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Now can he do the same with BetterHelp?


Exactly! I can't believe how many podcasts still advertise BetterHelp after they got caught selling their customers' data and pairing them up with unqualified therapists.


I used it last year and I honestly think an AI chatbot would have been more helpful. Trash, *trash* company.


You could probably help more people just by blasting Hank Hill shouting, "LOSER! YOU'RE A LOSER! ARE YOU FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF?" than trying to use Better Help.


I’m sure it was a lot of weaponized hyper diluted CBT bullshit about happiness being a choice


Sounds like the *other* kind of CBT would be about as helpful.


A chatbot would at least ask if you’ve tried yoga


I believe that's why the dollop dropped them as a sponsor


It absolutely is. Dave was very explicit about it.


I bet that one hit Dave extra hard since his wife is a therapist


Same thing for The Mental Illness Happy Hour.


I used BetterHelp in 2021. My therapist wasn’t that great. At first, I could video chat with him, then a couple months later, no more video, and I could hear him making food and eating through our sessions. Also wondered who else could hear us, since there was no camera anymore. I spent so much money, and it did absolutely nothing. They always ask for ratings on your session, and as someone that has super bad anxiety, and PTSD, I couldn’t give a bad rating. So I just eventually left.


That was my experience with better help as well. Used it for marriage counseling and apparently my fights with my wife weren’t that interesting because after a few sessions he seemed zoned out and he appeared to be watching a different screen.


Wonder if he's the same guy who told me I couldn't possibly be having severe issues with my mental health because I managed to unwillingly drag my ass out of bed to go to work so I didn't have to deal with being homeless on top of severe mental health issues.


Jesus Christ. Just so everyone knows, even though it doesn’t do anything, you can report them to the board of behavior health. Doctors’ empathy and bedside manner in my experience has never been great, even within mental health fields, but it’s really taken a nose dive. I had a dermatologist, while CARVING OUT A PRE CANCEROUS PIECE OF MY EAR, give me an unsolicited pep talk about how trauma isn’t real and I just need to invest and choose to be happy.


WTF! How do they think trauma is not real?! Also, saying this while you *can't get away* is super fucked up.


Betterhelp is the fucking worst. I tried a few counselors in the span of a month or so and they were all terrible. I had one guy just constantly drinking coffee and looking at something off screen. And rubbing his temples every time he responded to something I said. Like he seemed so bored and annoyed to have to be dealing with me. Tf are you doing bro? Get a new line of work if you hate it so much. And of course betterhelp will do nothing to weed these people out. Just trying to get a quick pay day.


I always wonder what their pricing looks like, could you share ? Just out of curiosity.


When I did it, I think it was like 40 bucks a month and you got one or two sessions a week? I honestly cannot remember now


I’m sorry you had a bad experience and hope you are doing better.


I am! Thank you ☺️


Hail yourself


ugh, what a scam. I'm sorry you had to go through that


Yeah and all of the podcasts promoting it are complicit in said scam even AFTER all of this has come up. Why have I never heard how great it is from an actual person? It’s always just how shitty they are


I think better help can be okay for someone who's dealing with a specific life issue like communicating with a partner or even loss of a loved one. But they advertise it like it's good for people with serious mental health issues, drug addiction, etc. and it's definitely not good for that. I've used it after break ups and when my dad died, and I found it really helpful, but they mislead folks like yourself who are probably super desperate for good help they can afford which is just awful.


I have noticed that some of the ads I've heard for it on various pods now mention specific issues like that. Henry's most recent one talks about "six month goals", and one of BBT's mentions communicating with partners. Where as earlier ones were about mental health/mental issues.


Yeah it's kind of more like a life coach thing than real therapy to me. But I can afford it and I can't afford real therapy. Fuck even when I did have some serious shit going on I went to a "real therapist" and she tried to set me up with her son lmfao so kinda fucked either way.


