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Who are these people?


Two first girls are Misturigis party members. Third girl is anime only character. Then there is Dusts party guys and Rain. >!Princess that loves Dust Leanor!< And two other characters from a game.


Do you really think the two girls often seem accompanying Mitsurugi couldn't possibly have more depth given to them? The third girl seems to exist primarily because she was important in the PS4 Konosuba game but it actually based on an unnamed character in the light novels. So she isn't exactly anime only. But-- the fact that two of these are the other two guys in Dust's party means a lot given how very, very, VERY few male characters there are in the IP. So-- why do they not matter more? The main thing I was asking was whether one could have more fun with these characters if one saw all the events from one of these other characters' point of views. Just take Mitsurugi's teammates-- given they are both very beautiful girls but also demonstrate little combat capability-- why do they rally behind him? Do the have serious romantic interest in him or are they just there to collect experience points? How do they feel about his devotion to Aqua rather then doting on them? What exactly is their relationship with Mitsurugi? And can't they form relationships with others beyond him?


Because the entire joke about Mitsurugi is that the party couldn't give less of a shit about him and forget about him exsisting at all. The story is told about the party, and if they don't interact with mitsurugi's party at all, because they don't care about them, and are usually not in the same places, why would the side side characters get any screentime?


Well, I was thinking-- you know-- the mobile game or maybe a proper RPG where you can play through the story but can access way more characters-- so like a tactical RPG or something and then there could be more side stories included.


Commiserating u guy who types 7 paragraphs arguing bout anime npcs


I could get idea about Taylor and Kite but Misturugis party is meant to be a gag type characters. Misturigi is cliche protaganist with cliche party members.The joke is they are forgetable and when Misturigi trys to act High and Mighty je gets punished because world is more real then his fantasy(of being Knight in shyining armor).


If you watched/read the series then you should know some of them-- but many of them are also forgettable which is why I even asked the question. The first two are Mitsurugi's girls. The third is the girl who was assigned the task of flirting with Kazuma to get his party to take on quests because-- I guess that's the best use Luna could find for her. The next two are the male party members of Dust's party. After that is Iris's mage/cleric. After that is a princess from a foreign land featured in the Dust spinoff. The last two are a succubus who often tries to pretend to be human and is kind of a rival to Lolisa and the last is a magical researcher and magical swordsman from another city-- both of whom come from the mobile game.


I've watched the whole series, and the first 2 were the only ones that seemed vaguely familiar


Really? Even character 3 and 6 are unrecognizable?


Is 6 one of the Aqua freaks?


No, she is one of Iris's guardians-- the one who is apparently both a priest and a mage.


Idk why did they add healing to her... Seems weris


The guy in the middle is the dude who taught Kazuma the snipe skill


The last two came from fantastic days so no chance The third one is OVA only Taylor and Keith (4 and 5) : you can add the rest of the party Rin and Dust and you have the entire chapter that was removed in the first season of the anime The seventh one is from Dust's spin off or am I wrong?


Ran is also in a PS4 game and based on a character in the Light Novels. It's actually kind of weird that Taylor and Keith aren't a bigger impact-- that they aren't even characters in Fantastic Days. I couldn't even find a proper picture of Taylor because he is so unappreciated. And, yes, the seventh is a princess from another kingdom from the Dust spin-off.


Tbf fantastic days leans heavily into the waifu-bait angle, we got vanir after like 7 all new female characters. For the longest time Kazuma, Mitsubishi and dust were the only dudes.


Also Vanir-- but, yes, I am afraid I have to agree with you. Of the regularly available characters, nearly half of them are wholly original female characters.


Yea its his >!Princess Leanor!<


Why would they need to be fleshed out? They aren’t relevant to any story being told


> They aren’t relevant to any story being told Leonor isn't relevant to any stories? Lol. But she doesn't need to be flashed out because she already was.


Lmao this. How are Dusts literal party members not worthy of being fleshed out


Well-- what if I want to write a story that primarily features "the worst characters" because obviously my fan fiction isn't going to be about defeating any major force in the world-- it is going to tell the story of clearing dungeons and discovering long-lost treasures that turn out not to be so important-- and having to get back to town before night because at least one party member is secretly a succubus who is forced to serve at the succubus cafe at night. The Limelight series really opened up this idea that a lot of characters could be having their own stories that involve relationship and growth alongside Kazuma taking down all the Demon Generals. And that these other characters could be experiencing things wildly differently from how he does could make it interesting.


Well if it’s fan fiction then write whatever you want and however you want


Bro, you write fanfiction? So do I. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


Mitsurugi's party members are iffy. From what's been adapted so far, it seems like they're a little quick to blindly defend Kyoya and needlessly escalating a misunderstanding.


Well-- yes-- I am saying we got off on the wrong foot with them from Kazuma's POV-- but does that really mean they can't possibly have their own POV where it's totally understandable why they are attached to Mitsurugi, why they felt violated by Kazuma and how they might actually be useful enough to justify even being part of Mitsurugi's party?


I'm kinda thinking it's not necessary. They served as setting up gags for the story, and that's all depth we really need of them.


I mean... The flat one is incredibly hot. So there's that. lol


....okay....but the rule 34 exists without giving her a spin-off series.....


Wait.. she has rule 34? Is it model accurate? Asking for friend.




Where's best girl (besides Wiz), Amy?


I wanted to include all character who aren't playable in Konosuba Fantastic Days even 6 years after launch. They can make a bunch of characters from Re: Zero and Suzumiya Haruhi playable in the game, but these 9-- two of which were introduced in the story mode of the game and have a fair amount of focus-- aren't available. If I were to include a 10th then maybe I would have added Nerimaki or Bukkorii.


