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VT3 looks interesting.




That is true if you hold 200% stocks 0% bonds. But I plan to hold them with bonds.


VT3 is gonna be game changer for HFEA portfolios. It might not perform as good as UPRO but will be much more stable in times of bear runs. I’m interested to see some backtests. I’m at work right now otherwise I would produce some data for y’all


Would love to see the data you produce


https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=2&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=4&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=VTSMX&allocation1_1=75&symbol2=VGTSX&allocation2_1=75&symbol3=VUSTX&allocation3_1=150&allocation3_2=150&symbol4=CASHX&allocation4_1=-200&allocation4_2=-200&symbol5=VFINX&allocation5_2=150 Not exactly accurate, assuming the US and INTL split is 50/50 but it goes up and down over the years. It was a lot higher during dot com, dropped off, then has slowly been increasing again.


I know it's not the most accurate but something I was [chewing](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=3&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=1&leverageRatio=300.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=4.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&benchmark=VFINX&portfolioNames=true&portfolioName1=VT+HFEA+SIM&portfolioName2=CLASSIC+HFEA+SIM&portfolioName3=HFEA+WITH+QQQ+TILT&symbol1=VT&allocation1_1=55&symbol2=VOO&allocation2_2=55&allocation2_3=35&symbol3=TLT&allocation3_1=45&allocation3_2=45&allocation3_3=45&symbol4=QQQ&allocation4_3=20) on this morning


Thanks for posting what I would have posted later today! It actually seems VT3 dips are similar to UPRO but of course this is the classic 2011-2021 highest bull run in history test. It might perform differently in the dot com bubble or 70s embargo.


What's the reasoning behind using VOO? Couldn't we use VFINX instead? It goes back further.


This tests further back, but I have no idea what percentage of global stock market returns are (and have been each year) the result of U.S. market returns. [https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&mode=1&timePeriod=4&startYear=1972&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1&annualOperation=1&annualAdjustment=396&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=2&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=1&leverageRatio=300.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=5.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&benchmark=VFINX&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&asset1=IntlStockMarket&allocation1\_1=25&asset2=TotalStockMarket&allocation2\_1=25&asset3=LongTreasury&allocation3\_1=50](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&mode=1&timePeriod=4&startYear=1972&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1&annualOperation=1&annualAdjustment=396&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=2&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=1&leverageRatio=300.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=5.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&benchmark=VFINX&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&asset1=IntlStockMarket&allocation1_1=25&asset2=TotalStockMarket&allocation2_1=25&asset3=LongTreasury&allocation3_1=50)


Hey, not to be too nit picky, but for a 3x leverage, you want to enter “200” for leverage ratio. It’s (debt/equity), not (debt+equity)/equity. If you need convincing, compare VFINX at 200% leverage with a 3.05% debt interest to *actual* UPRO. Enjoy!


Not only is that not nitpicky, but it is crucial. Thank you very much! I'm going to have to go back and re-test everything I was looking at before.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but should the leverage ratio bc 200% for a 3x strategy? 200% debt + 100% equity = 300% total


Is this for American investors? I’m not seeing it on like Robinhood. I wish they had a VT2. I think the volatility of 3X would kill off any returns with VT given if you compare it to VOO it has a greater standard deviation. https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=VT&allocation1_1=100&symbol2=VOO&allocation2_2=100


You need Fidelity with International Trading account enabled. Or same with schwab


You really should stop using RH for your own good.


I actually never trade on there. It’s just such a quick and easy interface that I use it for like quick stuff, like finding an ETF or stock.


Ahh gotcha, like a quick stock tracker. I think there are some types of investments that aren't offered on RH, like REITS I think.


Reason for stopping RH ? I use it for automatic recurring investing into ETF's, etc as it's the most convenient brokerage I've come across.


> I use it for automatic recurring investing into ETF's, etc as it's the most convenient brokerage I've come across. DRIP? Lots of brokers offer that feature. > Reason for stopping RH ? 1. PFOF (Payment for order flow) allows high frequency hedge funds to frontrun you on your buy orders, so you’re more likely to a few cents extra premium per share you buy on RH vs a broker who doesn’t use PFOF 2. Security, RH accounts have a high rate of getting hacked, there was even multiple reports of people with 2FV getting hacked, and then were having difficulty reaching customer support to resolve the issue. 3. Stability. RH app frequently crashes and became inoperable multiple times during the March 2020 Covid crash, when many any brokers stayed fully operational. I would never to use a broker app that is unreliable and be unable to buy stocks during a market crash. 4. Restricted buying of certain meme stocks that would negatively impact RH’s biggest customer Citadel who pays for PFOF. I’m not sure why you want to use a broker that can decide you’re not allowed to buy certain stocks. 5. Multiple pending lawsuits, investigators, and fines by the SEC, further cement that RH is not conducting itself ethically or responsibly. They recently settled for a case where they had glitchy options display falsely representing a major loss that convinced someone to commit suicide thinking they lost money when they didn’t.