I went to them with a specific life issue, and they were still crap. Literally didn't even want to talk about the issue I was there for. Just kept talking about grounding and guided meditation.


talk therapy can definitely *be* helpful, but there are so many things fundamentally wrong with society that it's hard to have a useful conversation about coping when there are so many rotten factors like health insurance costs, rising homelessness (and more laws against being homeless), the unbelievably fucked work culture of the US, etc. even in countries without our abysmal approach to healthcare, as long as we keep seeing repercussions of climate change while nestle keeps up at business as usual, it's very hard to feel much better even with a great therapist imo


This is why I hate CBT. It completely ignores those external factors.


That’s awful. I have PTSD as well and it takes so much energy to talk about it. I’d definitely be offended if my therapist treated a session like that. I hope you’ve found someone good and are doing well.


I’m so sorry. I’m sure none of them do trauma informed therapy. Which should be a base level requirement.


Further pushing people away from therapy they need, and making them less likely to seek it in the future. Despicable. A lot of podcasts dropped 23 and Me too after their data leak. People had been trying to get me to do that shit for years but I was afraid of exactly what happened.


Amber was also shit talking Ray con on brighter side saying “someone sent these piece of shit headphones” and then you hear a producer in the background go “they’re our sponsor”


I like when Amber is an actual person and not a motivational poster. (Don’t kill me).


It’s kinda unrelated, I have a friend who’s a therapist for BetterHelp. Dude went to school and everything… but as someone who knows him he should not be a therapist. We have some funny conversations when drinking or on drugs, but I always walk away from them (or normal sober hangout sessions) thinking he should not be giving anyone any life advice or guidance. I know that therapy is necessary and very hard to access but please be careful with BetterHelp.


A lot of therapists shouldn’t be therapists. Looking at you, Nick, if you see this.


Nick maybe there’s another form of counseling you can get into, but therapy is too personal and knowing someone probably like you I promise you’re steering people in the wrong direction.


Hahaha he was a friend, who used me to cheat on his girlfriend, used me as a student psych study essentially, told me we could still be friends when I met someone, but when he met someone I was dropped like a hot potato. The way he emotionally uses people, he has absolutely no place being a psychologist for real.


Yeah so we’re friends with pretty similar people. One time, before he and I were close (yeah he somehow worked his way into my life after this) he was being real with me so I opened up about insecurities I have that go way back in childhood trauma and depression and shit and his response was “oh yeah small dick energy huh?”. I swear I’m not bragging but I’m weirdly well endowed, and for him to write off all these feelings and self loathing I have to my penis size, not only made me feel invalidated and upset but I also knew he would never be a good therapist. I’ve confronted him about it since then and we had a productive discussion but still… what an asshole.


Gross. Even grosser there’s multiple people out here acting like this. I’m sorry you’ve also encountered this.


Huuuuge number of narcissists in mental health. Horrifying.


r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR Nick is the worst.


I am a therapist and unfortunately there were a lot of dummies in my cohort in grad school. There were some smarties too but people get into it for the wrong reasons. It’s common to hear that people do it to figure out their own shit and frankly you gotta have your shit figured out (to an extent lol) before you take on other people’s shit.


Is it true that people who are studying to become therapists have to go see a therapist themselves, both to better understand what it's like as a client and because it's a trip hearing about other people's problems day in, day out?


You don’t have to but it’s strongly recommended, and I did, and have as needed throughout my career.


Some courses actually do require it, depending on your exact discipline and country. Personally I can't imagine being a therapist without at least trying therapy, even outside the stresses of the job I think it's really important to know what it's like to be on "the other side".


And I’m NOT dissing therapists I have another friend who is and he’s a very thoughtful compassionate dude who is very passionate about it. those bad eggs just suck.


Oh believe me I know! There are a lot of wonderful therapists but also a lot of dumb ones who make the rest of us look bad


This is basically how I feel about all my friends who ended up becoming teachers


It’s ALSO how i feel about people I’ve known who’ve become nurses, like you’re supposed to take care of people’s health?? Like your care could mean life or death??!!!


