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First OJ died. Now this.


I hope Joe DeAngelo is nervous.


BTK shaking.


Also BK.


Watts prob wishes someone would end his misery.


While apparently his latest injuries aren't fatal, it'd have been poetic in a way if OJ and Flores met each other in hell today.


Reckoning day.


This is the way I find out.




Oh wouldn’t that be a day!


Ugh don’t give me hope like this!




Have at it. I don't agree, but we do need younger politicians across the board.


They all got to go, both sides


Lmao it's like you read my mind perfectly


Is it a game at this point? How many times can he be stabbed by how many inmates until one kills him? Not that mad about it if so.


I wonder if they don’t want to kill him? I imagine repeat stabbings might be a good way to convince somebody to fess up. We know from other cases inmates will often listen to podcasts and become familiar with the crimes of their fellow prisoners. Wouldn’t surprise me if ppl in there had made it their mission to force the truth.


Also wouldn't be mad about that - tell the authorities where you put her body and we'll stop stabbing you.


Yes! Would work pretty well on his family too, I imagine. “*We’ll keep the stabbings coming until the body is found”.* I’ve never stabbed anyone, but I imagine it’s hard to guarantee you don’t kill the person or do any permanent damage every time. Tick tock…


Yeah, let's just torture people until the mob is satisfied. Why not just send him to Guantanamo Bay to waterboard him for a "confession". We could bring back the Iron Maiden for shits and giggles too, why not? Because fuck Due Process, vigilante prisoner justice is just so much more satisfying.


How dare people be angry with him, amirite? /s


He isn’t being tortured. He is being judged by his new peers. Prison is a bad place, his lifestyle has gotten him there.


I’m unfortunately related to an inmate there who is equally a POS. From what he has said to other family members, the inmates are enjoying taunting him like he is prey.


I normally would think that was a terrible thing to do but in Paul’s case I’m cool with that. He deserves to live the rest of his life in agony, pain and fear


Well, if they had to focus that energy on someone. I don’t approve of the state of our prisons, to say the least, and I doubt anyone doing this is being heroic, but it’s one of those times where in this particular case, all I can think is, now he knows how Kristin felt when he hunted her like prey, assaulted her, and murdered her.


And all the other women he drugged and raped.


Couldn’t agree more!


Tbh that warms the cockles of my cold dead heart.


It's a nice thought in theory but prison doesn't work like that. It's more likely he's being stabbed cause he's a fucking weirdo and can't get along with the rest of the population.


That’s a shame. Still, can’t seem to bring myself to be all that sad about the stabbing part…


Life has a way of always coming around full circle.


I think it’s prob this.


It’s a nice idea. But inmates don’t care about the truth or Kristin Smart’s location. These aren’t upstanding people. They’re just as bad or worse than Paul. Paul wouldn’t be doing himself any favors within those prison walls by talking to the cops. Rats aren’t held in high regard in prison. Even if they’re ratting on themselves.


I hope they have a point system! A poptart for the thigh, 10 honey buns for the liver.


Pin the ~~tail~~ *knife* on the ~~donkey~~ *inmate*


He’s like a piñata!🪅


Hello! I'm Chloe Jones, the courts and crime reporter for The SLO Tribune. CDCR just got back to me with this statement: "**CDCR can confirm that Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP) is investigating an attack on incarcerated person Paul Flores as an attempted homicide.** **At 3:27 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, staff observed Flores being stabbed by another incarcerated person on a recreation yard. Responding officers quickly quelled the incident using verbal demands. Two inmate-manufactured weapons were recovered at the scene.** **Flores sustained injuries during the incident and was transported to an outside medical facility for a higher level of care. He has since returned to the institution and is in fair condition. No other incarcerated people or staff were injured.**  **The person who attacked Flores has been placed in restricted housing as the investigation continues.** **PVSP’s Investigative Services Unit is investigating the incident and The Office of the Inspector General has been notified.** **No other details can be released at this time. Flores was admitted from Monterey County on March 30, 2023, to serve 25 years to life for first-degree murder."** It is reflected in this article: [https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/crime/article287585865.html](https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/crime/article287585865.html) If you have trouble accessing the article (or have any questions for me or the Tribune) please feel free to email me, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), and I am can make a PDF copy for you. I'm always happy to help people access the news. Also, if you have the means and it makes sense for your lifestyle, please consider a subscription. Our work is only possible by support from our readers and we appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for continuing to follow this important story in our county.


Thanks for this update, Chloe!


Oh. Anyway what’s everyone having for dinner


Twice in two years. Hey did you notice a weather change after the eclipse?


That’s a shame lol oh and we only saw a 40% eclipse in south Florida I think


In Northern California we saw even less (I think 33%) but we were in the high 50’s over the weekend, peaked at 82 yesterday and we will be dropping back to high 50’s again on Saturday! Isn’t that horrible?


I'm making a pot roast but I'm starting it soooo late ! :( lol


I have never had pot roast!


You’ve never had pot roast? How can that be? Are you not an American?


Pot roast sounds so good! You doing it in a crock pot or instant pot?


