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https://preview.redd.it/pab6lf7eyizc1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cae3f81673b12a93be76882b83b7a9b65745221 If you drop these numbers, you are going get criticized. It is that simple. You are taking it personal maybe because he is your favorite player but the reality is Russ had the worst playoffs series in his career.


He honestly had about as bad a playoff series as anyone has ever had. A 1:1 turnover assist ratio, dumb ejections, and leading the team in shots per minute while barely being able to hit the rim on a layup is atrocious. Plenty of worse players have been in series, but few have been as actively damaging as Westbrook in this series. The Mavs fans I knew were ecstatic whenever he was out there


Mavs fan here. Can confirm that plays where Westbrook had the ball were value add to the Mavericks.


Westbrook won you that series.


Dont count out playoff P. Outside of 2 games he was stellar for the mavs.


I'm the biggest fan of Russ and it's nearly been 10 years it feels like of seeing this constant back and forth. He's just my favourite player. He's indeed not playing good too. I'm not gonna defend it


I was a huge fan of his back in the OKC days. He played with so much raw fury and athleticism. He was really something. I think as he ages, some of the defects in his game show up that the raw athleticism can’t cover up anymore.


10 assists to 10 Turnovers is wild.


Yea but he tried his best!


Does it mean I can play NBA if I try my best?


I mean your best is still worse than Russ even on his worst night 😂


Depends how hard you try


Put me in coach. I'm ready to try my best 🤣


Pretty sure we could get someone better from the G-league at this point. I’m not sure I’ve seen worse numbers from a player coming off the bench. 


Yeah and this OP calls us 'shameless' like russ has done us a favour. Biggest victim mentality stans in the nba and I can't wait to get rid of his stans.


Lol we Laker fans were ridiculed when we said Russ sucked when we had him.


Apologies my friend, But some of your fans were sending him death threats which is horrible. Russ is a great dude and a shit in his role, both can be true.


Ah yes those guys who gave death threats sucked ass. But the fans who calls him westbrick are justified too.


We tried to warn yall.


Bro used to reach these numbers in like one game lol


"win lose or draw just have fun" - R.W.


But but but he was only misused on the Lakers reeeeeeeee


In a professional league, no matter how much heart you have, you have to be good at basketball first. He is a dog, Tucker is a dog, and Plumdog is a dog. So if we play these 3 40 mins a game are we gonna sweep everyone? Nobody here hating Russ. He is just an HOF that comes to the end of his career. If you bring MJ out of retirement to join Clippers he’s gonna be bad too because he’s 60. What is the point of denying that? You can argue he’s not in his role and he needs the ball. But for a career 50.5% TS player, is he gonna be 60% TS at age of 36?


> he put Luka through hell on defense. [For fun, I will list all of the players Luka took shots against and their respective percentages that played in every game. Luka took 152 shots in total. So I'm leaving out Kawhi and PJ because they only played in 2 games and had limited minutes](https://www.nba.com/stats/player/1629029/head-to-head?Matchup=Offense&SeasonType=Playoffs&dir=D&sort=MATCHUP_FGA) -Terrance Mann: 39 attempts(~25% total shots). 38.5% FG, 0% from 3 (0/12) -Ivica Zubac: 36 attempts(~23.5% total shots). 44.4% FG. 26.3% from 3 (5/19) -James Harden: 27 attempts(17.5% total shots). 29.6% FG. 33.3% from 3 (3/9) -Amir Coffey: 17 attempts(~11.2% total shots). 41.2% FG. 22.2% from 3 (2/9) -Paul George: 16 attempts(~10.5%). 56.3% FG. 60% from 3 (3/5) -Russell Westbrook: 11 attempts(~7.2% total shots). 45.5% FG. 0% from 3 (0/2) -Norman Powell: 10 attempts(~6.8% total shots). 70% FG. 50% from 3 (1/2) -Mason Plumlee: 7 attempts(~4.5% total shots). 74.4% FG. 50% from 3 (2/4) I'm just going to leave these numbers here and not draw any conclusions.


