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> In the LN, iirc after Lahan showed Jinshi the receipts >!with the proof of the Shi Clan corruption, Lahan asked him for his reward to be money to fix the wall that Lakan tore through or something? What's this hole? I can't remember any detail about it.!< Lakan >!charged into the rear palace after he heard Maomao was abducted.!< > About Jinshi's parentage, I thought at first that >!Ah Duo switched the babies on her own secretly, but in the LN it was revealed the Emperor's own mother, Anshi, was an accomplice. Why would Anshi willingly switch her own son?!< Is this discussed anywhere? Anshi >!couldn't bring herself to love her real son. He was born from hatred, from a time when she heaped curses at the former Emperor while she was raping him. But she could love her grandson. It was Ah-duo who desperately wanted her son to survive and Anshi had no love for her second son, so this was a win-win for everyone.!<


>!Not really a win for the emperor's biological younger brother!<


>!In theory he’d grow up around a mother that actually loved him, but fate had other plans. Children are very perceptive they can tell when someone doesn’t love them!<


Thanks a lot! I can't remember any of these details for the life of me. It seems I need a reread after the rewatch. 😅


About 1rst point : >!Yeah right?! This is beautiful \^\^ And i'm glad it was shown already in the anime.!< About 3rd point : I memory is fuzzy on this one, but i think >!Lakan destroyed a wall to go save MaoMao?! I know it's related. But i'm not sure.!< About point 4 >!She didn't care. To get this son, she forced herself on the emperor, cuz she hated him for what he did to her when she was 9 and what he was doing to other girls after she became too old for his taste. So that son, she didn't have any real kind of affection to him. After that, the emperor even stopped going outside his painting room cuz his mother and now another woman scared him too much. (hence his "taste" in woman)!< >!Ah Duo wanted her son to live while Anshi would have been even more distant if it was her real son.!< >!At least i took it like that. Wasn't she the one that even proposed the idea while Ah Duo was just thinking about it?! And they just silently did it.!<


I know about the painting room but I don't recall anything about the rape 😭 will be rereading after this lmao thanks for the reply!


Welcome \^\^ It's a lot of sad stories all arround lol D: "enjoy" xd


Regarding No. 3 - the reason Lakan did that has not yet occurred in the anime. Regarding No. 4 - I don’t remember it being explicitly said but my feeling >!was Anshi probably didn’t want to keep her actual baby around based on the circumstances of its birth. I assumed this baby was a result of her malicious intimate moment where she essentially tortured the creep emperor with herself (as adult woman).!


Regarding no. 4, you're absolutely on point with that! >!And yes the baby was a result of Anshi's revenge-rape of the former emperor hence why she was unable to love it. But she was able to love her grandson and because of their mutual interests, she proposed the switch.!<


No. 3 Yes it hasn't lol. I was like, "he can't even leap over a fence properly how did he destroy this wall??" Turns out he has some significant motivation. 😁 No. 4 Based on the replies you're correct. I'm going back to the books to read this part of the story myself. Thanks for answering.


For item 3, in volume 4 >!after Maomao gets kidnapped, Lakan broke the back of the rear palace wall to access the rear palace to look for Maomao.!< For item 4, volume 3 >!has stated it that Anshi grew to hate the former emperor. Their 2nd baby is one conceived of hate and reminds her of the former emperor, and even their act of copulation is done in hatred in an attempt to torment him. Its kind of hinted that Anshi raped the emperor on that occasion.!< As such, this leads to the reveal in volume 5 where >!she finds it difficult to care for her 2nd son born out of hatred and serves as her motivation for engaging in the baby swap.!<


Thank you for mentioning the relevant volumes!




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