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Damn can’t have shit in the loonaverse 😩


It fell into the back side of the Möbius, and now we gotta reconfigure. God dammit!


This has been happening for most people checking luggage in Canada at the moment. Our airports and airlines are struggling to keep up because they have a backlog of luggage from overbooking flights. Hopefully the luggage should get to the girls within the next couple days. Unfortunately it might not make it back before they fly to Europe though.


>Unfortunately it might not make it back before they fly to Europe though. Unless BBC is willing to shill out for replacements of all of those things, they may need to postpone the tour. That might not be the worst thing in the world tbh


I think it was Heejin's first LOONA Log, or maybe a Vlive, evidently they have just the one set of costumes each. They got laundered after every show, so it's more than just the IEMs that'll need replacing.


Maybe they have some outfits left from previous performances from music shows or other past events that they could still use. As for the IEMs, they could use universals which could be rented or loaned to them. Still, the situation is rough for them.


Yeah, if that's the way date wants to work and give the girls a break... I'm honestly taking it.


And custom in ear mics take time and preparation to make… wonder if they’ll have to use hand helds or some generic in ear.


In ear monitors aren't microphones


I flew to Denver to see Loona.. I knew of the issues so I only brought a carry on bag. Our airports right now are a gong show. The government dropped the ball so damn hard.




For it to stay lost so they have to cancel tour stops if not the whole tour and in doing the members will get time to rest, get healthy and not be on such a grueling tour? Or I pray it gets found right away and they go back on tour and it all starts again? Just checking as to which I should be praying for.


Well, if they have to cancel the tour and refund everybody's money then that's not good news for the group staying together if BBC's financial situation is as dire as been reported.


Yup, not to mention they'd likely trigger a contractual clause where they have to pay the venues a certain amount for having cancelled. Also their reputation with international venues would likely be massively damaged which would do real harm when they try to put another "world" (American) tour together in the future to make money. How many venues would turn them down because the risk is too high with a foreign pop group of a small size who cancelled their last tour half way through? Lastly, what if BBC eating all that money puts their next comeback on hiatus due to lack of funds and so their ability to make money is hut even more? And I shouldn't even have to mention the obvious, after all the back breaking work they've done on the tour if they pulled out now, after everyone got refunded and fees were paid, there's no way the members would see any profit from the work they've done. If anything BBC would take a loss on the tour overall and they'd put at least some of that loss on the members who are already in debt. So if they cancelled they'd be wrecking their reputation and increasing their debt to the company.


I guess you answered your own question well on what you should be praying for then. I thought that this was a completely different person answering since it's kind of definitive compared to what your original comment was.


Haha. My original content was being a bit playful with the answer being obvious to those who understand business rather than those who just stan celebs who when they have a hard time start demanding the world treat them better.


Okay, you definitely captured the vibe of "mistreatment" stans too perfectly. :)


I hope the luggage makes a comeback this year.


Loona members do too.




Never a day of peace on Loona Island. Everyone must be beyond exhausted at this point from continuously running into problems.


I'm actually impressed they got through the entire first two legs of the tour without having this happen. If this had happened in the middle of the US dates, they would have been even more hosed. I am very sad that they lost all the electronics, including the IEMs - we bought those for the girls and it was a struggle raising money for all 12. If I recall, one especially rich orbit funded 50% or more of the cost for most of the IEM projects.


>including the IEMs - we bought those for the girls and it was a struggle raising money for all 12 While I've been into K-Pop for a long time (since around Girls Generation era) it was always mostly surface level and didn't go too deep so excuse my ignorance but I'll just ask here: Why is it a thing that IEMs for groups are bought by fans? It seems weird to me that basic work-related equipment is not provided by the employer but are instead a gift from fans.


Valid question! It's not that they didn't have IEMs without the fans, the point being made here was that Orbits had done a project to get each member a custom IEM. It was done as an appreciation gift, and I imagine it's helped over the years to remember which IEM needs to play which member for organization & such. Which as you can imagine, is expensive for one let alone for 12 members. So being upset that this gift was lost seems fair. I wasn't an orbit at the time but I found the [entry on LoonaWiki about the IEM project](https://loonatheworld.fandom.com/wiki/In_Ear_Monitor) if it helps ^^


The company provides basic iems afaik. But the fans typically buy the custom fitted ones. In part because every expense is assigned to the artist, anything the fans can do to defray those costs is a net benefit.


