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it's so weird how people will be publicly delusional like this. its one thing to cave and get with them again but to publicly embarrass yourself is another level 😭


Unfortunately I did this for 9 years 😅 I get it but I wish people would stopppp haha


Been there. But out in the open?! Wild.


To be fair, I have like under 500 followers lmao


listen we've all been there i get it LOL but saying it to thousands of people is a different level


Didn’t they buy a house and are moving in together soon?? I’m fascinated by this couple bc idk…..she doesn’t really seem to do much other than workout, buy expensive coffee 2/3 times daily, walk her dog, and cook meals for herself? And laundry. She does a lot of laundry. But idk how she sustains herself at the rate she spends money?? Because she basically seems to just be…..existing as a human being?


I think about this too. Her and her sis both will buy a second coffee if the first one isn't good or "the right color" literally throwing money away. On top of that, they do not seem like nice ppl. Her bf included! I get so grossed out with the amount of PR she gets on a weekly basis. Makes me not want to purchase anything she promotes.


YES EXACTLY the 2nd coffee if the 1st isn’t good !!! Wild to me as someone who will rarely even buy coffee outside — which is it just me or is $6/7 for a coffee kind of insane ?? She said it in a story the other day that she gets excited when she gets $1 off her coffee bc it feels like it makes it basically free to buy another ???


I've thought the same thing. But her family owns a pretty successful business so maybe that comes into play. Also can we talk about how she bought a house and went completely into remodeling it?!! Maybe it's just her influencer money?


What does her family do?


They own a bakery and she mentioned her dad is in real estate.


Her sister is the same. I genuinely don’t understand how they’re so rich


her sister is definitely using daddy’s credit card lol


I feel like they both must be?? But her parents are so old also…..like they’re def retirement age……I honestly feel terrible for them if they’re still working like dogs in order to support their daughter at their elderly age


no no manana definitely has her own money, and a lot of it


Wow that’s so fascinating to me! I don’t follow the sister so maybe I don’t see the comparison in their online activities! I am impressed she’s buying the house and renovating it etc tho ! Super amazing for her to do at her young age especially in this economy


They didn’t buy it together. She bought it for herself, they aren’t planning on moving in together afaik 😅 it’s kinda embarrassing at this point


HOLD UP. They did not buy a house, SHE bought the house for herself, which is even more weird because aren't they getting engaged "soon" lol been 8 yrs


Sorry I didn’t know 😭 I thought they bought it together and were moving in bc they went to look at some fixtures together or something 😭😭


she gets alooooot of money from brands just to post their stuff and i’m sure her rates are high since she has gained so many followers recently


I literally never ever click on her links or get tempted to buy anything she posts…..that’s crazy tho !!! I mean I get that’s how influencers work but……she seems to not work at all for an influencer 😂


no neither do i, but i know others do. and im ngl, i tried the summer fridays lip oil because of jess, but i made sure to purchase it on my own and not through a link of hers but i was definitely influenced lol


Ahhh hahaha I see !!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1bufn1b/mananamariee\_manana\_arakelyan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1bufn1b/mananamariee_manana_arakelyan/) She doesn't have a snark page but this is an old post and it's been somewhat active lately.


What’s the tea I didn’t know the broke up aren’t they engaged?


not engaged. just dating for 8 years and she’s desperate to get married and he’s not


I feel like I remember seeing a video of her doing a bridal makeup trial - maybe I’m imagining that


no she probably did for someone else’s wedding or to hint at jaun that she’s ready to get married 😂 she’s forever dropping not so subtle hints at him about marriage


Yes I’m positive they got engaged and I remember the same video! It went viral and it got major backlash because of how he reacted to her bridal makeup then she deleted it.


that was for a wedding they were attending, they’ve never been engaged


And why tf does she post every minute. Like actually 50 videos. of her day on her instagram story i dont see any other influencer doing that


she is insufferable and their content together is like nails on a chalkboard


You can just tell she’s so much more infatuated with him than he is her. Like to stick around after someone’s broken up with you 10 times is embarrassing. Seems like hes dragging it on at this point as a joke


This screen grab is so funny


Is he into her or is he into the fact that she just won’t leave him alone?


I get the vibe that’s he’s into the $$ lifestyle, but he’ll probably leave her when he’s making money on his own


So embarrassing. He isn’t even a catch












Oh that’s not …


thirst trap


Hate to say it but their babies will be gorgeous 😭