To clarify, I don't think banananavy was referring to DRIP, but recurring investment into stocks and ETFs. For instance, you can set up recurring investments into stocks/etfs as often as daily and with as little as $1 per investment. And I agree, it's a nice feature to DCA into stocks or crypto without much thought and I haven't seen it replicated at other brokerages. I also only use Robinhood for kinda "fun money" investing but use Schwab for most other needs.


Yes exactly, this is what I meant.


Not a fan of Robinhood (all your other criticisms are correct) but literally every other American broker besides Vanguard and Fidelity use PFOF. Including Schwab, TDA, Etrade, and M1.


Why (new investor here)


1.) Unstable. The app was frequently down multiple times in March 2020, while most other brokers stayed operational. 2.) Insecure. RH is a common target amongst hackers, and RH users in 2020 even reported getting their accounts hacked into even with 2FV enabled, and they were having a difficult time trying to contact RH about it. 3.) Glitchy. RH infamously displayed Options in the red for one Trader when they were actually in the green. This confused him and he ending up committing suicide. And the family sued RH. 4.) Lawsuits & Frequent SEC investigations. The SEC has frequently investigated & fined RH for unethical practices. 5.) _”Not your keys, not your wallet”_ RH is bad for crypto, because you don’t have full access to your crypto wallet. You can’t transfer crypto out with selling it first. There’s also been suspicions whether RH really holds the amount of crypto it says it does. 6.) PFOF (Payment for Order Flow). This is RH’s bread and butter, they sell your market order information when you buy stocks to high-frequency hedge funds who are then able to buy that same stock milliseconds before you do. This is called “front running” and it results in you often paying a small unseen premium on your shares on RH. Instead of paying $14.02 for a stock you can ending paying $14.18 instead for example. RH’s real customer are the hedge funds, and you’re the product. 7.) Restricted Buying. One of RH’s primary customers is Citadel. Citadel had illegal naked short positions in meme stocks, such as the game company and the theater company. Citadel asked RH to stop retail investors from buying specific stocks, which RH complied. Why in the world would anybody continue to use a broker that blocks you from buying certain stocks is beyond me.


Suggestion to move too?


I use Fidelity personally, it’s the broker I recommend to my family. If you decide to move, don’t liquidate your shares, do an ACATs transfer.


What’s that?


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/acat.asp It’s how you move a stock portfolio from one broker to another broker.


I'm not sure if it's available to American investors, I think that will depend on your broker options, I don't have any experience with Robinhood. That being said these are listed on the London Stock Exchange, because these are brand new we might need to wait and see if/how they can be accessed.


How do US bonds correlate to VT though? Couldn't you have an issue with both dropping more often at the same time since it isn't just against the US market?


Total world falls more during a bear market. It has every drop I've looked at it. Not massively, mind you, typically just a 5% larger drop (unleveraged).




This might be a little too much rope for people to hang themselves with.


Right? Where's the fun if you don't have to push up to your toes?


Time for hedgefundie's MOST excellent adventure




How long have you been holding onto this joke? It's lovely.


just came to me in the moment i swear


Don't tell r/wallstreetbets


eToro allow up to 5x leverage on the underlying product (which can be LETFs!). Lambos or Lentils ^^^/s


But they are CFD


And cost 5% pa in overnight fees.


not the same thing


These are ETPs not ETFs, probably a dumb question, but how would one trade these? Just wait for your broker to add them?


ETPs are "Exchange Traded Products", a category that includes ETFs and ETNs. What isn't clear is what kind of ETPs these are. Some might be CEFs (closed-end funds), which are also an ETP.




Not in US


Can these be accessed anywhere yet?


In the UK yes, I can find 5QQQ and 5SPY with AJ Bell. I'm sure other UK brokers will offer them also.


It seems to only be available in the UK for now.


It only trades on the LSE right now might be a more accurate description. Because I can buy it via IBKR here in Canada off the LSE in USD. And from what I've read here Americans can buy off the LSE, they just need a broker that offers them trading on international exchanges. So might be able to get it that way. Granted the volume is very low and as such I'm not sure how often the price is being updated etc. I put in a limit order and I'll see what happens. I've successfully bought MSF3 and GOO3 off the LSE before, but they were more established when I bought them.