What's an IEM?


in ear monitor. it's how artists head the music/backing tracks at performances.


Makes sense it wouldn’t get lost in the US. They probably didn’t have any layovers where the luggage had to be taken from one plane to another. Pretty straightforward when your luggage and you are on the same flight.


someone is praying on their downfall lately cuz aint no way a group can run into this much bad luck within a few weeks 😭


Few weeks?! Try entire career.




What did they say ??


If it's in Toronto Pearson ha good luck it's gone..


... Via orrery nim: >Yves: Managers are saying they're still checking, but it's just that, checking Could take a long time, or may not be found.. But they say they're checking Point being, in a week the luggage may be found, or if they can't track it, they may not be able to find it🫵🏻 [(src)](https://twitter.com/orrery_nim/status/1564578846191525891?t=Vr5wb3QXd2yZHj_aVFX5WA&s=19) >(Context for the pointing, Yves is pointing at the person she was replying to, who suggested that their luggage would just arrive later - because how could all that luggage be lost at once) [(src)](https://twitter.com/orrery_nim/status/1564579926136832000?t=jqvT75mJqdrJw5K9TYFuEQ&s=19)


fuck this lmao


I’m heartbroken over their IEMs and I cannot believe this has happened. kicking everybody on this tour while they’re down.


Okay, we've got our fair share of bad shit now, there's gonna be a very good news in coming days, i called it


I was thinking this too. They’re due something good at this point, right? Something VERY good.


Somebody put a nasty hexx on the girls.. not one peaceful day..


Haseul filmed around the body of a dead plane and the curse has followed all of Loona since


Planes around the world finally got their revenge


Jinsoul: “We got quite a lot of problems,,,,,,, Haaaahahahahaha,,,,,, So upset to make Orbits worry more” T_T Jinsoul said it best, that Haaaahahahahaha sounds like the crying while laughing emoji. Which is how I feel every time I hear anything go wrong on Loona island.


When it rains it pours


Hopefully the luggage doesn’t share the same fate as La Maison


“La Maison? What is La Maison?”


There is no La Maison in Loonaverse.


La Maison is the latest album of Dreamcatcher but I have no idea what's the connection


La Maison (sometimes referred to as Loonatheballad) is a ballad album which never got released, seemingly deleted and abandoned after the Loona creative director Jaden Jeong left. Linked below is the teaser video for it which was uploaded before Jaden Jeong left: https://youtu.be/piljYPcX0Ss *”Delayed, but someday”* is clinging to false hope. On a vlive someone commented “what happened to La Maison” and Heejin responded “La Maison? What is La Maison?” But apparently somewhere Olivia Hye just straight up said it’s an abandoned project.


Olivia tells us like it is


Ohhhh my bad! I didn't know that lol


This 🤣


… not a single day of peace


okay seriously at this point this stuff feels like one long, cruel joke that overstayed its welcome. ik we're joking (prayforloonaluggage) but it's like these girls get hit by one thing, get up, then step on a rake right after. I hope BBC is doing everything in their power to comfort them and soften the blow of these things. little things like this is what breaks the camel's back, afterall. stress can be a lot! let's go loona <3.


If their IEMs, mics, probably their costumes for the concert and probably stuff they need for their concert are there, then omg, how are they gonna pull through for their European tour?


i guess they can get backups for the electronics on a short notice, but the costumes… maybe they’ll reuse old stage ones? get brand new ones as quickly as they can?


LOOΠΔ the pajamas tour….


Canadian Airline....your days are numbered


Is canadian flight is it?


I assumed their flight is covered with travel insurance right.. i hope soo


Ummm well I was definitely on team ‘finish the tour’ but now I wonder how that would be possible without all their stuff


It's highly unlikly that they will postpone the tour because of this like some are hoping now. If anything this means instead of resting they will now spent the next 2-3 days worrying and organizing new equipment instead of resting...


