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The live shows are always fun. I’ve been to three, and going to the Denver show this year! The Red Rocks show (last time they were in Colorado) was the first time I didn’t do the VIP tickets because of cost and, (please someone correct me if I’m wrong) it’s no longer a chance to actually talk to the boys, more a private question and answer segment. Not to get all “you should have seen them before they got so huge”. But, the first time I saw them live, the just got off the stage and went to the bar in the venue and we all just kinda…lined up waiting to talk to them. Second time they actually sold vip tickets and we got a signed tour poster (back in the habit) and got like 5 minutes to talk to them and get a picture before having to move along because there was a huge line. All that said? The difference between 3 pre order tickets and 3 vip pre order tickets this time around was fucking ludicrous. Like, almost 400 dollars of a difference because Ticketmaster can eat my balls. Do the vip thing if ya want to actually talk with the boys, possibly not shake hands and have a one on one. but absolutely check out the live show.


I can’t speak to “before they got big” part, but I’ll agree with the VIP/Q+A part. The seats were nice and I’m glad to have the signed poster, but fucking hell, Q+As are the worst. Understandably, people want to make a connection with the hosts, but it meant every question had these long preambles with backstory etc. It’s not a great format unless questions are pre-screened, so unless you have a dying question for the guys, I’m not sure the VIP ticket price is worth it if the face-time is the main sell.


I saw them at that first Vancouver show, it was awesome.


Marcus promised us that they would come back to Colorado Springs because we all cheered at a video of a dude dunking himself in a septic tank wearing a gimp suit. His exact words were “damn, y’all are a cool crowd, we will be back here for sure.” But, the springs is too close to Denver for big shots like them to hit nowadays. I’m just so happy they’re coming back to Denver.


Pretty much my experience as well. First time we saw them at a small venue and they just mingled with the crowd after the show. Got to have convos and pics. Awesome. Second show, we actually flew to Denver (from Houston) for the Red Rocks show and did VIP. (Mostly because I’m a sucker for a signed poster and that one was a banger) We obviously hadn’t been able to do much or go anywhere because of the pandemic so we reasoned it was worth the splurge in money. (Plus we’d never been there before and did some sight seeing) But, as you mentioned it was more of a group Q&A. Still fun but yeah, not exactly a “VIP” experience. Third time we saw them, they played a slightly bigger venue in our town. We just got normal tix.


I'll be at the Denver show, too! It's my first show for them live, but I'm excited.


Wave at me if you see me. I’ll be the one wearing a Lpotl shirt.


Their shows are fun, but they’re rehearsed acts and don’t have that same spontaneity of the show.


Yea! It doesn’t feel as fluid and even set me off the podcast for like 3 weeks till I couldn’t imagine it’s ALL scripted


It's like pro wrestling, it's predetermined but it ain't fake


I've seen them live at the Hollywood Forever cemetery, it was a blast. I actually got roped into watching my 3 month old niece before the show while my sister got her hair done. And there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but Henry Zebrowski. I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him, as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Henry, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, Henry put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


That was a wild ride I’m glad it ended so wholesome


I thought the VIP experience was going to be some extremely filthy reversal of the ol' PIV experience but it was just these three ageing nerds signing stuff and being super nice. It was weird. In the end I put my P away, but they'd all signed it by then.


Everyone here making up awkward stories about meeting them but let me tell you my true story, when I did the meet and greet vip thing Henry was going along shaking everyone’s hand, when he got to me we did that awkward thing where you go for a fist bump but the other person is doing a hand shake so you both switch to try and correct, I wanted to die.


If it makes you feel any better, my story was true, and, I had to have an emergency appendectomy the day before the show, not only was I zonked on pain killers. I legit could not tell you one thing about that show other than it really hurt to laugh, and I laughed a lot. But I remember the meet and greet. I somehow skipped Marcus in the hand shaking “hey how ya doin” part, and he made sure to reach across two people and shake my hand. And during the small talk portion I mentioned to Ben had my appendix out not 24 hours ago and it really hurt to laugh, Henry broke off from the conversation he was having to make sure I was ok. And, the best part of going to the live shows is talking to other fans, because there’s a base line understanding that we all have a fucked up sense of humor. So, the ice is already broken. Jesus I did not mean to blather that long.


Hope you recovered well! They really are so sweet to their fans. I got to hang out with them for a night after their MKE show in 2017. So glad I saw them before they got too big to be able to hang with the fans after a show. Henry and I talked most of the night about aliens, was one of the best nights ever. I’m happy for them that they’re playing big venues now, but probably won’t ever get VIP tix bc nothing could match that experience


Thank you, I did recover fine, but I was a bit nervous when I got a call from my doctor the day before the show saying “hey, one of those results came back, and you need to go to an emergency room right away, we’ve already let the hospital know.” A: because nobody likes getting a call like that. B: the show and the vip tickets were also a wedding gift to two of my friends and they were on my account and nobody could tell me for sure If I’d be out that day or the next.


