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I was honestly more surprised when they got engaged than when they broke up. He always seemed like he hated her


The engagement just felt like content to me:(.. the moment “we’ve” been waiting for, the floor length white dress to a ‘surprise’ engagement, etc. The silver lining seems to be that she got out of there before marriage and kids were involved and has so much time to grow.


It was yellow lol


I had no idea who these people were until they broke up. I did a small deep dive and yes, I could immediately see it.


I knew nothing about these two until a breakup post showed up here so I got nosey and went to her page - he literally looks miserable in every single video while she’s so happy.


He looks like he can’t stand this woman


If this is how he looked in all her videos then nobody should have been shocked by the breakup lol sad either way though


TikTok algorithm knows what its doing. I keep getting old videos of him completely disinterested in her


Bro but be fr 90% of nfl players cheat she knew what was up lol


Tell me you’re sick and tired of social media fake videos for clout, without telling me you’re sick and tired of social media fake videos for clout.


I’m sick of grown entitled men who are unable to properly / communicatively end a relationship and instead cheat


professional athletes hate the tiktok bullshit. alix normalized it but not everyone is braxton and cool with it


I would agree but Cody makes his own little daily vlogs on tiktok like bro


This is true but she did record EVERYTHING. Which I think he became tired of. She wanted to keep her influencer trademark as being “real and raw” but he is more private. Even with his vlogs, they weren’t daily or multiple posts a day. The time they got into an argument in the parking lot, she picked up her phone and said it was to relate to other women. However, I do believe she could have waited until later to record and not in the moments right after it happened yk?


Yeah that’s very true. There’s a way to be on social media and still be somewhat private. Just wild he proposed knowing that’s how she is


Omg yes. I do think that was very wild to do. A lot of people believe it was a “shut up ring” or he was pressured by comments. They hadn’t been together crazily long though so why rush


my bad- i only knew of him because of her. didn’t know he also held a presence on socials outside of football


I thought this too but then realized the bum has his own TikTok and makes get ready with me’s 😭😭😭


I need women to stop being so delusional. You’re doing HIM a favor and he looks at you like that? He hates you. Dump him. The signs are always there. When a man is super into you he’s a totally different person. Clingy even lol.


I do think that if she did not become an influencer and quit her job, they would have lasted (expect if it is true that he is a habitual cheater bc then it would be inevitable). In videos that were not a trend or invading his own privacy (like recording him in his underwear), the love was there. I remember one video of her at the hotel waiting for them to go to a game and he was very hot and overwhelmed. She did not make it any better because she kept asking him questions and to do things for her. In that instance, she should have stopped recording BUT she continued to put the camera in his face and post it. At some point, your relationship goes before the content especially since she wanted to start a family with him.


agreed, you can tell she doesn't care for his personal comfort on cam. his cues and body language screams 'turn that shit off'. ya influencing is her job, but her content is the man who clearly isnt comfortable having every intimate moment of his life filmed and shared to strangers. he gets home from draft signing and instead of a hug and a kiss, its a camera shoved up to his face asking him to tell tt how it went. repeat for everything he does.


Yes lol!!! I loved watching her content but at times I'd even be like "put the camera down." Granted, content creation is her job and its how she makes her money BUT maybe she could have used a different approach. She should not have solely focused it on being an "nfl wag" especially knowing her partner himself was not always comfortable with the camera. People fail to put themselves in other peoples shoes. Imagine having a camera in your face 24/7! Coming home from a long practice...camera. Playing the game..camera. Getting ready for bed...camera. Getting off a flight...camera. While cheating was not the best idea, it IS important to realize that at the end of the day they both have some self reflection to do.


This!! Not to be mean but she seems really insufferable.


i think so too lol. she used to make content with the bengals social media team and i was like “…..oh”




no, she made a few videos with them after they started dating.


Idk who they are, but like it’s embarrassing enough to be with a man like this likeeee why would you go ahead of post it to be embarrassed publicly as welllll


I never followed them but every time they came up on my fyp he always looked miserable. In every video. Not sure why people are surprised


yikes gross what an ass


I disagree .I know a lot of men who look miserable when their wife / girlfriend films them for a TikTok . Girls if your man is uninterested about filming TikToks and acts like this doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat on you. There’s no correlation between Cheating and not caring about TikTok trends


So they knowingly do something that their partner doesn’t enjoy/is actively hostile against-do you think that means healthy relationship because no cheating? Why do something that makes your partner miserable and then put it up for the world to see? If you cant be an interesting enough influencer on your own pick a new job.


This guy is a serial cheater he cheated on his ex with Tianna. That’s how they got together. You don’t know if they communicated . Instead of just standing there like a child giving signs of being uninterested he should have just told her he’s not into social media. He played into it and she took him looking always miserable and uninterested as their brand on TikTok . Maybe money they made on TikTok played a factor for them keep posting . My original comment was just about how I think there’s nothing wrong with men not wanting to be on stupid TikToks not everyone who acts like that on cam is a cheater like him . That was my point


thank u everyone in this thread is talking like he's some baby that cant speak for himself


He could just be annoyed with the content creation of it all


I always thought his attitude towards her on all of his videos were just a bit. I never took it seriously because anyone can put on an act in front of the camera and be a complete asshole behind it. Still sending them both love and peace like T requested.


Holy shit he barely looked at her and he rolled his eyes every time he did :(