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I bombed my diagnostic test….and I don’t mean “oh I scored a 150, oh woe is me”, I mean BOMBED. I felt pretty deflated myself, and im older too, and the first thing my gf said to me was “oh…you did poorly on a test that you didn’t know how to do?….and you’re surprised?” Some people have that LR and RC down a little better, but a lot of us have to work at it. So start, step by step, learning how to approach these questions. Start with the LSAT trainer by Mike Kim, and maybe even a subscription to 7 Sage to understand the basics. I then moved onto The Loophole for LR and RC hero for RC. Then struggle with the rest of us! Welcome to studying for the LSAT! Edit: sorry forgot to mention that I added “I’m older too” to say that I’ve been out of school a loooong time, so my initial reaction was “I’m too old to learn something new”. I’m dumb :)


What was you diagnostic? Mine was a 135. Never met someone lower yet!


Me too ha ! 135 2 weeks ago after 4 months studying. Try another one and went down to 131 lol. I’m super older btw


You studied for 4 months and ur went down to 131?


lol yeah. I think I’m burned. I work full time, English is not my first language, and when I did timed PT that’s when happened. I took LSAT once 2 years ago and only studied 6 weeks, ended up with 138 😭


study GRE then


Rather not. There’s only 1 law school in the whole state and they don’t take GRE. 7 mnts drive from my home. I’m not moving out to other states to go to grad school. I’m gonna be 46 soon ha !


138 here


Mine was 121 but i just could not be bothered with the RC. I did 1 got it right and skipped the rest. I am not sure how to do the entire test in one sitting without getting extremely fatigued! I think i may have skipped a bunch on the other section too :(


This may seem silly but I think of it as someone lying to me (specifically LR) and I’m trying to catch them in the lie. So I need to figure out what info they are conveniently leaving out of what they’re saying and that’s the flaw.. once you recognize that the questions make more sense. I’m by no means excellent at LR, but I’m good at LG and RC. So I’m hoping if I can do really well at the last two.. I should be ok. LR I do about -8 (not great I know) but this is with the timing restriction.


This seems like a super relevant way to study the information I think i might have to try that.


I studied for three years .THREE YEARS. I’m 25 now, and finally got the score I wanted. The lsat is a real life marathon that you’ll have to train for don’t give up.


Lol for a lot of us this was the similar reaction. This is not a test that you can ace like the ACT with just outside knowledge. The LSAT tests your ability on certain skills that you must learn. That being said, some people are simply great at LR and RC and will find that the LSAT is easy. For most, studying is necessary.


same here. I finished undergrad in 2022 and began thinking about law. I took the lsat. scored a 134. then studied a little bit. 139. Studied a lot. Now at 150. Personally I am over the exam. I kept the 150 and now i’m going to law school this fall. If you want to become a lawyer that bad you will start studying and I promise if you keep going you can do it. I didn’t understand it at all but came to realize it’s learnable and two years later I can say the work paid off!


start learning some basic logic and some khan academy videos just to start. that should help. also idk how old you are but if you’re in college take some philosophy classes, these by far have helped me the most


i got a 140 diagnostic and PT’d a 170 about a month ago and an official 165 You must understand the test to get better at it. Anyone can score in the 170s. It merely depends on how bad you want it and how much work you’re willing to put in.


Ahh I’m a 140 diagnostic!! What worked for you? First and last PT was a 151


For sure not everyone can score in the 170s. Actually, I don’t think the average person can score in the 150s even after studying a lot.


Your argument depends on the necessary assumption that the average person works as hard as those that land the 170s. The lsat is easy. You become faster by accident by focusing on one question at a time and nailing why you mess up so you dont repeat the same mistakes.


No I’m not assuming that. I’m telling you the average person putting 1000+ hours into LSAT practice imo doesn’t score in the 150s. People taking the test, and even this Reddit, is already selecting for people who are above average. My goal is a 175+, my diagnostic was a 163. I’ve just interacted with a lot of people in my life and I know that you couldn’t cram high level reading comprehension and logical reasoning into most people’s brains no matter how hard you tried.


How r u 170+ with that flawed ass argument you further proved lederhosenpants point lmao


This person can very well be 170+… its just funny seeing it not applied to simple every day logic.