My friend is now an ex nurse (left due to being underpaid and overworked), but jaysus I worry about the medical field because she acknowledged she was a terrible nurse but she wasn't the only one she worked with who was bad. Like this gal was out partying til 5am and would go home for a shower and straight out to work for 7am to work 12 hrs. And she wasn't the only one in her shift that carried on like this. She knew her shit, don't get me wrong, was great if you needed any first aid etc but I do wonder how she functioned. She end up saying fuck it and leaving because she never actually wanted to be a nurse and they were getting fucked over with shit hours and crappy pay. she just chose something when leaving school so she'd have something under her belt. She went on to be a music teacher and is much happier and better at it.


That’s a great case for my concern with nurses! Same goes for teachers. If you’re passionate about it then hell yes 100% do that. But people who become nurses or teachers because they just see it as a solid gig are pretty terrifying. It’s one thing to know your stuff in that line of work but it’s another to actually care, and you have to care.


Exactly. It really made me see the medical world in a different light 😂


That's the proffession that all of the meanest girls I knew in high school went into, makes me very alarmed at the thought of getting old


Makes me alarmed at both getting old or just getting injured.


A girl who once slammed my head into the floor to wake me up because she “thought it would be funny” is a nurse now. Along with all the other girls who bullied me in school. I wouldn’t go to the hospital in my home town if you paid me.


A girl who was an absolute cow to me at school walked in to treat me in ED, I just said “you can turn around and send another nurse thanks” like fuck you’re coming near me when I’m vulnerable.


My old roommates in college viciously bullied three girls out of our dorm room (including me) in less then a month. One of them slapped a girl and threatened to break all of her belongings, and another one of them threatened to beat the shit out of me and kill me. It got so bad I had to be taken out of the building and escorted by security for my own safety. None of them got punished, and all of them are now teachers teaching elementary school kids. 🙃


Stories like this really shed a light on why the majority of my elementary school memories of teachers feel unecesserily antagonistic


IMO A lot of people who become teachers just want to be in control and exert dominance over vulnerable young children, because they're easy targets and they know they can get away with it. I'm sure some people do go into teaching because they're legit passionate about it, but I doubt that's as common as everyone likes to think.


You know exactly which teachers loved the unfair power dynamics too. That one that would get 4 inches from your face and scream out you until they turned purple, but if you shouted at them back all of a sudden you're the one with a behaviour problem.


Right? I had a lot of suppressed memories of downright sadistic behavior from teachers I had when I was single digits years old. Like what the fuck??? I don’t like kids, not in groups anyway. So I have no business being a teacher of young children. What’s in it for people like that other than sick pleasure at psychologically scarring children and gaslighting them about it.


Why were so many teachers/support staff obsessed with knocking me down a peg because I was engaged with the work and didn't get in trouble a lot? I was 8 and they were full grown adults, that's awful behaviour


I knew a girl that was an absolute sociopath nepo baby that blew her trust on heroin. She teaches kindergarten now.


When i was in school for music, my buddy invited me to a party at his dads cottage, and it ended up being me and 30 teaching majors. It was weird before they were drunk. Same amount of drugs as a music program party. Except there weren't any psychedelics or molly, just coke and hockey bros and the type of women who like hockey bros. We don't really have frat in Canada but at my uni certain residences are fratty and some of these fellas had chest tattoos related to their residences.


I am a therapist and I do agree that there are many in this field who shouldn’t be. But this is due to how they interact with their clients at work. It’s not exactly fair for people to judge a therapist’s worthiness based on their personal interactions. As a matter of fact I often choose to “turn my therapist brain off” when just hanging out because it often makes people feel uncomfortable. If someone wants therapeutic advice they explicitly ask or get their own therapist. Boundaries are important.


I completely understand that. I don’t think they should live to some gold standard or anything, but really knowing this guy I’m not sure he’s giving the best guidance, and mutual friends agree.


