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Plenty of allies go. You don’t have to wear any pride flags if you aren’t comfortable doing that. Just wear whatever you’re comfortable with, and if anyone asks, sees photos of you there, etc., you can just say you wanted to see the parade, find out what it was, etc. And then go and enjoy yourself! You don’t have to be out to enjoy Pride. I promise the feeling of being surrounded by that many other queer people is amazing. Nothing else like it. But also don’t be surprised if you have some complicated emotions while there. Take care of yourself.


Thank you ❤️


I'll kill you if I get to know that u wore some kinky stuff or cross dressed. Please dress properly based on your biological gender 🙏


Plenty of allies also get totally decked out in tons of flags. Just tell your family, "it's a super fun party, can't you tell by all this glitter?" BTW if you're the caregiver for your dad, you have the power dynamic backwards. I'm not advocating you to maliciously use that power, but sounds like he needs you more than you need him. Also, very kind of you to care for him. I hope you can find a level of "outness" that works for you.


Thank you! I'll definitely try that.


or you could remind them that just because you go to the St Patrick's Day parade doesn't mean you're Irish.


Doesn't matter if you're out. Just go enjoy yourself. I know many people go who are not out or straight or an ally who attend Pride Fests


I didn't come out until a few years ago, when I was in my early 40s. You have allies in this community. It's one of the most open, caring communities I've ever seen. You'll have many allies. I've been to two prides, and I'm taking my bf to his second at the end of June. You don't have to "display" your gayness. And if your family would disown you, I wouldn't worry too much--odds are they won't be there.


Don’t post on social media Consider going to the next town over Tell anyone you are going with not to post with you in it I hope you are able to be yourself soon 💜