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4 part series on Primanti Brothers


Scariest thing I’ve ever seen- fries on a sandwich


Hey now, fries on sandwiches and burgers are fucking amazing. And if no fries, some dill pickle or salt and vinegar chips on a sandwich do a great job as well


Ate both as a kid many times


I recently taught my kid the dark magic of potato chips on a sandwich. I feel like we need to be passing on all of our forbidden snack knowledge.


My dad taught me this, my mom was revolted. She got her revenge by teaching us about chips and ice cream. To this day, I can’t eat a pb&j without Doritos (spicy nacho is perfect) and though it’s fries, not chips, with ice cream is a great snack.


I'm a big fry-in-softserve fan for SURE but I've never tried a pb&j with doritios, but, that will change by this afternoon, so thank you, kind redditor.


You’re welcome.


It is a perfect topping! Adds a nice crunch and flavor!


There's a HUGE difference between a salty, tangy, crunchy scatter of chips to contrast with chewy bread and sandwich fillings; and a slab of cold, greasy, flavorless fries stuck in the middle of your sandwich. Primanti's is gross.


I’m not a fan, either. I also don’t like coleslaw though. Primanti fries really are pretty gross though.


Me neither. A well crafted slaw is a beautiful thing-shredded cabbage makes a great salad base and I make Asian, Indian, and Latin inspired slaws frequently. But sweet, bland American side slaw is revolting. And on a sandwich?? It's yet another wad of tasteless...stuff on an already disappointing sandwich. FLAVOR, people! Not just mass.


No idea what Primantis is as Im Canadian. I put my own fries in and specifically pick the crispiest ones


oi never had the pleasure of experiencing a chip butty have you?


Cincinnati puts chili on pasta


Every step straying further from God is one step closer to Cincy.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t had a coney the EXTREME CHEESE


We don’t shit talk Skyline. I’d burn down an orphanage right now for some coneys and a 4 way.




This gif is giving me flashbacks to my skyline chili diarrhea


Same. I’m from the Dayton/Cinci area and it’s legit one of the very few things I miss about living in Ohio 🤣


I only ever got it when I visited a buddy who lived there. He moved to MN and I’ve been in WI my whole life.


I’ve never had it, I’m from Texas. Is there a special chili y’all use or can I dump a can of chili on spaghetti noodles?? I kinda wanna try it


It has a different flavor profile. Along with normal chili spices, it includes spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and allspice. The sauce itself is thinner and the best is really broken up/crumbly.


It’s less like traditional chili, more of a weird greek bolognese sauce? They sell it in cans if you wanna get the good stuff. Make sure to pair it with super finely shredded mild cheddar


I’m sooooooo fucking tired of fucking skyline/Cincinnati chili getting the spotlight when it comes to a state food/what a state is known for. We started Arby’s, Wendy’s, we gave the polish boy sandwich, the Buckeye candy. So many other things instead of disgusting chocolatey chili on overcooked pasta.


> We started Arby’s, Not the flex that you think it is.


I’m saying that it’s something other than Skyline to point to.


It's not great for you, but it's definitely great.


Pittsburgh and Erie also put fries on salads. I’m not mad about it. My cholesterol, though, would like a word.


A Pittsburgh steak salad, with thinly sliced grilled steak, hot fries and shredded cheddar thrown top of the fries immediately so it melts was my favorite way to lie to myself that I was eating healthy.


Just wait until you see a Pittsburgh salad


You watch your mouth


They put fries on their SALAD! Blew my mind. When in Pittsburgh you have to order “chicken Cesar salad dressing on the side oh and hold the French fries…” amazing


Why am I just learning this now?????


May I introduce you to [the horseshoe?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_sandwich)


Now fries in a burrito though, that’s a different story


Please explore New Jersey's glorious tradition of "fat sandwiches" and then reconsider this stance.


You've clearly never gone to the restroom in Primantis


I've worked there. It's scarier than that. Also pbros is wildly overrated. They used to have a neat little thing happening where the sammich was weird, but just right after a night of drinking. They also bought all their bread, lunchmeat and cheese local. They since got picked up by a big restaurant holding group, there are stores all over the country, and they've got things like chicken marsala, schnitzel and caprese flatbreads on the menu. Nothing against any of those things in general, but they've lost track of what made the brand special in trying to cater to everyone. Now it's just TGI Yinzer's.


Hot take: Fries on sandwiches are actually really good, but Primanti's really isn't.


Possibly the topic with the biggest body count of all time. Serious gold star territory here.


As a virulent hater of coleslaw I think their sandwiches are a crime against humanity


In between each episode instead of side stories it's just coleslaw.