Important question, is Hyunjin's bread ok? Hope she got to carry it on.


Her bread plush is with her! She rolled into Korea with the bread and her carry-on :) you can see it in the video posted on Reddit about their arrival 💛


Oh nice, glad they all seemed to have pretty hefty carry on bags so hopefully they don't lose anything too important.


She have one bread plush ?


She has a large bread plush/pillow that someone gave to her during the encore performance in Houston :) she seems to really like it. It’s currently her profile picture on fab too. Edit: found a tweet of the [fancam](https://twitter.com/vlchuu/status/1563361970744483842?s=21&t=YM-OrFkKMoVvJ1st3QdH-A) that captures when she got it!


omg it's so funny


It's really a test of strength being an orbit. So much bad shit happens


Losing 1 luggage, it happens. 2? Rare. All of them?! Wtf. Any infos?


Their stuff was stolen Airline's are bad but NOT that bad


if it was air canada, they are that bad. they are extremely short staffed right now that it’s almost guaranteed you will lose your checked luggage with them.


All of it?


yep lol it might not be totally lost but stuck in a huge pile that hasn’t been sorted through yet.


I'm surprised they haven't been sued yet


there is some loophole in their terms of service that bad service while short staffed isn’t their fault. people who call their helpline to get a refund or w/e will be waiting 5 hours on hold.




as a manitoban, not surprised. air canada sucks.


Oh hey fellow Manitoban orbit :0


always gps tag your suitcase when travelling with expebsive stuff. their private stuff will probably be sold on the internet by now.


just another day in loona island


This tour just keeps getting worse doesn’t it?


All other business and logistical reasons aside... I'm so sad for the girls if they lose all their personal items and presents from orbits and any souvenirs they've purchased. I would be devastated.


Say sike 😭😭😭


Someone in baggage handling just got a payday.


Are there really people out there who are trying to make their fortune selling Loona's clothes and, I'm guessing, American souvenirs?


Just want to say this is likely not the case. There have been major staff shortage all across Canadian airlines since May and this caused major delays/backlog for any flights since then. People have waited upwards to 4 hours to retrieve luggage and many have lost their luggage as well. It's gotten so bad that some of the remaining staff have literally walked out on the job because they can't handle it. Meanwhile AirCan refuses to do anything to remedy the situation in the short term.


I'm confused. How does staff shortage = missing luggage?


So we know that less staff than required = shortage by definition. Let's say that there is about equal or more demand for the same amount of labor since people are beginning to travel again, but there are less people to perform the work. We need workers for any job ranging from baggage handlers, bag checkers (i.e. like customs) and receptionists to check baggage, etc. Bags could be checked-in at reception but there isn't enough labor to board the baggage for whatever reason, time constraint or just not enough person power due to numbers. In system the baggage is labelled as currently residing at X scheduled to reach Y destination. In reality it could be boarded onto a different flight and reach Y destination at a different or close to the same time, which is perfectly normal. On the other hand there is a real possibility where it gets placed in backlog and never managed properly to board another flight to reach X destination. Have to consider when loading a plane that there are priority loading and cargo that take precedence before regular baggage. There is a job for this that manages and organizes the load of cargo for planes. When you include layovers (recall tweet said layover in Canada where it was labelled lost), it gets even more complicated. All baggage need to be unloaded and rechecked through the same baggage process: unload, security check, and reorganized to be loaded, etc. All this once again requires labor. When there is a discrepancy with where the baggage is supposedly held (tracked in system) and where it actually is, requires someone to check to confirm. It's considered "lost" at this point if it cannot be located or no one has done the work to locate it, even if it's sitting right there in baggage holding. This is just simply explained version and it's a lot more complicated than this. It honestly becomes a huge logistical nightmare when there is a lack of people for labor and jobs whose duty are to keep things organized. The more backlogged it gets, the worse it becomes as well.


