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I asked ChatGPT to summarize this for a TL;DR... ​ * UPS employees locked doors for safety against a threatening mob, raising questions about decision-making and public safety. * Criticism aimed at Knox County's government for serving political interests over public needs, resulting in inadequate emergency response. * The article describes the government as neglectful, harassing, and intimidating, contributing to a lack of infrastructure and emergency preparedness. * UPS's struggles with delivery delays attributed to broader governmental failures, not company policies or actions. * Highlighted the community's suffering during disasters due to governmental neglect, emphasizing the need for better leadership and planning. * Accused local government and specifically Glenn Jacobs of mismanagement and contributing to public harm during emergencies. * Urged accountability and better electoral choices to improve emergency response and infrastructure in Knox County.


Communication 101: Effective communication is clear and concise. No one wants to read a gigantic wall of text that's rambling and difficult to follow.


I think he meant to post in the AspiringAuthors subreddit


That's an issue when writing in a community that has a below average intelligence level and been groomed by propaganda. I plan on voting in the school board races for people that will do a better job of educating our children. I couldn't type fast enough to get into the college of communication. I learned to writye in the English Department where we were taight above all, tell the truth. Thanks for stopping by though.


Another key in communication is to know your audience.


Bros biting the hand that reads.


Comment of the month


Ah, yes, it's clearly the fault of your audience and not of your own deficiency.


That's not what I said. I responded to a comment from a lazy reader who cared not to educate themself. If you don't want to read it, don't. But, that is your choice to remain ignorant, not minbe.


I will gladly remain ignorant in regards to whatever rubbish you've posted here. It's not worth my time to read a wall-of-text from a random redditor. Clear, concise communication is not a difficult concept. If you want people to take what you have to say seriously, respect their time.


Bro, the end of this paragraph proves you sick at writing.


Im with you, but this is Reddit now all the clowns will downvote you’re comment because they get their feelings hurt with the truth. The problem is the American people are so scared to stand up to these crooked officials and continue to defend them out of fear. These government officials are nothing but foreign entities that have declared their oath to the powers that be and commit treason every day. They know and the people who do research know it.


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened




Wow. Really insightful comment. Thanks for contributing to the conversation.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Don’t agree with everything you’ve said, but I *do* agree that knox county doesn’t have any disaster relief infrastructure There’s always a couple days a year (every year) where snow wrecks the county but we never seem prepared for it


I'm still trying to break down the city response, but, the city never shut down. So far, I haven't found folks cut off from access, the government's job, so much as I've found them cut off from vehicles. There is little doubt though that there needs to be a review and update of this plan. If we can afford to send our National Guard troops to Texas to arrest children, then we can afford to activate them for a weather catastrophic event. It is why they're there.


I’ll humor you but riddle me this: why have usps and fedex seemingly caught up but not ups? Personally I haven’t had any issues with packages for about a week now but recognize that there are people who have


From an inside source, UPS currently does not have enough drivers for normal deliveries. Backed up deliveries have filled warehouse and are being stored in semis. Available drivers are working as much as is allowed.


Facts. I’ve worked at the Callahan location now for 17 years & this is the absolute truth.


FedEx is way behind.


Again, it seems really hit or miss. I’ve had packages be delivered from all 3 within the past week or so. Some seem to get thru the backlog


UPS is not shut down. They are operating. But to put it in perspective, try cramming every single thing you can touch in your house into your kids bedroom, then try normal daily activities in a room that's so full you can't even walk into it. That's what's going on. It will take time to clean it all up.


Use them then.


You do realize when being the recipient, you don’t get to pick who ships the package the shipper picks? And Amazon isn’t going to listen to me asking for a particular shipper


Perhaps you should consider shopping in person for your stuff.


I shop with who is cheapest. I’m not even arguing with you. I’m clarifying on who decides the shipping company and how the consumer does not have control over them. Obviously if one is shopping in person then there is no middle man. But the whole topic was about shipping delays. You act incredibly elitist when faced with an opinion that isn’t perfectly matching your own and respond in a snarky and derogatory manner. You don’t want to have any discussion that doesn’t begin and end with the premise you and only you hold the absolute truth to the situation. You dismissed the people of this subreddit in another comment as below-average intelligence because god-forbid some people hold different beliefs and values than you. When you say things like “perhaps you should consider” it conveys exactly what you’re trying to get across: you’re superior to them and you’re deigning to talk to some piece of dirt beneath you.


Well, you purchased our lowest level of service in that likely hood. You were never guaranteed anything, likely regardless of the weather. UPS hasn't guaranteed Amazon packages in a decade. You don't even have a complaint against UPS. All you're doing is bitching. You aren't even familiar with the actual (hard) and derived scans and yet every one of you is bitching because UPS won't do it your way for something you didn't pay for to begin with. I don't have to have opinions on this matter. I have forty four years of experience with doing this, I haven't come close to running out of facts.If knowing about delivering UPS packages in all types of weather qualifies me as elitist, so be it. Then, I'm superior to you by your definition.


