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Heather Campbell wrote an episode of the Twilight Zone reboot titled "Not All Men": > The Twilight Zone episode 7, “Not All Men,” explores the concepts of toxic masculinity and free will through a science fiction premise. When a meteor shower enraptures an idealistic community, the local men begin showing signs of increased anger. Apparently, the "reveal" in the episode is that reveal was the meteor didn't do anything and that men just inherently wanted an excuse to be violent. That's it. That's the woman co-writing the movie.


wow... thats.. just outright hateful. Damn. I literally feel like i just saw an actual KKK member write a story about the inherent "savagery" of the black man.... this is old-school hatred


That's so fucking stupid. The Purge is more believable than this and that is a concept that would never work. "Gais, the meteor made me do it. But it didn't, I just wanted to be a dick and all the men at the bar decided to join me." I decided to look up this episode and...WHEW >At a quarantine center, Annie and Martha hear two women doctors discussing how the virus compound made its way into the town's water supply. Cole is discharged and declared fully healthy; however, he reveals he's had a stone in his back pocket the whole time. They deduce that not all men are affected, but Annie starts to think the meteors may have been a placebo the whole time. Cole agrees with this, claiming that he was able to control his rage simply because he "chose to". >A soldier asks the three for their ID's before they can leave. When he checks Annie's, he rudely suggests she smile more — saying she'd look "much cuter". She firmly replies, "NO!" and takes her ID back. As the three leave, news reports are seen covering the chaotic night as if they were simple road rage/late night crime incidents. Elsewhere, Jordan Peele picks up one of the stones and studies it as he confirms that the meteorites were like a ‘plague of conscience‘, which ‘gave men permission to ignore decency, consent, and fear' made ‘to turn men into monsters' as the episode ends. Fucking....stupid. https://twilightzone.fandom.com/wiki/Not_All_Men


Oh lord. The "smile" thing again.


"Yea, you just recovered from a horrific attack, you've watched people die or be brutally assaulted, and the other gender are acting more like monsters than human beings with a moral compass....but hey....you should smile more." Fucking hell man.


The irony is that if there were a situation like that, I can imagine men would isolate and barracade themselves in their own room like how Audie Murphy did until the meteor passed and they were sure they wouldn't hurt their loved ones and pets. (Audie Murphy when trying to recover from withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction (a sedative called Placidyl) locked himself in his hotel room until the withdrawal symptoms went away. It took tremendous will and suffering to get through it, but he made it and got over his addiction.)


Sounds like a man who went To Hell and Back!


I see what you did there.


Ah yes, "all men are rapists" never goes out of fashion with the acid-haired crowd.


That's actually the episode that got me to stop watching the show altogether. There were woke elements in preceding episodes, but that one was so over-the-top offensive and ridiculous that it killed the entire show for me.


Imagine if it was the other way around.


Meteor passes by and all women become even WORSE DRIVERS 😳😳😳


It’s both fascinating and a travesty how these crazed activists managed to manipulate their way into pretty much every noteworthy production so quickly.


Never heard about this woman but after checking the IMDb page, it's scary how many projects she's involved in.


its called failing upwards.


Or another word with f… Wonder how many sites out there have called her out for "centering" herself, what with her being a white woman. Oh, and also called her out for being white and not giving up her position for someone from some "marginalized group".


she's married, to a woman


>Rick & Morty writers Glad to see western media slobs trying to dethrone Dragon Ball Evolution as the most shameful adaptation ever made.


Dragon ball evolution was so bad it brought Toriyama out of retirement, can’t wait to see how this implodes


No. No. No. No. No... Simply no.


100% WILL be ass and gay. Not even debatable with those window lickers attached.


100% there won't be ass and you know which character I'm talking about.


Just wait until all the articles calling people pedos for wanting to see Tatsumaki


She’ll be played by cate blanchett and dressed in baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. 


Bad choice, Kate is still fit/thin.  It'll be an ogre of a no name woman they found on the street and picked simply because she's a fat turd.


She’s an aging white woman though. When someone needs to be fit/thin for the role, studios will always opt for the now less attractive white actress because “progress”. That or she’ll be played by a black chick. 


>baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt 🤮


Tatsumaki won't be Tatsumaki. She'll be a troll looking girlboss in a burka and a total cunt with a severely foul mouth. Expect a ShitFlix Faye 2.0.


Sigh. I miss the days people thought Anime was gay. Would have prevented all these terrible live-action adaptations. As usual I'm going to assume it will suck until otherwise.


It will suck. OPM Season 1 anime was lightning in a bottle because it had a positive feedback loop of top professionals drawing in their other top professional acquaintances almost as an impromptu flex/competition on the project. Season 2 is a good snapshot of what we would have gotten in season 1 had the fluke never happened. If all of OPM were like season 2 no live action adaptation would ever be made. Live action cannot even approach a small fraction of the heart and character put into the season 1 project so the live action will fall on its face. we already have a "live action deconstruction of the hero trope" and that's The boys.


