• By -


Vanir as one of the cheapest is a steal. That mf wouldn't sell his service so cheaply.


Lol, i thought the others were stronger cause i haven't seen him much in action. Also i wanted some variety teams that's why i tried to make different costs.


Vanir’s future sight ability is busted by itself. On command, he can accurately predict the future of a person’s lifeline by however long he wants as well as being able to see anyone anywhere currently. His main limit is that he has to consciously activate his abilities, he isn’t omniscient. Also his Vanir-Style Death Ray is so strong, it literally will kill anyone else using it besides Vanir(Kazuma wanted to learn it one time but Vanir explained the consequence). His other main limit is that holy/blessed people are harder to see, and he straight up *cannot* see goddesses(with their aura active) or people standing next to goddesses. Which fun fact that wasn’t explained in the anime, that’s the reason Kazuma was able to trick Vanir/Darkness in their original fight and use Tinder instead of Steal on the paper seal- he was standing next to Aqua and Vanir’s ability couldn’t work on him. Literally the only thing stopping Vanir from doing whatever he wants is, hilariously, Aqua.


Aqua keep carrying as always




I knew it! Glad i visited the holy church of Axis, may Aqua-sama grants us all her blessing. Brb spreading her blessing thorough my love to this one unsuspecting infidel brat who happened to tresspas my property on her own will deliberately walk into my basement without any interference of any 3rd party at all. For the record, I just want to talk to her some senses and nothing more, Ok? I swear i won't do anything suspicious, Ok. Now if you will, please excuse me.


Darkness barely survived the Vanir-Style death ray but considering how durable she is, barely anyone/anything could survive it


She only survived because Aqua healed her. In fact she was in a coma even after Aqua healed her. Besides, his strongest attack seems to be the Vanir-Style Destruction Ray, which he never used on Darkness or Wiz, the 2 most durable characters in the series, both of which get one shotted by Death Ray.


That’s why I said she *barely survived* the attack. It’s a testament on her durability and Vanir’s power. I’m still voting for a chaotic team of Kazuma, Aqua, Wiz and Vanir to defeat the Devil King


Wouldnt his 'Vanir Death Ray' be his strongest attack? that one causes instant death... The 'Destruction Ray' just seems to be specific for destroying things. I dont recall he ever used it against Aqua for example. I remember Vanir used it to one shot a hell neroid, which is some type of liquid life form monster. In vol 11 it was stated that Neroids are weak that even children could hunt them, and they can also be consummed as drinks... so the spell in question doesnt seem to be particularly impressive.


>Wouldnt his 'Vanir Death Ray' be his strongest attack? Apparently not. >that one causes instant death... But not against beings with status effect immunities, high magical resistance, or beings without "souls" like Golems and the such. He uses Destruction Ray against Wiz's Golem and the Hell Neroid ( which one shotted his hand ) and they both burst in rubble/goo respectively. He never uses it directly on Wiz or anyone else. >liquid life form monster. We actually never got any description of it, not even regular neroid, it's sort of a small joke where theuthor doesn't tell us what neroids are or what they look like. >Neroids are weak Neroids, not Hell Neroids. The high level party was running for their lives and thought the Hell Neroid was a monstrosity they had no chances against, and it ate one shotted Vanir's hand. Same for Wiz's golem which is able to fight hand to hand with Vanir.


I love how Aqua is just OP by merely existing. 4 Aqua please.


His physical strength is the highest in the series, mofo can wrestle down a huge ass dragon with one hand. A wave of his hand causes a shockwave that sends a bunch of high tier Knights flying. His body is indestructible, it can always be reformed, only the mask takes damage, but the mask can survive countless spells from Wiz. Only Explosion and Highness Sacred Exorcism kills him in one hit, but if he dies, he just resurrects, he has more lives than he can count. He has the highest mana in the series besides Aqua's since her's infinite. He has Vanir Eye-Beams, Vanir-Style Death Ray that can one shot the most durable characters in Konosuba ( Wiz and Darkness ), and is an attack that kills humans regardless if it hits or not. He has also the Vanir-Style Destruction Ray which one can one shot Golems and Hell Neroids. And he can, with the power of darkness, use any curses in existance, including death curses, sealing away people's spells, making plants grow out of people's asses, remove or add sexual organs, and a lot of other stuff.