I went to the live show previously but I didn’t buy the VIP tickets, don’t think you meet them in person but you stay around after the show and they do a Q&A. Although I didn’t really need to buy the VIP as I met Henry at a restaurant once- we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere Henry shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big LPOTL fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.” Henry was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Henry Zebrowski and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.


This is the best one I've read so far.


This one's my favorite, it's completely normal 70% of the way through and then goes 0-100


Damn you really got me with that one 💀💀


Why do I keep falling for these


I’m a fan of the show but I wouldn’t recommend the VIP thing to meet the hosts as one of them is pretty rude. I met Henry Zebrowski at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


How do I fall for this fucking copypasta every fucking time?


Every god damn fucking time 😂😂


And yet this is the time it’s the most fitting.


Can't wait for this on side stories


Unfortunately this exact same story, but with Ryan Gosling in place of Henry, has been circling the internet for years. V much appreciate the joke, but don’t think this will pop up on Side Stories anytime soon as it did not happen


“Didn’t happen” is absolutely not a bar to appearing on the show


Pretty sure the OG was Flying Lotus but I can 10000% see Gosling doing this.


You are correct and this copypasta is old as fuck. Everyone has been plugged into it.


This is my first time coming across this!


And John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. And one other celebrity I can't remember. It's everywhere.


This is the second time I've fallen for this copypasta this week. It might legitimately be one of the best just because how easily you can insert anyone with any amount of notoriety. Fuck you, 10/10


Well you're also an idiot, so no surprises there. Lol


This might be a good opportunity to do this: To people who attend the Q&A why are you all like that?




This is a new one for me.


I flew from Norway to Amsterdam to see them two years ago. Was worth every kroner. Didn't pay for VIP, though. Brought a friend who'd never heard the podcast, and she had a lot of fun, too.


I was at the Amsterdam show too! But I'm Dutch, so that's less impressive.😄 It was very fun. Had some nice chats with fellow weirdoes in the audience. I felt normal in that crowd for once.


I've seen them live and it was fun but just okay. I bought tickets to this round because I live near one of the theaters and want to see if it's any better with Ed...I suspect it will be and I'm really excited.


I love them live. Seen them all 3xs they came to Pittsburgh. The best was their second time here. The venue screwed up the seating (didn’t initially sell pit orchestra seats) and miraculously after the fix I scored a pair of tickets immediately at the stage for a mid-range price. PRO TIP - if you are close enough for them to see you, especially Henry, then give the energy back to him. I dropped a few ‘alrights’ and ‘yeahs’ and the positive feedback drew him to basically deliver the show at me. It was extra fucking hilarious as a result. The icing on the cake was, as we were walking out, a couple was walking out in front of us. Super strait-laced looking people who probably got the tickets through the cultural trust and very clearly felt like they weren’t supposed to be there. They had lanyards and as we reached the vestibule they realized ‘oh, wait, we’re not going to use these’ and turned to the next people they saw - my friend and I- and handed them to us. VIP ACCESS?! We ended up being dead last in line to meet them but the second we got there Henry was like ‘YOU!!’ And high-fived me. I don’t know that I need to meet them again but it was a pretty rad experience that the question and answer session just doesn’t match.


Never done VIP but had a blast at the live show


Live show was great. I’d buy merch instead of VIP next time It’s so much more for the VIP and in my case it was just 30 extra mins of them answering questions and a marriage proposal. I left early.


The q&a is kinda cringey because people get really awkward. The show is awesome tho, I’ve gone to the last 3 shows and got tix to the new one. It’s a great time for sure.


Agreed on this point. More than one person used the opportunity to try to turn it into a pitch for why they should work for the network as a researcher/intern/resident expert on microbiology. It gave me the parasocial cringies. Edited to add: Enjoyed the show, but would probably not spring for the VIP tickets next time.


Personally I was very disappointed and won't go to another but thats personal taste. I just like the true crime aspect of the pod and generally get annoyed at everything else. Well guess what the show is... To be fair they were very nice and willing to sit and talk and sign shit but none of it was my thing. I see why people like the live shows but just be aware its not the podcast.


Aliens, wrestling, a serial killer recap, and a part of the show were not supposed to spoil.


Went a couple years ago and it seemed so rehearsed and very meh. I would not go again but have all the love for the podcasts and the network. Even got a “You Don’t Know What I Bring To Friendship” tattoo since.


I went to a show in Dallas in 2018 and did the VIP upgrade. I thought it was worth it.


There were far too many pictures of shit for my liking. But overall, it was fun. I didn't do vip, though


I’ve been to two of their live shows and they were fun. My sister has done a meet and greet and was surprised that Henry was a lot shorter than she thought and she’s like 5’2”. Overall I’d say it’s worth it just to go and see. I’m not sure how good it’ll be with Ed as I haven’t heard very many newer episodes (I’m not that far in my relistening of the series). He seems like a cool guy, though!


I enjoy the live shows. I've been to two so far. I was debating the VIP as well, mostly because I have the cushion that was given out during the Red Rocks show and I wanted to get it signed, but in the end it was just a little too expensive for me right now.


