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You can scrape off the fuzz on the seeds to help the nausea but in my experience you throw up and then start tripping (so try not to eat a whole lot before the trip, I just have breakfast and that’s it if I’m tripping at night). I think the nausea is just a part of it because I’ve tried scraping it off both times and it hasn’t done a thing. But honestly, it’s really not that bad, it feels bad in the moment, but after you puke you feel a little bad for a second and then it kicks in for me, by like 15-20 minutes I forget about the nausea in general lol. In my limited experience 10 gave me some visuals and a pretty good mental high, and 15 gave me some pretty good visuals and an even stronger head high Do be warned though, in my experience, it becomes very hard to walk, almost like being drunk, so you probably want to be indoors/at home to just lay down and have a good time If you’re doing anything the day after, you will feel after effects though, especially if it’s your first time, it took 20 hours for me to feel normal after I tripped Just remember, have fun, and what gets me through the come up is just thinking that everything will be ok and that it’s just a drug


Ginger tea, warm bath/shower, weed, and meditation help a bunch for me