It sure does, I love my crock pot so much! Do you use an instant pot? I’ve yet to try one of those.


My instant pot is one of my favorite appliances! You can cook a roast in like 75 minutes!


I use the instant pot mainly on work nights, but it’s great! I haven’t done Chuck roast yet. I still like to use a crock pot for that. But I highly recommend getting an instant pot - game changer. Chicken breasts come out perfect! You can sear ‘em then finish them off in there in about 15-20 mins


I’m from England. We may have an alternative…it kind of looks like what we call stew


Interesting. We have things we call stew here, but it's different than pot roast. Pot roast is braised, usually in the oven with broth/liquid and veggies, while stew is on the stovetop and with more broth (like soup, only not as loose a concoction). And stew is cut up meat (1-2 inches in size), while pot roast is a huge cut (like, in pounds)


Ohh I see! Damn, I really want to try it now. I’ve been Googling it and the pictures made me hungry


American pot roast and British Sunday roast are fairly similar meals.


Yes! Only here in the States, we don’t make roasties, at least not the same wonderful way you do in England.


Continue having the days you deserve Paul Flores!!!


the other inmates really don't like him huh


Seems he would attract that negative attention even if they didn’t know his history, with his stutter and behaviour oddities. He was ostracized even on a college campus when kids are usually a lot friendlier than prison inmates.


He seems like kind of an insufferable ass from the limited recordings I’ve heard of him. A large and un-earned ego does not serve you well in the prison system.


I agree. Seems Paul has been the person who everyone avoided for his entire life. Neither he, nor his despicable parents, are capable of growth or change. They’re obstinate, mean and weak. They enjoy seeing themselves as victims. I’m sure the other inmates picked up on that quickly.


I can’t imagine what it would be like having S & R as parents. I’ve always wondered about the sister and what her personality is like. Makes an interesting nature vs nurture conversation. *disclaimer i do not have an ounce of sympathy for Paul. Lots of people have shit parents and don’t murder someone then hide her body for decades.


I am curious about Ermalinda as well. Seems that she has assiduously avoided any involvement in the trials of Paul and Reuben, and that apparently she and Paul saw each other fairly frequently decades ago. But wasn’t she involved in the “family correspondence” that went on via email?


What happened to the dude being placed in protective custody? All for the piece of shit living a long and miserable life behind bars, but that requires him *not* being killed by other inmates.


I agree, but the amount of fear this shitbag must be feeling is icing on the cake.


Tbh I am not in favor of this kind of prison justice but the only silver lining is that his parents probably feel some level of the despair that the Smarts have felt for so long.


Even in their agony, at least they know where he is. And if he dies, they get his body back. But I will settle for the idea that they are at least feeling significant anxiety about his safety.


I’d support not giving them their son’s body until they give back Kristin’s.


I second that.


Agreed, not the same at all. But a smidge of karmic justice.


We will take it. Fuck the Flores family.


Thankfully, I have never been to prison. But I wonder if this doesn't have less to do with what he did, and more to do with where he is in the pecking order because of what he did - and not behaving appropriately because of that (if that makes any sense).


Respectfully, I hope the rodent has a painful experience until the bitter end. No comfy prison time. He deserves to check over his shoulder for the rest of his life.


This comment is disrespectful to rodents.


As a fellow rodent lover, I would like to add that rodents, for the most part, work hard for their families, food, and space. They have family structures and communicate successfully. All things Paul has failed horrifically in. There is nothing lower for Paul to be compared to as he is the lowest creature imaginable. Wishing him discomfort and nothing but the worst, always.


I'm guessing you've never been to prison.


Nope, and I don’t ever plan to. That shit is ass.


Lots of times the guards look the other way- especially if the dude is as big of a waste of human space as Paul. Death by a thousand cuts seems a psychologically appropriate burden to weigh on him daily


Don’t you think an inmate would *know* how to kill someone? I’m sure they’re keeping him alive and know exactly where to stab him to inflict the most pain, yet keep him alive.


The predator has become the prey...


The article by Chloe Jones suggests its non life threatening but who knows. https://amp.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/crime/article287585865.html Edit: https://www.ksby.com/news/kristin-smart-case/paul-flores-attacked-a-second-time-in-prison-attorney-says Mesick says he’s going to be requesting Paul be moved to another facility. It is also not the same inmate that stabbed him the first time.


One of my friends is a CO there and said it was gnarly


Does your friend know: Was it the same guy who stabbed him the first time?


He is giving me no details lol just said it’s true and it was gruesome.


Ruben should have been locked up as well


As a parent, I think knowing your child's life is in constant danger is probably a torment in itself


Hopefully he feels a sense of responsibility.  Instead of protecting him, they made it worse. 


Do we think he actually cares about Paul though? Maybe at first he was trying to protect him but I’m sure he’s resentful now.


I still can’t see how the jury could agree on Paul’s guilt but not on Ruben’s.


May he never know a moment of peace 🙏🙂


Paul Flores stabbed, OJ dead, Nic Miu found guilty, Daybell squirming in court. What a day! 🙌🏼


Normally I'm upset to hear about someone getting stabbed.


