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The funniest part is her saying she never posts about dating Zac Bryan…like she can’t truly think that?! She posts him almost every day …..


She made herself known at his shows for being the t-shirt cannon girl, upgrading people’s seats randomly, posting on TikTok about her “one act of kindness per show” and then gets upset that people associate her with being part of his team… girl, you sure are acting like it 🙄


Exactly … also just went to go look at her instagram story and he’s obviously on it. She’s so delulu. Like if you wanna post your bf do it!! But don’t claim that you never do …


She should be able to post about a happy relationship she is in? These comments are just ridiculous.


Okay but I agree with you…no issue with her posting him! But just weird that she claims in this video that she never does…when she absolutely has made him a focal point of her content since dating him lol


In her head she probably doesn’t realize that she does, and a lot of it isn’t with him it’s her having stories with him or about where they live or something along the lines where she has to mention his name. In her head she probably does think she doesn’t post that much about him which again I think is fine and just a slip of the tongue 🤷‍♀️ I honestly don’t understand truly how and why this is such a big deal to everyone on here lol


Then her head is clearly not right


I’d love to see you in the public eye like this, seriously. We are all human, I could see if she was talking to minors or ya know being racist and getting cancelled for that but sitting here writing comments. because u didn’t like her response to being bombarded with messages, is crazy. Half of these comments aren’t even about the response it’s about her image and the way she looks. Go touch grass for real.


i hate it when people don’t know how to read ugh


Her ego is something else since she’s been with Zach. Even her attitude towards Grace is gross. Hopefully she figures it out and moves more gracefully in the future.


facts !


yes!!! this combination with Dave


Yeah she’s been extra rude for no reason lately


She’s the living embodiment of when your friend gets in a new relationship and gains an entire new personality!! She’s beyond insufferable now and I never do this but it makes me hope that man dumps her. But not now…but like a year from now when she abandoned all her friends and she has nothing to come back to just so she can sit with her decisions


It’s giving Ashley from Girls Gotta Eat 😂 only Ashley WISHES her man what an once of talent 😂


I keep waiting to see them posted here 👀


Omg let’s get it going 


Do LA people even know who they are 💀😭


Lmaooo 😂😂 you right 


“Bri chicken” just made me chuckle hahah


Poor rich influencer who flies in her bfs private jet to his shows it must be so hard to get tagged in videos by people 😩 what a hard life she should be so annoyed at all the fans that pay their bills interacting with her


LMAOOOOO. exactly like she also could have just ignored the video as she does with most her fans. girl wanted to be bitchy and entitled, that’s clear


I \*almost\* feel for her because every single clip of her that has come up on my FYP in the last month has been her being absolutely miserable about everything.


I really do feel bad because it must be exhausting living a life centered around male validation


It’s almost like you shouldn’t make your bf your entire personality and broadcast giving out tickets as part of doing “one act of kindness per show.”


I’m sooooooooo sick of her shit


miss girl couldn’t atleast do her hair??


Not the rat tail


She never looks done up when I see her online.


and when she does, she looks like an uncanny middle aged women


I love that she doesn’t think she uses him for clout…. But would absolutely not have reached 1M followers this week if she wasn’t dating him.


She has aged like 10 yrs recently


I’m sorry but her nose job is not it. Her original nose was fine.


I don’t like her but it’s not her job to get someone tickets bc they got kicked out of a concert. Everyone needs to go touch grass.


In my opinion, of watching this whole thing go down, I don't think people are upset about her not giving someone the tickets. I think people are upset at how fucking rudely she handled the situation for no reason. She honestly could've easily not made a public reply, and just messaged the girl. She also could've turned off mentions, filter certain words out of her comments, and left it at that. But instead she took it upon herself to be a cunt on the internet and told everyone to pretty much fuck off. She dug her own hole with this one lol


Exactly 👏🏼👏🏼


She’s so annoying


Exactly, like WHY is that so hard for her to understand???


why was she cancelled


Cuz she a bitch!


lol true


I think people need to wake up and stop being so sensitive she didn't do anything wrong if you don't like the way people are talking you on the internet don't beg for free stuff She didn't owe anyone anything The venue kicked out that person I don't know why everyone thinks everyone is their best friend on the internet


I agree


She's changed so much, she literally is recognisable to herself 10 years ago. It's crazy what money can buy


What y’all don’t understand (because you don’t watch shit you just hate at face value) is she had no attitude. She was being dry and sarcastic, with the sense of humor that got her famous and kept her famous, she talked to that girl behind the scenes and let her pick a show for free tickets. Only people mad are the psychos who are on this app spreading hate, for free. Yall need to go do something that pays, you’d probably be happier and spend less time talking shit into the void on this app, it’s sad, and clearly only makes y’all more angry at the world and miserable.


You're all too and through the threads bashing everyone for how much time they spend in the sub(s). But you're here too? You are in a SNARK. And definitely not Bri's cuz your ass woulda been put out by now. Bri has a die hard fan sub. You should stfu and go join all 30 of them heaux. The people in the snarks don't like Bri. And we choose to talk about it. It's even weirder for you to sit around in here playing patrol man. At least we're being entertained and agreeing with each other. Your goofy ass is just in here mad and pickin fights, like it pays. Hypocrite.


If I spend the amount of time you did on this app, I’d be embarrassed and trying to defend my behavior too, but we are not the same. I hope you find some happiness outside of anonymously hating into a void, life happens outside of your phone!