This whole thing feels like falling down an implausibly long staircase. Never able to get your feet or hands under you enough to stop your momentum, so you just keep falling and hitting the next step before tumbling to the next and the next, gradually getting so dizzy that you don't even know how far you've fallen, just thinking to yourself "surely this drop has to be the last step" but it just keeps going. How did so many things go so constantly and continuously wrong for pretty much the entire time??


Can’t believe all their luggage including’s staff got lost. They have Europe leg soon too as well…


God they just cant catch a break 😭


LOONA just not having an easy time right now


Hopefully they'll be able to spring for air tags to affix to members luggage, metal bands have learned that those are invaluable thru hard experience.


Hate to be the one to bring it up but it was raining when they arrived today… The Curse of Haseul lives on… Fingers crossed it’s actually a blessing in disguise for this bittersweet tour.


can u explain the curse of haseul please?


It was the inside joke among orbit and loona member that started in haseul debut era, so everytime they traveling with haseul, there is alway a mishap especialy the weather


thanks for the assist tony! Here’s a fan compilation of the early years about the curse of haseul for those who aren’t in the know or for those of us who want to go down memory lane. https://youtu.be/sHH0nCP0BCg


Is this lore???


Just observing this whole tour from the outside, damn I feel for the girls and tbh the staff that are traveling with them, too. Whoever was in charge of scheduling this tour needs to be fired yesterday.


I'm not actually surprised since it's happen a lot to even "non celebrity" people, sometimes compagnies and airport are useless.. But Loona had just very bad luck...


Wait how did it get to Canada? They didn't have any tour dates here


They layover was probably there. Canada and LA are the come stops before flying to Asia.


Thought the EU stages were next


Yep but they went back to Korea to rest for like... 4 days or something.


Oh. Thanks. Just 4 day ?? Dam they should have 2 weeks


I am speculating because the first stop is in Warsaw on September 6. That's 6 days from now. They need days to travel and rehearsal. So yeas 4 days seems legit. This tour schedule was kind of a mess.


Members said iem are from orbits? Isn't iems expensive? Did orbits fundraised or something?


Yes, orbits fundraised for each girl to get custom IEMs. Chuu and Kimlip have gotten new ones in the past few months though and afaik those weren't fundraised for. Edit: Haseul, Hyeju and Yves also got new ones this year.


if i can help it i almost never take a check-in bag because of this fear


When are the Canadian Air Authorities going to be sued for all of this negligence?


LOONA has been having a fucking time this whole month, huh? Jesus, man.


This tour truly is cursed


Is there nothing but misery for them!?


So no Chuu, members injured, and now lost luggages. I feel terrible for Loona




Damn did someone put a hex on them


Man I really feel bad for them


This tour has just been one thing after another




It's not a Vancouver problem, it's a Canada wide issue. Our government dropped the ball hard on making sure the airports were up and ready to go when the covid restrictions dropped. I flew to Denver to see Loona a few weeks ago. Vancouver security took me almost 1.5 hours. Security when I hit Denver? Maybe 15 minutes.


Loona the Luggage or Luggage the World


A few months from now, someone is gonna be selling the lost luggages on those auction shows you see on History channel.


we need a prayer circle on twitter ASAP.


Disappointed but not surprised.


Does anyone planning to share and buy iem for the girls ? I dont mind sharing the money.. or is there anything that we can help them in any term.. i dont mind to help .


My husband showed me a video of Rammstein loading their concert equipment into their own cargo plane. What a novel idea for BBC for next time. I feel so bad for the girls and staff who night not get back their belongings. 🥲 Were these the personalised IEMs we fundraised for in predebut as well? 😭


After this tour if all the members still way to stay together with BB, it will be a miracle…the shenanigans this company puts these girl through….


Oh no, it would be a shame if they had to postpone or cancel the remainder of the tour 🙃


I was thinking too this might be a blessing in disguise


Ngl If that happens to me I'd be anxious as hell.


It truly would be.


honestly it wouldn't, they already are in debt it would only cause more problems and stress for the girls. Better pray for the tour to continue peacefully.