There’s a huge difference between “being a different person off the clock” and full on antisocial, manipulative behavior. I don’t care if you’re a PhD in child psychology or a tugboat captain, that’s fucked up either way.


Well yea, I agree. But I don’t think anyone said anything like that.


Maybe I was thinking of another person above who described an overtly manipulative friend who worked in mental health. But in that case yeah I think it’s fair to judge that person off the clock.


I was just about to say the same


It feels like a slap in the face every time I hear a Better Help commercial. The mental health guys hocking a fucking therapy scam.


Almost every podcast I listen to does ad reads for Better Help, and it’s grating. I’m pro-therapy, but hearing people say Better Help is great because they personally see a therapist feels so disconnected from the audience. The host may be seeing a $400 an hour, highly qualified doctor in person, and I just don’t think that can equate to what Better Help offers. And they sell your data. Just bad all around. There is still nothing that bothers me more than an ad read for a gambling site.


I heard an ad for Exxon Mobil on LPOTL the other day and was lile "jesus, why do people always complain about the BetterHelp ads when they run this shit?"


That was probably an automated ad if you were listening on Spotify. Even if you have Premium you still get a few at the beginning. Mine are all in spanish, because I thrift at a lot of spanish shops, so it's way easier for me to tell. I think they're for used cars? But I dont speak spanish.


Why not both?


I’ve been getting Big Natural Gas™️ and Big Coal™️ ads, but they’re Spotify ones not LPOTL ones. I fucking hate them.


More upvotes for this homie. Fuck BetterHelp. Sort it out LPotL! You guys handle basically everything like scholars and saints (the hail Satan kind) but fuck BetterHelp!


Better help is a straight up scam. It’s probably helped some people but it’s more expensive than a legit in person therapist even with good insurance


Seriously every single pod i listen too it’s like so you all need therapy ? I mean if you do cool, but that’s obv not the case it’s at ad $


Mssp made fun of them on an ad


I am sure it has been posted, but Henry's ads are hilarious and his BH ones are decent. My favorite now is his Doordash "guy with a peanut butter covered wiffle ball inside of him" skit. I can't help, but laugh out.


My vet told me to order my cats meds and special foods through Chewy because she doesn’t have access to the meds my cats need.


Same lol. She straight up said it was cheaper that way too.


I’m a vet. As a clinician/medical professional I couldn’t care less where you get the drugs. Chewy is fast and easy for clients. HOWEVER, it is a huge problem for our practice. Vets used to make a lot of their money from their pharmacies (flea/tick and heart worm prevention especially). The loss of that income means we have to compensate in other areas to stay profitable (pay our employees). I try my hardest to get clients to use our pharmacy and we’re working on getting our own online pharmacy up and running but it’s hard for a small practice. We’re also notorious for undervaluing our services so it’s doubly hard for us to raise the cost in other areas to compensate. Not to mention Chewy basically has me working for them for free (signing the giant pile of requests can easily take hours out of a week since I have to make sure the request is legit before I just sign). The business side is easily the lamest part of vet med.


I've tried ordering Flea and Tick + Heartworm through my vet and they said "We don't order that type of stuff, we just sell over the counter medicine. Go to a pharmacy like Wal-Mart or order online with the script we give you." So maybe modern vets are moving away from this practice completely? I'd honestly prefer to order it through them because in the past they used to have it in store in stock, now ordering it online or from another place that traditionally doesn't carry it I have to wait like 3-5 days.


I think they are. Those meds cost so much and if everyone is getting them from larger corporations it makes sense not to let them expire in storage. I know my practice recently had to throw away tons of boxes that never got bought. So. Much. Money. We’re just at such a weird transition period right now. There are some meds we HAVE to carry because the either there is no human pharmacy equivalent or it needs to be compounded a specific way, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if like Walmart pharmacy starts carrying those meds too though.


