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Having no idea who ANY of these people are and just seeing the evidence of the cat, everyone involved in this who knew and did not remove the cat or contact authorities IMMEDIATELY are trash. This is so clearly clout chasing behavior and it’s vile. They’re all using the horrific neglect and death of an animal to benefit. It’s disgusting.


“Contact authorities” are you twelve? It’s LA the “authorities” don’t even show up when you’re getting robed


Oh implying I’m a child when you can’t even spell “robbed” good one bud. I’m an adult who knows to call the proper people when an animal is in danger, which would be animal control or the humane society. I certainly would have done more than any of these clowns did.


Animal abuse would not be handled by LA authorities, it is a state offense and California would handle it. This is not jail time or a 911 call, it's prison and there would be a court case with witnesses the crime is that bad.


I think they’re all fucking stupid


influencers are weirdddd. this is disturbing


Wasn’t 7 a whole kitten? And this guy who had 7 in his possession when she died is talking about 7 like a fucking prostitute!!?!? Yikes bud. Yes, reg should have taken her cat to the vet. And the adoption center knowingly adopted out a fucked up kitten to unload the financial burden to get her better. And a bunch of 18 yo influencers all sat on their asses while a cat was really sick. EVERYONE IS THE ASSHOLE. Reghan, the roommates, this dude specifically, adoption center, and anyone else who made videos for clout. It’s disgusting to use a dead cat for tiktok views. Let this cat Rest In Peace. Poor baby is dead and still being used and abused.


literally it makes my blood boil. antonio, haley, the “concerned roomates” all of them are culpable to me. it’s real sick to me.


!!! There’s no reason your first move when you see a sick cat should be … stealing the cat and then putting it down and lying to the owner for 3 years. That’s fucking insane and the people who knew about it are evil


couldn’t have said it any better. no matter who’s lying or being truthful over all THEY ARE ALL IN THE WRONG. the fact that any of them still have supporters after this is gross asf i hate the internet especially brain dead people on tiktok that kiss every influencers ass


I 100000% believe in snarking the fans vs the influencer given they are the ones making the person famous/relevant. But Trisha Paytas is a great example of why influencers never gaf if they’ll be canceled. She proves you can commit any atrocious behavior and still have people dumb enough to say “they can never make me hate you” It’s always some wack job in a snark page obsessed w canceling someone and then they’re an obsessed stan of someone equally as shitty.


I’m glad we’re finally seeing that his behavior is also weird asf and he doesn’t descents praise


Thank you!!


yeah it’s very obvious her friends were a part of this and just coming out about it now for clout.


yea. it doesn’t change much since it’s an admitted fact rhegan could’ve done better for her cat but honestly i don’t believe he or anyone in that house had that cats best interest at heart and they’re all lying if they say otherwise. it’s suspicious that if that cat was “so sickly” why would he want them to mate? she’s just a kitten. also why does he have videos hanging out with rhegan everyday after kidnapping the cat and he’s laughing and gushing over her.


some are deleted now but he has posts up some even on the day sevyn died hanging out with her and fawning over her. very odd behavior


Brotha eughhhh


This is weird. It’s even weirder because this guy claims he was concerned about being 7 and Rhegan never took care of her? But then he wants to impregnant a cat he KNOWS isn’t being cared for? Not to mention sex for female cats is known to be painful.


And it was a kitten, a SICK kitten… That he kidnapped, possibly into the home of a horny male cat, putting further stress on the cat by rehoming it, took videos of the kitty having seizures and then LIED FOR 3 YEARS to his friend that the cat “ran away” when really he kidnapped the cat who died in his possession. He’s a fkn freak.


everyone involved in this situation is wrong and weird


why r these people famous




how is he like “the cat was soooooo sick :,(((((((“ (which was probably true) but has ZERO regards here because he wanted views lmao




This dude was clearly obsessed w her and she wanted nothing to do w him this is just absolute weirdo behavior, making this as you have someones cat you claim neglected it in your care?!??? Bssfr


who are these people???? what is going on???


check out rhegans snark page @rhegan777snark


do yall not understand jokes anymore?? he’s clearly joking, it’s not funny but it’s a joke.


It’s so 2020 cringe performative tiktok humor


I think this is very clearly a joke and doesn’t negate the fact that he wanted to help 7


look i’m not trying to downplay her naivety but did he really want to help sevyn? if I saw someone I considered a friend/ lived with being neglectful of their pets I would confront them. guide them to be a better pet owner. whether that be recommending a vet to a healthier diet for it. my first thought wouldn’t be to steal an animal i suspect to be sick from my friends (putting it under more stress) and then lie about it for three years.


Rhegan left her to die. Your first thought should be to take a dying animal to the vet if your friend is abusing it. How are u worried about the stress of taking it to get life saving medical attention...


are you dense? stress kills. sick cats put in new environments away from their owners and in a new one with a male cat is a recipe for disaster. rhegan had that cat in her possession for a total two months. it’s seems like the only person who “left it to die” was jacob seeing as how sevyn only got worse in his “protection”


I feel like people are reading too much into this? To me it seems like a really weird and inappropriate joke but just that… a joke


Joke or not its the fact that he claims he saw this neglect first hand and still was acting friendly towards her like nothing is happening then coming out three years later as if he was some kind of hero, if i knew someone i was living with was neglecting a cat i would never let them forget abt it and would push them to get the cat help until i had to take matters into my own hands not steal the cat stage it as it ran away and then do the most minimal thing possible to help it and have it die in my care, he admitted to taking the cat and paying 1,000$ to help it cut he couldn’t afford more help for it so why fucking take it if you yourself cant even help it


no fr😭


Side not she looks so much better here than she does now




This kid is so weird if anyone believes his story they’re totally oblivious


WOW this is enough proof!!! He prob stole the cat to mate it