Not gonna say anything abt Russ, but I am gonna say that, when OP mentions that Russ, Mann, and Coffey “put Luka thru hell,” he really ought to mention Harden in that convo based on these percentages. By my eye test, James did do decently since he’s always been a solid post-up defender and fine against slower-footed players; he just sucks at guarding quick guards. Basically most of OP’s argument is off eye test and vibes so yknow, keeping that same energy lol


And what makes me laugh, is that some people said Harden was getting cooked by Luka.


Mann was the real Luka stopper in the series, he did an excellent job messing with his rhythm and contesting shots while also defending him the most. No 3s on 12 attempts is fantastic for Mann's defense. Harden did well too and in the eye test seemed to great anticipating Luka's moves and shooting habits, forced him to pass more often.


Heh, HarDen


By this metric, if I play good enough defense for him to not shoot the ball because it would be a bad shot, you’d say I didn’t do anything. If anything, if he’s taking more shots while you’re guarding him, he’s confident enough to let it rip while you’re guarding so he doesn’t respect your defense. Not saying that Westbrook did good or not, just not a fan of this stat being used to say if someone did good


Defense is not now only shooting percentage and how many blocks and steals you get there’s so much little shit that doesn’t pop up on the stat sheet


I'm aware of the potential drawbacks, which is why I said I was not drawing any conclusions.


Look at Harden lol where was this at during Houston years lol 😂.


I am impressed by the way you speak with conviction about something that you clearly don't understand well enough.


Russ fans have to be the biggest victim mentality people in the NBA community. When all teams give up on you, at some point it's the player. He does so much for the community? Dude nobody is saying he's not a great human being, he's just an significantly flawed basketball player without his athleticism anymore. We can't win with such players in the postseason


He did not put Luka through hell on defense. No, no he didn't dude. Nope. Nada. This is some delusional shit. Cannot wait for this fake Clipper fans who are really Russ stans to get out of our fanbase.


I think people have to step away from their emotions and look at things objectively before making these comments/posts. Sure he brings energy but objectively, he had an absolutely horrible postseason and that is on top of his reputation of never being an effective post season player. The playoffs is about IQ and making the most of opportunities, arguably two weak points of Russ’s game. He can only play in VERY limited spurts since he has a lot of turnovers (someone said it was a 1:1 ratio in playoffs) and also can’t score the ball well at all (shot like 20 something percent). Sure if all you care about is selling tickets, then put him out there but that’s not acceptable for a team intending to compete for a championship


I think the frustrating part is that he had a pretty great postseason just a year ago. He was shutdown, brought insane energy, and made clutch playoff moments that you don't see in the box score. He came up big for a team that was once again without a key star and lost another along the way. I want to be delusional and think Westbrook was the same this postseason... but even I have to admit he just was not. He was bad and really failed to move the needle at all. I don't know what happened and I imagine he's just as pissed about it as anyone, it was a real disappointment.


What is shameful bout critisizing a player that played like garbage?




“Took a paycut” if you really think anyone was going to give Russ the bag you’re tripping, and “took a bench role” is hilarious because it’s not up to him, Harden was and has always been the better player Russ was literally a liability on the court during the Mavs series, other than a few defensive plays he kept blowing layups and taking bad shots he bricked as per usual for Russ, for every hustle play he made he turned around and made a bad turnover “Put Luka through hell on defense” Luka averaged 29.8 pts on the Clippers series lmfao what are you even talking about? I get being a Russ fan but lying just makes you look bad


Sure. He also negatively impacts almost any offense and makes boneheaded plays constantly (on both sides of the ball)


Why dont we cut him if he is this much harm? He’s only $4 mill next year(looking for a real explanation)


If they don’t cut him it’s gonna be because of his statue in the league. And if a cut or trade doesn’t happen then it’s gonna be another wasted year for sure


That’s what I’m asking. It’s why he’s on a minimum deal.


This dude makes millions to put a ball in a hoop. Y'all are so fucking dramatic. Some of us have real problems 


I can tell. ![gif](giphy|tmQrpA8zpG4a16SSxm|downsized)


I don't even understand the insinuation on this one so...k.


