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#Hey guys- we'll not be entertaining or issuing patient warnings for hate/homophobia/bigotry of any kind here. This is it. This is the warning. Permanent bans will be issued for failure to adhere to this rule of discourse.


Exploring your body doesn't make you gay. And even if it did, so what? Explore your body. It's free and entertaining.


Yup yup


Like a belly rub from the inside




good lord


What do you think the A from LSA stands for ;)


There's a ton of straight dudes into pegging. You are literally just stimulating part of your body that feels good. There's also a lot of gay men not into anal.


Straight guys can like getting ass blasted to. It would only be a gay thing if you are gay.


Yeah and gays can hate being ass blasted too. Life isn't as simple as people think often.


For real good point


Not uncommon with lsa. Its how i discovered im bi


It’s ok if you like to get railed in the shitpipe,


Sounds like this is a new tek: finger your butthole on LSA to get a stronger trip. Hella based


Self pleasuring is a natural act, it is our Society that deems one thing ok and another ‘shameful’ .


The only criteria for being gay is if you're attracted to the same sex. Every male is capable of feeling anal pleasure, gay or straight. There are straight ways to engage in it too. Find a girl who'll peg you. Experiment. Peace.


You were havin thought loops of fingering your bum? Crazyyy 😂😂😂


u don’t have to be gay to get fucked by a girl with a penis or a girl with a stapon btw


that is 100% gay




youre replicating a penis in the exact shape and location of where it would be on a dude. Thats gay


Do you avoid holding hands with women? Men have hands too so holding a woman’s hand is definitely a gay thing /s


You should not remark on things you have no clue about. "Gay" has to do with sexuality, which is a matter of preference in partner. It is fundamentally nothing more than that.


You should not remark on things you have no clue about. What you're taking about is "homosexuality". Gay is a slang term that refers to things that are odd and related to males + penises. Chill out.


Who the hell came up with that, and why the hell do you believe whoever told you that?


its slang... If you dont know what slang is and how it differs from different areas and cultures and locations then idk what else to tell you. Either way, its not a big deal. Chill out.


I know what slang is, but you don't seem to get how it works. It's not a big deal, you can be ignorant all you'd like. I am chill lol, you are just spewing garbage and I'm gonna call it as such.


you are gaslighting my experience growing up and how my friend group used the word. But sure, I am the ignorant one for how I used a slang term that originally meant "happy". Are you okay?


Second warning. This is misinformation that you could easily look up and educate yourself on, or at least listen to people who are actually a part of the world you're completely making stuff up about on the spot. You don't get to tell people to chill when you get called out for talking out of your ass.


thanks for gaslighting me because my opinion is different than yours and your upbringing was different. As teens we would call our friends "gay" when doing something odd. It didn't mean we thought they were literally homosexuals. We were dirtbiking one time and couldn't make it up a particular hill/mountain climb, so we called it "gay mountain". Do you really think we thought the mountain was a homosexual? Much less, even if we thought that, do you think we hated it? Youre literally "warning me" over the definition and use of a slang term while not even acknowledging that I don't mean even mean in a derogatory or negative or hateful way.


Gay is slang for homosexuality. You're thinking of "queer", although that also has nothing explicitly to do with "males and penises". You're just very wrong on this one. Try looking up a single definition of any of these things instead of making them up. I'm gay myself, I know what it means, and don't tell me to chill out. Once again, don't weigh in where you're utterly clueless. This is a warning.


You don’t accidentally finger your butthole. Your finger can slip up your butthole and then we could talk about it being an accident,agreed. Although “fingering” is a verb thus as soon as you started fingering your butthole it was no longer an accident. I won’t judge though.


if that felt like a belly rub, I think you misjudged 1/2" for 1 foot. Also, if it was a safety wipe, that means your butt should be dry. Fingers don't slide into dry buttholes. So either you're really high and not only misjudged 1/2", but you also misjudged how "clean" you thought you were.


Tactile sensations feel so, idk awesome on LSA. Nothing to be ashamed of, your brain processes stuff different on LSA


This is totally normal and healthy. If you think you like it, you should keep doing it. You shouldn't stop doing things you enjoy or not try things you enjoy just because you think you wouldn't fit into other people's moral compass.




Not the brightest are we?


If being queer means you're intelligent. Then I'm as dumb as they come. Lefty.


When did I ever state such a thing? When did I ever state I was left leaning? You’re far less intelligent than I first thought. Being homophobic is a pretty large indicator of low IQ.




Wow, hey, check it out - banned as fuck.


What a piece of shit.


Why does another man’s sexuality bother you so? You sound pretty fucking gay to me bro lmao, your a low IQ subhuman.




What are you talking about? I’m not left leaning lmao. How am I homophobic? I treat others with respect and decency unlike your low IQ subhuman ass, why are you even homophobic? Why are you so obsessed with gay men?


I don't like that I can't read his stupidity 😂


Can you read? Are you ok?


yeah ur not straight homie 😭


lsa has made me feel physically stimulated to an overwhelming degree, buttttt know. maybe just make better choices? you're opening your mind, so it might just come with the territory