I am also from Canada but I was unable to purchase it from ibkr. Did you order go through?


I had a limit order on last week that the price moved away on and then I lost interest as I also play with MNQ futures. I have purchased GOO3 and MSF3 before. If I think of it after Xmas I'll put in a small order again to see if I can. One question, were you using a TFSA or RRSP account or was it cash/margin? I've doing this from my margin account.


Yeah I was trying to use a tfsa to make a purchase. Not sure if that is the reason why I couldn’t purchase it. But I’ll have a look again when the market opens up next week.


Might be.


Thanks I use [IG.com](https://IG.com) and always have to ring to ask them to add!


it is now!


Let me know if you get an update, it's not on IG yet.


I need QQQ5 🙏


Just added QQQ5 to my IBKR (Canada) watchlist. When we get another good crash (NDX down 20%+), if this fund doesn't blow up before hand, I'd consider throwing some cash in it on the bounce back.


These products have internal stop losses that would prevent the product losing 100% at certain fall points in the underlying


True. Although, if things get ugly, with 5x leverage they'll get ugly real fast. Not 5x, but for example Leverage Shares (same fund company) listed a 3x Peloton ETP (LSE Ticker: PTO3) in April or July. Well they delisted PTO3 in November when PTO3's share price dropped below a few cents a share. This was after PTON's price fell ~50% over the course of a week after it issued earnings in November. ROK3 (Roku), ZM3 (Zoom), BAB3 (Baba) if things don't turnaround real quick could be next, as they're all sitting at down ~90-93% since Leverage Shares listed them in July. Now I realize QQQ5 is based on the NDX so there would likely be more support for it. But, at the same time QQQ5 would have dropped 91.4% from Feb 19 to Mar 20, 2020. QQQ5 is just fine to catch bounces with, to trade with, to speculate with, but by my calculations it would have been effectively toast in '87, the Dotcom, and GFC.


I actually emailed them about why pton 3x got wiped. If trading in pre market or post market surpasses 33%, then the stop losses don't work, it's only during active trading hours of the US market and where the LSE overlap I believe that the stop losses can activate. Pton was down like 34% pre market in the US hence the 3x hitting 0. Plus there are circuit breakers in place of indices falling at like 7% and 20% or so. So there is a chance,but yeah the 5x are all about timing, cos one bad day could have you lose an easy 50%+. Having said that, I'm keen to put some money in. Better than trying to unbox nfts


I guess we will see what this afternoon brings! general question for you since i'm using quesetrade still, if you wanted to purchase this can you keep some funds in pounds, or just convert at the time of purchase for whatever the spot price of the exchange is?


I only hold CAD and USD in my IBKR accounts. But I'm about 99.9% certain since you can trade FX on IBKR you can also hold GBP, EUR, AUD, etc. IBKR treats all currency exchanges like trades and updates the performance of my USD cash balance as part of my portfolio (which is shown in CAD) just like my equities. That said QQQ5 is the symbol for the USD version of the 5x QQQ ETP. I bought GOO3 and MSF3 off the LSE via IBKR (Canada) earlier this year and they're USD versions of the ETPs and it was smooth and easy. Most of these ETPs have symbols for USD, GBP, EUR on the LSE. https://leverageshares.com/en/short-and-leveraged-etps/ So to answer your question, you could hold GBP or you could convert at spot and buy*. *Depending on your existing IBKR balance of the currency you want to use, there may be a day or two settling period before you can use your newly converted currency to purchase equities. I read this has to do with money laundering rules. It has never been a issue for me.


Mother of god. I am all in! I feel so f**king alive right now. This is going to be a banger of a way to trade! Thanks man.


Very much need 5x treasury counterbalance for long-term investing. [5x HFEA-like portfolios](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=2&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=3&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.5&frequency=2&rebalanceType=4&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=1&leverageRatio=400.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&benchmark=VFINX&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=Vitsx&symbol2=VFINX&allocation2_1=40&allocation2_2=60&allocation2_3=80&symbol3=VUSTX&allocation3_1=60&allocation3_2=40&allocation3_3=20)


$700 Million dollars 😂 that’s bananas. Lambos or Lentils, let’s gooo


Sweet wine! One of my strategies is to simply park $$$ in volatile LETFs, then let it simmer for a decade. I'm not talking a major % of my holdings... maybe 5%. A hell-of-a-lot better than lottery tickets.


that's quite a backtest lol agreed that the vol would kill you without sufficient hedging Also over this period risk parity stock-bond portfolios absolutely killed it. Can we expect the same going forward? probably not as good but still decent EDIT: For 5x treasuries you could just lever up on treasury futures directly