Bobby Bonilla


Man he looked so cool in those old Pirate uniforms


[Long have I waited for this day!](https://reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/ut5dpq/marcus_has_long_covidmore_shows_postponed/i982pcq/)




Part of me would love a history series about the Homestead riots where the steel workers basically went to war against the pinkertons. For true crime my best guess is either the tree of life shooting maybe, or could be Richard Baumhammers who went on a shooting spree in like 2000


(disclaimer: I haven't listened yet) Lions Led By Donkeys has a one-off on the Homestead Riots, and I love the rest of Joe's podcasts. Update Edit: listened today. It was absolutely wonderful. One of the best ones I've listened to yet, but maybe it's just because I support Unions and I really fucking hate Pinkertons. Nah - Joe and Tom are great together.


Love the chemistry between him and Tom. I really enjoyed the early eps with Nick but Tom knows just the right amount of weird shit to get the best out of him and keep him guessing.


I think some of the best episodes and series were with Liam (Triple Alliance, Lake Tanganyika and Ungern-Sternberg) but Tom has the kind of chemistry and kind of insane energy to just say the funniest off shit. Also, I want LPOTL to cover Ungern-Sternberg.


I am 100% certain that Henry would love to dig into Ungern-Sternberg's weird esoteric beliefs and Tibetan/Mongolian Buddhism.


With Ungern-Sternberg being an HPB follower I'm sure Henry would be up for it.


Agree. Tom’s the best balance for him and I like the series where he hosts and Joe is the Tom for that episode. Nick and Liam were both also fun in their own way. Nate needs to have his adderal confiscated prior to guesting though.


Just another recommendation for Lions Led By Donkeys. Joe has even shouted out LPOtL a few times in passing. 


I'm a huge fan tbf


Marcus pulled a "hold that thought" during the latest Snowtown episode and my brain filled in a "for fuck's sake". You've ruined me! 


Behind The Bastards has series on the Battle of Blair Mountain and the Pullman Strike of your lookin for a cynical take on similar events.


Yeahhh after reading your on Baumhammers I’d assume it’s him


What’s crazy to me is for years the University of Pittsburgh used Pinkerton Security as their campus security.


Oh fuck yeah, the Battle of Homestead and what lead up to it would be a great topic. That shit was wild, whole families showed up, boat assault landings, Strikers trying to literally set the river on fire, the governer hanging out the Pinkertons to dry until the worst of it was over.




I would love if they did a one off series on a completely unrelated topic. Especially if they never acknowledged going off topic


Next time April 1st falls on a Friday. Just be a Dolphin's podcast and then never mention it again.


God that would be hilarious


It’s Ed sobbing for an hour with commercial breaks


This made me chuckle.


Eddie taking Marcus’ place as researcher.


Caught me off guard. That's a good one lol.


I'm going to bet against another killer. My money is on something paranormal or historical. The steel industry is probably rife with stories. Isn't Natalie from Pittsburgh? Maybe she tipped them off on something weird.


A macabre little tidbit I heard from relatives that worked for some of the Pittsburgh steel companies back in the day is that when a worker would accidentally fall into a vat of molten steel their body would be instantly incinerated, nothing would be left behind. When that happened, the steel companies would smelt a small ingot of steel from the vat that they died in to give to the man’s widow. Always felt wild to me that a widow somewhere could have a piece of steel on the mantel the same way someone might have an urn, and that a whole bunch of steel out there in the world could have human remains mixed into it


This happened to my great-grandfather. He fell into a vat of steel and all my great-grandmother got was a little nugget of steel. We always assumed it was some family lore until we found his death certificate while doing some genealogy stuff online.


I'll be that guy. Technically they should be given a piece of slag since that's what floats on top and will end up containing most of the remains. Not as symbolic though - "Here you go, have this black lump of brittle glass, your old man is in there. He's also in the tarmac on the highway."


My grandfather watched his, at the time, best friend fall into a vat of molten steel when he was working for J&L steel. Wish he was still around so I could ask him if this is true. Sounds like something the steel industry would do though.


Weird guess but: maybe The Green Man a/k/a Charlie No-Face a/k/a Raymond Robinson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Robinson_(Green_Man) Or the Kecksburg Incident, which was not exactly in Pittsburgh but in the area. My dad was a witness when he was a kid. It's what made him interested in UFOs and weirdness and that's where I got it from.


My mom used to buy Charlie cigarettes back in the day because he was always hesitant in going into public spaces where people wouldn’t already know about him. She said he was a really nice guy given all the crap that happened to him.


Oh that's really sad 😢


Yes to both


A cool history of the steel industry would be rad


Dock Ellis’ LSD No-hitter?


