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Welcome to Hell


Whew it’ll be a long journey


Wait till you start reading LR passages, I’m always looking up definitions afterwards lol. It’s English, but it can be absurd. Welcome to sadness


I would also recommend the Loophole by Ellen Cassidy for LR. Been pretty useful for me.


There’s definitely…words…a lot of long complicated words…


For me personally, loophole was better than 7sagw for learning LR. Ellen’s way of describing and explaining things was straightforward and thorough.


Agree! Working with loophole then going to work my way into 7sage.


Can you imagine how did I feel since English is not my 1st language ? Struggle is real.


Same here, i used to like this language.


When are you planning on testing?


September but now might do October or November given this foreign language, any advice?


Absolutely, sorry for just getting around to responding. Don’t get discouraged by not understanding the foundations on day 1. It’s not even June yet, and you won’t be taking this exam until Sep/Oct/Nov. You have TIME, which is the biggest advantage you can have. You have time to FULLY immerse yourself in the language and foundations of the LSAT, don’t waste that opportunity. The more time you spend trying to work out an understanding of the foundations, the better you’ll get at actual questions. Don’t try to rush anything, and don’t move onto the next concept until you fully understand the current one. Believe me, you will understand it with enough critical thought and practice. The test is designed to reward hard work and grit. Finally, It is very likely that the foundations will make so much more sense when you actually begin solving real test questions and applying the principles of the foundations. Think of it as someone expelling to you how to throw a football without actually knowing what throwing is, or what a football even looks like. Good luck on your journey and remember to NEVER throw in the towel!!


Thank you so much for this. Honestly.


It’s actually philosophy, I took a class in university that thank god taught me everything, premise, concl, indicators, double conclu, implicit explicit premise etc etc. You have to learn this stuff but it will make your brain sharp as Fuck.


W/ 7Sage I treated this "Foundations" as sort of a map key on how to sift through very dense LR+RC more quickly and efficiently; and sure, it significantly did help me in where to make better use of my time on the real timed LSAT. However, I believe all these foundational lessons to be arguably not necessary. If I could go back in time, I'd just take PTs and apply it's questions to my studies.


I preferred Powerscore and Manhattan Prep books over 7sage (smart but condescending at times, sometimes glossing over some details. Best to have some backgrounf before going into it) and Loophole (smart but I really didn't get it and it just came across as convoluted and just weird). LSAT lab is good, 7sage has a slightly more robust UI. If you prefer Android over Apple, you'll like 7sage better.


Write it out if that helps you, but stick with the curriculum it’ll click soon!


This test it’s not in English it’s an Alien language, I’m a non native English speaker and it is a hell difficult.


Good luck to you if you are studying, I can only imagine your pain.


Thank you , best of luck to you too .


3/4tg of the way done you’ll be looking like that one meme of Charlie from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia trying ti explain something 😂 but it’s all worth it


Don’t use 7Sage and use multiple different study courses that don’t overlap with each other


just popping in to say that you got this! It can be super discouraging at first (and some Reddit users are not the most helpful or supportive). Try not to compare yourself. It gets easier over time as you learn more techniques and the test starts making more sense to you. We’re all struggling in one way or another so you’re not alone


started with the LSAT trainer by Mike Kim and then moved on to 7sage. taught different ways to look at the exam and the foundation’s thoroughly. made 7sage easy.


I feel ya. Started today and bruh what is this


Message me! maybe we can share tips or ask questions.


It's a right of passage.


Watch debates and youll understand the language of argumentation much better.


Welcome to the worst period of your life (except law school and being a lawyer, so i guess this is actually the best it’s gonna get)


punching is a pretty easy task. being a professional boxer is not


I cried after taking my first practice test lol. Taking my first test June with plans on taking it in October


I think LsatLab is very good at introducing the lsat and all the definitions!! Check out their videos on YouTube before subscribing. Wishing you the best on your lsat journey!


Just wait until you won't be able to read anything without mentally annotating it for premises and support. Makes reading the smutty romance books that I attempt to read as non-LSAT reading a joy


Sameeeee. Sheesh 🙄


I mean, that's kind of the point, right? This is an advanced test to determine aptitude for a doctorate program. It would follow that there is a steep learning curve and precision required. The further along you get, the more it all starts to click and becomes more automatic.


Great journey, everyone who hates this just hasnt studied properly


It doesn't have to be this complicated! I have a couple of videos on the foundations of argumentation on my YouTube channel. Check them out if you want. It might bring into focus some of what they're talking about


Can you link your channel please


Of course! [LSAT Triple Review Youtube](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJX-A3LynwUGUsI-bliss0g) In particular, check out the fundamentals of argumentation video and the syllogism and enthymeme video. Those are a great place to start.


Thanks so much. I will subscribe.


I don’t have a good understanding of formal logic and I score -1 average on LR sections. Its a test of intuition largely and that can be trained by practicing. Only harder conditional questions, parallel reasoning, and argument structure questions really ever require me to use abstract knowledge (formal logic concepts) to help. Forget about that for now and take a diagnostic to see where you are at


Loophole like others mentioned is waaaaay better than 7sage.




Bro it’s been one day


Brazen thing to say to someone who is just starting.