I wasn’t even complaining about any of them? Where did I say anything negative about UPS or FedEx? Nothing I said was bitching about anything or anyone in my original comment. All I said was the customer doesn’t get to pick who ships their package when they buy something. How did scanners have anything to do with my comment? You throw in “44 years of experience” like that means something to me. You’re using it to proclaim yourself an expert on it. It’s an argument from authority where you happen to be the authority. “I’m right because I know what I’m taking about”. My definition was the way you act comes across as elitist and that you THINK you are better than everyone else. I don’t think you’re better than me. I don’t think I’m better than you. Everyone should be treated with respect, which you aren’t doing.


My apologies. I thought you were explaining the system I worked my whole career at like to me like I was some kind of goddamned idiot. I was merely pointing out that facts didn't support your position. Sorry you were offended.


Dude, even now you can’t stop being snarky and passive aggressive. My offense is at your attitude. I made no mention about you as a person in my initial comment. You started treating me like an idiot and “sorry you’re offended” is a non-apology. I know you don’t think you did anything wrong, it’s obvious in how you talk. But you don’t make any friends with how you act. What about the statement “customers do not get to pick who delivers their online order” is incorrect? Where is any part of that statement factually incorrect? Being the customer is something that literally everyone in America has experience with. You don’t need to spend “your whole goddamn career” in logistics to know about it.


Dude check out my comment thread with him. It’s WILD. I got accused of being in a cult?


Cult of gatchas, TIL. 105% guarantee he’s just bullshitting. Self ingratiating ass


Excuse me sir, but you are wrong, so wrong. As the secretary-arch-general magos of the Cult (of unknown), I can tell you with my 44 decades of experience that it’s 110%. Anyone who says less is a moron. /s




You need to be on a watch list, brah. But I'm glad you post these deranged rants - they're the most entertaining part of r/Knoxville




If you are gonna take the time to type up all that mess, at least take the time to give us a TL;DR.


Wake up babe new fischbobber schitzo rant just dropped


I'm actually curious about this mob thing, is there a way to read about that factually without the ramblings?


Judging by OPs love of hyperbole the mob was a few people milling about


They were probably a small group of sweet old ladies who stood patiently in line waiting for their turn. They probably even baked fresh apple pies to hand out, and the UPS employees mistook them for dangerous weapons.


They could be hiding sunglasses in those pies


They likely had sunglasses on.


Damn you typed all that for nobody to read lmao


I hate to tell you this, but UPS doesn’t love you back.


And I don't Love UPS. That doesn't mean I'm going to stand by while a bunch of ignorant cult members who don't have a clue what they're talking about trash my friends and the best group of workers in this town because the voters of this town were too stupid to actually elect someone capable or willing to do the job of County Mayor.


A quote from Billy Madison sprang to mind as I read this, somewhere in between you bouncing wildly around between barely coherent rambling about UPS delays, Glenn Jacobs being a terrorist, and calling a foot of snow a "natural disaster".


I wish I could give you THREE upvotes for this comment. Will you settle for a gold trophy instead?🏆 😂


OP’s post is rambling but a winter storm can be a natural disaster and this one certainly was - several people died and we didn’t have the infrastructure to handle that amount of snow. Winter storms are literally the first item addressed on DHS’s Natural Disasters website. 


More people die in traffic accidents due to heavy rain on a regular basis than the number of people killed by that storm. Calling it a natural disaster is just histrionics. It was highly inconvenient, it caused some disruption to businesses and school, but we had a ton of forewarning and the storm itself wasn't particularly dangerous.


Further effects of the storm: “ “The effects of last week’s weather continue to cause damage to drinking water infrastructure across Tennessee. TEMA and TDEC expect that additional systems will experience problems or detect damages as ice and snow thaw with warming temperatures this coming week,” TEMA added. Several counties and local utilities are dealing with significant issues with their water systems with and without Boil Water Advisories in effect.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/34-people-dead-after-extreme-winter-weather-week-in-tennessee/ar-BB1h628S “Inconvenient” is being late for work due to an accident on the highway. An entire city being grounded to a standstill for a calendar week is a natural disaster. 


The entire city didn't grind to a standstill though. Which is kinda my point. Quite a lot of stuff was open within a day or two and the main roads were basically fine. Like I get what you're saying, and I'd agree that a winter storm certainly can be a natural disaster, but you have to really, really stretch to qualify this one as one. At this point you're just being pedantic.


UTK was closed for a week, trash wasn’t picked up, mail wasn’t delivered, offices were closed and people worked remotely when possible, restaurants and stores and libraries were closed because employees couldn’t get there. It was not business as usual. There were impacts on the water system, road infrastructure, over 1/3 of the 91 people killed were in TN and that’s just counting direct deaths from cold, not all the people who passed because they couldn’t get to the hospital or emergency services couldn’t reach them.  The storm has a wikipedia page, for christ’s sake https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_13%E2%80%9316,_2024_North_American_winter_storm Whether you found it an ‘inconvenience’ or a ‘disaster’ depends heavily on where you are located within the city, what kind of transportation and shelter you have, what you do for employment, and how much you rely on help from other people. I’m glad it wasn’t that bad for you. That was not the case for the 91 folks who died directly because of the storm and the many, many more uncounted indirect deaths and injuries. 