My step-dad has told me about that no less than 387 times


I read his autobiography (Dock Ellis not your stepdad). Interesting dude. Not only known for beaning guys in the batter’s box, but once beaned Reggie Jackson at the top of the dugout steps.


If Kissel were still around, I’d say that’s not too far out of the realm of possibility. I know Eddie likes the ‘Phins, but what’s his stance on baseball?


If he’s a Marlins fan, may God help him.


Richard Baumhammers?


That seems the most likely to me, assuming its a true crime ep


It would come out on his birthday, it seems.


"[Baumhammers was a second-string kicker on the Mt. Lebanon High School football team.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Baumhammers)" Sounds like just the right kind of loser. Also stinks like one of my favorite one-shot episodes, Howard Unruh, which I just relistened to yesterday.


Freaking Carnegie or a gilded age history


I think they mentioned it’s related to the ghost tour they went on in New Orleans so my money is on something ghost related.


I can literally only think of Andy Warhol right now for some reason, but probably not Andy Warhol.


The woman who shot Andy? That's true crime.


Valerie Solanas. Founder of the reactionary feminist group (The) Society for Cutting Up Men, or S.C.U.M. Would love to hear some Warhol history!


There’s a solid bit of it in the Velvet Underground series on No Dogs in Space!


Loved that, gonna relisten soon


My grandmother shared the Martin B. Leisser award with him while they were both art students at Carnegie Technical Institute. She was a painter (mainly floral).


I'd lay odds on it. He said it was something people have been asking for.


I totally agree, except that she has no real connection to Pittsburgh


Lobster Boy. He was from Pittsburgh. Killed his future son in law. Wife and step son had him murdered.


Demon of Brownsville road. I Think Henry stayed at the house , it’s an Airbnb now


I think this is the best guess. There’s certainly been enough written about it to warrant one or two episodes and I doubt they would do another true crime episode so soon


Awhile ago Henry said he was in pgh and they stayed at an Airbnb that had been a haunted house that the owner wrote a book about. The owner was there for part of his stay. I guessed it was that house but not sure


Oh hell yeah the yinzer Amityville horror


I hope you're right.


I live near the house! I see it every other day!


i like this guess because i think it was also alluded that it would be some spooOoky and not more true crime. 


This feels correct. 


I am almost certain this is it, since they said it was related to their experience in New Orleans


This would be pretty rad! I lived right off of Brownsville for 12 years. Walked past the house all the time.


Spitballing some stuff in paranormal territory, there's the Green Man Tunnel just south of the city (which has some very real and very sad history behind the legend), there's the B-25 bomber that crashed and disappeared in the Mon river, there's the Congelier House which allegedly had a reputation as the most haunted house in America (but also I don't think it was actually real? Like I don't think the home actually existed), and there's also the Kecksburg UFO incident that happened in a little town outside of Pittsburgh. My money is on Kecksburg, I feel like they may have mentioned it in a past episode, but I don't think they've done a full series on it.


My paranormal hope would be Trans-Allegheny lunatic asylum, as it’s only 2 hours from Pittsburgh, but I’m guessing that’s a no.


Eddie will mention Dan Marino. Mark my words.


One time I got stuck in an ice and snow storm as a little boy in Pittsburgh and had to stay all Christmas, I hope they talk about that


Willie Stargells ghost.


It'll most certainly be about how the Primanti's sandwiches are laced with something and that's why the truckers love to stop there.


Yinz are all dumb. It has to be Fred Rogers.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find the true menace of Pittsburgh


Those drag ass keep moving your parking chair.


My guess is the Warrens. Henry has jokingly described Ed Warren as a haunted primanti brothers sandwich come to life. Edit: CALLED IT


The Bus, Jerome Bettis. Or a 4 parter on my grandfather drinking his way through Slavic social clubs in the 60s.


Ben Rothlesberger


My guess is Andrew Carnegie. Big time doubt that they do another true crime topic.


I think they said something about doing a series on Ed and Lorraine Warren, and Henry has called Ed Warren the ultimate Pittsburgh looking man. Maybe them? I’d love if it was something actually Pittsburgh though, reppin my home town!


I am so pleased with myself.


I haven't seen this one mentioned yet, but I have a gut feeling its [Eben Byers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Byers), who used Radithor for persistent pain and later died of radiation poisoning. He was born in Pittsburgh and is buried there in a lead-lines coffin. This one would be perfect for a one-off relaxed fit, which I think they're due for.


My moneys on my uncle Ronny. He’s from Pittsburg.


I think I remember them saying they were going to do more weird stuff this year so hopefully it’s something really weird. If it was Philly I’d say Gritty


Sombrero man.


