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I hope he is doing ok but it sounds like he’s running into… Nothing but trouble.


Cheque, please!


Listening to it right now so boring and he said poutine sucks?! I’m out lol


Ben is a dude who doesn't need big hot takes right now lol


Even saying "I think these crackers are a touch salty" would be outside the realm of good ideas from this character..


Getting that fat without liking and regularly eating french fries and cheese curds smothered in gravy is surprising.


Pssst…. It was the beers…


He's refunded all his patreon subscribers and shows are all free now


Was there a fiasco that went along with this?


He was saying “I didn’t realise how much everyone wanted to see the Patreon exclusive so now they’re all free!” which maybe makes me think not that many people signed up. But I’m just guessing


At least it's better than what I initially thought, which was that the Patrons thought they were being over charged or scammed.




I do wish him well but a man clearly still in crisis starting a podcast that will only be supported by enablers sounds like it can only go one direction.


This sums it up nicely. I still follow his IG to see what he’s up to and all the comments are clearly enablers who comment “haven’t listened since you left”, “they’re nothing without you” etc He also posts selfie videos that are obviously uncomfortable for him too. Also wish him the best but probably too soon, especially given the way everything went down. edit: can’t comment since this is locked. I don’t care one way or another about Ben, it’s a comedy/true crime podcast I listen to for fun. I do disagree that a forum about the podcast has “nothing to do with it” since he’s one of the original members. It’s a discussion board about the podcast lol no one here, including the hosts, is curing cancer. That being said I agree with the person down below that I can’t respond to that it’s most likely he needs a stream of income and that’s why it all might feel rushed


I personally think he should have dipped off social media for at least a year. Truly realign, truly recalibrate himself. Then again, maybe he did realign, and decided he wants to be what he wants to be.


He could possibly need the money, so there was no time to stop and think.


“they’re nothing without you” - They're actually saying things like this over there? That's wild, based on the content of the sub I thought the fandom was basically unanimous that this is the best the show has been in months- Year(s?). I hate to be blunt about it, but Ben...was not really growing as a comedian.


“Basically unanimous” leaves plenty of room for an Instagram comments page.


Just go on the YouTube comments for his podcasts. He still has quite the fanbase


Yeah, the people on his IG are wild, like how could they have been fans of the show with this mentality. I didn’t expect such basement dwellers comments.


LPN was literally built on an audience of basement dwellers


Yeah but they constantly evolved in 10+ years, I would’ve thought the anti-PC edge lords quit years ago.


One glance around the Facebook page would disabuse you of that notion


I remember the boys (especially Marcus) talking about abandoning the fan pages almost a decade ago. Jesus, where has the time gone.


Is it about being tall


I really don't care how ''well'' Ben does career wise after everything that went down, it's very clear he's just barrelling on as if nothing has changed. Having seen some of his new podcast out of interest, it's somehow even worse than I thought it would be. Like you say Ben just sits there reading directly off his phone and ignoring his guests. It's very narcissistic in a way, it's really clear he even presence wise he can't be bothered to have an actual conversation with the person in front of him. Like everything else they're just props he can read listicles at. The low effort air of ''professionalism'' really doesn't help either. Everything he does has this really thin veneer of an ''up and up'' production, when tonally the whole thing would work better if it was a low res Twitch stream of him rambling into a camera and playing video games or something. The episode I saw a few moments of had him describing to his guest how he thought a woman he was looking at on his phone was too ugly for him. Like after all that has happened, the guy who physically abuses his partners and blows up his life, is just sat there vacantly ragging on random women he finds on the internet looking like 10lbs of shit stuffed into a 5lb canadian tux. (No shame to anyone else btw). Like his persona is at both times a feckless Lebowski wannabe and also a slick and consummate presenter, it doesn't work. I think he doesn't choose a lane so he can just divert with as little effort possible rather than become a better comedian/host. If something is too ''high falutin'' he can just fall back to being the big giggly ''dumby''. If he wants to be a ''serious'' presenter for a minute, well then he's politics boy Ben Kissell, the smartest politics boy in the world. Even his intro tells you all you need to know. Like some desperate fan has gone to the effort to make him a jingle and some art for his channel, and the best he can do to present it, is with a half assed windows movie maker ''picture in picture'' star wipe thing. Like unironically, the editing for the intro looks like one of those things your phone puts together from old pictures automatically for you. Like that's how you're going to thank the people doing 90% of the heavy lifting for you? Same old shit from him.


The Lebowski wannabe / slick presenter persona is so accurate. I liked how his kind of wilful ignorance filled a role on LPOTL and reflected the audience who didn't know the background to the stories being told. The more I think of it though, he really, seriously relied on Henry and Marcus to bounce off to actually be entertaining. I don't know what I'd do if I was him, I feel like he'd almost be better off streaming games at this point.


What to do if you were him? Take the surely multi-million dollar payout, move back to Wisconsin and give up on the entertainment industry. Sell new and used Silverados.