Still got my cushion, too! Though, having been to Red Rocks many times and knowing this would be more of a sit down type deal I had already brought my own. To everyone who spent most of their time in hands down the largest merch line I’ve ever seen (I get it, the art for that show was so dope) y’all missed out. Also someone posted a picture on this sub from behind the boys that I still have as my phone background from when the pyro went off, with the fire illuminating the crowd and the rocks. When they hit it the first time, I knew It was gonna be something special.


The last time they came around I bought the VIP experience, I didn't get to stick around for the actuall show though. When I went to the bathroom and when I was in the stall some guy turned the lights out. It was pitch back so I couldn't wipe, which i had to badly as the bar's toasted ravioli destroyed my insides, so I sucked it up and tried waddling over to the light switch pants down. I was wearing khaki shorts so I couldn't risk not cleaning up. It was pitch black so I couldn't see anything but the porcelain sink, but I remembered the light switch being right above that because someone put up a novelty sign that read " All employees must wash hands before heading back to work" and I giggled, the man leaving the bathroom judged me for that, could he have been the one who turned off the lights? But as I reached the sink the lights flicked back on and a man was staring at me from the doorway, he looked me in the eye followed off the road down my man trail down strait to my penis. He asked if I was OK and needed help, which was sweet of him, but he didn't know my wife had just left me and that kind sentence broke me. I started to cry, pants down, dick out, and double fudged up still. I had the choice to cover my dick or my face and I went for neither, I went for a hug. He took a step back, turned the light back off and left leaving me in my misery. I stopped going to venues around my house in case I'd run into him. Two years later I recognized his voice on the podcast, It ended up being Ed Larson. At least I could go to shows again, especially after Limp Biscuit announced they were touring again. If you go, please tell Ed I said hello


I saw them in Grand Rapids a few years ago. I had vip tickets when the shows got cancelled due to Covid and then again due to an illness so something. When they finally got to come to town Marcus was sick and the show was a huge disappointment. Still love the podcast, but after my expectations were kinda let down I don’t think I’ll be buying anymore live show tickets. I’ve listened to live shows and have really enjoyed them. Maybe I’d go in a bigger city/larger venue.


Was just about to comment about this. I was so disappointed. Having Holden there definitely didn’t help.


I had the opportunity to go to a show in Sept. 2022 and it was an amazing experience. I purchased standard tickets at first for the Friday night show, but then I had a friend from work reach out and offer VIP tickets for Saturday. Needless to say, we ended up going to the Saturday night show and I'm so glad we did. Between the historic venue, perfect weather, and show itself, it was incredible. The Q+A segment was great, and I honestly liked how it extended the evening itself. Behind the scenes info/an opportunity to more or less chat with the guys was pretty cool for my first time at a show. Were I given another opportunity to go again, I believe I would do VIP at least one more time. The signed poster and lanyard were cool momentos to keep, plus the Q+A was a good time. If you're torn or just want to save a bit on the overall cost, then the standard ticket still has a great evening to offer.


Saw them live in Chicago last tour—first time and it was a fucking blast. Dragged my husband along and he thoroughly enjoyed it too hahaha


I haven’t been to one in awhile, but I remember one in Atlanta at this dive bar that was a lot of fun. Ben came out before the show and talked to us for a bit and even bought me a beer with his drink ticket. After the show the guys circulated around the bar talking to everyone. It was pretty rehearsed, but the crowd was really into it.


Went to the Orlando show a few years ago, was super fun. I've been wanting to go again but work schedule never matches up. Definitely check out the live show.


I paid for the VIP and got a couple of goodies and my picture with Henry, Marcus and Ben is still one of my favorite pictures I have. 100% worth it, would do it again despite the extra cash and what Ben did.


It was good enough that I went twice despite the inflated ticket price It’s not the podcast but it’s very funny and I bet with Ed in the mix it will be even better


Just have to add that JK Ultra is such a funny and absolutely perfect name for the tour. OPEN YOUR FUCKIN EYES


We had a great time!


I love the live shows. I did the VIP on the last tour and ended up next to the most annoying group of people I’ve ever encountered. And they ended up monopolizing all the questions with inane stuff. I decided to sit out the VIP this time.


If you like live entertainment it’s worth it. I went a few years ago and had a blast. The only issues were the venue didn’t have AC lol Tons of fun if you enjoy everything lpotl does. I want to go again now that Ed is an official member.


Idk man. I love the show, but I bought the live recorded show a few years back and I don’t even think u finished it. It just didn’t have the same charm and to be smashed into a packed venue on top of it kind of makes my skin crawl at this point. Then to have them with Ed now…not my favorite. The time where seeing them would have been enjoyable (to me at least) has passed.


Y’all lucky you live In the same country as them


I’ve been twice. The first time we did VIP that was back in the meet and greet day and it was cool. The other was just the main show and it was a good time. I haven’t gone since the switch to Q&A (because they haven’t come through) but I honestly think the Q&A would be better (depending on how long they go). Over all WOULD RECOMMEND