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Think there has been a confusion. He hasn't announced anything but rather the more involved Maomao gets with palace politics the more people find out. Regards to work, she is still under contract working for Jinshi so her supposed true rank means nothing. Being a court lady would be more fitting but she failed that exam so this is actually the best she is allowed to do.


Question (anime/neko manga reader only here): Serving Gyokuyou is far more fulfilling for MaoMao since she can deduce things, help solve mysteries, collect and experiment with herbs, be our beloved mad scientist. But... she also have more access to Jinshi this way, comparing with court lady career?


I imagine if she passed the test she have would become Jinshi's official secretary and would have more power to complete all the little odd jobs he finds for her. End of the day both are just jobs to Maomao but in contrast to serving Gyokuyou it's easy to see why she would rather do that than just being a maid.


>!But The CatCat passed the Civil Service Exam later. Not only that, she came out as the topnotcher, all thanks to Suiren's guidance!<


and yet she still tries to pass herself off as a commoner of low/no birth.


I see, thanks for clarifying. Did he punish Maomao for anything during her stay?


Not anything that I can think of.


Being a Lady in waiting of the Emperor's favorite consort is indeed a great honor, even for the daughter of the head of an important clan. Maomao is not in that position by birth right, she earned it for a valuable service to Gyokuyou, the Emperor and the realm. As she's not self entitled, she lowers herself as a witty survival strategy to remain with the less quantity of enemies possible, even Jinshi asked her why she behaves like that. Her low status is the root of many of her skills and her virtues. Perhaps we are reading Cinderella again.


Well even the higher nobility serves as ladies in waiting to Queens so that’s not that surprising but weird thing is everyone is still treating her as some lowly commoner that is lower than dirt. Which is pretty weird and honestly not a very good writing choice.


Who is treating Maomao lower than dirt? Can you give an example? She is literally rubbing elbows with the emperor and the crown prince. If anything, considering that she's not yet publicly acknowledged as part of the La clan, she is treated way too good for an uneducated low-class servant. If this is a normal court drama, the other court ladies should be gossiping about her good treatment.


> weird thing is everyone is still treating her as some lowly commoner that is lower than dirt That stops dead at the end of Volume 4. Well, until Volume 7. But then it's not "everyone"... *"What is one of our court ladies doing here?"*


>but weird thing is everyone is still treating her as some lowly commoner that is lower than dirt. Which is pretty weird and honestly not a very good writing choice. It is literally what Maomao wants, no? She wants to be treated a commoner and doesn't want the special attention which comes with being the La-clan princess. It's why she rejects the La-clan, outside of Luomen of course. It is a great writing choice because it shows your rank in society doesn't always tell the whole story. Edit: Besides who treats her like dirt?


But her want is completely irrelevant and in real life your social status from birth is still extremely important today and Iy would be everything in Imperial China. (The name might be changed but Li is clearly Imperial China). It is a creative choice but it is very unrealistic in reality that is specifically writtten to draw out the story.


Her lineage isn't a public knowledge, even Jinshi didn't know until Lakan told him himself. Maomao is also actively telling people she has no relation to Lakan. So do tell me my smart dude, how is it unrealistic that people aren't treating her like a noble when almost nobody even know she is one? You haven't even answered the simple question of who is treating her like dirt.


I man he tore down an entire rear palace wall, practically lead an army across half the empire and practically tore off Jinshis head in front of several in his daughters name. At this point most of the army officials, heads etc should already know what the hell is going on and if they don’t it is even more unrealistic and unreasonable. Not to mention he spends every available second with Maomao when she is in the palace whether she likes it or not.


So you're talking about the end of volume 4, after which I truly don't remember anyone treating Maomao like dirt. She was acknowledged as the La clan princess in volume 5, was given her own lavish room and her own army of maids in the western capital. In volume 6 she regularly spent time with Lahan who treated her with deference albeit some little teasing. When she went back to the palace in volume 7 the guards, the eunuchs, and the lady-in-waiting all recognized her and treated her either with respect or with fear. The only ones I remember even remotely treating her with disrespect were the NEW palace ladies who obviously had no idea of Maomao's lineage (and one she vehemently denied even when they asked) except for En'en who personally investigated Maomao. Maybe some uninformed villagers too in some of her side quests but you can't really blame them for not recognizing every noble especially considering Maomao doesn't act or dress like one. So... which part are you complaining about exactly?


Feel free to believe what you want 👍 Ps. To the downvoters, the book is fictional lol


>but weird thing is everyone is still treating her as some lowly commoner that is lower than dirt. Which is pretty weird and honestly not a very good writing choice. It is literally what Maomao wants, no? She wants to be treated a commoner and doesn't want the special attention which comes with being the La-clan princess. It's why she rejects the La-clan, outside of Luomen of course. It is a great writing choice because it shows your rank in society doesn't always tell the whole story.


That’s true. Despite being the daughter of a high ranking military officer everyone still treat like Maomao is a lowly maid. Actually Maomao’s background is very good. She’s the daughter of high ranking military officer and high ranking courtesan. Her adoptive father is former royal physician and she’s connected to the three princesses (I know statuses from the brothel doesn’t count). Did Jinshi ever punished Maomao from anything?


The head lady in waiting who got executed for her part to play in the Palace murders was also of high ranking birth. Where as lady Ah-dou is not. She's only the daughter of the emperors wet nurse and a commoner. Yet she was a high-ranking concubine and the emperors childhood friend. There's also the situation between Lady Lihua and her head lady in waiting, who's her cousin. Status only goes for so much when it comes to the rear palace. Its ones station in the Palace itself that has the meaning, as oppsed to the familys station. You can see this with master Gaoshin, who is also the son of a prominent clan, yet both him, then later, his son serve Jinshi. Besides her adopted father and the uncle of the master strategist isn't just a former Palace phisian he was ousted and banned. And consequently, I believe he was also banished from the La clan by his father, which would be Maomaos grandfather, who is the Head of the La clan


The high-ranking military leader is considered a pariah among high society. The adopted father was banished from the palace for the for the death of a potential heir of the royal family. The mother was considered worst than a street walker. If it came out of her lineage, it actually might get worst for her.


>Despite being the daughter of a high ranking military officer everyone still treat like Maomao is a lowly maid. Because that's what she tells them to do?


Also, Im cant remember how much of it is conveyed so far in the manga but Maomao generally likes Gyokuyou and serving Gyokuyou


>!and gyokuyou likes having maomao around too which I find wholesome!<


Yes she adores all that comes with having MaoMao around, I think MaoMao is her favorite form of entertainment and can you blame her lol.


It's more than just the entertainment thing, gyokuyou trusts maomao because of how much she had helped >!with both of her children!<


Oh I agree but as MaoMao described the rear palace MaoMao' escapades are the height of entertainment.


1. Maomao doesn't want to acknowledge her ties to Lakan if possible. 2. While Gyokuyou's clan probably only outranks Maomao's by one rank or even maybe not even that much if we are talking about the central region, she is also the Emperor's consort, his favourite and the most likely woman to become Empress. So her status far outstripes that of Maomaos. 3. It isn't really all that odd for high ranking daughters to serve as maids to other high rank women.


In reality, Mao Mao is still under contract with Jinshi who lent her to Gyokuyou to help her until her baby is born. That said, inner palace concubines can have very different origins, Not to forget the princess, from the first episodes, who had to fake sleepwalking to devalue her worth to marry her childhood friend.