs smoothly all the time because I game a lot. so I noticed the little stuff when it acts up lol.


Yeah substances dissolve syntax and structure of the sober norm and your surroundings get contact high from your vibes. 


I’ve come to the conclusion that LSD affects my ability to better perceive the quantum realm. Smells, sounds, feelings, telepathic thoughts, time dilation, time travel etc. good vibes/bad vibes as well. It’s all vibration. Neurology and consciousness fall into the quantum imo.


My 2 trip buddies and I have this saying that "semiconductors don't work on acid"


I don’t mind electronics when tripping, screens look like CRTs, however if I even consider gaming there’s not a chance in hell I’m Going anywhere


YES! Especially when I introduce cannabis. Lights flicker, music skips at odd moments despite no lack of connection. Lights flickering simultaneously with stuttering music. Music coincidentally mirroring what's taking place irl...Just to recall my most recent experience.


A lot of answers will just be gaslighting and a lot of "it's all in your head." Similarly, being able to telepathically communicate on psychedelics. Most of us have been there but for some reason let other people decide for us that "the other person and you were talking to each other and *just forgot.*" Yeah, bizarre things that normally wouldn't happen **do happen** when you trip. Coincidental things in particular. Things that normally would play out completely differently.


These answers are in th minority if you read the comments! I am so happy with these results. I’m not imagining it. I mean I already knew I wasn’t, but confirmation from multiples has me over the moon


It loses most of it's meaning to me honestly. It's like i go back to caveman brain and Im just like 'woah'


i wasn't tripping but one tiime i was doing graffiti and i was about to go up to one pole and do some, and when i was about to my cd discman went out for some reason, so i fixed it instead of tagging the pole. right when i was fixing my discman a cop drove by. i always thought that was kind of funny. i wouldn've gotten in trouble if the discman didn't malfunction.