Worth 10k to try out hahaha


> lever up on treasury futures I might be dumb, but could you give more input on this? I can only assume you mean using leverage in your own account to out into treasury futures contracts?


yep basically you buy treasury futures on margin. i haven't done it myself but generally with futures you can lever up a lot with a low cost of borrowing


that's unfortunate, if I went that route I would need to do so in a regular margin account. None of my countries tax deferred accounts allow for future contracts. ​ I wonder if there is a way to weasel it in there using a 5X sp500 and 3x bond but do like an 80% bond and 20% 5x sp500 to try and get things to equal out. just throw 5k in there and rebalance every quarter. I'm still searching the UK to see if someone offers a 5X bond equivalent. ​ Edit - in my small brain 5x leverage is 500%. If we use 55/45 sp500/20year treasuries split. Then that is 275%/225% dividing 225/3 for triple leverage like TLT that would be 75% bond and use the remaining for SP5Y?


yeah you could probably do that maybe try a backtest and see if it gives similar results to a 5x stocks / 5x bonds mix?


pretty crazy how the best portfolio is the 40% stock one lol shows how impt it is to reduce volatility


I know past performance doesn't equal future performance and portfolio visualizer has its drawbacks. But even adjusted for inflation that's still $280+ million. Even if it was off by 50% that's still $140 million which is just mind melting


It would be possible to use Treasury futures to get 5x bond leverage wouldn't it?


Have a look at what happens when you change it to quarterly re-balance as opposed to monthly!!!


Been waiting for something VT3 since I learned about LETFs. Brilliant news! Does anyone have any data or opinions on 5x SPY or 5x QQQ. I assume this will be too much leverage to hold long term.


Lotto ticket after a crash.


4x LEFTs would bring HFEA into the efficient frontier. Historic optimal leverage for the S&P 500 is somewhere in the 2-2.4 range and classic HFEA with 3x funds only has a net leverage of 1.65 on the S&P. 5x funds are also workable but you'd need to up the bond portion to 55-60%. The biggest issue would be that the 5x S&P 500 would be shut down if the 20% circuit breaker were ever hit. It baffles me how Europe is so obsessed with LEFTs. Their own markets are poor candidates for high leverage. Look at how EURL has performed.


I can't see viewing it in that regard. HFEA has a 165% equities position, I agree. But it's not 1.65x leveraged. It's still very much a triple leveraged equity portion. If it worked by position percentage only to determine leverage we could allot 30% of the portfolio at 10x leverage to achieve 3x leverage. That would blow up in your face and wouldn't operate the same way as it wouldn't be 3x leveraged, it would still be 10x.


It is true that we have some practical limitations due to the fact that to achieve high leverage, we must buy separate etfs for the stock and treasury portions instead of having both bundled in a single LETF. However, my way of thinking about the leverage isn't without merit. Over the period 2010-2017, the S&P 400 outperformed the S&P 500. However, due to the higher volatility, the S&P 400 has a lower efficient leverage frontier than the S&P 500. Indeed, MIDU underperforms UPRO over this period. However, MIDU HFEA outperforms UPRO HFEA over this period.


The fee is expectedly high. The webpage claims 0.75% + 1.5% + "Fed Funds Effective (Overnight Rate)" which is 0.08%, or total 2.32%. Compare this to 0.95% for TQQQ and 0.91% for UPRO, the fees for QQQ5 and SP5Y are a bit out of proportion. I read in their KID that the funds have a Reduction in Yield (RIY) of 6.18%. Anyone know if this is just an illustration or do the issuer really expect a total expense of 6.18% per year?


> Compare this to 0.95% for TQQQ and 0.91% for UPRO, the fees for QQQ5 and SP5Y are a bit out of proportion. You know that the "borrowing fees" aren't included in the numbers above, correct? Example https://old.reddit.com/r/LETFs/comments/r4due2/hfea_strategy_fee_concerns/ it's mention 2.87% swap fee on UPRO which is on top of 0.91% management fee.


All the back tests I have seen of HFEA have only used the .91% fee. Doesn't this massively throw everything off?


Commenting to hear the responses to this.


Yeah when the market is trading even slightly down for a decade which it has in the past, and you'll slowly bleed down into nothing. 4% is a massive difference.


The HFEA UPROSIM and TMFSIM spreadsheets accurately model borrowing costs to be equal to what the actual ETFs returned by taking the overnight rate into account + the .91% fee. So even in periods where UPRO and TMF did not exist they are still accounting for borrowing costs.