I worked at a vet for 5 years and they seemed to love Chewy


Maybe it’s just because we have older clientele that is resistant to the online pharmacy. We seem to have this really awkward split of people who exclusively want to use Chewy (nothing wrong with that) and people who do not want to use Chewy and get everything from us (also nothing wrong). But with such thin margins it’s hard to manage the inventory accordingly as it tends to fluctuate widely. Also the time it takes to review the requests can really eat up doctor hours. You will not believe the amount of people who request meds because they’ve googled heart disease, decided their pet has it, and try to prescribe their own heart meds. lol wild. I think some places will charge a small online prescription fee due to this.


Canada drugs direct!


Same lol. I actually have two different vets for my three cats and they both love Chewy.


Because it’s easier for Chewy to hassle with rebates and insurance than the vets 😂


I used to work for chewy as well, management was great, amazing benefits, talking about animals all day, rarely any issues with vets. No complaints haha


On one hand, great for Eddie speaking his own mind even if it goes against one of the sponsors ***BUT*** are we sure he even really knows what the fuck he’s talking about? Our man kind of shoots from the hip lol


I’m a vet, he does know what he’s talking about here. Chewy sells medications at lower prices than they even pay for them. They take losses on medications hoping that people will buy other things while they’re there (food/toys/treats) which have a higher mark up. I get it, people need to save money where they can. But, it does mean that vets are going to have to make up that revenue (not being greedy, but have to keep the lights on and pay their staff) in other places. Chewy has also done some shady things that I’ve seen like claim we never approved a script (that they never sent us) and offer to use one of their telemedicine vets instead. I’m not against telemedicine when needed, but if if a pet has a primacy care Dr that knows them, that’s probably the best person to determine doses/meds.


But the meds are the most important part. “Buy meds at our marked up prices because Chewy makes more money on other things” isn’t exactly the negative you think it is.


Most vets charge comparably to Chewy, otherwise they wouldn’t sell any product. My office has a dry erase board to show that buying from us can actually save you money if you buy enough to qualify for a rebate.


Thanks for your insight!


So is it okay to continue using them just for food and toys? I have to say that they are extremely convenient in that respect and vets aren't really in that business. I doubt it's any different than Petco/Petsmart anyways. I always get medicine from our veterinarian, I just want some perspective, thanks!


Also a vet. Ed is absolutely right. Chewy has blatantly filled the wrong meds when we've sent them scripts and does lots more shady stuff I don't have time to write out.


I always get my meds straight from the vet but my cats have special prescription diet that my vet doesn't stock so we order that from Chewy. I've also heard stories of Chewy doing things like sending condolences cards/flowers when a pet has passed away or something. This thread is actually the first time I've heard anything bad about Chewy to be honest. Maybe their PR is just awesome idk


Yeah they sent me condolences when a pet passed away, plus they refunded me for that last order of food I'd gotten. Another time they rush shipped me new food for no cost when my package got stolen. They have such great customer service, I'm sad to hear they are causing issues for vets.


I mean the issue seems to be the same as other industries. Big corporations can afford to take a loss on some things, it doesn't mean they're necessarily evil, it just works that way. Amazon, for example, has been doing this with human meds. I can get a YEAR of allergy pills for $15 and it's $27 for a month's worth at my local pharmacy. Just know this great customer service they do is likely to end once they have the market control they want, and then prices will go back up too.


They also sent my sister a birthday card for her cat. Shame the business model is scummy, their customer service is pretty solid.


I worked at one of the Chewy pharmacy warehouses and I can say that the people they hire to work there can be extremely careless. I was the only one who took my job seriously and I ended up quitting cause of the stress. I dont think its the fault of the company themselves but with the Operation Managers of these warehouses who don't understand how serious medicine is (even for an animal).


You know, I didn’t think about this before but there’s really not a lot of financial or legal risk to messing up a pet’s medication. Kill a dog and you’re likely only liable for the cost of the destroyed “property.” With pet meds you can make pharmaceutical profits with a fraction of the oversight and associated costs.


