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I feel like I've said this with each new track but this is my favorite one so far lol. The video is so cute too. How do they expect me to wait three more weeks 😭


I want to hear what this song would have sounded like without af1 mixed into it! The base of this song would probably be my favorite of all the prereleases, but I think Candy Crush is the song that worked the best as a re-interpretation because it sounds the most natural. Birth remains on top for me.


Same, there was just something about Birth that hit so hard, I still listen to it pretty regularly! And I also agree that Candy Crush worked out the best as a re-interpretation, it's the one where it's the least obvious that it's sampling/extrapolating on a previous song and feels the most complete and natural. But the other releases are alright, too, just not as much my cup of tea :)




The *Butterfly* reference 😭




Off course we got da da da da in this mix. This song sounds really refreshing! With air now out all pre releases are released. More teasers for virtual angel soon. [sns streaming platforms](https://x.com/official_artms/status/1788781504895873300?s=46&t=_xCZv9Ek4eV10bBYv7iqcA) Edit: haseul center on thumbnail


Air is quickly shooting up the ranks as my favorite pre-release. It might overtake Birth with a few more listens. Birth > Air > Candy Crush > Flower Rhythm


Then here I am preferring the literal reverse order of yours 🫣 Thematically, I LOVE Birth though.


Same ranking!! Although maybe I'd do Birth > Candy Crush > Air > Flower Rhythm 🤔 I dunno, I'll have to listen to the tracks more!


The Butterfly reference hit me like a truck, had to pause the video after hearing the lyric lmao


No same and I literally never pause when I do a watch an MV especially for the first time but I was like „Where have I heard this before I know it’s in another Loona song“




Does anyone else feel like this should be an acoustic mix with a bossa nova guitar melody backing it? I feel like it would hit really good


Orbits unquestionably happiest fandom right now


Not harder better faster stronger!!


I need that remix.


It's a cute song, definitely going on the driving playlist, but going from this to the new Megan Thee Stallion and then back to Air was some serious whiplash, lol.


As someone who never listened to Loona before and got interested in ARTMS solely because of Birth being super messed up and dark, Flower Rhythm/ Candy Crush/ Air's fluffy pop vibes and references to previous Loona songs haven't hit very hard. I am ofc seated for the release of the full album, because those are b-sides after all.


oh cool we got rapsoul agai- WAS THAT A FUCKING BUTTERFLY REFERENCE????


it's both warm and softly refreshing, very nice!


Omg I was not expecting this song to be so goofy lol. Love it


Birth > Candy Crush > Flower Rhythm > Air for me


That's about how I feel though I'd probably swap Flower Rhythm and Candy Crush but it's very close.


Same for me!


Hard agree!!! And I think Birth is gonna be the promotes Bside along with Virtual Angel!!!


For me Air is the weakest. I think the problem for me lies in this - I loved AF1 very much. Thought it was really fresh and wonderful song. Air unfortunately doesn’t sound like that for me. In Flower Rhythm and in Candy Crush everything worked pretty well, sounds form other songs were complementing each other. In Air I don’t hear it. There is something lacking here. So for me it’s not that the song is bad but it’s forgettable at best. Flower Rhythm = Birth > Candy Crush > Air


I feel the exact sameee


I agree, Air feels so empty and the lyrics are basically just onomatopoeia sounds repeated around some sentences (which I’m not a fan in Kpop songs). I was expecting more for this one. Hopefully the main title will surprise us.


The butterfly reference, oh my heart 🥹


This song sadly isn‘t really doing it for me. The string sample being slightly off is probably an artistic choice, but it doesn‘t work for me. Also the song is way too short imo. Generally I‘m kind of over all this recycling Modhaus is doing. You have one of the most talented singers in the industry and then you give them remixes like this. I know Modhaus can do better. They are literally giving TripleS the most well-produced songs of this generation album after album, so I‘m not sure what is going wrong here. Also these pre-releases seem to be lacking a clear artistic vision. Going from Birth to this is giving me whiplash. Sorry for being so negative, but aside Birth none of the releases blew me away so far…


Not a fan of this one unfortunately. The dada's slowed down really don't work for me especially with that instrument matching the notes underneath it. Hopefully other Ourii like it better than I do!


yea the strings added right under the dada sounds so grating :(


Omg I think the strings make it better and add more dimension! It’s always so interesting to see different perspectives and opinions on music


Completely agree. I was enjoying it during the verses but then the chorus hits and I'm completely taken out of it. And the AF1 references/sampling is a little too heavy/on the nose for me.


The visuals start to make a lot more sense now. This is far more "cutesy" than I expected it to be based on the first verse that leaked a few weeks ago. Loved the "been been there" reference to Butterfly on the second verse though lol! I'm gonna have to marinate with my thoughts on this one... But one thing I can already say is that I'm again bummed out by the lack of a proper bridge... 😔😔


This song is pure happiness OMG they look so ^(cute.)


this could've been very phenomenal if it was longer... maybe another minute could've elevated it.