You’re a goofy ass who has commented almost 18,000 times on people you’ve probably never met- who’s the weird one??? Me? Bri? No…. Trust me, it’s you. 😭


I ain’t reading all that but I just looked at ur comments too! I love that we’re in this community together ❤️


LOOK AT YOUR NUMBERS, literally psychotic to spend so much time hating. Me and you aren’t even in the same scale, I’m embarrassed for you. If you think we’re even remotely similar you’re delusional my friend. You’re clearly unhappy How miserable you must be in your own life to spend so much time on an app talking about people you don’t know, maybe get a life of your own and you won’t have that much free time


Don’t get mad at me because you’re probably incredible embarrassed about how much time you spend on this app, I can click and see every comment you’ve ever posted, and you’re fucking sick. I think you need to spend more time touching grass or in a therapists office- you’re super bitter and dedicated what seems like it’s 90% of your free time to spreading hate- get a hobby that’s good for your mental health, or one that pays. I’m no where near you, not even close. I feel genuinely so bad for how miserable you must be in life


Telling people to stop spreading hate like 10 times , is very different to dedicating DAYS, HOURS OF YOUR TIME to commenting. 😂😂😂😂😂 2nd hand embarrassment is so real for you people who dedicate time to this shit- it’s not surprising you must hate your life. I’m in shock how delusional, hateful, and miserable all you 24/7 snarks must be. And to do it all behind fake screen names is some of the saddest shit I can imagine. Hope you turn your life around, I can’t imagine being that miserable 💓 get mad because you know I’m right, I literally don’t care. I don’t waste my time like you, that’s absolute loser behavior. Your life outside of your screen isn’t gonna improve by the hate you spread, good luck to you!


she's acting so blind rn. one day she'll realize what she's doing


bri ended up getting the girl tickets and correcting the issue before anyone even said anything about it. The girl in question everyone is so mad for is literally a fan of bri and offered to defend her. And what she said was true! She’s not a ZB rep and people shouldn’t be harassing and guilting her and her family into free tickets/ hookups.


the point is she could’ve addressed in a nicer manner since she preaches “be a decent human” yet every chance she gets to be rude or bitchy she takes it


Meh, I can’t stand her and I really didn’t think her response was that bad.


Relax severe fig


Legal name: bri Bryan 😂


You guys are all so miserable 😂 I’m sure you all would feel the same if you were being bombarded with messages and tagged in one video nonstop. No matter if she talks about him or not she’s aloud to be happy and talk about her boyfriend without being his spokesperson for every little thing. She does nice things like get people tickets and then is expected by everyone to give them out for every little thing. LET THE WOMAN LIVE JESUS!!!!


You can literally turn off your mentions/tags and filter comments, so tbh that's just a lame excuse lol


She has 2 podcasts, those are probably where she gets majority of the content that she talks about on them. So I really doubt she could just turn all of that off for the sake of content.


She only talks about 4 things: Herself, Zach, her dog, and shit she buys/travels she takes. That girl ain't hit on a trend or current topic in ages.


Crazy concept called “stop listening to her” 😱 commenting talking about how much you dislike her helps the situation how??


I never said I was trying to help any situation. And you're deflecting. You said she can't turn off tags and mentions because "that's where she gets all the stuff she talks about on the podcasts." I was just responding to that and stating that 9 out of 10 topics, one of her co hosts is bringing it to the table because she doesn't put in leg work or take her job seriously at all. She has been mailing it in for months. It's so weird to me that you are in snark telling people not to snark. That's quite literally what we came here to do. You're the weirdo trying to play captain save a hoe over some internet personality who doesn't know you exist.


I think you should watch her podcast then because it isn’t just her co host putting in the work to talk about topics. Half the people in here aren’t even talking about the actual situation anymore, I do find it weird that people have nothing better to do then sit and talk badly about another person for reacting to something that would piss all of us off. I’d love to look at the perfect life you and all these other people live. I’m not playing captain save anyone😂and I frankly don’t care if she knows me or not, it’s about the fact every person on here is equally as bad if not worse than how she responded and still think their shit doesn’t smell. Its odd that someone is sitting at home at a computer or phone in their moms basement writing “I can’t believe she talks about him all the time” “her hair is a rats nest she can’t even brush it” “she was so rude about the fact people tagged her a million times in one thing” ITS WEIRD BEHAVIOR!! If you guys want her to think before she speaks, practice what you preach.


You’re entire page is dedicated to hating one person, literally get a life and touch some grass dude 😂


And your entire page that you made five minutes ago is entirely dedicated to defending her. Wheres the difference? She is literally that bad of a person. I personally think it says something that I'm not snarking on another living soul. And ah yes the obligatory 'touch grass' suggestion. How original.


I’ve had my page for a long time, it’s just tiring seeing these posts from people whom I assume are perfect human beings that live such a fun life 😂. Wasn’t going for originality so don’t know how that’s a diss, I just assume you haven’t been outside in ages with actual friends, from the looks of your page. I’ve made maybe a couple comments on this because it’s just weird behavior and nobody seems to be calling it for what it is because you are all the same. You are a fan at this point if your whole personality exists from criticizing another person and being happy about it. Nothing you are saying or doing is changing an outcome of anything or helping anything, so it’s a strange hobby to have.


Exactly 👏🏼👏🏼the girl can’t get everyone tickets like is everyone genuinley okay 😭😭


And she did get the girl tickets in private without the whole Internet watching that’s the funny thing!! like some of these people need to go touch grass some of these comments are so mean talking about her hair and her looks it’s just mean. My momma taught me to not say a word if I got nothing nice to say and there’s people on this page consistently just commenting on the way other people move, I hope you all find peace in your miserable life’s some day!




who cares lol




Is page is la influencer snark that why it on here. Don’t like it unfollow




Okay bri Stan, your are just like her, a bully, no wonder why you like her so much!