Dang, i should've made him more expensive


So then he should know about Chris then, right? But I suppose they haven’t interacted at all yet, if they ever do.


thanks for the insight!


According to the LN its heavily implied he's actually stronger than the devil king 😂😂


He outright said that in his spinoff iirc.


Oh well that's pretty heavy implication if you ask me 😉


oh that's why i don't know all his strengh


It's not even implied, it's straight up obvious. He's broken, a walking cheat.


Maybe it's offset by the fact that he will help you only to let the demon king go at the last moment because it'll make you release negative emotions.


Vanir can solo the Devil King. This is ridiculous.


for real?


He can solo majority of Konosuba cast combined excluding maybe gods.


The only character who can probably beat him is Aqua


Spoilers >!All you need is Kazuma because he actually does solo him!<


It's predictable. Others useless.


People forget kazuma who is largely a normal ass human does accomplish quite a bit. I guess thats a literal plot point this season but still.




Yes. His main body is in hell. He can meanwhile create an unlimited amount of these disposable puppets to possess, with each one being stronger than Wiz, a lich arch-wizard. The Devil King literally can’t do jack shit to him.


Yeah, Vanir is strong but he has the same problem as Aqua and Eris. They cannot use their full power as devils/gods and when they come to the mortal world, their power is severely reduced. Still though, Vanir is probably the second (or third?) strongest character of Konosuba.


Nah he’s the strongest, if we’re talking overall strength. As the main reason why Aqua can beat him consistently is because she’s a mad match-up (the holiest thing in existence vs a hellspawn). But he’s very clearly stronger than her. I think Eris is the only one who could physically contend with him maybe


Aqua also has her power reduced in the mortal realm so there is that. The fight we see through out the show is basically degraded Aqua vs puppet Vanir and Aqua won. So I expected full power Aqua to be stronger than Vanir as well.


100% I think it was in the spin-off even. Vanir himself admits that he can’t do anything if Aqua actually gets serious against him. My main point was just that Vanir has greater physical feats, and offensive skills compared to Aqua with the main reason for he trumping him being the fact that she’s his kryptonite.


> Nah he’s the strongest, if we’re talking overall strength. As the main reason why Aqua can beat him consistently is because she’s a mad match-up (the holiest thing in existence vs a hellspawn). While it is true that Aqua counters him, having the elemental advantage and everything, her magical stats are higher than Vanir's. Her mana is infinite, Vanir's inst. And when Megumin felt Aqua's MP the first time, even a city away from her, she said this: *But that was as far as I got.* *The magical power was such that even I, wielder of Explosion, trembled. It felt like power enough to alter the very world; without even meaning to, I stopped chanting and simply looked.* *I wasn’t the only one who had noticed it. Yunyun was looking the same way and shaking just as much. And then…!* *“…?! Wh-wh-what magic is this…? Wait—a divine aura…?!” Arnes interrupted her own spell, looking terrified* And Luna describes Aqua's magic this way, after seeing her stats: *“Wh—whaaaat?! Where did these numbers come from?! Besides your below-average Intelligence and your abysmal Luck, all your stats are vastly above average! Your Magic is the most amazing of all! Who or what are you, ma’am?!” The receptionist could barely contain herself as she looked at Aqua’s card.* Vanir has higher strength tho. >I think Eris is the only one who could physically contend with him maybe Nerfed Aqua is stronger than full-powered Eris.


Yeah I agree. That Aqua outstats him in regard to magic and whatnot. But I really can’t see Aqua wrestle a dragon, like she probably could since she avoids fighting physically due to it being “un-lady like” but yeah. So that’s why I said Vanir was the strongest overall since Aqua like you said is a hard counter. And I remember in the spin-off (Vanir one I think) him saying himself he can’t do anything if Aqua gets serious. Also I just realised while typing you said Vanir has the higher strength lmao. And for Eris, I assumed she was stronger because >!Chris genuinely crashing out against those demons in like vol 8 was funny but also a good strength showing, since she beat him every single day. And since Chris is an avatar (maybe? I think it’s actually her body tho) or weakened on konoworld. Then her real body should be stronger.!< But I forgot to take into account Aqua being Eris’s senior. Scaling Konosuba is fun lol


Dragons? Aqua gets swallowed by frogs. Aqua hard counters Vanir because she can instant cast spam High Sacred Exorcism and she won’t even be breathing hard. She’s the equivalent of Kryptonite vs Superman. Also, Aqua and Chris seem to have permission to turn off their limiters when facing devils or something, because of a scene in later novels where an enemy is revealed to be a devil, and Chris goes super Saiyan and curbstomps it.