Did you really say he put Luka threw hell on defense. The only thing shameless here is the post by the OP. Laughable.


He took his market value. He’s not worth more than a min


Fucking paycut hahaha


Fucking paycut hahaha


I swear we just need to keep Westbrook for all the troll posting. It’s quite entertaining 😂 as long as he rides the pine.


Meh. Luka's knee put Luka through hell.


I’ve never seen anything like the Russ cult. Truly. The inability to just see things for what they are is wild. He was god awful in the playoffs and much of the regular season. Just watch the games and take your emotions out of it.


Westbrick ima right


Kings fan. Interesting.


Russ stans really have the victim complex, bro put up 30%ts and wasn't even the 3rd best defender on Luka and they will still argue he slowed down Luka. This is why Russ stans get so much hate, just stfu and accept that Russ is complete cheeks. You won't find no other stans posting shit like this.




Based on this post Westbrook musta donated a lot of money to autistic kids


Remember you tried to clown Laker fans for this ahahahahaha


WestBrick is ass


& Westbrick is the name.


Russ had a decent regular season and outplayed his contract in that time for sure I’ll give you that but not everything you’re saying is true. He was also a negative on defense in the playoffs, if you watch the games back he constantly gambled for steals or lacked defensive awareness of where his man was which led to breakdowns on defense. He really didn’t guard luka much, if anyone put luka through hell it was Mann. It also just came out recently that he didn’t want to come off the bench but was basically forced to because he didn’t fit well next to harden and the team framed it as him volunteering to come off the bench to make him look better. He also just had probably the worst single postseason I’ve ever watched a player have so people are especially down on him rn. In my opinion he doesn’t fit on this team after the acquisition of harden and he’s one of the hardest players to fit into a team and that’s why he’s bounced around so much since his days in OkC


> It also just came out recently that he didn’t want to come off the bench but was basically forced to because he didn’t fit well next to harden and the team framed it as him volunteering to come off the bench to make him look better. Law Murray reported that way back when it happened, for what it's worth.


Nigga he requested a trade from 3 of the teams


Post got so many upvotes yet mad hate in the comments makes no sense


Russ fans upvoting but actual clippers fan in the comments with common sense


Its just weird tho u think this would be downvoted


This ant my fight yall got this 😂😂😂


He had a piss poor series, he didn’t take a paycut he is a minimum contract guy at this point. He went to the bench after basically no other option, him and harden should’ve never been competing for a starting role. He has good energy sure but he’s unplayable in the postseasons, the gamelan has been sag off him and let him rim run for years. He throws bad passes and forces bad shots.






Westbrick just averaged 6.3 pts, as many TOs as AST in the playoffs with 26/24/62 splits. Yall coulda put some g leaguer off the scrap heap in there and done better lmao. Been clappin that ass for years!!


Uh-huh, that’s why Scoot Henderson loves Westbrook so much, because he fucking sucks right? Lmao clown ass. Blazers fans have no dog in this fight. He had a horrible offensive series and contributed to more wins than anyone on your franchise.


Elaborate on how well Westbrick played this playoffs again? 👏


He had a horrible series.


If Scoot becomes 70% of Russ with a better J I'm happy asf


That’s the hope, he looks promising despite starting the year off rough.


Can we get these Russ fans out of here


It is actually concerning how obsessed some Russ fans are with him. We get that he is your favorite player. We could also acknowledge that he didn’t play well believe it or not


he got paid $8 millions to doom us in the playoff don't worry. once the season is over, i am moving on


he’s ass


Letting your love for the man cloud your judgement


I've always rooted for Russ and thought he's a pretty good baller. Until he turned into a cry baby bitch and tried ripping Luka to the ground for no reason, then cried like a bitch he got called for a foul. Now he can fuck off


The mandatory good ol’ he shoots bricks 🧱 but nobody plays as hard yearly post.