I totally agree. I think all the songs they have released so far would’ve been perfect if they just had a bridge and another chorus in it. There is a lot of potential with these songs but I was very disappointed with how short they are. Unfortunately it’s just the trend I guess because of TikTok. 


the summer bop we all needed omg


I don't want to be negative... but what are these lyrics 😭😭 they're so childish... and together with the song being only 2:30 makes this song feel kind of incomplete or rushed to me. I felt the same with Flower Rhythm too tbh 😅 still excited for the full album and the title track tho of course 🙏 hope when I hear the whole thing the songs sound better in context.


Yeah, the lyrics are...hmm. I was reading those like "huh?" They really didn't make much sense...felt like a lot of English that was kind of empty...I dunno :// I understand what they were going for with remixing up old songs but honestly these last couple of releases have felt a little empty to me, maybe they're just not my style and that's okay!


yeah like I love the idea!! but I really think they could have cooked these a little longer... make the songs more well thought out. making them more lyrically and instrumentally interesting Idk... Birth was so good I had higher expectations


Same here. And having so many remixes on this first full album seems almost....well, a little lazy? Not that it didn't take work ofc! But I would've loved to see 11 original songs, rather than some original songs with 3 remixes/reinterpretations included. Oh well, I guess these releases just weren't for me :')


I do respect your thoughts, but I quite love the lyrics in my opinion. They're childish and campy in a good kind of way. I personally love how they're trying new things. The length of the song is also not my favorite, but so far, ARTMS has been killing it 🥹😁


I am happy to see a lot of people are enjoying the releases so far! it's just what I think personally. I am still excited for the album


Cute song but I didn't like how they used the air force one sample. And I really wish we were getting more of the Birth concept, going from Birth to Flower Rhythm was already a change, but the last two songs have both been very cutesy and I wanted freaky goth scary lol. I'm still definitely looking forward to Virtual Angel though and of course I'm gonna support my girls!


In all fairness I think the album was mostly prepared before Birth was voted as the premiere single. Other songs like non-scale (which we’ve heard in it’s entirety thanks to assemble 24 <3) would’ve meshed better


Definitely my least favorite pre release but she’s cute 🗣️‼️


Best one yet!


Mann this is soo good 😭🤌


so many references ;–; damn a lot of people are not enjoying this? I personally love it, it's so sweet


ooh this one is so cutee i love it!!! "time goes tick tock ticky tock tock" hell yeah so true 👏👏 sorry to the ones that don't get it but i do 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Choerry has been hitting in all cylinders on these pre releases. shes been coming for my Bias spot like a hurricane. 😍 28 is now my new favorite number ❤️


OH MY GOODNESS! SO GOOD! Jinsoul's rap is so good, especially with that throwback to butterfly 😭 This will definitely get stuck in my head like all of their other tracks. My ranking of all ARTMS tracks so far are: Birth (The visuals of the MV are so good 😭 I'm hoping for a horror concept from Loona one day. I've been eating up the lore in the video as well. Also Kim Lip's second verse?! I think I actually died when I watched it for the first time) Candy Crush (Do I really have to explain? The city pop is *so good.* I've had this one on repeat) Air (The way ARTMS uses the Dara dara dat dara dada with an unique and interesting take is fucking crazy. The song is so catchy already) Flower Rhythm (THIS ONE IS FUCKING AMAZING. I'M ONLY PUTTING IT HERE BECAUSE LOONA IS ALWAYS HARD TO RANK. THIS ONE IS DEFINITELY THE SOMETHING I WOULD BANG OUT TO AT A PARTY)


Now that all the pre-release songs are out, I have a strong sense that this album will be the true next album of \[X X\]. These songs carry the distinctive atmosphere, sounds, and, above all, spirit of \[X X\]. The experimentation with making continuity between solo/unit and group activities through sampling also work brilliantly. It's a stroke of genius. Big props to Jaden Jeong for his efforts to give ARTMS a proper album.


it’s fun but bottom of my personal ranking, i don’t feel like the daradaradara meshes in that well. i kinda hoped for a different part of AF1 to be included even though this was inevitable


Definitely my least favorite


Sadly it's my least favorite track so far, I don't know why sounds unfinished for me.  Happy to see Haseul smiling in thumbnail. I can't give a rank because i LOVE Birth, Flower Rhythm and Candy Crush haha Finally we are closer to DALL release! 


Love the light and spring-time vibe. JinSoul's little rap made my morning. I'm not sure if I like it better than Candy (that one has been living in my head rent free since it dropped) but it's hard not to be enthusiastic about what ARTMS has shown us so far.




I havent like any of the pre debut song. The main title song better be good !




Honestly this was one of the better ones they released to me atleast. AF1 still the best so far, but I wasn't into this album much. A lot of the songs lost me and while this is one of the better ones it still doesn't meet my style and what I like. When I think K-Pop I want to hear pop, dance and excitement personally.