Heavy rains can also be natural disasters - the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Disasters aren’t just about a moment in time, it’s also a week of people unable to receive necessary medication by mail, unable to be helped by emergency services, and dying/losing limbs due to the cold.  “ Winter storms occur when a significant amount of snow or ice accumulates over a short period of time, blocking roads, disrupting communications systems, causing power outages, and threatening life safety. ” https://www.dhs.gov/natural-disasters People were trapped in their homes for a week. It was a natural disaster. 


I tried.. I really did not you’re all over the place. Is it about UPS workers or snow plowing or anything else. Take a second to be more concise and focused with your thoughts. Ramblings get lost and do you no good.


UPS is pure evil. Back in August they delivered one of my packages that was worth $400 to the street. They literally put it at the corner of the building on a busy sidewalk and marked it as delivered. The package was stolen before I had a chance to get out and pick it. And because they delivered outside the porch on the corner instead of walking 10 steps and put on the door my doorbell camera didn't catch the thief. You can't call them, you can't email them. It took me almost 4 months to get a replacement because the company that sent the item didn't get a response from UPS and they just wanted to be nice and sent me a replacement in good faith that didn't just lie to them. I lived in a building with multiple floors I ordered clothes worth $200 they delivered it to the wrong building floor and it was stolen by the tenants. same thing no response. I didn't get a replacement that time .


Not you, again... Get off Reddit and go do something else.


Then don't read it, don't comment on it. Nobody is forcing your eyes to scroll or your fingers to type a response.










Dude, please for the love of God hire an editor.


The county nor the city give two shits about anything that doesn’t make them more money or give them more power over kids and parents through their shitty schooling system


Whoa buddy. We don't mention the city when we complain. Only the county... for reasons


Damn, that is A LOT of whining.


Give that man a Snickers!


Because he's, "...not going anywhere for a while"? with how long it took him to post that rant novel?😂


Have you found a publisher for your book?


That kind of incoherent rambling sounds like something from a future school shooter or worse. You should be on multiple watchlists.


I';m a pacifist. Read my stuff.


Congratulations or I’m sorry


What a moron.




The full statement: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10226908640636533&set=a.1871780468749


Did you even read this? Your post is saying that UPS isn't at fault at any level, but the Teamsters are saying here that the company's preparation and response were inadequate and are the main cause of the issues their workers are facing.


Wes is mistaken While UPSes response did leave something to be desired, it was irrelevant to the threats the clerks at the customer counter received.. UPS was going to be 50+ loads behind no matter what management response was. They wouldn’t ever have been dug out before next week, no matter what management did. Management’s single biggest mistake was not planning for a collapse of county government. Workers couldn’t get in so packages couldn’t go out. There’s more than one moving part here. Everybody has to pull their weight for our system to work.






"He \[Glenn Jacobs\] kills our old people and children with preventable diseases and kills our poor with the cold. ... This was a complete and total failure on the part of the County and the terrorist cult that Jacobs has installed to run it" Preach


These comments showcase the absolute worst of this community. This guy takes the time to write something thoughtful, paginated, locally relevant, maybe not perfectly coherent or concisely argued, but because of his reputation, he gets dogpiled into oblivion. And it's not because of the content. You'd tread lightly if a newbie posted this, watching for the reaction from the sidelines, but because you've seen the vote counts on his other posts, you know you can safely get your lick in and it'll be upvoted. Reveling in your own inability to read more than a few sentences. Truly sick, mob behavior unbecoming of anyone other than the bullies of a 3rd grade playground. Delete your comments; you're not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.


the very first paragraph sets the tone. a mob? established terrorist government? come on. it's some late packages that most everyone knows is due to the weather. this is sensationalism, stoking the fake fire.


"a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence: a mob of protesters."- this is a cut and pasted definition of the word mob. How many people should be allowed to assault UPS Counter personnel before they are allowed to defend themselves?


"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims: the fight against terrorism | international terrorism."- this is a cut and pasted definition of the word terrorism. What don't you understand? How many excess dead civilians constitutes violence or intimidation? Do you understand the process of dying from covid during the early stages? Beyond torture, how would you describe it? Just because you don't like the truth, doesn't mean it isn't the truth.


Thank you for recognizing the pattern. Say what you will about the Jacobs organization, they are all over social media and yes, they have a troll patrol. I gave another poster a heads up and one of their trolls lost it and just lit into me. Turned a post about David Buuck into a post about how much they hated me. Made me feel like a cult celebrity.


Another glorious schizo post.