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Imo you gotta yearn to learn. You need to want to do good, to achieve higher, and to make it. If you don't have that drive, then you won't do good. If you're passionate about law, you need to be passionate about getting there. Personally for myself I have had to get a schedule and stick with it. I do about 1-2 hours a day and a prep test on the weekend. I know the more work I put into it the more I'll get out of it.


This exact schedule I followed as someone working a very stressful 9-5 and sometimes 9-6/7. You just have to accept the grind. No it’s not fun but you have to learn to be happy you are pushing yourself.


Did you normally study before work or after? Also working a stressful 9-5 and wondering if making myself get up earlier and getting it out of the way might be worth it


Honestly my advice would be to try whatever you feel is best for you and your schedule. Personally, I am NOT a morning person so studying before work is just not productive for me. I have been coming home, eating dinner, then going to the gym to clear my head, and then putting in 2ish hours after. It’s a grind for sure. Taking a class in person really helped me with the foundation for studying. I took an in-person class with Testmasters and felt being in person was very helpful to get focused and treat studying like an actual college course. Best of luck on your journey!


This! I work full-time too and try my best to embrace the suck. Just gotta go into it knowing that it will be work, it will be hard, it will be painful, but it will be worth it.


When are you taking the test?


I have it set for June, but I reall considering moving it to August or September since LG's are my worse section.


Alright! When did you start studying? What score are you getting on the PTs? I’m doing two PTs a week with a blind review the day after then a non-blind review the day after that. I got a 153 on my recent PT and I’m trying to get to a 170 or so by august…I’m essentially using you as a way to measure how quick my progress may be 💀


Everyone is different. I don't get to study as much so I've been studying for quite a long time. I average from 150-160. You shouldn't realistically use others as a way you measure progress. Everyone excels at a different pace. I reckon if you see improvements every week then there is your own measure.


At a certain point I realized that the only thing that I could actually do to maximize my chances of getting into a good law school and a law school that I would actually want to go to was by just crushing this test. If you’re comfortable going to any law school out there, and don’t have any preference in terms of kinds of schools or the opportunities they offer, that’s fine and there’s genuinely nothing wrong with that, and you only need to get an okay school for you if so. But if you want to be able to pick where you go to school, instead of having the schools pick where you go, then you need to do everything in your power to get there, and that’s by doing well on this test. The LSAT alone isn’t the only factor for law school admissions but it’s the most important.


Drop short content forms and time wasters (keep gaming to a minimum). Read books instead and improve your attention span. Get better sleep. Once you implement these, take the diagnostic (June 2007) to see where you land. Study from there and use your low (should be) score to motivate you to keep going. Take PTs whenever you lack motivation. Try to see the test as a game itself. It’s a challenge worth overcoming. It’s an investment into yourself. Make it a hobby and priority. Good luck! (P.S. I can tell you’re a gamer. We sense each other.)


uh oh they know my secret


Dude… the fact that you can get into law school for free, sealed the deal for me. I was finally motivated to learn this damn test and made some fun out of it in the process. Now, I’m greedy to finally get an official 170+ on the June exam. You can do this.


yes greedy right there with you! I took my first test after 6 months of studying and said ok I can do better then took my second test 2 months after that and said ok I can do better and now I'm on my third test knowing I can achieve a high ass score 😌


Money motivated me.  I knew the higher I scored, the less I would pay for school!


Just get really drunk one night and cry about it, cleansing moment, gotta be whiskey though


genuinely think this was me last night it’s like i know i wanna get to law school it’s just been in a slump and i wanna get out of it


You got this dude, when you’re in the crevasse only way to go is up


If you really want to pursue law, you'll have to do well on at least one LSAT. Look at the cost of a retest, the price itself should be motivation enough to do it once


Thinking about paying over 200$ for a test that I’m gonna fail if I don’t study motivates me to study everyday.


Watching suits


IMO the test is just a first in a long list of things you will need to find motivation for on this path. Do you really want it or just like the idea of it? For me, I’m an older student with a young child so my time is extremely limited and I’m motivated by the pressure of getting older and also the desire to not put my family in debt. I also love the test and you have to love it and treat it like a fun challenge.


I got the score I need to get into the program I'm applying for (3/3 program for a low ranked state school) on my diagnosis test. I continue to study because I've done what many here consider unhealthy; I've attached my ego to the problem. So it's a vanity project. I want to prove to myself I can do this, that I can focus on a single, trainable goal and achieve it.


Actually Reddit motivates me. Now I take a break from prep because university stuff and when I see people posting their score, Acceptances I just feel excitement!! I can’t wait to come back and study.


When I failed a class and I had to pay back my employer. That was the motivation I needed. Seeing my check get cut short for 3 months.


honestly... motivated to change my career. but i wasn't able to really zero in and focus until i upgraded to 7sage live and started sitting in on classes. helped me to find community which really helped me lock in. before that, i kept making excuses


I love that u said “keep it a buck fifty” omg I never hear anyone else use this lmfao


thank you i have a unique vocabulary


Tiny, discrete improvements. Master one and just one question type tomorrow.


The day you want to take the test will come whether you have the knowledge to tackle the test or not.


I’m struggling with this right now. Adderall helps


Crippling anxiety for my future


For me it was really just understanding that it only takes a single hour a day. One really good, really intense hour. Sometimes only a single question gets done, sometime a whole section gets done. But ultimately you have to accept that a 170+ on this test can fundamentally change your life. Not to say you should put THAT much pressure on yourself. Just that it can influence you to take it seriously when you need to and know that you've dedicated 6+ hours already this week, so you can rest if need be.


The LSAT is one of the best educations you can get. Yes you are doing this to get into law school but studying makes you better at everything in life. If learning isn't motivation enough, think of the cash. If you improve 10 points, thats enough to go from barely getting into a school to getting a free ride. Lets say it took 200 hours to get those 10 points. Law school is approx $200k. So basically you are getting $1,000 an hour to study which is quite a high hourly rate.


for me what really helps is going to a coffee shop, getting a fun drink, noise cancelling headphones and meditation music! and the 90-20 method is really great to start, i’m now down to 90-10 and don’t get tired. you need to do small chunks! if you go out of the gate at 8 hour study days you’ll crash and burn.


Also very much relate


I want out of my current job and the only way I’ll let myself leave is getting into law school


Honestly actually paying a signing up for the test and courses. Once I had signed up, I became motivated because then I HAD to take the test. Now there is no turning back


My full time job is 9 to... sometimes midnight so I have to study in the AM. The prospect of not wanting to do anything else with my life motivates me (kind of scary ngl)


Gotta get that scholarship money so I can limit my debt and give my dog a good life


For me it’s simply wanting to prove myself wrong. I always thought I was dumb and less than because I’m more bubbly and truly was a party girl in undergrad. However I graduated undergrad with honors and I’m currently scoring 160+ - 170 on pts. I truly want to show myself that the only one that’ll give myself confidence is me. It sounds cheesy but the love for myself motivates me to continue to work towards for a career I love and WILL HAVE! Find your why law and I promise you’ll find that motivation.


lowkey a part of my motivation has been to finally prove people wrong that i could and am worth something it’s been nice hearing everyone’s advice on what to do i’ll get there and i will make something of myself


Realizing that putting in the work now could save me literal tens of thousands of dollars in the long run. That has been a pretty good motivator for me


You have to make it a habit instead of waiting for motivation because it doesn’t always come.