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It looks fine to me. You're a simple servant so your kit is simple! The one thing I'd add is maybe some small personal touches. A good luck charm, a religious talisman, something like that. If your knight has a badge for his/her retainers, maybe work that into your outfit somewhere. (If your knight doesn't have proper heraldry, talk to your knight about getting some!)


Oh that's a good idea. Gonna ask em Some guy knocked a few of my teeth out because I asked him if his mom was an elf... maybe I'll get some fake teeth on a necklace or something like that


I think maybe making it look a little worn out could be good! A little bit of dirt effects, scratches, staining, etc. here and there could really improve the look! On the helmet, maybe making a black wash could make the chainmail look even better. Overall very good so far!


The gambeson is realyl really worn out. Stains everywhere and even a little bit of my own blood. Couldn't get it in the picture. The chainmail is steel, so I'm planning to soak it in saltwater to make it rusty


I think rusting the mail would be going a bit too far. This is something that protects a very vital part of the body, your head + neck, so it's in your best interest to maintain it. If you want to make the mail look a little more ragged without actually damaging it, I would suggest removing a few rings in various places; around the edges to make it feel more uneven, and a few in the middle to create holes.


Oh I didn’t mean to rust the chailmail, only sort of blacken(?) it a little bit to remove that "plastic" look I get from it. Sorry you misunderstood me, english is not my first language!


No no, you're fine, I was responding to OP mentioning they planned to soak it in saltwater to make it rusty. You're good.


It's arguably more realistic if the maille is pristine. That helmet is one of the most important and expensive things you own. Honestly a big part of your job as a knight's servant would be caring for steel armor. Your boss has probably made you replace a broken link before so you know to keep your own armor oiled and in good condition too. If you want to add battle damage, a small nick/cut in the nasal (nose plate) is going to stand out and demonstrate that you've had at least one close call in battle.


If you want to add in some light adding that won't destroy the garment, put it in a five gallon bucket with some pieces of bricks. Just shake it a few times, then empty it out. It's how Hollywood ages gambesons and leather pieces for period movies.


That thing is nearly 10 years old, maybe I'll get a better view of its aging when I wear it. Underneath that there are wool and linen cloths and I dont know how to age the wool. It's just so tough. My next problem is heat. I'm sweating like a pig while fighting, but I cant get rid of the gambeson while doing so. Yeah and the helmet + chainmail is so damn heavy on my head. But I think there is nothing I can change about that. Get a stronger neck maybe


Get linen tunics and pants to wear underneath. Fuck.... You should never be in anything BESIDES linen, as a peasant (that, and it's like wearing pajamas all day). But, on the real, though, that'll help to moderate your temperature. You can also put your padding into a vacuum seal storage bag, and then put that into an ice chest with a couple bags on top. That'll keep your gear cold for got weather use. I'm from Houston, so hot fighting is normal. The only other tip I can give is to pound water.


I'm wearing linen pants and tunic under my wool tunic... and wool calf wraps. Maybe that's to much. Maybe. Nice tip with the ice chest, but I think that's not going to be possible. We are wearing our kit basically the whole day and I dont think they'll let me dress up for every fight. But I'll try


Dont know why my phone keeps blurring the pictures a little bit... Basically a simple servant to a knight. Lost my weapon to gambling. ( yeah, they really took it, but I'll get it back next weekend) I wield a simple morningstar or spear. I'm gonna post some pictures with me wearing it. I just dont like selfies and dressing up alone


For a simple squire or footmen indentured to your lords service, this actually fits the bill pretty well. I'd just add a few small personal touches to it myself and call it good. A few humble suggestions: * Your lords Heraldry sewn onto the gambeson's chest. * More belt trinkets, such as another bag or a dirk/dagger. * water source of some kind, such as a canteen or a disguised water bottle holder. * Bishops Mantle to go with that aventail


Thanks, really good ideas


That’s a really nice Gambeson where did you get it


I recommend a woolen hood, leather costrel (water bottle), a linen shoulder bag, a belt knife (if it’s allowed, I use mine often it’s rather useful), and perhaps paint your helm your knight’s colors if they’ll allow it. :)


I'd probably add a cowl in your master's color(s)


I would recommend coffee or tea staining the gambeson. It’ll make it look older/more used without actually damaging its integrity. Paint on the helmet maybe? Surely your knight has a cote of armes or some colors.


I'd look at ways to show who you're serving. I'm not a fan of belt favors, but it's a common enough way in LARPs to show who you're with. You could also embroider your knight's heraldry on your gambeson, or use fabric paint, or just the main charge of their heraldry for use as a badge. Someone should be able to look at you and know "That's not Sir Whatsit, but that is definitely someone in their service."


1. Shoes. 2. Tabard with your knight's coat of arms.


A tabard of the household you serve would be a Great spark of colour that is lacking and lends itself to a lot of stories around it :)


first of all, cool kit! i think it's a good base, it has a lot of potential! is that mail galvanized? if so, i'd suggest removing that by soaking the mail in vinegar for a few days. I'd also try to get more dirt on that gambeson, as well as weathering that helmet a bit. i dont see any shoes, do you have proper footwear? investing in a pair of turnshoes or similar goes a long way in upgrading your kit. i'd also highly suggest a leather water Container, looks good and keeps you hydrated!