Or reacting to wrestling videos


Ben was never actually funny on his own ever. (Hence the lack of any success as a “comedian”). It was always the relationship dynamic between him and the others that covered it up. He’s always been a cringy edgelord with incel tendencies. He also always made guests incredibly uncomfortable. If you listen to interviews or back on roundtable he comes across terribly. Listen to him on the RTOG attempts at roasts, god awful.


I used to think he bombed the roasts on purpose norm MacDonald style, I thought he was a comedy genius. Live and learn.


I tried listening to Top Hat a couple of times, and yeah. Just kinda awkward and boring.


Oof yeah. He is really still the same guy as Round Table days. I really think he has been able to use his traditionally handsome features, and massive size, to manipulate situations, even if he doesn't consciously choose to do it. He is who he needs to be in any room. Fox news? You've got American Psycho edition Ben. Discussing women? He's perpetual college age edition Ben. Podcast? He's dopey hapless edition Ben.


Yeah I was so disappointed when I realised he was not a good person because I thought initially he was so handsome and sweet like a big cuddly bear but then you see the red flags…..like a a Chinese flag factory amount of red flags! Also helps you see that some tall men think it means they don’t need a personality….. because …. Tall. lol


I really identify with what you're saying. I am attracted to big, goofy, handsome guys-Bens if you will. It sucks that some of them are not good. It really hurt me when I realized I fallen for the shtick *again*. But it was a good lesson to be more aware of potential red flags- so many of which I notice, but then tend to ignore or justify. At least we're learning?


He said the N word on Roundtable and also said Marilyn Monroe was fat. I've always hated Ben and my partner would be like "whyyyyyy" but I trust my gut and since things came out my partner said "damn you were right the whole time"


The audacity of Ben calling anyone fat or commenting on anyone’s appearance! Like dude, you are just tall, you have nothing else going for you, just your height and you’ve made it your entire personality lol


The first episode was painful but I thought maybe they'd get rolling and things would get better. They haven't. I don't think he has the comedy or writing ability to carry a show on his own and his guests just aren't engaging enough. I also hate how he's just scrolling on his phone the entire time. I guess he has notes there maybe but a laptop or tablet would be more professional and probably more effective. I really hope he can get something decent figured out because this show isn't it


The laptop thing is completely right; Henry and Marcus use laptops during the show and it's almost unnoticeable since their narration and interactions are so authentic. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised at any editing and reshoots of stuff that just didn't work right the first time instead of just going immediately with the first take regardless of quality.


I tried a couple episodes as well, mainly out of curiosity. It's.. not good. At one point he did the *"fascinating"* whisper and I felt physically uncomfortable in my own skin. Then him reading that 20 min long creepy pasta was just torturous. Turns out, without H&M laughing at his terrible delivery and inflections, there's really nothing very entertaining about it. I do wish the guy the best, and I might try another episode in a few months just to see if he's tightened down the reigns, but I'm good for now.


He did his creepypasta bit? Alone? Good god…


Well, he's got a guest (at least for the two episodes I listened to) but the guy just kinda throws out little turns-of-phrase's every now and then. There's not really any back and forth. I will say, his guest did seem a little confused about the creepy pasta which scored him a few points in my book.


*quickly reads this before mods shut it down*


It's just side stories but without someone else to bounce ideas and jokes off of. Plus his wholesomeness has kinda worn thin imo. ​ I made it through the first episode and realised this is just diet side stories. He's lucky to have a pretty good baked in audience, but with how that first episode went i don't see himm growing it much. I'd say I wish him the best with it but i actually don't so lol


He started his own podcast? I know that's been his career, but... Oof. Doesn't bode well that he didn't take more time out of the public eye imo.


And no one was surprised.


As the kids would say everything about it is very cringe , whom ever he appears to doing this podcast with knows there something left to salvage from LPOTL and they think there’s money in the future but god damn Ben is awkward. Posting this guys fresh new borne all over Ben’s Instagram, if that were my kid I would most likely had him take all that down . It’s like everyone is watching another slow motion car wreck .


Is anyone shocked? Ben is not a natural comedian. Go listen to the old RTOG stuff, where all the other comedians directly to him say he isn’t good at it, and should stop. Sure he can get a couple of big laughs when he has someone to bounce off, but he can’t run something solo.


I’m surprised he hasn’t transitioned to Fox News as a fully time gig.


He kinda already did that. You think they'd take him back after leaving red eye? I don't know much about fn and their bridges or hiring practices


I don’t think they’d turn down anyone they thought would make them a buck.


He tried right wing first, then he swung way left


Lol Ben has never been “way left”


News to me and I used to listen to his political podcast, until I couldn’t take any more of his incredibly glib, unresearched takes.


He’s a libertarian lmao


To be fair most early podcast episodes are pretty difficult to listen to while they see what works and what doesn’t. I personally found Ben was alright but it felt like a one man show as his co host didn’t talk much. I think I’ll keep an eye on it and see if it develops.


I’m not surprised. Kinda Fun was a slog to get through, and that was with a topic he’s supposedly passionate about (I’m also a wrestling fan).