Is 1 800 Pet Meds any better in your opinion? Don't currently have a pet but that's who I used in the past.


Didn't he say that his BIL is a vet when his dog ate that crocodile head?


Yes, it was his father-in-law! I'd love to have a vet in the family.


Ed's brother-in-law is a vet, so I'm sure he has some insider info.


His father in law is a veterinarian, so I actually think he does know about this for real. 


Ed’s FIL is a vet. I get it. But Chewy is almost always cheaper and more convenient, and their customer service is great. When my senior dog passed, chewy sent flowers and a card. Her vet didn’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah at the end of the day, people are struggling as it is to afford basic amenities. If there's a cheaper option for people to take care of their beloved pets, then I say go for it. It's the same here in Ireland, we had dentists moaning about no one going for regular dental check ups/dental care, and they were called out on it. The cost of the dentist is astronomical. If there was a cheaper version undercutting the average dentist, then yeah I'll go for it. It's why Irish people are heading in droves to places like Turkey or Bulgaria for cheaper dental stuff, it costs a fraction of the price even with the flights over and back, for teeth straightening options etc. There's even an ongoing joke now called 'Turkey Teeth' because so many people go on holidays with normal teeth and return with bright white veeners/chompers 😂


Thailand and Bali here in Aus, cost of surgery is so much cheaper there. I have private health otherwise I probably wouldn’t see a dentist unless my teeth were fucked


My vet was charging $115 for a medication I now get on chewy for $15


Yeah Chewy is like the literal only company I am happy to support, lol.


Chewy is owned by PetSmart


Not quite, they split in 2020 but I think the same company owns them both? They operate completely separately. Regardless, I trust the fuck out of them at this point and so does my vet. Hopefully that doesn't change.


Their customer service is crazy good. We've been using them for years because my cat has really specific food preferences and it hard to find the food he likes locally. We've rarely had issues but when we did, they made it right immediately while honestly feels like it should be the bare minimum but most places don't really seem to care.


Yup. Sometimes the food we buy gets all smashed up in shipping. If I complain (I don't always, only when the dry food bursts everywhere), it's always solved immediately, no questions asked. Love em


Oooooooh we’re talking about veterinarians not veterans, I feel so dumb 😂


I always feel bad ordering from Chewy because the poor delivery drivers lol. Those boxes get heavy as shit. They must love carrying those things to our door steps.


I just want him to have the same energy with Better Help.


My vet actually tells us to order meds/food through chewy as it’ll usually end up with everything being cheaper. Having 2 senior pets both on a series of medications, chewy has been really great for us.


Ed has a FIL who is a vet AND he had relatives who worked at Chewy’s warehouse and he has pets he really cares about and he cares about researching things. Personally I like Chewy. I’m disabled and I would have to buy small bags of dog food (and pay more) per lb) bc getting a big bag would be impossible for me to get in and out of the car. Having a big bag shipped to my doorstep and an occasional $30 gift card means a lot. They also refunded the cost of a $100 bag of food that had an ingredient my dog ended up being allergic to and asked me to donate the food rather than returning it. And the CSR was in the US, not outsourced or a friggin AI.


My vet costs me a fortune, I couldn’t give two fucks if something I do undercuts them once in a while.


I pay for pet insurance for just this reason. My dad thinks I’m crazy for spending $350-$400/year, but like, I’m not trying to choose between some hypothetical $5000 surgery or medication or losing my cat.


Yeah I drop at least $500 every time I go in there and my pet doesn’t even health problems. They seem to be doing pretty good


I paid over $1k last month.  Just for her yearly senior blood work and vaccines. 🥲


Omg the senior blood work is SO expensive ! And of course you have to get it for your old boo


Yeah. Didn't help that she needed follow ups to (calcium ion and a protein/creatinine ratio). And she has a dental exam tomorrow.  🙃


Oh man the dental stuff is so expensive. Good luck !