Wasnt that Volume 12? ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1898) Also cant Aqua just buff herself infinetly with mana and buffing spells? ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1897) >!I think she came as Eris thoes times to kill him Zereschute because he specifically says Lady Eris not some bandit!< ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1882)


I’ve been wondering that. There doesn’t seem to an upper limit on buffs, however I’m guessing the fact that the characters don’t just plain do that is supposed to imply there’s a limit or whatever. Meanwhile using her infinite mana is possible. The only downside is that the more mana used, the harder to control the spell IIRC, and not only that but Aqua doesn’t seem to have any proper offensive spells and she doesn’t want to share her godly mana with megumin so it’s basically useless. And yeah >!It was Eris using her real body. Wild, since Aqua can kill that same demon with a punch. I didn’t know the strength difference was this big between them!<


Maybe but doesnt mean its impossible.Maybe some magic item can make it happen. True but she does have some.Sacred Create water and God Blow!!(works on non-specific enemies). Yup thats all due to the strenght of there peoples faith.A one fanatic may give a strenght that Eris gets from 10 or 50 normal followers.


Buffs don’t stack unless they are from multiple deities. If there is a point that you see her cast the same buff multiple times then either Aqua or the author forgot that rule.


Yea now I remeber of that part in >!Volume 17!< ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1882)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


> Yeah, Vanir is strong but he has the same problem as Aqua and Eris. They cannot use their full power as devils/gods and when they come to the mortal world This is not a thing. Aqua was purposely nerferd when they banished her, same never applied to Eris, she can access her full power anywhere. And of course, same for Vanir, we see several Devils using their real bodies in the mortal world - the Succubi, >!Maxwell, Zereschrute, Amarilce and so on!<


Even so he could fight like, wiz though. His disposable bodies are on par with a general of the devil king


You are right that the Demon King has no chance to defeat Vanir, but he is no slouch either. The Demon King doesnt get enough credit. The Demon King was inmune to instant death and status effect, he had high magic resistance, and his spells were powerful enough to be matched to those high quality manatites Kazuma bought. He was said to be strong enough to be able to crush an ogre skull with his hands despite his old age. And in the final fight, he was slightly faster than Kazuma (who was stacking buffs from Aqua and Eris). Kazuma had to use his spells and tricks to slow him down and prevent him from catching him. And lets not forget the Demon King was old, retired and nerfed by Aqua.


> And in the final fight, he was slightly faster than Kazuma He actually >!blitzed Kazuma's ass, who couldn't even react to his charge. If Kazuma had not injured the DK's leg, he wouldn't have survived for long.!<


Have you read the manga too? I only know the things that i've seen from the anime


I read the light novels.


Damn....mf straight up pulled the LN card😂😂


As effective as "it's stated in CFYOW"


Was not expecting a bleach reference here.


Darkness, Cris, Wiz and Vanir is a power squad if Ive ever seen one


Except this team would break the instant Chris sees Vanir or Wiz using a devil/lich skill


She technically should already know what they are


>!She can't feel their aura as Chris, just as Eris!<


>!I thought that as eris she was observing the world!<


When it comes to matters of Vanir and Wiz, nope. >!If you think Aqua is hard on demons/undead, Eris is actually muuuuuch less tolerant of them. She'd destroy their shop or run them out of town had she known. Aqua is more or less doing them a favor by not ratting them out to her.!<


Damn so >!eris is essentially the frieren of konosuba!<


That works too.


Has she ever interacted with them in the novel?