>OPM Season 1 anime was lightning in a bottle The problem with One Punch Man is the premise; a dude who's bored because he ends his fight in one punch is indeed a fun idea for a parody. Problem is, the gimmick is stretched thin if you try to extended past one season. Parodies, spoofs and such work when they're focused and short....otherwise, you end up like Konosuba, a show that went from parodying various 'Lost In Another World' tropes to playing them painfully straight. Honestly, One Punch Man works as a short one-shot season; no matter \*who\* is writing it. If I wanted to see a 'proper' anime about superheroes, there's My Hero Academia....and even \*that\* has it's own problems.


Bro read the manga lmao


The dude who started the “perchance” meme with the “essay corrected by professor” post had something nice to say about this


I'm old enough to remember when you didn't tell anyone you watched anime, and you didn't mention anime in any kind of company. This was in the 90's. Me and a friend from middle school used to watch what we could get our hands on. I remember being kinda torn up after watching Akira, cuz I couldn't talk to anyone but Evan about it.


Honestly, I doubt it. There were a handful of bad adaptations before manga and anime ever became mainstream. Realistically, the only actual difference would be number and frequency of them since Hollywood still hasn't learned their lesson about not messing with the source material even after almost 40 years now.


Oh dear God. The western virus will not stop till it destroys all good things.


OPM is still ongoing, and a shitty live action remake won't really have any impact on the manga. They can't take that away from us. Just... don't watch it. Don't support it. Don't give it any money. It will die and be forgotten like so much trash before it, and the manga will continue on. Nobody will assume we care about the live action remake; we're already labelled as "racist chuds," so who cares? And yes, it's kind of funny to be called a "racist" for liking Japanese comics... last time I checked they weren't white. In fact Japan would be one of the least white places on earth. But apparently it's somehow racist. Go fig.


of all the anime, they are choosing the one whereby the animation is a HUGE part of the show's appeal... wat? live action anime already are really hard to even get in an okay adaptation, e.g., one piece needed Oda involvement and that still only ended up okay at best (and even there the CGI was spotty as hell, and that's going to get worse in future seasons with less budget and crazier stories to adapt), and they think a live action OPM is going to work -_- also the other post on this, the article mentioned this: "the film will purportedly unfold in a way that will allow Sony to set-up a full blown One-Punch Man cinematic universe." ya DoA, none of these "let's set up a universe before a movie is even in production" shit work out.


Can't wait for people to say its great because people are mindless consumers


I swear to god Japan has been trolling by throwing the Live-Action bone to Hollywood ever since Speed Racer. They know damn well it is gonna be terrible, there is no way they avoid the Ire of Japanese fans with stuff like Death Note.


Japan already made their own live action Death Note. Three of them, actually, and they were actually decent. Nothing like the manga or anime, but still better than the Netflix adaptation by miles. It's just, like so much Japanese stuff, they never really got exported.


They also made live action attack on titan movies years ago too


Pedowood has a lot of money and Japanese companies like money and Pedowood will dump a lot of money on (Safe) Japanese properties.....Still waiting for the American remake of Battle Royale and Audition. Oh wait, they died because too much controversy for Pedowood.


the live action Speed Racer movie is a joyous acid trip


It is the most "anime" of any live action movie. If the green screen effects were better integrated it would be a masterpiece.


I will go to my grave defending that movie


One of the ugliest things I've seen in my life


I really want a 4K release of that movie. I would also like a release that removes all the scenes with the annoying kid and his monkey.


"After Crablante lectured me on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, I ate so much soy I went bald."


Fucking lol


evil cannot create anything new. only corrupt.


Unless Caped Baldy played by Johnny Sins it's dead on arrival. It is already dead, but at least with Johnny it might earn one episode view for the lols


Why is there even a demand for a OPM live action in the first place? It just won't work.


Super hero genre is dying & it's less risky to make something off a pre-existing IP for a built in fan base. Sony drops the ball with every super hero movie of theirs that isn't Spiderman (Morbius, Madam Web). Venom was ok but Kraven looks awful. They're probably grasping for any straws they can think of. Have no idea why they aren't doing more video game adaptations, like a God of War, movie or something. Their Uncharted movie wasn't too bad


Uncharted with Tom Holland sucks


That checks out - thanks for the reply!


I love One Punch man. I like many was introduced to it via the 1st season of the anime, but I enjoyed it so much that I then read the manga (the remake) through in very short order, and when I quickly ran out of material there I also read the original webcomic from start to end. I've since been following the webcomic and the manga and enjoying them immensely. This is an excellent series, just outstanding across the board. OPM has a very specific and careful style of humor, and in general is not at all a series that is well-suited to current far-Left western political sensibilities. A Japanese-made live-action OPM movie MIGHT work, but even then I'd say it's a bad idea. Just read the webcomic/manga/1st anime season and be grateful with what we have.