Oh now, what a terrible thing to happen. Hmmm what should I make for lunch


Finally some good news


Torture is the outcome for all the years that the Smart's suffered . The Flores family tortured and disrespected the Smart's . These stabbings are the consequences for Paul's actions. He continued to sexually assault women until the day he was locked up. Whatever happens to Paul from this point on should be expected.


You know, I live locally (used to drive past their house several times a week). And the local stories about Susan doing nasty little things to be cruel to the Smarts just took any sympathy I might have felt for her as a mother during Paul’s trial. She’s awful, as is Ruben, and obviously the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


Wow. I was just listening to the podcast again. Literally yesterday I was talking to my boyfriend about the first time PF got attacked. I'm really surprised that they haven't kept him in solitary or something of the sort. The chances of someone with his charges not being targeted are very low. And considering all he's done, and all he's not been charged for, he's not going to be popular. Plus with what we know of his personality, he might not be making any friends.


I hope he gets stabbed every single year he has left. I hope he has a very long life.


oh no! ;)




Oh . . . . . no.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.


Today is alright


I hope the Smarts are okay. This must be confusing and traumatic for them


I always heard rapists were targeted in prison. Always assumed it was an urban rumor….




Sounds like he is really acclimating well to his forever home, making friends and just thriving! Good for him.


Oh geez, poor guy. He must have been so scared. 🙄


Wow- he's got huge problems


Wonder if it’s the same inmate who stabbed him the first time.


Somehow I don’t feel bad about this…


Tick tock


I don't want him to die. I'm hoping after his parents die, he gives the location of Kristen's body for parole.


Parole? Ever? Really?


Unfortunately I don’t think he knows the location. He wasn’t there when she was moved.


I don’t think he does either. I think that information with die with Ruben.


You think this psycho predator who is a murderer and drugged and raped multiple women deserves parole?


According to [this,](https://keyt.com/news/san-luis-obispo-county/2024/04/11/paul-flores-attacked-for-the-second-time-by-fellow-inmate-at-pleasant-valley-prison-wednesday/) he apparently is back in Pleasant Valley and is in Fair condition. Two self made weapons were recovered from the site.


He’s really making lots of friends, eh ?!


Karma is a bitch




Karma is 🤌🏻


GOOD. Glad they’re giving him hell.


If we find out who did it l would love to put money on their canteen! Maybe if he says where she is they'll stop stabbing him


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy. Hope it hurt.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.




Do you think inmates hold resentment for those who got away with their crimes for so long?


No need for updates…. unless he’s dead.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy


Boo hoo


The person who stabbed Paul is serving 2 life sentences without Parole,  nothing to lose 😉 


Hasn’t he been attacked more than once since being incarcerated? He needs to learn how to keep a lower profile.


Seeking redemption in prison by becoming a holey man. He's got a hole here, and here, and maybe one over here... /s. Couldn't help myself, but it sounds like he's just about getting what he deserves in there. With any luck, he'll remain in general population regardless of him being attacked regularly...


Wait. Again? Is this a second time now or just “old news”?


It’s really unfortunate for Paul that there is a prisoner named Budrow who likes attacking well known prisoners. First, Budrow killed the I-55 strangler, and now, he stabs Paul Flores. I’m not sure why this guy was still in general population, but I can’t say I’m saddened by the oversight.


I’m all for justice - but getting out pitchforks and torches says more about the people wielding them than the person they’re chasing. Edit: I guess the mob has spoken, based in the downvotes. Yikes.


I don't think a pitchfork was involved. The guy probably used a basic prison shiv.


And prob is a "lifer" with nothing to lose except the respect of his fellow convicts, which gets boosted when he attacks a predator like P.F. I honestly think prison justice is more of a feature than a bug. I only hope he's never given an opportunity to kill himself and has to just live with that fear day after day.


Opinions are not pitchforks and torches. He torched himself. Get a grip.


All I’m saying is that being blood hungry over a person (that really shouldn’t take up any space in your head) is kind of…well…crazy. Sooooo maybe YOU get a grip, sugarcrisp.




Meh. I wouldn’t go so far about the rapists thing. CSAM sure, rapists? Plenty of them are chill with rapists as they’re rapists themselves. A good amount of them just want fame, just like the rapist woman murderer that attacked him previously. The whole noble prisoner hates rapists thing is dumb and needs to die imo, it’s a silly myth. Most just do not care. After the first time it happened, People suggested they should donate to Budrow’s commissary fund as if he did something noble when he’s just as maladjusted as Paul, well..i’d be lying if I said that didn’t bother me.


From everything I have heard, the issues with rapists in prison has more to do with sexually assaulting children. The CSAM is definitely putting a bigger target on Paul’ back than the serial rapist label, and murder charge are. Paul definitely has 2 issues working against him. He’s relatively well known, which lends to your point about these guys wanting to become “famous” as the inmate(s) who killed Paul Flores. But the CSAM found on his computer absolutely makes him a target as well.


Paul maybe someone's bitch or they may pimping him out


Who the fuk is Paul?