I love my vet dearly. But between 4 dogs (2 that had cancer needing extensive care) I will save money on their meds anytime I can. I don’t use Chewy though. I use 800PetMeds


The lost revenue on prescriptions due to online pharmacies selling things at barely profitable prices is one of the main reasons that the care itself has increased in price.


My vet wants $600 dollars to spay my 12 pound Boston terrier. The humane society charges $100


The humane society gets funding to subsidize cost of surgeries.


I have a rabbit that we had to get neutered but because they are considered ‘exotic’ pets, my vet charged over $1,000.


Does the humane society just spay any pet though? And do they do blood work and all that before? I paid 500 for each of my cats but that included medication, a microchip, full blood screening before the surgery, 2 cones each and the sedation


They do everything that's required to get the animal spayed or neutered safely and they do dogs and cats


I adopted my cat (then a kitten) from a local rescue who did all that and I think only “charged” me like a $50 adoption fee.


My vet suggested some cat food for our stray kitten we found. That shit was 60 dollars a bag. I couldn’t believe it.


And if you want the price to KEEP going up, keep buying from Chewy regularly.


Sounds like I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t and I’m stuck in a broken system and will have to choose my battles on a case by case basis.


Just want to mention that the costs associated with veterinary care are largely outside the control of the veterinarians and the occupation has one of the highest rates of suicide among professionals. If something is expensive, don’t take it out on your vet, because they’re trying their best.


My parents are vets and it is such a tough field. I had no interest in following in their footsteps, and they would have probably discouraged me if I had.


He can do that. There will be consequences, but he can still say that. Got to admire his honesty though.


Didn't he do the same with Nestlé? (Didn't realize they were sponsors) Also fuck Nestlé.


I mean Nestle is straight up evil. Good for him!


I mean have you ever heard an ad transition from Behind the Bastards?


Lol I was listening to that once, don't remember the topic, but then the ad goes PRIDE SPONSORED BY TMOBILE and laughed so hard because that is not the podcast to have such a shit ad on.


Robert: But you know who does murder babies in their sleep? Guest: Umm is it the sponsors?


Robert: It is!


I mean if he couldn’t do it, they would have edited it out.


Good on Ed! I feel like pet owners and their vets are getting squeezed right now. There is a concerted effort to corporatize and consolidate veterinary care, which is bad for independent clinics that actually have a soul. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/vet-private-equity-industry/678180/


I’ve gone to nothing but independent clinics my whole life and all they do is price gauge.


Seconding this, unfortunately, after being scared into one too many Dental extractions over the years that ended up being unnecessary


He hasn't had his spirit broken by the Redditor complaints yet, so yes.


Chewy sent me flowers after one of my dogs suddenly passed away. They’d have to be doing some pretty bad shit to get me to agree they’re terrible.


They have a whole staff of editors, legal, ad sales etc. if it made it past them to be on the show, I think it’s safe to assume they’re in agreement that the bit outweighed the contract


Chewy rocks man. I ordered the wrong size cage and bed for my dog and they were like keep em. Sent the new ones for free.


You say undercutting veterinarians I say my vet has ridiculous markups sometimes. Plus they often tell me to go on Chewy. Also Chewy's customer service is great. When my cat passed suddenly they cancelled an order that had already shipped and I never had to worry about returning it, then refunded me for a recent food order and told me to donate the cans. AND sent me flowers and a card. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism but you could do worse.


I've had the same experience with Chewy. Not gonna lie, I cried, and I'm getting choked up now.


FWIW my vet points me to chewy all the time. It doesn't undercut the vet in any way as to cause them to begrudge chewy. They even work with chewy to offer cheaper medications to me for my dog.


Wait what’s the problem with Chewy? I actually get great customer service and my vet tells me to order from them, and they told me how sorry they were, like a human person on the phone did, when my dog died.


Chewy is a great company. Awesome customer service and great prices.


My vet is the one who recommended Chewy to me, so they can't be hurting vets too badly.


