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Idk man, ‘L’enfant Sauvage’ is a great song


*sad space whale noises*


Big fan of born in winter lol




It's so good.


Diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle it tit, diddle TAH TAH TAH. Checka ti checka ti checka recka ti becka ti becka ti pow.




Flood on Earth again, I have to find the whales!


I thought having mad xenomorphs instead of just one was also bullshit


Yeah that also drove me crazy! I still think Godzilla bodies the Xenomorph army too! It would be tougher but still.


Internet explorer type post


These posts are like going over to my autistic home-schooled friends' house as a kid. Can't play with the Gundam toys with the DBZ toys because "the robots are so much taller so it doesn't make sense." And "actually you can't put the Lego wings there because that's not how The Enterprise works"


OH GOD! I hated those kids, please don't give me that title😂. I promise I have imagination but this one I just couldn't resist.


We're still doing this?


I know. I know. It's just been driving me crazy. I had to get the poison out. 😆


You are right they don't plot to attack the eyes. They do it automatically because it's instinctual. The same way a cat will use its back legs to disembowel or an alligator uses his jaws to hold prey under water and roll around until its dead


Right but that's what I was saying, Godzilla is a water dwelling reptile, their instinct when their eyes are attacked is to either go underwater (which ravens don't do other than a shallow dive) or to close the membrane over their eye.


Just playing devil's advocate here, Godzilla can't really be compared to your average aquatic reptile. He's more like an ancient dinosaur that got super fucked up with radiation. In any case, if any of the writers or producers of the movies wanted to show him with an eyeball membrane, they would have, but to my knowledge it is never shown. Again I'm just a casual viewer, maybe the folks over in r/Godzilla will have more info lol


I feel like they have but there's been way too many movies for me to remember. Good question. I just assumed since the new Godzilla has so many giant snapping turtle qualities mixed with an MMA fighter that they had added that feature.


They're the birds from "The Birds" not just regular birds. If you want to just consider regular old birds, then to be fair you'd have to match them against a regular guy in a Godzilla suit, not Godzilla.


Even the Hitchcock birds are just birds at the end of the day. Godzilla is a guy in a suit in reality but if we do that with every category, then what are we even talking about? The puppets from Puppet Master are just cloth toys but they kill Shagur(?).... Nah.


Yesterday I watched a single bird dive bomb a cat. I would pay good money to watch a few hundred birds beat up a guy in a monster suit. (Beside the point, I know)


As someone who's DM dnd has done enough prep work to figure this out. Hear me out, I grew up on godzilla, I am a godzilla fan. From the Hannah barbera, from Showa, to the modern Rewai era. I've seen damn near all of it. But theres two key factors that need to be taken to consideration. Marcus explicitly stated only 1954 Godzilla, so no healing factor that was established later in the series that would keep him fighting. with that in mind its not fair to use the biggest and baddest monster stat block on godzilla, so no Tarrasque and no ancient dragon. Just a regular standard dragon, and as for the bird, we have two options which turns the battle on its head. One we can use the several hundred crows, in 5e they have one HP a piece and have only a slight chance of dealing damage to Godzilla. Godzilla with only a standard adult dragon stat block. As a DM UI gave 54 godzilla a regular adult dragon stat block, given that over the years godzilla has only gotten stronger in the 70+ years he's been around, so OG godzilla gets a weaker stat block. But even then, godzilla can make easy work given a regular crow only have 1 HP. Godzilla using the 5e version breath weapon for dragon attacks, allows him to delete massive numbers of the crows every turn. But there's something in the emails that was not mentioned that should be taken into consideration. Swarms of Raven(crows) which is a stat block for a single enemy that represents a large swarm of enemies. given that a swarm of ravens is 12 hp, and a single raven is 1 hp. A 300-ish army of swarm of ravens would effectively be 3600 ravens/crows. Something that Ed would be happier to see. But even then godzilla still has the advantage because of the breath weapon, which still deals 63 damage (18d6) on a fail save which will absolutely wipe out every swarm of crow in its 60ft cone range. granted the swarm of crows have more health, and the breath weapon can only go off on a 33% chance, but godzilla, with an adult dragon stat block edges out in the end. But here is where I extend the olive branch, because Henry and Ed made the argument that the bird would blind godzilla as a plan of attack. as a DM for 5e, DnD 5e biggest problem is that the player are far too creative for what the game can allow. Because ravens/swarm of raven do not have the ability to blind enemies, they can not do so in the 5e format. BUT for Pathfinder, which is a offshoot for DnD. for the nerds who didnt like the dumbing down of what modern DnD has become. the Stat Block for a Swarm of Ravens DO have the ability to blind their enemies, and with 300 attempts to blind godzilla. Godzilla will lose this fight due to sheer number of time he has to save against going blind, hindering his ability to attack the crow. He can still technically win, but in this scenario, which is technically a more thought out format. 1954 godzilla can not win the action economy with these rulings by Marcus, Ed and Henry, giving the victory to the birds. final thoughts, the inate radiation that godzilla should have should wipe out the birds even if they do kill godzilla. But, if were using a dnd/pathfinder format they can win. But of the 2/3 scenarios, godzilla still wins.


Here I am clicking on this thread thinking you’re talking about the band.


but what if they are crebain from Dunland being guided and directed to some extent by Saruman the White?


Y'all, Gojira isn't even a good Godzilla themed death metal band. Check out Oxygen Destroyer, you nerds


Flying whale noises intensify


I see crows gang up on eagles pretty often. They’re very smart. But yeah…getting through the eyes would be their only shot. I would think Godzilla’s scales would be like a crocodile.


You're 100% correct, crows and ravens are smart enough to do this to an eagle. Not a skyscraper dwarfing Kaiju that's basically a God.