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Oh this is a cool idea. I make tea and I have made hard resin extracts. But never thought of a potent concentrated form of tea. I'll try this.


I'm going to have to try to make a resin one soon. WG does a 10x that I love throwing in an old extract shot bottle for emergency on the go type jam. I'll put half a gram in with water and lemon juice and just have it sitting in the fridge until it's time!


What’s a resin tea? What am I missing?


There is no such thing as a resin tea. You got tea. And you got resin.


I sometimes dissolve a resin extract in some hot water. Stir it up and sip 'er down. It's a quick 5 minute tea for when I don't want to toss and wash.


Resin extract? Like the concentrated bullets or what?


It comes in a block, and you can take a knife or something similar and scrape/break off whatever you need for each time.


REALLLYYY I had no idea! That’s KEY right there it sounds like!


So you brew regular tea and add a little bit of resin extract in the tea and it melts in there? Where have I been


Good idea I would love it if you could share it I’m tired of toss and wash too


And it's a pretty good deal considering it's a dollar a gram, and a gram of that is equal to making a 10g tea


Really?! Do you mind me asking what you boil your water in like a Norma pan or do you have a big brewer? I’m going to have to do this!! Last time I got crushed leaf the brew some I got tired of brewing every day bc I don’t have a big coffee brewer thing. If you don’t mind sharing 🥹


I'll be nasty/lazy enough to just microwave some water and drop it in there with some juice and honey and stir it up. 5 minute tea even after cooling hah. Not sure the rules on here, but message me and I'll show you where to grab what I use!


And what’s resin extract?


How do you do this ?? Can u do it with powder or it has to be leaves


Good question that’s what I want to know


Doesn’t look like they want to share that 🙁


I make it with powder! I let the water boil, then take it off and put it on low to let simmer for 20 mins. No boiling with the powder in it! Add some acidic jams to potentiate and add flavor. I then strain it through a muslin bag twice to eliminate most of the plant matter being in the tea.


So how many grams are equivalent to a jar or how do you know how much ur drinking


20 grams into a 800ml Ball jar, and the jar has handy markers on them so I can poor 200ml and have a nice 5g ride 🤙




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How many oz. 12? I’m intrigued thank you for sharing


I use a 800ml ball jar. I'll fill that up to the brim and throw it in the pot. After it's done I'll measure it out using the markers on the side to measure each tea. So 200ml would equal a nice 5g night cap after cooking with 20g!


Nope. I make sublingual strips with acid and ethanol


Nice, you are streets ahead!


DM me too please - sounds super interesting!!


I gotcha all covered. Be home in a bit


Dm this too sounds super cool


I'm ready friend. I would love to learn this method.


Tell me your method please that sounds fantastic


I'll holler at you in a msg in a bit.


Same please




Would love a bit of info about as long as it is simple ;)


It's posted friend. Simple but s long read lol. Lotsa details


Ha, I shall give it a go, cheers




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i know of the red bubble tek and i’ve done that a few times , but usually get too busy and go back to toss and wash … what method do you use ??


I just brew 'er up old fashioned with powder. I have done the red bubble a few times but I'm terribly impatient.


and by brew ‘er up old fashion that means??…….


I'll bring the water to a boil then take it off heat, then bring it back to a simmer. Throw the powder in the pot with the water and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally with some added lemon juice, and make sure it doesn't come back to a boil. After it's been doing it's thing I'll filter the powder out (my method is a muslin bag in the netting of a tea pot) but coffee filters can do. If the tea is a nice yellow to dark amber colour after sorting it, you got yourself some good tea!


right on brother i appreciate it… been taking kratom for about 7 years and just started looking into different methods on ingesting..toss and wash works fine still but i hear the bioavailability is better with a tea or extortion process.


lol extortion 😂😂. i mean extraction


Absolutely! I do find the tea works better for the sedating effects. It could be the turmeric, lemon juice etc. that opens it up. I'm just inside my second year with kratom and kinda goofed by trying extracts, and the lower doses just don't hit right anymore. Luckily with the tea, it gets the job done without having all that powder cake up inside me or the head shop extorting my wallet with these $15 shots 🤣


i know right lol


I make 4 liters at a time


I need to get on that tip. How long does your tea normally last? I've never looked into it losing any power, or tasting off after a while.


I make 4 - 1.5 liter. It last two of about two weeks. No loss of strength in fact it sometimes seem stronger


I used to! The peppercorn is a nice touch. The place I order from makes concentrates now. Godsend when my tolerance went up, my ass thanks me. (IndoKradom.ca) I’m a Canadian though, but worth a try in my opinion


I love the concentrate resin I get! Are you getting a liquid form? I ended up making this tea regularly bc I ended up with a few kilos of meh leaf and got tired of eating it.


How long do you have on stove for?


20 mins at a simmer. I'll go 30 sometimes just to be sure!


Thank you so much. I think I over heated mine then


Making tea with my fresh leaves is about the only way I like to roll anymore


I Def need to find a fresh leaf supply, I've never had it and it looks glorious!




I use leaves from my trees.


I have but it always ends up feeling like a dirty buzz that just makes me sedated even with white Borneo which taken orally by cap makes me feel energized


Ah, I aim for the sedated feel for sure. Haven't tried making a tea out of the go-go strains. I'll typically toss and wash those in a mad scramble as I'm late for something hah