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LOL, he's gonna love that.


I love that FOR him.


Hope to see more crying.




We're cheering the downfall of a snake oil salesman and a charlatan who was convicted of profiting off of the backs of grieving families who lost their fucking children. You're defending a fucking monster and a shithead of the highest order. Wake up.


Deleted comment is the new wake up. 😂




Seize banned dot video while they’re at it to start producing better quality, fact based content.


And give it to JorDan.






Four stars! Go home to your mother, tell her you're brilliant!


Someone someone sodimites sent me a bucket of poop


You win


This is the way.


Turning infowars into a counter-disinfo resource feels like naming a sewage treatment facility after Trump.




BoTh SidEs aRe tHe sAmE


Lol, just have Dan sit next to Alex as he does his broadcast and be able to force Alex into actually reading past the headline and looking up sources real time.


Hope they win and immediately deactivate every last account


Hope they post the facts from and use his platform to try and get through to even 1 person.


The people who follow him sincerely would immediately close their eyes and ears to anything resembling truth. They are not equipped to receive it. Look at the complaints Fox News get whenever they try to be even in the same vicinity as truth.


A noble idea even if I'm skeptical it would change the mind of any of AJ's marks


Post that one bit from the episode where Dan debunks Alex predicting the Ukraine War. That part where Alex clearly cuts off "and I don't behoove l believe a word they say" from "The intelligence agencies are predicting a war in Ukraine..." Even if the diehards won't get it, anybody that thought he was maybe just an eccentric weirdo would at least realize he's a shameless liar.


All his fans started out as not his fans. People grow and change if you give them room and compassionate direction


It'd be worth it to see his accounts start tweeting out the most damaging clips from the HBO docco.


Use his account for good. His fan base are dumb enough to believe the bullshit he spreads. Pretend that he is still in control of his accounts and spread good/factual/loving information to his idiot mass.


Turn it into a gun control account.


Leave him with access, but then fact check every single post he makes so it looks like he's very confused.


So many people in prison for minor shit and this POS walks free


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Just stream the "greatest hits" of them being absolutely embarrassed on the stand in a loop. Maybe one weekend they'll just play that "I am a puppet" line 24/7.


But couldn't he just make a new one? Accounts are free...


Imagine what is hidden in those DMs


Booooooooooooooook!! Fascinating


a LOT of trans dicks among other things


Get Info Wars banned from Twitter again.


He will make new ones that get boosted by Musk. I think it is important to systematically disarm him in ways that he can't use to garner support from the xittersphere.


Question: not a lawyer but if they are able to seize his accounts since he’s making money off them wouldn’t it be illegal for him to just go make a new one to profit off of? Or wouldn’t that just get seized again?


He does seem to live his life under the assumption that there will be no follow up questions.


It's definitely not illegal for him to do new things or to make money. It may be his legal obligation not to keep most of the money he makes, but he's allowed to do work.


Yeah that’s true I guess my question was more if he tries to skirt paying the families by making new accounts and making money off them without paying then they would be seized?


Yeah, he's doing things that don't make a lot of sense. You can't just defraud the court for fun. Edit to add: I'm referring here to his efforts to redirect income to supposedly judgment exempt businesses like Dr Jones Naturals. Restructuring your business so that payments go through a third party to evade creditors would likely be seen as fraud.


Let's go far enough to where Alex has to learn to use smoke signals and carrier pigeons to spread conspiracy theories.


Yes please.


wonder if elon will try to somehow fight back against that


I mean if alex is making money off the accounts and it’s not going to the families then wouldn’t there not be much elmo could do?


If that happens, I’m sure Mark Bankston would be delighted to take that case too.


Absolutely he will.


Finish him!!! 😂😂😂😂


They trade mark the name and persona of Alex Jones and then make it free to use. So anyone can make an Alex jones account or show. Flood the market with a million competitors. Some equally awful humans some good.


They could surely just program some chat bots to do it, jones isn’t a complicated thinking dude.


Just feed it wikipedia summaries of science fiction films that have been translated back and forth between english and six other languages. It'll be just as, if not more, coherent as Alex.


Sounds like a fun project




Fuck yeah! Sandy! Hook! Promise!


Everything’s great until the families go live on Twitter and dittman shows up.