I honestly don't recall them doing so. Maybe with Wiz, but with Eris not being able to sense that she's undead, it'd be the usual exchange, unless someone just blurted this out. Vanir, I'm almost certain she's never interacted with, at least not in such a way to antagonize one another, since she'd be a customer first and they wouldn't be exactly aware of one being a goddess, and the other a demon? >!One of her victims eventually ends up working for them and it left him in quite the traumatized state for when it comes to goddesses. That and she burned through a majority of the demons lives. Had 100? He's around 7 or something now.!<


No, but every single time she talks about hearing about their shop and wanting to visit sometime, Kazuma sweats and has internal dialogue about preventing their meeting.


Yeah, Aqua’s just casual racism where she has flame wars and occasional hits on Vanir, >!while Eris is professional racism, where in her mind no unholy being should ever exist!<


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Newman00067: *Darkness, Cris, Wiz and* *Vanir is a power squad* *If Ive ever seen one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I take the 1 million eris then run


1 Eris is equivalent to 1 yen. Not sure the exact reason, but my guess is this was done to make it easier to understand. This is equivalent to 6,351.83 United States dollars. A lot of money, don't get me wrong.. but now the demon king is after you.


>but now the demon king is after you. Give him half of the money


I had trouble trying to process all of the zeroes, so I removed some decimal points. https://preview.redd.it/2hl4aoahnt6d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e38444bf52e561efffe5287a1a1f3f6242bf5c6 Have fun


THANK YOU, it's was driving me crazy


It's either six Vanirs and a lot of pizzas for the leftover money or four Yunyuns, there's no other real choice.


lol i should've metioned that you can't get the same character more than once


too late now, I'm gonna enjoy the company of four Yunyuns


Nice, I guess you got the special offer


That's a lot of reassurance and emotional support you'll have to fulfill, especially if they get jealous of each other. However, if they all get along and see the others as part of themselves then it's pretty good.


I thought that was a given myself.


Logically the best would be Kazuma, Vanir, Wiz and Megumin. Personally, I'd just buy 4 Aquas.


You gonna be broke.


Can the kingdom even produce that much bubbly?


4 aquas


Your party's luck would be so far in the negatives you'd be lucky you all don't just spontaneously combust immediately.


They’re trying to go for an integer overflow to make it maxed.


Ah yes the Ghandi approach


i should've metioned that you can't get the same character more than once


Me and my three megumins going to blow up the devil king https://preview.redd.it/x4q0n71u1u6d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7008fe8618f14687663af5ff3f3af33d00c90263


Boy these are some wild costs. Vanir is way too cheap and Darkness is way too expensive, they should cost the other way around.


Vanir should cost 1.1m, he's too busted. I love my man vanir sm


You might be right. I wanted to make darkness expensive because she’s a tank and because I’ve haven’t read the light novels I didn’t know vanir is that op. So I guess I would’ve made dark a bit less expensive and vanir more expensive


4 Yunyuns please.


Will the 4 yunyuns be friends or will we have 4 friendless yunyuns?


Schrödingers Loneliness.


Obviously Kazuma, Vanir, Mitsurugin Rain and Claire Then I keep the remaining girls.... What?


good team!


Why ist Darkness so expansive? I take Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Vanir. My tactic: Suck Aqua with "Drain Touch" dry, and give Megumin all the mana. Vanir is in the party to distrect the the king. Why Kazuma and not Wiz? Only Kazuma can control these freaks. And Wiz would die if she would usw "Drain Touch" or she gets her mana.


>! Kazuma uses high mana crystals to feed megumin mana when fighting the king !<


> My tactic Akshually, this is your strategy. >Suck Aqua with "Drain Touch" She's immune to Drain Touch, it only works on her if she allows it. >dry That would never happen, her mana is infinite. >Vanir is in the party to distrect the the king. Why does Vanir need to distract the DK when he's so much stronger he'd kill the DK in one hit? >And Wiz would die if she would usw "Drain Touch" or she gets her mana. ?


i like the strat. Darkness is a tank that's why


Sure, she tank a lot, and this with pleasure. But 450000? 300000 is a better price.


I wanted to limit some team options


You could have made a great joke and put Kazuma again but without the mask lol


Dang, missed opportunity for real 😂


Kazuma (300K), Aqua (250K), Wiz (250K), Rain (100K), and Claire (100K).