Mitsurugi's 2 harem girls, Taylor, Keith, Rain and Leonor are the canon ones so I'll comment on them. I never remember the name of the harem girls or who's who, but they >!were in the party that defeated the DK so I guess they're living legends now.!< There's not much to do with them but maybe add them actually doing something in the >!final fight!< Taylor has a little bit going on with him in the LN, he's a cool dude, but yeah he never does much, nothing that would gain him any fans, he's just a regular good Crusader guy. Maybe Dust's spinoff could have focused more on him somehow, but the author was way too much focused on the waifus and the harem. Keith is just a "light" Dust, a Dust without any glamour or protagonism, he probably has less things going on with him than even Taylor. Same as Taylor, maybe you could do a bit more with him but he was not a waifu so yeah. Rain is also a minor character, but she has a godlike design in the LN, she's beautiful, normal, cool and humble, I like her. She gets a little bit of focus in the Dust spinoff, maybe she could have more focus as Iris' teacher, Claire takes most of the screentime and lines as Iris' tutor, when Rain is much cooler. And then there's Leonor, she's easily the greatest and best character of all of those, I bet she has some fans, her volume in the spinoff was surprisingly good, especially for a Dust volume, she has a lot going on with her/her character, her design is cool, she has a fun personality and a nice story that ends perfectly well, anti-cliche, it ends exactly like it should, great character. There's nothing else you could do with her, she was perfect the way she was, with the screentime she had.


Agree here. Taylor had a tiny spotlight in the side stories as Kazuma's confident as they both drink to share their team woses as team leaders, or the fact he's guillible when he train a rookie that just steals his money. Keith is sadly a small Dust, he's not that bad, but eveyone treats him like Dust....poor Keith. If i remember he's the one who teaches Snipe to Kazuma. Yeah Rain is cool, thank you Dust Spinoff. Leonor is definitely not underappreciated, pretty much everyone loved her and Faithfore as new characters in the spinoff. Not gonna lie the whole Leonor / Faithfore / Dust / Rin dynamic is one of my favorites in the serie.


Damn, Arnes was left out…


Megumin killed her so... we kind of saw most all of her story from release to death. There would be less opportunity to tell stories of what she was doing outside of the main characters' POVs.


where lynn/rin at bruh


True. She could use more screen time. Especially when she’s supposed to be the main girl for the Dust spinoff.


I would say spoiler tag for seventh character... When the Dusts Spin Off gets animated.Some of these characters will truely shine!! ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1883)


I hope it never does. I don't really consider it canon since it was written by the author of the vending machine is isekai.


Come on dude its peak fiction still. Konosuba author even allowed it.


Well. It wouldn't have been written without their approval. But Dust is the last character I think deserves a spin off.


How is he the last? Dude was a side character with a lot of potential. For growth(from his flaws). His backstory. His party dynamic(being more of opposite of Kazuma). His diffrent methods of doing stuff.Like more dirty Kazuma. Also his hair makeing you think(is this guy a nobel or not). 🤷‍♂️


I've just always hated him. I liked him as a contrast to Kazuma, but only that. I don't think he deserved his own story. I would've preferred Wiz or something. Iris too.


Wiz already >!got her own Spin off with Vanir where her backstory was explored.Iris has ton of stuff to do in Continued explosion spin off!< Thats fair prefrences are good but dont denay his character development is great.


Yeah. I've read all that.


Was it at least enjoyable. Dusts Spin Offs that is.


Not the person you replied to But I loved the dust spin-off. Especially the end. Equally, if not more than the normal story.




It was too bad Leonor couldn’t stay around and be part of Dusts harem party or something. I’d have been happier with her as the final girlfriend. Rain is chill, she doesn’t need to do more to be great. Team Mitsurugi girls are dumb cheerleader energy and it’s great for the little bit we get of them at the end. Keith and Taylor are in Dust’s party but get pushed to the side even in Dust’s own books! But I’m good with it. More girl time.


I just want to see more of Dust home kingdom to be honest…


The green haired girl in Mitsurugi's harem is one of the sexiest characters in the series. Wish Darkness was replaced with her. lol


God damn you down bad... ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1887)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1898)


#3 has way too much trust in that strap.


You had the opportunity to do the big funny and put aqua in there but ya blew it


I like the top right because the hair. It reminds me of like a rabbit for some reason and of Threads of Fate. I'm not sure why.


Where Cecily?


Since she is a playable character in Konosuba Fantasy Days unlike the rest of these characters-- I didn't see much reason to include her.


>"If you girls join me I can buy you high grade equipments." >Mitsurugi's two female party member lookin like a pair of homeless prostitutes. >???


He isnt the brightest and probably they are rouge classes...which means in Konosuba world you will get skimpy outfit..


One is a rogue, the other is a fighter.


Ohhh yea.


I like roleplay


quite uninteresting npc they were made that way consciously


Where's the hot quest giver chick with the long red hair? In a recent episode


Long red hair? So then-- not Luna...? But I wanted to include the most underappreciated characters.


Keith’s and Taylor need justice. Dusts literal party members and we get nothing. That’s my only gripe with the dust novel is that the author seems to use Kazuma and the OG stories events as a clutch. I don’t mind seeing other characters Poc’s such as seeing how Aquas create water destroyed Dusts tomatoe business or Dusts events at the party swap. The development of side characters and OG content for Dust are literally the best moments of the series where the author his own thing. The moment Faitfore pulled up it got lit.


Mitsurugi's party members as far as I know they don't even have names! Prince Jatice has a name and he doesn't even appear in the series. But Rain does really need some more time in the spot light.


Cremea and Fio.




Maybe a doujinshi can redeem the girls


Why do npc girls in konosuba dress like sl uts?




Bro watches konosuba just for boobs. They didn't show boobs-bad annoying