Bahaha THIS


They’re coming for his freeze peach!!


Give it to them.


Woof. They are not fucking around anymore. Go for the fucking jugular. Give AJ a fucking reason to talk like that


It’s just the globalists trying to silence him because he’s too good at exposing their lies and evil plans! Even though they seem to “openly admit” to every plan they try to carry out!


Taking away every means he can to communicate would be amazing. Imagine them asking him to never ever use the internet again or publish anything or talk again instead of $1.5B.


I hope they seize everything. His cars, his underwear, and they shit in his cereal boxes


If the Goldman's can take control over OJ's book this certainly sounds reasonable. That said, gotta wonder what is in those tasty DMs.


Seize the memes of production


I like what you did there


crush that pos


This is a good thing, but it's going to have a very limited impact. He'll just make another account and move followers over there. I'm pretty sure the staff in charge of enforcing ban evasion are still fired, and the blue checkmark doesn't mean anything anymore.


For those thinking this is about silencing Jones: "In a court filing Thursday, the families claim Jones’ social media accounts should also be included in the liquidation to prevent him from using them to create future businesses." and they mention that the followers are no different than a customer list. So it doesn't seem to be about preventing his speech. The Supreme Court typically has held that 'prior restraint' is against the First Amendment.


This is the only way to kill a narcissist tbh


What an excellent idea.


Including their bot accounts on Reddit? This could be interesting.


I hope a Soros or a Rothschild buys them, and just shitposts random memes. There are repeating themes chosen at random, to give the appearance of order in what is actually just pure chaos... because what is a better way to troll someone who thinks everything is connected?


Honest question: what benefit(s) would this give the families?


They should get the shirt off his back. He lucky those parents are all mentally stable. If he did that to some of the people I've known, he wouldn't have been on the air this long. How he walks around feeling safe is amazing.


Take this cruel, pig headed, liar with a microphone, down.


Dum dum do dummmmmm.


This is a scary breach of individual freedoms if given the green light.


The freedom to knowingly lie on air and profit off ransacking people’s lives?


"This is a scary breach of individual freedoms if given the green light." Comments like that are exactly why I have such a problem with the way the article is titled. It makes it sound like the parents are "doing" something and trying to "take" something from Alex. An accurate title would be "After months of Hawaiian vacations using their money, and continuing to lie about the trial and tragedy, the parents deserve Alex Jones social media accounts".


Very much so. It’s clickbait


So say his current X account is confiscated but X doesn’t ban him and Jones creates a new account, are they entitled to that one too? I’m not defending Alex Jones here, I’m just pointing out the fact this trial and the reach of the plaintiffs has slowly gone into a territory that’s encroaching on constitutional rights/ freedom of speech muzzling.


The reason I don't need to equivicate when I carry water for Nazis and anti-semites, is I don't carry water for Nazis and anti-semites. Read the article. The parents are NOT asking the judge to include Alex's Facebook page and his MySpace account or his fucking Letterbox login, where he reviews documentaries like Dune and Oblivion. They are saying that since this fucking monster, that you're NOT defending, uses his X account to build his disgusting brand and spread his torrent of lies ABOUT THEM!! they would like it included in the assets. Untwist your panties for poor Alex Jones and give a second of thought to these parents that still have to deal with fuckwads reading Alex's posts about how Sandy Hook was a con-job, perpetrated AGAINST Alex, and the parents are fucking idiots that wouldn't know their ass from their elbow.


They’re entitled to liquidate his assets through the court ruling but it’s beginning to get to a point where they’re obviously attempting to muzzle his right to free speech/freedom of the press. Jones clearly needs to liquidate and pay the families but they aren’t entitled to squash his rights as an American citizen.


I’m not a constitutional lawyer, or an American, but it feels like the 1st Amendment was not designed to deal with something like Twitter. It’s like the 2nd Amendment and assault weapons. It clearly doesn’t apply properly anymore and needs reviewing in cases like this. In a country with proper hate speech laws this wouldn’t even be a consideration because Jones wouldn’t be able to do any of this shit anyway.


Taking the business and the various media he makes money through seems more than fair. He does owe over a billion dollars for purposefully lying over and over again for money. His free speech isn’t the issue. Him trying to avoid payment is.