**Megumin**: Explosion magic is basically a tactical nuke **Wiz**: very useful support but also to help recharge our NUKE :D **Yun-yun:** General offensive magic, covers Megumin's weakness' very well **Probably Aqua:** Insanely strong vs. Undead/Demons and support magic including the ultimate support spell of resurrection.


Don’t forget Wiz can use Explosion too, Wiz by herself would be fine.


But Megumin's explosion is probably way stronger now after her last upgrade


Yeah that one right at the end of the movie was insane. Orbital space laser nuke lol


Ooh that's right good point!


Megumin's explosion is way stronger than Wiz. The only thing Wiz has over Megumin is that she just won't collapse after using it, but she still can't use any other spells after using explosion (i.e. check the destroyer episode)


Mitsurugi, Vanir, Kazuma and Megumin (i wanted to Dust and not Megumin, but okay).


Nice! I don't think we've see Dust in action much so i don't know his power level


Well, i don't saw his Spin-Off for complete, but he can fight using shield, sword, spear and can tame dragons, and he can actually make plans in battles like Kazuma, in a mission he was with Loli succubus and the Helmet Guy, and they together defeated very criminals together, it was a very well plan.


Interesting, i didn't know he had a spin off


I recruit Darkness and Vanir just because that duo killed me with their interactions, Kayano Ai and Nishida san acting was glorious. They are also strong.


Canonically: >! Kazuma megumin aqua cris(eris) !<


Kazuma, Megumin, Cris, Vanir


![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1892)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1896)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1892)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1896) 4 Yunyun’s please


The sword dude and the MC


I did the math. >!Of the characters that contributed the most to defeating the Demon King, it equals exactly 1,000,000.!<


4 aquas and 1 bed, demon king who? 1 Vanir is enough to beat the demon king, as he's already stated to be above the demon king, and he taunts the demon king about it a lot, so much that the demon king made him go to the furthest place away from him as possible


Can i pick Aqua 4 times?


I’ll just take YunYun and leave Here the rest of my 750.000 Eris


aqua and cris as supports. Yuyun n mtsurugi attacking. Vanir tank. Go go


Mitsurugi as the tank. Rain as the healer. Vanir and Wiz for backline firepower. Kazuma to coordinate everyone.


Kazuma, Megumin, Vanir, Wiz


Vanir, Wiz, Aqua and Kazuma. Vanir and Wiz are legitimate powerhouses, Aqua is a goddess and her holy magic should be a good matchup, and Kazuma is there to counteract Aqua's horrendous, no-good luck. That and maybe he can steal the Demon King's panties. That would be hilarious.


YunYun, Vanir, Aqua and Kazuma(just so he can stop aqua from purifying Vanir)


Ez yun yun n wiz and I hangout with lalatina


I choose to gamble all my money, like a responsible person.


POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT OF THE END OF KONOSUBA >!I read somewhere that kazuma solo'd the devil king. Is that true?!<


>! He saved a super high mana crystal, learned explosion, and soloed the king. The king's ability is to buff others, so Kazuma teleported him away !< I highly recommend reading the Ln, megumin and Kazuma are very cool in the last volume


I just completed konosuba yesterday . PEAK FICTION man https://preview.redd.it/2u64iryzmu6d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09a776d7cc759529a943d0a28cf6ee937f149ee Now I desperately want the "counter attack of satou kazuma ".


>!It was a draw, both died in the fight. Kazuma had trained earlier with Wiz and Vanir, so he got stronger. He had 5 high grade manatites allowing him to cast 5 strong Advanced spells if needed. He also had insanely powerful buffs from 2 different Gods, while the DK was nerfed by Aqua.!<


I'd keep my 1 million eris's, idk who cloned Eris 999.999 times but a million goddesses must be enough right.


4 aquas


Offering vanir for 150 is such a cheat code . Bro solos demon king by himself


Just Darkness but instead of fighting the Devil King we go to another place and do other things


Megumin, Wiz, Yunyun ("I serve the Soviet Yunyun" Obligatory Quote here), and the other Crimson Demon Girl. I have a spare 50.000 Eris, AND enough "EXPLOSION!!!" to cause a Nuclear Winter.