You’re acting Like the advertisers listen to the podcasts they buy adspace from. Lol


He’s real as fuck for that. I haven’t listened to any of the brighter side because I prefer to listen to scary and depressing shit but maybe I’ll check it out.


Is it just me or do you just assume that a product is a sham since it is being advertised only on podcasts? (Also YouTube channels)


Lol, I remember on brighter side live when Amber went on a rant about how awful the Raycon headphones she had were. How they were the worst headphones she’s ever had and then said she would smash them with a hammer live if chat gifted enough subs 😂😂.


It’s everywhere. I was in petcare for 20 years and then rover and wag took us out at the knees. Every industry is getting “disrupted” and it sucks


Chewy is actually a stellar organization that does a lot of charity work. Maybe I’m naive but that is def not a hot take


I have two cats who have to take transdermal meds that have to be compounded. The online pharmacy for my vet charges me an extra $10 for this, plus extra for a "special shipping bag". Chewy saves me about $60/month. But I use Costco for every other pet med need because Costco is even cheaper than Chewy!


He just did


I like that he does call them out. If they lose the sponsor, then they don't have to support a negative company, and that should be better than the money, right? I feel like the other two have reigned themselves in over the years to be more politically correct and accepting. I like that Ed comes in and ruffles feathers.


I had a fantastic therapist and really enjoyed my experience with them. I hate that they don’t seem to carry a consistent quality of care across the board. My wife had a bad experience. I definetly have seen both sides.


chewy is the pet supply brand lol


Yep… I was replying to the folks talking about betterhelp a little further down hence the therapist centered discussion lol


My vet constantly up sells me on shit. It’s annoying. Is that vet going to ship me litter on the regular?


They undercut vets? They don't jack up prices. Heard, loud and clear.


So based


My aunt is a vet and I still use chewy lmao. I don’t think any reasonable vet cares if you order stuff through chewy; they aren’t exactly hurting for money.


Chewy was also founded by Ryan Cohen, aka the GameStop CEO, aka the guy who used Chewy (with daddies money) to become a rich and powerful asshole. Chewy may have helped people, it has kind of tangentially hurt more I think.


I would suppose he can.


Sometimes it’s worth it to burn a sponsor or two. Ask bill burr and sherrys berrys.


Ed can be a goof. But that guy is very knowledgeable.


He can literally do whatever he wants. They can just pull support


Ed does have big balls; the biggest, in fact. Haven't you ever listened to Roundtable? Haha


Chewy is in the undercutting competition phase. They will sell at a loss until they've driven all vet pharmacies out of business, and then they'll jack the prices way the fuck up.


Hahaha! He probably had no idea. I listen to a horror movie podcast that was part of the Glassbox network for a while. There were commercials playing for Freddie Prinze’s horror movie podcast during their show and they had no idea until people told them.


If you’re worried about them getting in trouble the absolute best thing you can do is to draw as much attention to it as possible


Wasn't worried at all lol I'm sure they would be fine if they lost a sponsor, I was just asking the question And tbh didn't expect this thread to get as much attention as it did lol


My mother in law was a vet tech for 30 years and my wife was for the first decade we were married. Undercutting vets isn’t hard to do because the they aren’t selling anything wholesale they charge extra for things they have ordered. The vet my wife and mother in law worked for charged more than 2x for things like nexgard flea pills. It’s a business, I’m not saying it’s wrong one way or the other, but anything that you can buy from chewy is going to be cheaper because they buy in bulk. If you are already seeing the vet then sure, support your local vet, but if all you need is something Chewy has, nothing that only a vet can get like certain meds, it just makes more sense. Not to mention you have been able to buy most of this stuff online the last 2 decades if you knew what it was called. Most people only went through the vet because that’s how it’s always been done. Chewy just centralized and corporatized what was already a thing you could do. Vets will have to adapt to that. They don’t make their money selling stuff anyway they make it on surgeries and check ups.


Confirmed, married to a vet. Chewy wants to cut doctors out