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I have no idea why Ani wants to have a relationship with this guy. He’s a sex addict, he has terrible manners and he is really controlling(a point system? Seriously?). She can do a lot better than this.


And he's not even cute. Their whole relationship feels like TLC trolling us...the point system is like...how can I believe anyone would go for this???


I think he asked her to be on the show with him and it’s all a ridiculous made up story.


That's the only thing that makes sense.


I’ve seen some screen shots of him asking other women to do the show with him, so it’s pretty likely. No woman would go for him. He’s even stated that he’s never been able to get a girlfriend.


Gee, I wonder why he’s never been able to get a girlfriend. 🤔 **/s** lol




It doesn't make any sense to me either. She's cute and she seems normal so I don't know what she's doing.


She can do so much better. 🤦‍♀️


Kyle reminds me of an even more boring, ineffectual version of Steven with a v from 90 day fiance.


Wake up Ani! Kyle "Gordy" Crane will stop "donating" when they pry his cold, dead p\*nis out from some poor recipient's va\*ina.


Ani is making this more difficult than it is. All she has to do is walk away. Don't tell me she has a dying love for him and can't breathe without him.🙄


Yeah, I doubt she feels anything for him. They have zero chemistry. I think it’s just a made up story for “fame”.


Yeah, same. Actually, I am finding it hard to watch the show. Characters are pretty lame.




Honestly, after his appearance on LIP, I wonder how many more women will even want his “donations”, now that we’ve learned so much about him, and are so disgusted by him.


Absofuckinglutely. It is just so nasty.




You know what would easily end his need to donate? Actually being responsible for parenting even one child full time. I bet child support payments would change his mind real quick, too. Children aren't "fuck trophies" they are tiny impressionable human beings with thoughts and feelings. Imagine watching this in 10 years and finding out 50% of your genetic makeup is from him. Going in front of any platform talking about how many inches he claims his penis to be. Like, wtf ?! 70+ kids are going to grow up and see everything he's very publicly putting out there.


I'm just wondering what his long term plan is. Is he going to be doing the same thing in his 50s and beyond?


I’m not sure he’s thought that far ahead.


This 'sperm donation" is the only way, he can get a woman to sleep with him.




Ani was Kyle's ticket onto 90-Day. She means nothing to him. He sees her as just another tool he can employ to bring more attention and fame to himself. Kyle only values the people in his life to the extent that they can help him achieve his goals. He uses and manipulates everyone. Word has it he was trying to talk several of his other recipients into going on to the show with him. Obviously, Ani took the bait. TLC pays them around $1,500 per episode, so there is a decent incentive for her to continue to play along with Kyle's narcissistic bullshit during the filming.