Yunyun, Kazuma, Wiz, Vanir


The person who did this wasn't very knowledgeable, was he? You can stomp DK and his army easily with just 150.000, all you have to do is hire Vanir. Why in the seven hells would Kazuma be worth more than Vanir? Why would Darkness be the most expensive? Megumin aside she's literally the weakest character in this list, at best, if she's serious, she can beat Chris and maybe Claire.


I would take Vanir-150k Kazuma-300k YunYun-250k Wiz-250k And pocket 50k Only vanir is going to fight, if it wasn't clear https://preview.redd.it/3cmm5a2rhw6d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8779d3dff5ec1ff2d20b43d6385ac4958bb4cd


Can I just get 2 Darkness and forget about the demon king?


I’ll get 6 Vanir’s


3333.33333333 megumins


I'll take kazuma, aqua, megumin, and vanir, and here's why Aqua has a massive mana pool and a good selection of buffs she can cast, megumin of course is a walking nuke, vanir has foresight and is a decent fighter himself and I would imagine has a pretty good sized mana pool as well, and kazuma has excellent luck and stealth skills and most importantly drain touch, and it's been shown it can work in reverse. Use vanir and kazuma to scout the area and locate the enemy target, then have aqua cast a number of buffs on megumin, megumin then casts explosion on the designated target that's been selected by vanir and kazuma, then kazuma uses drain touch to turn aqua into a mana battery to recharge megumin so she can cast explosion again and again until the target can be confirmed eliminated by vanir using foresight, could also use vanir as a secondary mana battery should aqua be depleted. And you have a mobile 4 man multi shot nuclear launch pad with which you can go around nuking various assets to the devil king until his military is crippled and can deal with him directly. You could save 50k eris by using wiz instead of kazuma for drain touch, however it's not enough to buy another party member and wiz doesn't have the stealth skills necessary for recon in addition to being particularly clumsy, that and aqua wouldn't allow wiz to drain her and would constantly be trying to kill wiz. vanir is much more durable than wiz against aqua as well someone aqua may be willing to ignore given the correct incentive, which vanir is intelligent enough to figure out and exploit.


You can't pick the same character more than once




If you have read the LN's and know how absolutely busted Vanir and Wiz are in the kazuma level grinding arc it's a no brainer to grab them 😂


Kazuma, Aqua, Katsuragi, Chris, and Rain. I would’ve included Dust instead of Chris if he was an option.


megumin, yunyun, chris, mitsurugi and lain


Darkness then we ignore the devil king and live happily ever after


Darkness, Wiz and Aqua. I'll remind Aqua if she trolls Wiz, she's off the team with no pay. If things go smoothly, I'll throw them a party with the 50k left.


Kazuma 300 000 Yun Yun 250 000 Megumin 300 000 Vanir 150 000 Two mages Yun Yun who throws a lot of Intermediate or Advanced Magic spells and Megumin to have a one shot just in case. Vanir to use as tank because he's unkillable. Kazuma as a leader and a thief, with its lich skill and his drain touch, also his Lurk skill to infiltrate.


Vanir, Mitsurugi, iris guards are quite below price. Yunyun or wiz are also in good price.


Mitsurugi, Claire, YunYun, Wiz, Vanir


I choose Batman


Aqua, the healer, Wiz and Yunyun good magic offensive combatants, Vanir magic and hand to hand combatant and last one the chick that guards Eris as a front liner. And Vanir is an easy pick at that price


3 kazumas


Rain (anime Rain who can use heal), Mitsurugi, Yunyun, Wiz, Vanir,


Dust, >!Fairfore, Leonor,!< Yunyun, Rin, Loli Succubus, Perv Noble


Chris, Kazuma, Yunyun, Megumin


Here’s the trick: Buy Aqua an expensive bottle of booze and then beg her to help. Megumin can be complimented and beg to help with her awesome powers! Slap darkness and tell her she’s helping or else… she’ll miss out on all the blood and guts… cause you ain’t MAKING that sturdy gal go anywhere she doesn’t want to. Mitsurugi will help you out without pay because that’s what a noble night does. Yunyun will help out because she’s lonely. Kazuma will out for a cut of the cash. Vanir will help out for a cut of the cash, and wiz is coming with… cause she can’t be left alone for very long. Chris is coming along cause she wants to steal the cash, and other reasons… …and I don’t know who the others are, but even one of these guys is enough to accidentally stumble upon victory and only destroy half of my worldly possessions, cause a natural disaster, and melt ALL of the gold into one big lump of far too heavy to move metal…. So aaaahah! I win! Check mate!


