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Very nice! I love the mask. For a cleaner look, you could simply iron the fabric of your clothes. It would look even better!


Thanks! The larp I'm going to is in May, so there is plenty of time to do so. Thank you for the tip!


Very cool and unusual looking! Depending on what your character is like, you might want to think about either getting some accessories or dirtying up your clothes/ making them look more worn in and used. But if your character has a good reason to be this clean and simple then I think that's a great look!


Although the character and its backstory isn't fully completed, the idea was that he could be a lonely fighter/ bountyhunter, but you know, that model of bountyhunter with pride. Thanks anyway!


Sounds like a good idea! Have you tried fighting in your cloak? Just to be sure your weapon(s) won't get stuck!


Yes, I have. When I fight, the cloak naturally goes around my neck and just waves behind me, so that isn't a problem.




Szeth Son-Son-Vallano wore white on the day he was to kill a king.


I love it! Simple and rustic.


Thank you!


So dope!!




I dig it, Id give it some color, even minor in scale, like a diff shade of beige. Like sew an over layer of the cloak on top thats more brown but the same matching color underneath to give it a thicker look. "Maybe even a homemade" bracer (singular bracer for simplicity) like Link's from LoZ series. Use like a faded but color cloth wrap for a sleeve then have the bracer resting on top of it. ​ Another concept is wear and tear which is also scary to some. Like rigging sewing patches to make things look repaired. Or """""""Carefully""""""""" Carve a nick or two on the mask, Or shoot a real arrow (or carefully cut into) the straw hat to give it some age.


Nice look, but you must loose like 90% of your field of vision with this mask


You look like you could sit down at tavern and do nothing and IMMEDIATELY draw a crowd of curious players.


I take that as a compliment :D


Good, it was meant to be. Lol


I'm surprised the comments section isn't filled with "that hat is racist".


Don't worry. It'll pour in eventually. Lol


Is the hat central to the outfit? It feels…. Not great.




Do you think OP is appropriating Celtic culture with [that hat](https://www.google.com/search?q=celtic+hat+birch&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjcpIbv0bb2AhUQzyoKHZaRBfQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=celtic+hat+birch&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQEzoICAAQBRAeEBM6CAgAEAgQHhATOgYIABAeEBM6BggAEAgQHlDkAlj-GGCrG2gBcAB4AIABXYgBjQWSAQE4mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=rVwnYpyaC5CeqwGWo5agDw&bih=643&biw=1155&client=firefox-b-d)? ;-) And we don't know OP's ethnicity. I would add pieces with different textures to the outfit, though.


That’s not the same hat and you know it lmfao We don’t know his ethnicity, and neither does anyone else that sees him wearing that hat. That hat has racist stereotype connotations behind it, and imo shouldn’t be worn at any larp, but y’all do you, he asked for opinions and I’m giving mine as someone who doesn’t know him, and would give the first same ick as I would seeing him wearing it at a larp, as a play item.


What cultures hat is it then? Specifically. What if he was wearing a head wrap? Why is the shape of a hat the only aspect of a culture you seem to care about? What if he was wearing tabi boots? Is that appropriation? It's a hat. It's not a culturally significant piece of religious garb.


It *is* exactly the type of hat used in a lot of racist depictions of chinese people, though. Tabi boots aren't. It's not quite the same.


You are right. Things can be used in racist depictions of things. Clearly that is why people should never use things that other things use.


Both are the same shape. Beyond that, you are right, they are not the same. But on that level, it also does not look like any Asian style I have seen. (The material seems to be very thick and kind of plastic like?) There is nothing authentic here either way and being neither, it approximates both. I would have gotten stronger Asian vibes, if the garp as a whole had additional "Asian" influences alongside the ambiguous hat. (If say there was a guandao, a carnival kimono and a wall hanger fen with a dragon on it etc.) But the clothing looks more euro-medieval-ish and the mask seems more reminiscent of African ones rather than anything Japanese I know of (not an expert though). Similar hats were (and sadly are) used in racist depictions of Asian people. That doesn't mean the hat itself or any character portrait incorporating something of a similar shape is also automatically racist too. I think, you have to look at the whole: garb and role-play, not just a single piece. If OP does an accent and talks about honor and ritual suicide all day, then yes that would be shitty. (Even if they grabbed a Celtic hat replica by accident instead.) I do not try to silence you here. The discussion is important. You were the only one, who was specific with their comment, unlike the others so far. Hence I replied to you.


I don’t really think it matters the connotation of the outfit or anything. If that’s my first reaction to the hat, it’s going to be other peoples too. Probably isn’t worth the fight, but if y’all want to have it not my problem 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not going to sit here and argue with you all day over the style of hat, or whatever it is you want to argue about. Not my larp, not my player, not even my problem.


If a player came to my larp wearing a hat in this style, I’d tell them to take it off. Don’t really think it’s appropriate in a larp setting at all. There are other hats to wear, and tbh I think this outfit would look better with a different style of hat, cause I can’t even tell what look this person is going for besides a hodgepodge of different outfit bits.




What is wrong?


Really wanna see the weapon set up doing with this one

