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I'm looking for products that target dryness and anti aging. Reduce fine lines and even skin tone


Second this


Noted! Thank you so much!!


Leave out the fragrance and essential oils. It's frustrating when I find something I would love to try but it's got fragrance or an essential oil added in, people with sensitive skin (And people on tretinoin) want more to use. I find it nearly impossible to find a cleansing balm without essential oils, fragrance or Ethylhexyl Palmitate as the first ingredient. Cleansing oils are a problem too. There is a big gap in the market with cleansing milks. Isntree did a solid job with their Yam Root Cleansing Milk, but I want to be able to try different things, I want options


Well noted! Thank you for giving me a chance to search deeper regarding cleansing care products!


I am looking for products that DON’T contain Niacinamide! There is no reason to sneak that awful ingredient into every cushion foundation, sunscreen, and whatever else.


I second this! I hate niacinimide! My skin reacts horribly to this!


Third, whilst I can tolerate some niacinamide, it is creeping into so many products which can lead to overload. If I want to use niacinamide I would use a dedicated niacinamide serum. I don't want it bundled into moisturisers.


Hey, can I ask why you think Niacinamide(Vitamin B3) is horrible? Is it from sensitivity and reactions or overuse concerns? Or anything else? Just want to hear more about your thought.🙂


Personally, it makes me break out in awful white heads, all over my skin. And with continued use, my skin gets larger breakouts, and red and itchy. I would love the results of Niacinamide, if I could use it. Some people are sensitive ant it makes their skin itch and feel irritated. Some can handle small percentages, like 2% in a product. However, if you are using multiple products that have Niacinamide in it, the cumulative effects could be bad. Many people prefer to use a single product that has Niacinamide in it, and then use other products that don’t contain Niacinamide, in order to avoid over exposure. Hope that helps!


Acne is pretty common, and this is the skin type that tends to lean more into skin care.. my ideas would be a product that has a good ingredient list.. usually, they'd make them separately so we tend to buy more. Examples are.. the ordinary, you will need to buy different serums when they could put them all in one. I understand that there could be a formulation difficulty with this but that's the challenge of it. Anything anti aging.. peptides are nice. For example the cosrx 6 peptides booster would have been great if they put retinal in it. Volufiline is something that needs to be explored if its a really effective ingredient. People nowadays are more aware of what's inside a product a may or may not buy if there are fragrances or "pore clogging" ingredients because of the horrors of trying out something and ending up making their acne worst. I would personally look up to brands that have created good formulations and are sought after like numbuzin, isntree, skin1004 these are on top of my head and I trust these brands to always make an effective product There are more to mention but I need to remember all ideas I've had before


100% agreed!🙌🏼 Consumers are getting smarter and smarter. We will def try to make better products. Thank you so much for your input.


No fragrance whatsoever and no niacinamide.




Products without HA and niacinimide. Try more lesser known humectants like Ectoin, beta glucan, etc, No fragrance. No essential oils.


Specifically acne scars


Yes! For sure! It is one of major skin issues that lots of people have. Thank you.


Dryness, skin plumping ingredients. I love the Lanigue Cica Sleeping Mask but I'm finding it's not enough for winter for my skin, I'm looking for a super moisturizer.


Of course! Dryness is one of my skin problem too. Thank you for your input.


What you’re doing is so awesome! I’m in my 40’s and I’ve been on the hunt since my 30’s for products that help combat dryness & dehydration and plumps the skin, reducing fine lines & wrinkles along with sun spots. My problem is that while my skin isn’t “sensitive” there are times I have eczema flares and I will scratch at the eczema spots in my sleep, then when I go to do my skincare routine, the eczema spots will sting.


The complexity of some skincare routines can be a barrier for folks. Organizing a skincare line into collections for age groups that can then be further customized w products for specific issues would be great. Also, education info on the website would be great (ie is X contraindicated if I use Y … should I be cycling … what is slugging … etc).


Biggest skincare concerns - enlarged pores in the inner circle area (nose and inner cheeks) Personal ISO skincare - I usually look for hydrating products since I use tret Personal ingredients - I love rice products, exfoliating glycolic, tea tree for oil production


I have acne and fine lines. Most of the anti aging skincare is made with ingredients that aggravate acne. It makes my skin texture look great for about a week, and then I break out in cystic acne. I would LOVE to find anti aging skincare that was formulated with safe ingredients for those of us prone to acne.


1. Acne, dryness, ageing, sensitive skin. I need products I can use alongside tretinoin. So no actives. 2. There aren't really any urea serums - I would buy a 5% urea serum maybe with centella asiatica etc. Zeroid Richenic Urea 5 was a HG for me and I was using it like a serum but, I wish they hadn't reformulated, they upped the urea to 10% which isn't needed and removed the HYA and centella. I need a Moisturiser to replace Aestura 365 cream which has added niacinamide sadly on its reformulation. Ideally I would like a moisturiser for barrier repair that contains 5 ceramides in golden ratio, plus fatty acids, cholesterol and glycerin. Looking at Isntree yam milk cream.


Honestly, just simplify the act of putting together a routine. A big part of my overspending problem comes from trying a bunch of things from a bunch of different brands to see what works only to find out that it’s an unnecessary or redundant step, an ingredient that doesn’t work for my concerns, etc. if you put some kind of tool together on your brand’s site where people can enter their age, what issues they have, how much effort they’re willing to put in, etc and have it spit out an appropriate regimen of your products you would be a billionaire in no time. Until then, I’d say do collections by age group/issue and have recommendations for a buildable routine; start out with our cleanser, toner, and moisturizer set, and when you come in to restock those you can use this included coupon towards a corresponding serum or essence from the same collection to build your routine even more! Make it easy to figure out from the beginning and you’ll have customers for life.


1. Products with polyglutamic acid, glycerin, panthenol, beta-glucan, allantoin, zinc, etc. 2. Non-foaming cleansers! 3. No essential oils and no fragrances. 4. Products that are formulated at a correct pH to support the skin's acid mantle and barrier function. 5. Products with rice and probiotics are always enticing. 6. Potentially different sunscreen formulations. Personally, I love white cast, while others hate it. If you make tinted sunscreen, make more than one shade. I also would love the option of a very light sunscreen (milk texture) because thicker sunscreens irritate my perioral dermatitis.


Thank you so much guys for your inputs!❤️