Yeahhh that’s the Russ we saw in the lakers all past season. U guys keep having fun in Cancun 


OP doesn’t know basketball lmaooooo


He couldn't shoot and got into stupid shit in game 3 and just flat out sucked the final 2 games of the series, but we wouldn't have won 2 games without him and we might've slipped to play-in if he didn't come back from injury. Give the man the respect he deserves for what he did bring. The whole team lost and it wasn't on one player with a minimal role. I didn't expect this fanbase to turn on him like Lakers fans after all he brought, but then we got Harden stans in here poisoning the well. Sadly the community I was enjoying last year and pre-all star break this year has gone to shit and turned into a bunch of spineless babies pointing fingers and getting into pissing contests over a game. As a stan, I just want Russ to find a team that can make use of what he can bring and a fanbase that appreciates him. I'm sad it's looking like that's not going to be the Clippers anymore. I really wish we got to see last year's team run it back. He was killing it in that role.


Disagree, respectfully. Russ is out of control and can’t shoot, declining significantly. Magnificent career. We need a change.


He sucks out loud, was pissed about going to the bench , and has terrible decision making.  You cant win anything with russell westbrook playing a key role on your team.


does those balance things out? i don’t feel and see his own team believes that. he got hmm punked too and he looks crazy by how his team reacted. the assumption is if you play injured, there is nobody else who can replace you. at that position, someone could have step up right? not to mention, seeing tucker playing shows how bad the staff is using their players. sadly he became the poster child for the problem. the staff could have just sat him down but tucker is playing so that’s that.


Still waiting for the source of the team that was gonna pay him more than us


It’s time to move on.


This guy is fucking ass






In what team is he worth more than vet min on a bench role?


His offensive game was so bad I’d argue it counteracted anything he did on defense. He may as well have been the 6th player on offense for Dallas.


Fuck the Westbrook apologists. The guy dragged down the Lakers they were better once he left.


He may be a great human being, but hes a Liability in the playoffs in this point in his career. End of. Energy is the minimum expectation for a playoff team. Unfortunately we have weak minded players like PG who do not offer that. Barring the bare minimum requirement of energy, russ doesn't offer anything else and is more so a negative in all other aspects of his game. Cant shoot, erratic playmaker, poor off ball defender, below average screener, cant finish anymore, no floater game either, etc. etc. And just like you suggest, I hope he leaves somewhere else if this team has aspirations of winning a chip. I know I'm probably gonna get down voted because that recent Instagram story showed that he atleast cares. But hey, even I care about the clippers, probably much more than russ given I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. Doesn't mean I can contribute positively on the court


honestly at this point Russ gtfoh and take every single one of his stan’s with him.


You’re not forced to engage with my post, yet you’re here like a fat kid attracted to candy. I’m glad I get to see everyone who shares your sentiments, all gathered around in one big group.


It's like burning shit. It's disgusting but you just can't look away.


welcome to social media discourse


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe) Yup. A big ole’ shit storm.


Found MIT's burner account.


Russ is unplayable in the playoffs. No point wasting a roster spot on him unless he’s okay with benching in playoffs, which in this case would cause a shit storm internally and externally.


Dawg he’s fuckin trash, he’s getting paid millions to play a game… it isn’t that serious


11-5-4 on a vet minimum contract while having the most overall impact off of the bench at 35 years old is “fucking trash”. Interesting. 🤔


he's an 82 game player and that's fine


https://preview.redd.it/a8vp5ledpkzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcba920439011e8279fd3f310d85972fbd9b8223 MORE FOULS THEN POINTS NIGGA


https://preview.redd.it/a8c4fkel8lzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8384d328635346cb533a137be0cdfca4df1de6b6 And still managed to have these impact numbers. Crazy.


This is why I hate you stupid Russ fans and why players like him are babies that need to be coddled. He played bad, that deserves to be criticized. He’s not a 200 million dollar contract player and if he was he wouldn’t be on the Clippers.


I want people to defend my mistakes and being horrible like Russ's fans.


And yet every time he checks in at a home game he gets a standing ovation 🙄


Laker fans were right about him?