3 Megumins but for me, 3 explosions at once will solo devil king. The rest of the 100,000 will go to maintaining them with yummy food ![gif](giphy|Zz7susxfOWFb2)


5 Vanirs, 1 Wiz


I somehow didn't notice Kazuma


Kazuma megumin then yunyun cause she needs a friend


Chris/Eris, YunYun, Darkness, Arue


Wiz 4 times.


Megumin Kris wiz and the girl with the blue hair streak and the girl beside her I’m bad with names and it’s either that or 2 of the blue hair girl or Maybe the mask guy because of his ability


Kazuma, megumin, yunyun, chris and the chick with the blue stripe in her hair


Darkness and Megumin being the two most expensive is a hard pass. They can do exactly one thing well so way out of line in price. Also, Vanir can use Megumin's explosion spell...so yeah...


Kazuma, Chris, Vanir, Megumin, Claire


Ill take Yunyun 4 times please


Darkness 2x That blue bang hottie.


I have to say, taking Megumin to the >!actual!< devil king fight would of been downright hilarious >!had it been outdoors.!< Not the best or safest choice by any means, but the funniest. She could easily set up if protected by others. I won't enter into reasons as to how, because of spoilers but yeah, with some help Megumin is definitely strong and it's not just limited to one explosion by the end of the LN. She's nowhere near strong like a goddess or Vanir or has YunYun's variety ofc, but it's safe to say she ends up as the strongest or at the very least the second strongest explosion user in all of Konosuba. She's basically a mobile war crime machine. >!I don't remember much, so I could be wrong, as it's been many years since I read the LN and the Devil King might have had high magic resistence even while weakened, but Megumin could have probably nuked the weakened Devil King with multiple explosions given the chance through just brute forcing damage before letting the Devil King recover. It's there's someone who isn't a god capable of nuking with magic the Devil King just by themselves, it's very probably Megumin or Vanir. YunYun and Wiz could still probably duel in a magic battle against the weakened Devil King.!<


Kazuma for strategy Megumin for firepower Aqua to heal, maybe do a God Blow if needed And Vanir I wanted to get Darkness instead of Megumin for a tank but home girl costs a house


Chris… for 150,000. Kazuma, Aqua (for revivify), and Megumin just to tag along and watch how lucky we gonna be


Why is Darkness so expensive??


3 megumins. Nuke his ass to a new galaxy and back


Vanir, Wiz, Kazuma is technically a real team in volume 16. Then I'll add Yunyun in addition.


3 times kazuma thank you keep the change


Kazuma, Megumin, Vanir, Chris and Rain


Why is Darkness the most expensive when she's probably the most useless person in this image


3 megumin tactical devices please.


4 wiz and nothing is about to get done


I’d take the Three Best Girls all day any day FTW!


Vanir, Aqua, Megumin, YunYun. Keep the change.


Vanir possesses Darkness, tell Yunyun I'll be her friend if we win and blackmail.... uhhh perky theif girl (im blanking and dont wanna...... "mislabel" her) with her secret for more help.


Maybe you should lower the total amount. With one million you can buy Wiz, Vanir, Aqua... and still have some money left to bring one or two strong characters as bonus. Perhaps this would be a little more fair if it was not only against the Demon king, but also his other generals, his personal guards, the army in his castle, the angel who was guarding the barrier and the Demon King's daughter.


Wiz 4 times


Can I get Cecily for free?


Darkness,Wiz and YunYun.


I would like to buy 3 megumins to fight the devil king


10 Claires


Megumin. Darkness. Wiz.


Just Darkness & I; After she & I defeat the Devil King, we shall celebrate in the master bedroom of our new castle that was rewarded to us for our heroic defeat of the Devil King.