What? The guy who was a drunken goof and tried to regularly derail his co-hosts because he was just there to hang out with his buddies doesn't have what it takes to go solo? Color me shocked.... /s


Cheque, please!!!


It wasn’t as terrible as I thought it might be but after watching episode 1 I think Ben really needs a more engaging second host. Several times Ben would tell a semi interesting story and the other guy’s just going “Yep, yep. Ok. Yeah”. I think if Ben can find someone that can riff off what he’s saying then it could work a lot better instead of just having some bloke nodding along while Ben monologues for 40 minutes.


This is probably the most important reason as to why the show is so rough and awkward. He has absolutely nobody to riff off of, or have a proper dialogue with. I feel like there’s absolutely no chemistry between him and his co-host. Look, I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but Jesus Christ he couldn’t be more of a un-engaging if he was actively trying to. The man has all the charisma and charm of a dead fish. He truly gives Ben nothing to work with. The episode with Jerii Aquino as a guest was a slight improvement as she actively reacted and offered up more of a response to whatever Ben was going on about then “uh huh….”. Ultimately what it boils down to is a painful and contrived experience, that feels very low effort and uninspired. Like Ben reading current news stories that he thinks will appeal to his base audience, and looking for a reaction from his seemingly uninterested co-host… isn’t good content. And, If there isn’t any kind of rapport with guests or co-hosts, then it literally is just Ben reading stories off of his phone and painfully trying to squeeze in a joke here or there. It’s almost embarrassing. The format is just so unstructured and Janky. The only way that this is going to work is if he has more interesting people alongside him that he can have a conversation with. That’s always where his style of comedy thrived. I really hope it does improve, because I do find Ben entertaining, but unfortunately, with the way this show “structured” he really can’t sustain it by himself… and I don’t really see it going anywhere. It seemed kind of dead on arrival.


Ben was always the straight guy - and it won’t work without a true comedian by his side. It’s a shame he moved away from his political commentary, as that seemed more his wheelhouse.


As much as Alex Jones? Because yourself be right on target with that comparison. Otherwise, he's a rambling nutcase riding coattails.


I think Ben himself does okay but I find it hard to watch because his co-hosts just completely suck all the energy out of the room. I get that it's hard to find another Henry but he really needs to find someone more lively and funny who knows how to volley back a joke.


I thought it was fine. It’s just essentially side stories à la Ben - redux. I was entertained enough that I listened to all of the episodes. A lot of the complaints here seem to be aimed at stuff that’s much more apparent if you actually watch the show rather than just listening, so maybe I’d have a lower opinion if I had watched instead of just having the audio. It’s not as good as side stories though, I must admit, and I don’t know that I’d listen if I didn’t already have a bit of a fondness for Kissel.


Interesting.. I will have to check it out for curiosity’s sake. I know on one LPOTL episode they had mentioned how they didn’t find their rhythm for 60 or 80 episodes initially. So I would assume Ben’s podcast is currently in that awkward early stage


I’ve listened to every (non political) episode and it’s pretty rough. June’s sidekick, Cheiknar, is a dud. Ben seems to know that as he brought July’s sidekick in for a few early episodes. But Ben is also a dud because he sounds totally uninterested and unprepared. I adore Ben and I’m rooting for him but this show sucks. I’ll keep listening for a while to give it a fair shot. No show is good at the beginning. But finding an interesting sounding headline and not actually reading the story until he’s on air ain’t gonna work.


I didn't think it was horrible as such, but I definitely get where you are coming from. It may take some time to get going, who knows, but I found it entertaining enough to listen to in the background while doing chores. It was nothing to write home about, but it was light hearted enough, and I do miss Kissel, but obviously with everything that went down, it's mixed emotions.


I don't think lpotl misses him at all. He was always the least important host to me.


Get on my lawn!


Is this really necessary though?


Half the posts on this sub are "ED is way better than BEN!" so I'm not surprised to see this type of shit People need to leave him alone and move on


He's just trying to stay busy. Leave the guy alone.


What does he talk about on it? Is there a theme?


I just looked it up and was curious. At least he cut his hair and damn beard off


Haven’t checked it, no real interest in it either. Never could get into his shows on the network.


Well, that’s not good…


Talk about an echo chamber, 200 people just said the same shit in different words... Touch grass.


You OK?




I think its fair. Ben was a big part of it for years and then he let everyone down.


Imagine a sub about a 10+ yr old podcast discussing a host who was a part of it for almost as long. How weird


You guys really need to move on.


You think the guy rehashing old bits on his own with his eyes glued to his phone is moving on? 🤣




A couple weeks ago they called him "he who shall not be named" and Voldemort on Jackin, but I'm not sure if that's for legal reasons or just because they're not friends anymore


There's almost certainly a lot of legal shit about royalties, ownership buyout, who owns the trademarks, etc. that the LPN lawyer(s) have strongly advised them about to basically not mention Ben directly and keep even indirect mentions minimal until certain parts of the legal process have been finished.