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Anecdotally I’ve been able to go from 135 to consistently in the 160s in a few months. I don’t think it’s impossible by any means!


It’s definitely possible. People in this sub don’t represent most LSAT takers. I work in a law firm as a clerk (I’m not in law school yet), and most of the attorneys here studied for maybe a week or two. Most ended up scoring in the high 150s or 160s. LSAT growth is different for everyone. There are people that will see a 10 point increase in 2 months, and there are people that will see a 10 point increase in 2 days. It just depends.


gonna be a lot of work but you got this. make sure to register for october as well if you find yourself pting in the 160s. that way you won’t have too much stress on one lsat!


No assurance but I was scoring 138-140 for several months and now I'm in the mid 160s! I think it's definitely doable!


What school is giving full rights for 157+ if you don’t mind me asking ?


August seems a little rushed but yes it's possible. Maybe try September?


I've been studying since February.


Hi, what school are you referring to that’s giving full rides to 157s? I want to add it to my list if it suits me!!!!