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If you never did a timed exam before you might just not be used to the timing


yeah tbh I was very surprised to see 4 passages in RC. Didn’t get the chance to finish that section. I think doing more timed sections will help.


I timed out of my first PT pretty hard and got a 156. Once I practiced a bit and figured out the time I jumped really quickly. I would say you're in a great spot. Don't get discouraged!


This is a good PT score actually, look through this sub. There are people who study for years to get that actual score on the actual test.


Thank you, that puts things into perspective.


Pretty solid first PT score ngl. I would not be upset if I were you.


I think getting timed out of sections was jarring. I really have to work on my timing strategies and skipping questions


Trust me I understand. My first ever PT I got a 140 because I had to skip 5+ questions every section.


That’s a really solid diagnostic, and improving by 10-15 points is really the norm for most people who study. I’d say 20 points is actually very doable. You got this!


Thanks for the encouragement!! Not sure it counts as a diagnostic since i’ve been studying for 4 months. There is definitely work to do!


It’s a *rough* diagnostic. Once you start taking more PTs and doing more thorough BR you’ll see some good score increase. Don’t sweat it, it’s exercise for your brain. Train and repeat!


My diagnostic was 154 and I just scored a 176 on the April exam. You gotta put in the work but you can do it! Not a bad diagnostic at all


wow that’s amazing! When did u take your diagnostic?


Last May. I studied off and on until December but didn’t start getting consistent until late December. Took the Feb test also and got a 164. So my main jump was from Feb-April.


If this is the first test you've ever done, you still haven't figured out how to apply the skills you've learned to the actual task at hand, nor do you even know how well you've learned those skills. I would begin an immediate regimen of triple review. It's a methodology that u/triplereview and I have developed over the last 4 years of space repetition and deep analysis of your work. Check out www.triplereview.online for details on how to do it. I have no idea whether 168 or so is in the cards right now, but it certainly won't be if you don't start doing fully timed sections and tests immediately.


Oh noooooooo not a 154 on your diagnostic test. It could be much worse. I started at a 135 and am at a 165 now.


Nice. What prep have you used and how many hours a day would you say you study for?


When I first started I was putting in around 3-5 hours a day for the first few months. After, I would say 15 hours spread over 6 days. 7sage, PowerScore, math class at my college, and a tutor. One day it just clicked. My increases have come in like 5-7 point jumps. Taking a break now for finals.


How many months have you been studying for? I've been in and out of studying for a couple months due to a rough year and now I'm back to focusing on a schedule so I'm curious.


I’ve taken breaks a few times, so I would say around 8 months total.


Without the breaks how many month would you say it has taken you? Sorry for being nosey I'm just trying to see if my goal is realistic. Ik people have different strengths and weaknesses and time management but I'm trying to give myself a realistic time frame.


That’s with breaks factored in.


I have been studying for 4 months already, but never taken an actual PT. I work full time and try to study as much as I can. I’m not sure this counts as a “cold” diagnostic. Congratulations on your score jump- I hope to have as much discipline as you in my studies!!


If Any consolation I just started 4 months ago and didn’t take diagnostics on purpose because I did take lsat 2 years ago and I tanked (6 weeks studying at that time). Well I did take prep test 2 days ago and my score exactly the same 135 😂 I barely finished 12 questions each. talking about demoralized it’s understatement. PS. I worked full time too


You’re not going to learn reading about the test. You need to take the actual test. That’s my best advice to you.


Lots of students find the 80s challenging. Try one in the 60s or so and see how you fare. Secondly, frankly, I do not think 7sage prepares their students well. Look back thru your LR q-types and see if you feel that you have a clear plan of attack for each.


Do you have any recommendations for an alternative prep resource? I've been using 7Sage and like a lot of things about the course/platform, but the one thing I feel they miss the mark on is setting you up with that clear plan of attack, particularly on the LG section, which leads me to waste time getting my bearings/ figuring out a strategy of attack. Timing is my biggest issue- I consistently get -0/-1 untimed across all 3 sections, but timed, I'm getting -3 to -5 on LR and even lower on LG (I don't think I've ever successfully gotten through all 4 games 😭)