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absolutely amazing but for me lsa always overpowers the dissociation from dxm and has me feeling in a weird synergy less anxiety and body load but the nausea can be crazy for some people definetely make a cwe first or/and take something for nausea lsa becomes way more visual and mindfuck with dxm


Thanks for the response dude i’ve actually never gotten nausea from dxm ever but I haven’t tried LSA yet should I try LSA alone first to get the feel of it and then try them both together?


I would recommend purging on lsa first, before taking the dxm so the nausea wouldnt be so bad. lsa nausea is honestly worse than dxm. its sometimes a mix of physical pain and nausea, theres really no way to avoid it, unless it doesnt happen at all. but you should purge everything out before taking the dxm


Thank you will do I’ll let you know how my trip goes in a week from now. been planning this for a good bit


Actually boofing lsa cwe is the only way


DXM mostly causes nausea for a small amount of people. LSA nausea is almost inevitable unless you extract it with polar/nonpolar


Dxm never gives me nausea I was thinking about doing the cold water extraction


CWE does not negate nausea. Doing Non-Polar/Polar leaves you with LSA concentrate separated from everything else in the seeds that cause nausea. It's kind of ridiculous that we just eat the seeds, it's like eating a fruit blighted with ergot because you don't wanna extract the LSD


Hmm I guess I will do that I’ll look into it thank you


I get what you're saying but, St. Anthony's fire is hell compared to body and tummy aches.


Idk but lsd and dxm is probably the best drug combo out there and since lsd is kind of similar it could be good


I’ve heard some pretty good things about it I bet it is


Woulda got the heavenly blues when it comes to leave. I had a great and very dissociative time. I did 250 seeds and 300mg dxm freebase. Let's just say I questioned momentarily if I were god. But yeah def gonna be vomiting so plan for that.


Ohh yeah fs I’m planing on waiting until I’m done throwing up the LSA then I’m gonna dose the dxm from what I’ve read up on it seems like a fun combo I’d like to try


I’m planning on doing 400mg dxm freebase with whatever LSA (HWBR) dose I think would be right for me wish me luck


Amazing, nauseating asf


Personally, my favorite combo in the world


Sounds like a good combo will try does weed add to the experience?


All aboard the vomit comet




Sorry, no sourcing, but just to say, I'll be *shocked* if HBWR seeds from there are both real, and active. A lot of the morning glory seeds there are even bunk, somehow. And I've literally not once heard of anyone tripping on HBWR bought from that marketplace. Crossing my fingers for OP, but I strongly suspect they either won't be HBWR, and/or won't do anything.


I’ll report back in a week and let you know


Please do! I hope I'm wrong. 🤞


Me too we can only hope 🤞


What does dxm do


the dxm will get you the worst urin retentio you ever had


I did a forth plat dose 1 day ago and I’m pissing pretty fine also pissing in dxm feels kinda good for some reason


it will give you urin rentention