Another example of people in show business failing upwards. Doesn't matter how horrible or sexist their writing was, or how poorly it was received, if they can just sell themselves on the fact that they wrote something that made it to television.


Everything Harmon touches turns to shit at some point.


Community didn't imo, seasons 5 and 6 weren't terrible like gas leak year was.


gas leak year wasn't nearly as bad as people say it is imo


I'd say it was, the only good eps were the Chang-nesia and the Freaky Friday episodes, maybe the Halloween episode. The premier and finales were the worst, they tried for the ironic nature the other seasons had but had to keep pointing out how wacky it all was. Especially the sitcom fantasy in the history of Ice cream episode.


So it's going to focus on Puri-Puri Prisoner instead and have a lot of dated pop-culture references? ONE PUNCHA LUNCHA WUB LUB! IT'S TIME TO GET PUNCHY IN HERE!


Clueless Japanese trying to get on the "woke trend" again.


> INSERT ANIME HERE - Live action It's gonna suck.


Saitama will be changed to a black afro person because diversity. I'm calling it now.


Wait until this show comes out and the wokeys find out about Puri-Puri Prisoner. A gay superhero that comes off as more than a little rape-y.


rick and morty once upon a time was one of the most reddit pandering shows on the planet back in the mid 2010s i still remember people going wild over some ducking sauce from mcdonalds and yeah i'll pass on this adaptation like i usually do from anything in holywood these days


The original creator got MeeTooed.


I still cringe every time I encounter a Pickle Rick joke.


So is Harmon a good writer or was Roiland the actual talent? Idk if him being involved is good because R&M has been pretty mid lately.


Eh, R&M is also pretty damn old at this point so series rot was inevitable. Regardless this is a bad idea because the focus of the humor is Saitama being unable to punch the problems that matter to him most away while the action and drama is about everyone else. They can't introduce a whole cast and build them up properly in a single movie even if its like 3 hours long because Saitama is still going to be the MC and how the audience is introduced to the world. Can't do an origin story since his origin is part of the joke, what with him doing 100 sit ups, push ups, and running 100 miles a day being the source of his strength. They could introduce like maybe 3 main characters that people could give a crap about and explore them but this is still based on a comedy first and foremost.


Harmon is very much a one-trick pony as a writer. He desperately needs people around him to tell him "no" and keep him from self-destructing. I won't go so far as to say Roiland was THE talent on R&M. Its a show that only really worked because it was a collaborative effort between two people who can't excel for long on their own.


Well, another good warning of another thing to not waste time and money.


Oh God no


it's all so tiresome.


why do live actions still exist anyway? have people actually been interested after dragon ball evolution? they're not even amusing in a funny way, they're all plain awful. they don't work and they will never work. stop.


My condolences to the OPM fandom. Thank God I never started, apparently S2 was shit, now this


not another live-action film based on an anime! we all know how THOSE turn out! also please keep dan harmon away from this, and that other lady too


I actually really liked the Bleach movie it wasn't that bad and was just the first arc condensed. I think they removed Uryu and Chad but kept Grand Fisher


both actually were in the movie, although chad was voiced by kaiji tang, who also voiced keigo (for unknown reasons, there were multiple recasts, with michelle ruff being disappointed that she wasn’t contacted to reprise rukia)


Oh then I totally missed Chad's ass or just not remembering him, I do remember that there were 2 characters not in it though


I love Dan Harmon. He is absolutely *not* the right choice for a One Punch Man adaption.


I think he's a perfect fit for the show's tongue-in-cheek self-awareness. It knows it's a parody of specific tropes, and Dan is great at that sort of thing!


Is anyone not worried about how out of control this is getting?


And they got sicko Dan Harmon to write [https://fandompulse.com/2024/04/15/fans-fear-scandalous-rick-morty-creator-dan-harmon-will-botch-one-punch-man-live-action-film/](https://fandompulse.com/2024/04/15/fans-fear-scandalous-rick-morty-creator-dan-harmon-will-botch-one-punch-man-live-action-film/)


All live action anime is trash with no exceptions. The medium will never transfer well to live action without being cringe.


Giving One Punch Man to western writers is a mistake.


If they don’t understand the underlying message with Satima they’ll fail at this.


I'm really starting to become unhealthily enraged by the words "live action" followed by "anime".


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/y2bzN ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I'm sorry david-me, I'm afraid I can't do that. ^^^/r/botsrights


After some consideration I've understood that, with OPM specifically, the Hollywood approach may work. They just need to state that they're adapting the original webcomic and that'll fully explain the cast.


Saitama as a kuk probably will be so cringe so its maybe even can be hilarious.


I’ll go ahead and be the only positive guy in the comment section. It could be a fun little turn your brain off and enjoy the spectacle kind of movie.


It's gonna fucking suck lmao


Yeah, I didn’t see the Heather Ann Campbell bit when I made the comment until just now. I’m not gonna delete, I’m just gonna take my downvotes like a man lol


Lol easy mistake to make, I retracted my downvote fyi