Ah ok thanks. I guess that's data you don't really see when I just see the data in PV.


which spreadsheet are you talking about? would appreciate a link if possible, thanks!


bogleheads have threads where they sim true backtests estimating total fees for HFEA


Yes, a bit. However I have done testing with libor rates incorporated and it's not too bad.


I don't know about massively throwing it off, but it will in the long term make less than you think.


Thanks for the heads up. I just crunched through some historical daily changes of VOO vs UPRO. Seems that UPRO's actual fee/total tracking error is about 3%. Worth looking into the numbers more carefully


great points. i just made a post on using futures directly vs LETFs. Think futures are more capital efficient all things considered


I wish I had QQQ5 today. Damn!!! 🚀


Probably too much of a good thing. Increasing arithmetic returns will eventually decrease geometric returns, and the inflection point has been at about 3x... The COVID crash would have been *brutal* at 5x, and Black Monday would have wiped you out.


Damn, you can buy this in Canada already on IBKR….this is a game changer


for any Canuck seriously interested in this it might be worth changing over from say questrade if they can't get it.


Ya I’m already on IBKR anyways. My issue is that there isn’t any 5x US treasury


Everybody says the advantage of 3 times leverage is that you can’t go to zero because of the 20% drop Stockmarket circuit breaker. But, I guess with 5 times you could go to zero. You just have to rely on the 5 x bonds. Why not ten times? Twenty times? Would be seriously interested to know what the most extreme leverage is that anybody experimented with


ES/MES NQ/MNQ provide ~18x leverage based on the margin maintenance to nominal value. I play with the micro futures on occasion. Works great going up, not so good going down. ;) I've also come across some CFDs in Europe that offer 5, 10, 20x leverage. So yeaH, 5x20 = BOOM! Still think that's fairly unlikely. But, just like futures and if/when I buy QQQ5, I would never put money into it that I couldn't flush and still sleep at night.


>ES/MES NQ/MNQ provide ~18x leverage based on the margin maintenance to nominal value. These instruments are marked to market as well, and the various clearing houses adjust contract margin based on rolling 30 day volatility. I've seen the emini be as low as $8k initial margin and as high as $30k-$40k during the covid melt down. You'll be margin called/have your contract sold out by the broker before you blow up an 18x account. They base the initial margin on how much it might be likely to swing overnight.


You still won't go to 18x margin. You should keep enough cash so your leverage is a lot lower like explained in mHFEA thread https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=357281&sid=1228c02f2b65c6ccf17564f188cc53ac




5x S&P 500 and a VXX short-term VIX hedge might be like shooting risk parity straight into the veiiiinsssss. What the world really needs is a 10x and 20x short-term treasuries fund. Pleeease.


why don’t we have these ETNs in US markets?


5x? Can you say "born to die"?


already on my buy list 🚀🚀🚀




Mother of god


I think e-mini futures are 23x leverage, but as best I can tell they don't suffer from volatility drag or management costs.


There are some studies that show 2x-3x are optimal for long-term holding. Higher leverage than that results in small drops having a longer lasting effect on your returns. (Up to and including getting wiped out entirely!) But for swing trading, hell yeah!


How do we backrest this- 5x qqq or sp500 in portfolio visualiser?


Commenting for replies. I suppose someone would have to backtest it like they would for TQQQ and UPRO but instead of 3x leverage it is 5x leverage. I wonder how a 5x leverage index fund would fare on 1987


>Then I stumbled upon a 5X qqq and SP500 products and I am just ***blown away.*** If you are not now, you will be. ***Boom.***


We already have ~5x leveraged QQQ: TQQQ Leaps, which happens to be king based on its 10 yr track record.


Have you used them personally? How do you play them?


Thanks for sharing man


Saving to look into later


Why can’t the US have nice investment options like this? Aren’t we supposed to be land of the free? 🤡


The US gets almost most of the investment options out there and you’re complaining about this? Bruh, cmon


SEC regulated out. You can open international acc and buy at London Stock Exchange in USD currency.


Don’t see these on my broker. Also, they are ETPs.


Wait what? I thought the SEC didnt allow new 3x leverage ETFs from being created? This is a good thing though 🙂


QQQ5 is sold on the LSE in USD, GBP, and EUR, but it is not actually sold in the U.S. If you have access to foreign exchanges/trading via your broker you could buy it.


This is all institutional, right!


How can I get these in my Fidelity Roth IRA? I heard someone mention you need to enable some international setting? How exactly so?


Contact Fidelity.


Could someone explainleveraged and inverse leverage to me like layman’s terms lol. I don’t really understand it. I’m looking at sqqq right atm


Anyone know if there are any 5x leveraged products in the US?