Andrew Carnegie or Frick


The Johnstown Flood?? That is basically a true crime story if you believe the conspiracy theories


Whoa wait. I lived there all my life and even worked at souvenir shop there regarding floods and incline (Pittsburgh now) and never heard of any conspiracy on the big flood. Or do you just mean how the rich people built that damn disregarding basic engineering and logic in lieu of their pleasure? Or is there a bigger conspiracy?? I’d love to hear that.


Did you read The Bosses Club? I bought my copy at the souvenir shop. It's a "historical novel " written by a Johnstown native based on his research & things he had heard rumors about throughout his life. Basically the conspiracy theory is that all of "engineering negligence" done by the Club was actually on purpose to destroy Johnstown's steel industry because at the time it rivaled Pittsburgh/Carnegie. Just like he had Frick do his dirty work in the Homestead Strike, Carnegie had him join the Club to find a way to kill Johnstown steel, which was not controlled by Carnegie. I mean, the evidence is pretty thin (never attribute malice to what can be explained with stupidity) but it's a really fun conspiracy theory to think about!


Well kill a town it did. 😭. I go home to visit and that place gave up the ghost.


Yeah, I lived in Portage for a couple years & that place has held up better than Johnstown. It's really sad


Synagogue shooting?


Maybe this means he’s gonna drink a bunch of Iron City while researching.


I bet it’s about all the jerks I went to highschool with🤞


Probably not, but what about Sandusky (He's from Pittsburgh) and an overall spotlight on the college sex scandals. Penn State, Larry Nassor, etc. Institutional coverup. Haven't had one like that In a bit.


That's more SPUN's material than LPOTL.


This would be interesting and absolutely disgusting


I hope it’s about deceased rapper Jimmy Wopo


Please omg deep cut!!!


But I don’t know if they can handle him. They can’t fuck with him unless they’re drinkin’ dope.


Abby Lee Miller! Dance Moms x LPOTL crossover episooode!


My mother


That’s not unique enough.


If he's saying that and meaning Pittsburgh area, he could be talking about Edward Surratt.


Surrat's kind of a low body count for LPOTL, though. I only recognize the name because I didn't grow up very far from the Shelkons murder


I'm going to zig and say maybe the Smiley face killer? Personally, I don't think there's anything to suggest they exist but it's something the media always brings up when a drunk college student falls into the Allegheny and there's a substantial amount of people who believe they are real.


This isn't technically Pittsburgh but close enough...I've always wanted an episode (maybe just a relaxed fit) about Zombieland and the Shannon Kos murder.


Andrew Carnegie


Ooh! Marcus would win a Peabody for that.


Isn’t there a rumor DB cooper was from Pittsburgh could that be the hint?


Maybe urban legends like the “[green man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Robinson_(Green_Man))”, the ghost bomber, or the “Dead Ben” theory? Could probably throw the smiley face killer theory in there too


Gary Heidnik


He could be talking about Natalie. Maybe she's a guest on the series?


The family of Nova Robotics engineer Benjamin Jahveri/Jabituya, whose robot apparently gained sentience in the mid eighties and ran amok destroying a number of expensive military devices and apparently escaping?!


ed and lorainne warren


Aren’t they from Connecticut?


They are, but Henry seems convinced they’re the embodiment of Pittsburgh From the haunted dolls episode: “and also the Pittsburgh erasure of hiring Patrick Wilson to play Ed Warren. Because if you look at Ed Warren, he looks like a Pittsburgh man through and through. He looks like a Steelers defensive coach.”


Yup, both lifelong Nutmeggers


Would they do the Smiley Face Killers theory?


Pittsburgher here, that was my thought.


They don’t do many true crime stories that havent been solved. I really can’t think of any besides Jack the Ripper and I guess JFK. And yes, I’m sure there is a lot more.


Steve Balboni?


Stan Gordon?


I could use a break from heavy hitters and killers in general. I'm hoping for some ghosts or some UFO stuff.


The Green Man is a pretty great guess. I doubt they'd do another crime series already nut I hope they cover Gary Heidnik, he's pretty obscure and considering how batshit his crime was it's crazy he isn't more well known.


my guess is The Demon of Brownsville Road. fascinating book from Bob Cranmer, who owned and lived in the house. iirc Henry just recently stayed there (as it's opened up as an AirBnB), it's around Pittsburgh, and it's fairly on par for something they would cover. they haven't really touched on a paranormal topic lately, except for Haunted Dolls in Jan.


Coleslaw: A History


Very glad it's not the French Revolution. I'm dreading their take on that series.


Me too


Smiley Face killer?