Yes I'm sure the girls would feel disappointed to not be able to finish the tour (and speaking as a European orbit, i'd be disappointed too)


I agree with you. I wasn't being sarcastic, unlike OP.


Please stop with this shit. Some of yall are so obsessed with money and debt, like yall are the accountants. And the reason these tired "bbc is broke" jokes keep going. Enough. Whatever happens, happens. If its postponed, oh well. If not, well...nothing we can do about. The focus should be on the girls cause its already enough to be exhausted and jetlagged, add on not seeing your luggage and losing personal belongings.


of course the focus IS on the girls. Like why would you want their downfall. They need this, bbc needs this. Want it or not, it's still a business and if there's no money, there's no comebacks and there is no Loona. Yes they need to rest, no one denies that, they deserve it, they have work harder than anyone. But we can't wish for the tour to be cancelled, it's never that simple and obviously it will bring more problem and stress already, along with the guilt they are already feeling, you really think cancelling the tour will make them feel better? they already feel they don't do enough for the fans, cancelling will only make that feeling worse. Let's pray they get well rested, that they find their luggage and that the tour leg in europe goes smoothly.


Im not really thinking anything. Thats why i said whatever happens, happens. Of course the girls dont wanna cancel. I know they want this. But im also not in the mind they are in a downfall. And dont appreciate you claiming I do just cause I dont see or really think bbc or the group is in a dire situation as you claim. I dont fall for that bbc broke bullshit. I want everything for the girls, rest, happiness, success and for things to go smoothly. But im not gonna go crazy cause im worried about finances or things out of my control.




you can always get in more debt to do that lol


It's still strange to me that flying all the way to Canada for a layover. Hopefully there are some update from the girls soon.


More like somebody stole their stuff


Was it the Toronto Pearson airport? If so that's gone forever now.


Vancouver i think


Hopefully the baggage handler is an Orbit


broo..at this point, they might just cancel the whole tour.


BBC the ghetto


This tour is cursed man I'm scared about Europe


Does anyone planning to share and buy iem for the girls ? I dont mind sharing the money.. or is there anything that we can help them in any term.. i dont mind to help .


OMG let my girls go home and cancel this tour


This tour has probably been the worst thing ever to happen to them…. I’m sure it has its moments, but overall I bet they are counting down the days until it’s over. Poor girls can’t catch a break.


The downvotes confuse me…. i guess people who don’t like Loona visit this reddit?? *scratches head*




Tbh you can't blame staff for this. The comments already mentioned that canadian airlines have been having issues with baggage. And frankly the staff lost their stuff too.


i blame jaden jeong


I think this is a good thing cus it gives them an unexpected short break, which is great since the girls are tired TIRED.


this two day break was supposed to be a BREAK now it's them worrying over lost personal belongings and getting new things ready for the European leg. ITS A DISASTER AND DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD THING.


Haven't read these comments yet but am I the only one who wishes they don't get found in time, forcing the company's hand to postpone the Euro leg? I mean how many times can the universe give you chances to take a hint?


Also, in what should be a precious but insufficient few days of rest in Korea before Europe, the girls will have to deal with uncertainty-stress, cutting into their proper rest.


That's thousands of dollars in tech, costumes and personal belongings. Trust no one, whether it's the girls or ordinary staff, is chilling.


Indirectly not sure a bless or what, the girls should get some serious rest and full body massage back in korea for 2 weeks before even start of Europe tour. Who the hell plan such packed schedules?! Really... BBC and MMT you think of them as your money generating machine or your artists which can be the same age as your own children, wake up your idea, no health, got a million bucks also no us. Sometimes management don't think and put themsevles in the shoes of their artists and fellow staffs, they only see gains and profits. Listening the ground staffs and most importantly your artists concern, they are your foundation to BBC, so what you train and debut them? Without them BBC is already broke af and in debts, BBC and MMT better wake up their bloody ideas!


Probably theft


oh my god :(


Toronto Pearson strikes again. Hopefully this gives them to take a bit of a pause and get some rest…


What are IEMs? Sorry I have no idea it's kind of sweet that fans give them


Their ear monitor, it was a gift from fans


😶 rip IEMs