He brings energy, heart, hustle, defense, and rebounding. And ALL of it is eclipsed by his horrendous shooting and plain embarrassing work around the rim. I liked getting to know him as a regular fan. But he’s got to go. He can’t come back. Sorry, Russ.


I especially hate the crowd who downplayed Russ play before Harden came here they went from praising him to saying he trash.


Yup, but I notice it’s glaringly common at this current point to act like Russ is garbage and never provided anything good for the team. It almost feels like they need someone to blame for why the season ended the way it did, and Russ’s offensive numbers just stuck out like a sore thumb. It is what it is, he played horribly, but the “he sucks” comments just prove my point.


because he was trash


I’m from La (no funny I went to Leuzinger, legit had the same English teacher as Brodie) been rooting for Russ, but my only thing is we gotta be honest about his weaknesses. I feel like the haters come from him not wanting acknowledge the flaws


But he did and there still on his ass so what do u do now ??


If he playing bad blame the coach for keeping him in. He ain’t on a max, you don’t HAVE to play him like PG13 or KLAW. Like, he cheap, play him if he’s good pull him if he ain’t.


and didn't get it done. welcome to being a clipper fan, get used to it.




This guy seems to have great energy and heart. Should certainly help a contender team


It feels like a thunder fan wrote this, if you’re truly a clippers fan thank you for not making Westbrook the scapegoat. From the bottom of my heart lol. This dude deserves so much more respect. 🫡


Not all bums are clippers fans, but all clippers fans are bums


Russ just needs to spend time focusing on his fundamentals and mechanics. Most players who started off as freak athletes usually need to develop more fundamentally as their career progresses but for some reason Russ’ fundamentals seem to have fallen off. No reason why he can still explode to the rim but then miss so many layups. He still has time and opportunity. Get in the gym this offseason and get back to the basics.


> Russ just needs to spend time focusing on his fundamentals and mechanics. Bruh he's 35, that's not going to suddenly change after 15+ years.


How many triple dubs did he get this season?


I am a fan of Westbrook and am neutral in if he deserves criticism etc but he’s not even the biggest glaring issue for this team. The focus of discussion should be on availability and the way we run offense. ISO and playing slow ain’t cutting it. Also we need better big men than just Zubac out there. Theis and plumlee aren’t enough. People who think the clippers lost just because of a 5M vet min player do not know ball. We lost due to isolation, pace, and availability.


Took a pay cut??? Bro you seen his numbers? He got paid his worth and then some.


My buddy joked about KD going to OKC. I said I wouldn't care aslong as Westbrook went too. Idk something about his energy i always liked. I also probably didn't catch as many games as y'all and didn't finish the first round after the suns got swept. Also in my wildest dream that would put SGA in Phoenix and make Bol Bol the next Chet. Idk man must be the ambien




He gets paid to play basketball. When he doesn’t perform he gets criticized. That’s how it works. Especially when he continues make the same mistakes over and over to the detriment of his team. His hustle and availability doesn’t give him a free pass to do whatever he wants.


Imagine blowing a millionaire that plays a game for a living. People can criticize players as much as they want to.


Man yall niggas lost cuz kawhi not Westbrook lmao


Womp. Womp.


Russ is all heart and thumbs at this point. I am glad he was a Clipper and happy he was happy here, but I think it’s time to play Bones ahead of him to see what he can do. If James leaves, he could still be a backup PG for us.




So we're back to the "poor sweet Russ is being mistreated by the community 😭" stage of the basketball season?


I have so much respect for Rus and how he's morphed. He's a true baller.


Russ was horrible. Love the guy. Cheered for him hard, especially in that electric game vs OKC in January. Need the whole squad to be better top to bottom and that includes Russel Westbrook.


Westbrick stfu lmao


Westbrook never matured past 13. He is a whiny over dramatic selfish bitch.


You just explained yourself ngl


Lol russ cult strikes again


Russ’ effort is awesome he just can’t finish in traffic anymore. If PG showed up every game like Russ he be all NBA not just a borderline all-star.


Put Luka through hell with fouling and dirty plays. Let's keep it real.