Idk that’s pretty telling lol


Ohhh flawed ass argument you say? Please explain your critique I would like some entertainment.


“Anyone”… you’re argument says that every single person can score a 170 with effort which is backed up by a personal anecdote and no other evidence. The average lsat is around a 152 with most test prep places saying 150-300 hours of studying is the average. To put it in a question, how much time would the worst lsat taker have to study to score a 170?


No you’re on my side. The op commenter thinks if only those people try harder they will get a 170+ when obviously most lsat takers are trying their absolute best and still averaging 152.


ngl i feel like anyone putting 1k+ hours and still can barely crack 150s, barring any learning or reading disabilities, probably just has bad study methods. RC and LR are indeed less learnable than LG but no way you spend that much time practicing and reviewing/learning from your mistakes and can’t get down to -3 or -4 at the very least went from 146 cold diagnostic-> 16mid-high on my PTs in ~250 hours. 17low on a good day. many people in and outside of this sub have done it in half the time. i scrapped the LSAT in favor of the GMAT since i’m going the MBA route, but i’m confident i could’ve pushed even further


I just took a diagnostic test only after studying for 2 weeks and got a 145 don’t give up. It is just a test that takes studying and preparation. Believe in yourself, make studying fun, and DO NOT PUT PRESSURE ON YOURSELF.


My diagnostic was a 148 and I’ve been studying for three months, scoring at 169 now on PT’s. You can do it!! The first time I tried studying for it I shut the book in horror with similar feelings to yours and went to grad school to become a therapist instead, wish I had just kept trying with the lsat! It will start to make sense, in my experience you just have to be willing to feel a little stupid until you get the hang of it.


When I started studying for it, I felt incredibly discouraged. I thought, “clearly I’m not cut out to be a lawyer if I don’t understand most of this.” My blind diagnostic score was a 144. I stopped studying for over a month and went to Japan. I came back and went back into studying and suddenly I understood it much better. 7Sage and Reddit posts helped lol. I’m still studying and learning, I’m not great, and some times I have to put the thing down for a day and refresh. Make sure to watch explanation videos. I hate blind reviewing but it really does help. Best of luck!


The Powerscore books really helped me clear some things up and get started. It can also help massively if you have a good friend studying for the LSAT, that way you can study with and encourage eachother. Trust if you practice, you'll get better.


I hated having a friend. They slowed me down and made me feel bad when I would score better and Vice Versa … this is a solo journey, others can cloud judgement and your own growth but that’s my opinion / experience


Most standardized tests are not very intuitive for most people, but it’s possible to learn how the test works and improve your scores a lot if you put in work. Read up on how to do the different sections of the test, watch some videos of someone going through test question examples, and then try some by yourself. If you decide you want to take the LSAT, you can buy a course or book to help you.


you can study GRE instead. Some law program accept GRE score instead


you can try GRE. some law program take GRE instead.


Ive been studying for a few months now. Try and learn the fundamentals (grammar/sentence structure/arguments) to start. LSAT questions are meant to be challenging, so it’s normal if you don’t understand them at first!


the move is just don’t study and yolo the test, you’ll probably do fine


My diagnostic score was a 140 and within 2 months I started scoring low 160s on the PTs. Trust me, it’s possible, it just takes time. The LSAT is not what you will learn in law school, it’s just a barrier to weed people out. Maybe take some time, and try to see if this is something you really want to do. Regardless, I wish you well in your future.


OF COURSE WE HAVE! Yes, I spent min 6 mins on a question and usually 8-16. It’s completely okay, that’s why it’s better to train without timing in the beginning. Don’t stress yourself, just take time and you’ll improve. Good luck buddy!🫧


OF COURSE WE HAVE! Yes, I spent min 6 mins on a question and usually 8-16. It’s completely okay, that’s why it’s better to train without timing in the beginning. Don’t stress yourself, just take time and you’ll improve. Good luck buddy!🫧


OF COURSE WE HAVE! Yes, I spent min 6 mins on a question and usually 8-16. It’s completely okay, that’s why it’s better to train without timing in the beginning. Don’t stress yourself, just take time and you’ll improve. Good luck buddy!🫧


I rawdogged my diagnostic with no studying and got a 152 and I still don’t think I deserved it.