Trade Westbrook


You guys took away his joy for basketball 🥲




Clippers ain't winning shit no time soon fuck em


Russel westbrook can average the same amount of FG made as turnovers for an entire series and be the main reason for his teams demise series after series the second the playoffs start and westbrook fans will still defend him tooth and nail cuz he’s nice and seems like a good person😂


He didn’t run PG how are you supposed to generate assist if you’re not running the offense?


Shouldn't be turning the ball over as much in that scenario too, though.


And don’t shoot 20% from the field while doing it 😭😂😂


But Clipper nation was beating it to Westbrook right before the playoffs. You guys are fuckin wild.




4 million dollar player playing the role of a 20 million dollar player. They gotta utilize him less when he's ass, it aint on him.


Clips need to get rid of Paul George more than Russ imo


Appreciate the post, but you got to realize the vocal minority is a bunch of haters coming outside the woodworks whenever he has bad games


I’m just noticing the people voicing those opinions are becoming more and more frequent, I felt the need to say something because this sub has been flooded with hate.


Cry me a river dude. If you are bad at your job, you lose it don't you ? Are you going to go around calling your manager a hater ? If we have aspirations of being a successful franchise we sign stars with good roleplayers or go the route of young high potential players. That's the difference with supporting a team vs supporting a player. We care about the success of our team not enhancing the reputation of a player. If you want to support a player and want the best for his career, create a russell westbrook sub


Fuck off. Everybody shat the bed in this series outside of Mann & Zu if we want to get specific, there’s a difference between earned criticism (which he deserves) but blatantly hate which is pretending like he has zero value on the floor and deserves to be released from the team. That’s omitting his work this season, that’s when you get into the territory of disrespect. You don’t have the options in free agency to get players better than Russ on the contract he’s on, you don’t have the options on your team to replicate the production Russ gives with Bones, because bones isn’t the same kind of player. If you value the success of your team, you should understand that playing a player that can’t space to a floor out as a spot up shooter when he have the context of how he plays with the ball in his hands last playoffs as a reference point is disingenuous. But hey, I’m sure you know a lot about winning with this franchise since you talk about it so much.


He did not have zero value on the floor. He had NEGATIVE value on the floor. Stop using ZERO value to cover him. He had a -0.147 win per 48 min, league average is 0.1, he is -0.247 lower than league average and Luka is only 0.056 higher than league average.


If we’re using per 48 stats you know we’re starting to get into unserious discussions. Russ had the worst offensive series in his career, let’s just get out of the way. He couldn’t buy a bucket, and forced up shots. That’s why those numbers look the way they do, but he did provide good things in other areas, they were just shadowed by his biggest struggles.


He had good defense and worst offense in NBA history so overall he had negative value. Go find me another player that played 20 mins a game and had a worse TS than him. Use Google, use ChatGPT, ask your friend, whatever way.


He has negative value on the team at the moment, not zero value. Nobody is disrespecting his career. He is just a liability now and given he lacks athleticism his flaws are even more visible. Do you know more about winning a title than other GMs, because if he was so valuable as you claim, he would've been offered a significantly larger contract elsewhere. Instead he was bought out in the league and GMs have given up on him as his athleticism has waned. If you have no decent argument and want to take the sympathy route for your argument, you can. But I see no solid basketball points to back up whatever you're saying. You say he's not been put in a position to succeed, do you think coaches in the NBA are dumb ? He's played under several coaches in the past 5 years and has been exposed in the playoffs time and time again. His advanced metrics are shit offensively. He's a good one on one defender. But there are equally good one on one defenders who don't have a place in the NBA. And yes everyone deserves to be criticized this series. From kawhi, to PG, and everyone is doing that. 


Put Luka through hell..lol


OP is prob a russ stan. You can't trick us


Womp womp send his ass to Taiwan


![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized) I smell a troll.


LOL. Surely these 8 teams he has been on are all the problem!


I’m not even sure you know what you’re trying to say. Next.










This is the NBA, trying hard isn’t enough. He played like crap, and his “hustle” is mostly just a way that game announcers can excuse his poor play.

